Change the Future

By SEHopeM

440K 11.7K 963

After the devastation of the battle of Hogwarts Aurora Potter decides that her and some of the others need to... More

*Back to 1976*
*PS 1*
*PS 2*
*PS 3*
*PS 4*
*PS 5*
*PS 6*
*CoS 1*
*CoS 2*
*CoS 3*
*CoS 4*
*CoS 5*
*CoS 6*
*CoS 7*
*CoS 8*
*CoS 9*
*POA 1*
*POA 2*
*POA 3*
*POA 4*
*POA 5*
*POA 6*
*POA 7*
*POA 8*
*POA 9*
*POA 10*
*POA 11*
POA 12
POA 13
POA 14
POA 15
POA 16
POA 17
POA 18
POA 19
James and Rory
GOF 10
GOF 11
GOF 12
GOF 13
GOF 14
GOF 15
GOF 16
GOF 17
GOF 18
GOF 19
GOF 20
GOF 21
GOF 22
GOF 23
GOF 24
GOF 25
GOF 26
GOF 27
HBP 10
HBP 11
HBP 12
HBP 13
HBP 14
HBP 15
HBP 16
HBP 17
HBP 18
HBP 19
HBP 20
HBP 21
DH 1
DH 2
DH 3
DH 4
DH 5
DH 6
DH 7
DH 8
DH 9
DH 10
DH 11
DH 12
DH 13
DH 14
DH 15
DH 16
DH 17
DH 18
DH 19
DH 20
DH 21
DH 22
DH 23
DH 24
DH 25
DH 26
DH 27
DH 28
DH 29
DH 30
Rory's first few years
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
Fifth Year
Sixth Year Part 1
Sixth Year part 2
Seventh Year
New Stories


3.5K 104 13
By SEHopeM

Hermione and Ginny both fall asleep in the same bed as Ginny was still slightly scared from the nights events. Rory sits on the bed with Charlie sat next to her.

"Nova get some sleep"

"I can't Charlie"

"Talk to me Nova. What's on your mind"

"He really gets you doesn't he" Remus says looking at Rory sadly, she nods before hiding her face in James side again.

"I've seen that Mark before. Thirteen years ago. I've never been able to forget it. You-know-who made it the moment he killed my dad before he went to kill my mum and Harry. It was just there above our house, Moony tried to stop me seeing it but he didn't react quick enough" he wipes the tears off her cheek.

"No" Lily says shocked.

"I never knew that Rory" Harry said looking at her, her face still buried in James' side. James wraps his arms around her tightly.

"Why didn't you say something before"

"Same reason I never do. I was protecting Harry. He doesn't need to know any of this he doesn't remember anything only what he's been told and that detail was left out" She looks up at him "I want it to stop Charlie. The nightmares, the fear, everything it's too much" He wraps his arms around her pulling her to him.

"It's going to be okay Nova. Eventually everything will be okay you just need to give it time and also stop hiding it from everyone. If you keep hiding it eventually you're going to explode. It's not your job to protect everyone around you including Harry all the time, you need to think about yourself as well"

"He's right Rory" Harry says looking at his sister.

"I just wish it was okay now. I hate never feeling safe"

"I know, we'll get there eventually we just need to be patent. Now try and get some sleep"

"I'll sleep when we get back to the Burrow I feel safer there. You should get some sleep now though"

"Fine but you will be taking a sleeping potion the moment we get back and you will be getting some sleep whether you like it or not"

"Deal now get your butt in that bed and sleep"

"Okay goodnight Nova"

"Night Charlie" It doesn't take long for Charlies to fall asleep as Rory grabs her book and continues reading. Mr. Weasley comes in after only a few hours sleep to wake everyone. Once everyone's up and packed he uses magic to pack up the tents, and we leave the campsite as quickly as possible, passing Mr. Roberts at the door of his cottage. Mr. Roberts had a strange, dazed look about him, and he waved them off with a vague

"Merry Christmas."

"He'll be all right," Mr. Weasley said quietly as they marched off onto the moor. "Sometimes, when a person's memory's modified, it makes him a bit disorientated for a while and that was a big thing they had to make him forget." Mr. Weasley had a hurried discussion with Basil before they joined the queue, and were able to take an old rubber tire back to Stoatshead Hill before the sun had really risen. They walked back through Ottery St. Catchpole and up the damp lane toward the Burrow in the dawn light, talking very little because everyone was so exhausted. As they rounded the corner and the Burrow came into view, a cry echoed along the lane.

