Chapter 11: Seven Deadly Sins

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A/N: Thought of how the Chapter will go, and I thought of placing this Chapter in the Forever Friends worlds, as well as introducing another Gardevoir Demon. This will also be the first Chapter to introduce the first Deadly Sin.

After Touma borrowed the book about the Seven Deadly Sins, Kyle told Charlie about it, telling her if it was ok.

Charlie: That book? Sure, he can borrow it if he wishes.

Kyle: Really? Didn't think you would be that reasonable?

Charlie: Well, I did read about them before, however, I didn't believe them, until now.

Kyle didn't know why she didn't believe anything about her worlds history, since she was the princess.

Kyle: I get ya. I mean I was down here for years and I didn't know any history about it. But with teaming up with Yo-Kai and Humans, we have much bigger things to get passed.

Charlie thought of what he was talking about, since he was going to be more busy than he ever was.

Charlie: Since we're talking about the Seven Deadly Sins, I can tell you one thing about your friends watch: It was previously owned and made by them! Until it was taken by the Yo-Kai gods themselves.

Kyle thought, not knowing Touma's watch was owned by Demons.

Charlie: He'll understand. I mean they'll work with it after these last few Century's.

Kyle: Huh? Well, thanks for the history lesson, I better get going. The others are heading to another world. Apparently, they're other worlds.

Charlie: Be safe.

Kyle: They did say it'll be cold, but I'll live. Just like the time in the Frozen Wastelands.

Once he left, Charlie was thinking about their talk.

Charlie: The Seven Deadly Sins? They'll return!

*Insert Intro*

Forever Friends World

Once Kyle, Red and Missi all headed to the others, they accessed another Universe. It was another Springdale, but it looked very past modern and it was snowing.

Kyle: Well, no Wasteland, but I'll stick to it.

Red: Ah, the wastelands. Good times, good time.

Missi looked around the place, finding nothing related to Springdale from the other worlds.

Missi: This doesn't look like any Springdale I ever been too?

Summer: Because this isn't Springdale... yet at least.

Inkurella, who everyone didn't bother asking came over to them all.

Inkurella: This place is 'Sakura Motomachi', whatever it is?

Summer, Nate and Touma both knew they woulden't get it.

Nate: We should of told them about our previous Adventure.

Summer: Agree.

Touma looked down at his watch again and then the Demons.

Touma: I hope they know what this Watches connection between them is?

???: Summer, Nate?

They then saw a Boy coming over to them, as it also started snowing lightly. The Boy had Blueish hair, Grey eyes and a tan skin complex.

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