"Oh thank goodness, thank goodness!" Mrs. Weasley, who had evidently been waiting for them in the front yard, came running toward them followed by Remus and Sirius, still wearing her bedroom slippers, her face pale and strained, a rolled-up copy of the Daily Prophet clutched in her hand. "Arthur - I've been so worried - so worried-" She flung her arms around Mr. Weasley's neck, and the Daily Prophet fell out of her limp hand onto the ground. Remus run's to Rory pulling her into his arms as Sirius does the same to Harry.

"Rory I was so scared. I'm so glad you're okay. I'm sorry I didn't answer any of your letters" He releases her slightly holding her at arms length checking her over thoroughly.

Lily smiles at Remus.

"Moony I'm okay I promise"

"Little Wolf" Sirius grabs her pulling her to him.

"Hey Pad's was you worried" She smiles at him.

"Me worried never. I know my niece can easily kick a death eaters arse" He winks at her before wrapping her in a tight hug. "Never do that to me again"

"I won't, promise Pad's"

"You're all right," Mrs. Weasley muttered distractedly, releasing Mr. Weasley and staring around at them all with red eyes, "you're alive. Oh boys" And to everybody's surprise, she seized Fred and George and pulled them both into such a tight hug that their heads banged together.

"Ouch! Mum you're strangling us"

"I shouted at you before you left!" Mrs. Weasley said, starting to sob. "It's all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough OW.L.s? Oh Fred George"

"Come on, now, Molly, we're all perfectly okay," said Mr. Weasley soothingly, prising her off the twins and leading her back toward the house. "Bill," he added in an undertone, "pick up that paper, I want to see what it says" When everyone was crammed into the tiny kitchen, and Hermione had made Mrs. Weasley a cup of very strong tea, into which Mr. Weasley insisted on pouring a shot of Ogdens Old Firewhiskey, Bill handed his father the newspaper. Mr. Weasley scanned the front page while Percy looked over his shoulder. Rory was stood between Remus and Sirius, Remus keeping an arm around her like I might disappear if he lets go for even a second. "I knew it," said Mr. Weasley heavily. "Ministry blunders culprits not apprehended lax security. Dark wizards running unchecked national disgrace. Who wrote this? Ah of course Rita Skeeter."

"That woman's got it in for the Ministry of Magic!" said Percy furiously. "Last week she was saying we're wasting our time quibbling about cauldron thickness, when we should be stamping out vampires! As if it wasn't specifically stated in paragraph twelve of the Guidelines for the Treatment of Non-Wizard Part-Humans"

"Do us a favour, Perce," said Bill, yawning, "and shut up."

"You tell him" Gideon said laughing slightly as Molly shook her head at him.

"I'm mentioned," said Mr. Weasley, his eyes widening behind his glasses as he reached the bottom of the Daily Prophet article.

"Where?" spluttered Mrs. Weasley, choking on her tea and whiskey. "If I'd seen that, I'd have known you were alive!"

"Not by name," said Mr. Weasley. "Listen to this: 'If the terrified wizards and witches who waited breathlessly for news at the edge of the wood expected reassurance from the Ministry of Magic, they were sadly disappointed. A Ministry official emerged some time after the appearance of the Dark Mark alleging that nobody had been hurt, but refusing to give any more information. Whether this statement will be enough to quash the rumours that several bodies were removed from the woods an hour later, remains to be seen.' Oh really," said Mr. Weasley in exasperation, handing the paper to Percy. "Nobody was hurt. What was I supposed to say? Rumours that several bodies were removed from the woods... well, there certainly will be rumours now she's printed that." He heaved a deep sigh. "Molly, I'm going to have to go into the office; this is going to take some smoothing over."

"I'll come with you, Father," said Percy importantly. "Mr. Crouch will need all hands on deck. And I can give him my cauldron report in person." He bustled out of the kitchen. Mrs. Weasley looked most upset.

"Arthur, you're supposed to be on holiday! This hasn't got anything to do with your office; surely they can handle this without you?"

"I've got to go, Molly," said Mr. Weasley. "I've made things worse. I'll just change into my robes and I'll be off... "

"All right if I go and dump my stuff in your room, Ron?" Harry says looking at Ron

"Yeah think I will too," said Ron at once. "Hermione?"

"Yes," she said quickly

"I want a word when you're done Harry" Sirius says giving him a look as Harry nod's before the three of them march out of the kitchen and up the stairs. As Charlie turns to look at Rory, she tries to avoid looking at him.

"Rory. We had a deal"

"What deals this" Sirius raises an eyebrow at them.

"Nothing. Don't know what he's talking about. Don't listen to him Pad's he's been hit by a dragon one time too many" Charlie glares at her before turning to his mother.

"I can't believe you said that" Hermione looks at Rory trying not to laugh.

"That was brilliant" James smiles at his daughter.

"It gets better" Rory says smiling.

"Mum Rory need's a sleeping potion she didn't sleep at all last night"

"What" Remus looks at her.

"Moony don't make a big deal out of this. Do I look tired? Nope"

"Aurora Nova Potter" Remus says in a warning tone.

"Remus Moony Lupin" She smirks back making Sirius laugh behind her.

"That's not even his name" James laughs along with the others.

"Don't push it young lady. You're not cute or clever and thats not even my middle name" He sends her a pointed look.

"You are cute" James says squishing her cheeks.

"It's john isn't it whoops my bad" Sirius tries hiding his laugh as Remus sends him a look.

"Aurora" He says before turning to Sirius "Sirius would you stop laughing this isn't funny she needs to sleep"

"Sorry Remus I agree she needs sleep but it was kinda funny" He says sending her a wink as Remus mutters something under his breath that sounded like children.

"I love how Sirius got told off as well" Marlene says laughing.

"Molly do you have any sleep potions"

"Yes of course Remus I'll grab one" She disappears for a minute before returning with another dreamless sleep potion handing it to Charlie. "Charlie make sure she drinks this"

"Don't worry mum I will" Rory looks at Remus.

"Don't worry wolf we'll still be here when you wake up we have some stuff to discuss with Molly anyway now go get some sleep" He places a quick kiss on her head before Sirius does the same. Charlie directs her out of the kitchen and up to his room shutting the door behind them.

"Look at that padfoot you're a big softy" James says smirking.

"Only with Rory though" Harry says smiling.

"Why'd you have to tell on me" She glares at him.

"She's just like a little kid sometimes" Fleamont says laughing.

"We had a deal Nova"

"I know, I just don't want to sleep Charlie"

"I'll stay with you the whole time I promise okay" He says getting on the bed and pulling the cover back beside him for her before patting the spot for her to get in. He hands her the potion which she drinks quickly before laying down beside him.

"Thank you Charlie"

"What for"

"Just for being you" She mutters as she falls asleep.

"I'm loving this relationship more that her other one" Marlene says smiling.

"Best bit is they're not even together at this point" Ginny says smiling at Rory.

Rory wakes a few hours later to find Charlie still sat beside her reading a book on dragons. "Good book" She says making him jump slightly.

"Him and his dragon books" Ron says shaking his head.

"That was actually my book" Rory says smiling.

"Not funny Nova. How you feeling"

"Fine Charlie. Come on I want to go see Moony and Pads"

"Why don't you call them by their actual names" He raises an eyebrow at her.

"I never have they're uncle Moony and Uncle Padfoot to me although I prefer Pad's to padfoot. It's just like they call me wolf or little wolf most of the time" She shrugs getting out of bed and heading for the door "You coming?"

"I'll be down shortly" She nods and heads down and find Remus talking to Mrs Weasley at the kitchen table. She walks over quickly kissing Remus on the cheek before sitting next to him.

"Did you get some sleep dear"

"Yes thank you mama bear. That's what I'm going to call you from now on" She smiles at her.

"Wolf can we talk"

"Of course Moony"

"Let's go for a walk" She gets up following him outside. "So want to tell me about the nightmares"

"Can't we just skip this bit" Rory says not looking at the screen.

"No, it's important" Hermione tells her.

"Not really it's just me breaking down again"

"Which is important to understanding you Rory"

"You don't even understand me Hermione"

"Exactly, that's why we need these memories as well"

"It's not important Moony they don't matter"

"Rory, you told me they're bothering you. Tell me what they're about"

"Every time I close my eye's I see the attack all over again and I don't want you to feel guilty Moony it's not your fault"

"Aurora it's completely my fault I attacked you"

"No you didn't not really"

"Well what happened then because I'm pretty sure I became a werewolf and attacked you nearly killing you"

"Moony, I told you before I don't see you and the werewolf as the same people and like I told you in the letter you're my Moony"


"Moony you need to forgive yourself and I need you. The past few months have been awful for me and I just wanted you, I needed you"

"I'm here now wolf and I'm not going anywhere again. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me" She wraps her arms around him as he does the same placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Why do you always say your feelings aren't important. They are" Lily says looking at her daughter.

"It's just the way I feel, I don't like people worrying about me"

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