Adrienette Love Story

By ruth536

3.9K 169 97

When tragedy sends Adrien Agreste racing back to Paris to run his father's fashion house, Marinette doesn't e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chalter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 12

70 2 0
By ruth536

The Gorilla could actually manage that.

At least he didn't like airplanes.

"Then the fact that age 25 just so happens to dovetail with Father's plans isn't just convenient?"

Nathalie nodded, cutting him off. "As you suspect, it was to give him just enough that he wouldn't fight. You will have all the business skills you need to take over the company some day, should you choose to do so."

Adrien dropped the clothes he had been folding. "I've literally done everything he has ever asked."

She tilted her head. "I can't tell you how often I must insist to your father that you need the space and freedom you have. Believe me when I say it will take very little provocation for him to put his foot down."

"Even with acting? For pity's sake, Mom was an actress."

"That is exactly why your Father would react so badly."

"So I've got no choice but to hold on for two more years?"

"Until your birthday exactly." Nathalie shrugged. "I'm going to have to get moving, Adrien. My assistant scheduled an early meeting this morning."

Sighing, Adrien nodded. "Have a good day, Nathalie."In a positively blissful turn of events, Marinette allowed herself to sleep in until the second alarm. She didn't have to rush out to get boxes in the mail, but that was only because she was figuring out how to batch them, which meant she could sleep an extra half hour.

Not that she hadn't used that half an hour and more last night, preparing patterns for every one of the sizes people had ordered.

This morning would have been perfect.

Except for the fact that Chat Noir hasn't gotten back to her at all this morning either.

It was funny how she didn't realize how much she missed hearing from him until she didn't.

She still scurried out of bed, racing around to get ready, sparing only a minute to stop and feed Tikki since she had forgotten about it last night.

Glutton that she was, Tikki lingered up near the surface since she saw her near the tank, so she probably had spaced it.

Since she knew she had a little extra time, Marinette sat down in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal.

It didn't take long before she checked her phone again between bites.

The silence was disheartening.

Absently, she pulled up the gallery on her phone, puzzling if she could figure out why he hadn't responded. She'd thoroughly scoured the pair of photos he had sent this weekend.

Admittedly, she already had a favorite.

The costume work was hers but Chat Noir pulled it off very well.

Sighing at herself, Marinette downed a glass of water forcing her eyes to close to try and forget about the shirtless pic of Chat Blanc that had scorched itself on the back of her eyelids.

And failed, utterly.

Perversely, he would have been very proud of the pun.

If only he would answer.

With only a few minutes left before she had to leave, Marinette finally gave in.

Marinette got into the office well before Lila typically arrived, so she was already sitting down at her desk when the answer came in.

She hated being terse, but after everything with Marie-Hélène, she wasn't taking any chances with rocking the boat before she had enough to make La Petite Coccinelle her full-time job.

Even the design contest was too risky if Lila was going to be anywhere near the results. Unless she could trust that only Nathalie Sancoeur herself would be handling the designs, it was more worth it for her to keep her head down and focus on the newly commissioned pieces.

Surely Marie-Hélène's friend was looking for something... Except she would need the money in the bank to be able to pay her.

Marinette spent the rest of her workday sorting through fabrics

At least Alya texted at lunch, inviting her out for dinner with the girls this evening.

"Hey, girl!" Alya grinned, greeting Marinette in the entryway of the restaurant when she finally arrived at 6 pm. "Did you ever figure out how you were going to handle all the store orders?

Marinette smiled softly. "Chat Noir recommended that I find some others to help with the non-technical details at least. Plus someone specialized for the sewing backup."

"I knew I liked him," Alya chuckled as they wound their way to the back room where the others were waiting.

"I do, too."

"You've made it very obvious," Alya smirked. "Luckily, he seems to be as oblivious as you are. I assume you'll both have to trip into each other and accidentally kiss for anything to happen."

"That's unlikely since he is half a world away."

A noisy hail of "Hey, Marinette!" went up when she and Alya entered the room.

Most of the women in their old friend group from Francois Dupont were there, along with Kagami Tsurugi. Only Alix Kubdel was off traveling with her job.

"Now," Alya sat down and patted the chair beside her for Marinette. "Tell us what we've missed."

Juleka scowled. "Kagami's mother is awful."

Marinette blinked as she sat down. "That's not exactly news, is it?"

Rose patted Juleka's arm. "It is when she's trying to force Kagami on a blind date."

Kagami's eyes narrowed in irritation. "Mother knows I am dating Luka. She has been trying to break us up for years now."

Marinette sank back in her seat. Way back in Lycee, she had dated Luka. At the time, the older boy in a band held great appeal toward her 14-year-old self. That was right around when she had started up the costumes for herself and Alya that had springboarded the store. Luka was convinced that she had someone else she liked and they had fought about it. It turned out he was working with some anxiety due to his family situation, which he finally got to work through after his Father finally recognized him formally. After Luka went to live with his Father for a year, they naturally grew apart.

Mylene had a frown on her face as she looked at everyone. "Does she disapprove?"

Hesitating for only a moment, Kagami darted a worried glance at Juleka. "She thinks the Couffaine family isn't respectable enough for a Tsurugi. No matter they have been dating very happily for years now.

Marinette finally spoke up. "Luka doesn't want you to take the date, does he?"

Kagami nodded. "I don't want it either. But Mother isn't going to let it drop until I do."

Alya's brows furrowed. "What if you tanked the date?"

Kagami tilted her head. "What are you thinking?"

"I'd imagine if the guy wasn't interested either, but your mom would have to back off." Alya shrugged. "For a while at least."

"I don't think it would last long. Even if it did work." Taking a sip of her wine, Kagami seemed less sure. "It's not that I am bragging, but my Mother's company is worth an obscene amount of money. Most people would treat me like a trophy." Her voice softened. "That's part of why I've been so happy with Luka. He's encouraging my art and covering for me on the days I just don't want to do fencing."

"Do you know who it is?" Rose chimed in. "Doing a little research would be bound to help."

Alya chimed in. "I could certainly do some research in a hurry once I get in the office tomorrow."

"But I still can't be there." Kagami sighed. "Luka and I have been looking at flats. I can only assume Mother is getting desperate to get her way."

Juleka's arms crossed over her chest. "Are you just as desperate?"

Kagami exhaled slowly, reaching inside her purse. "I wanted to show him this first."

The black velvet box in her hand made her intentions fully clear.

"Is that—?"

"OMG, it is, isn't it?"

Marinette smiled after she finished another sip of her wine. "Does he know what's coming?"

Kagami's brows furrowed. "Not for sure. He might already have a ring for me somewhere."

"I have an idea." Alya frowned, glancing back and forth between Kagami and Marinette. "You both might not like it, but it would solve both of your problems."

Her mother was still up, watching a bit of television when Marinette finally stumbled in after dinner.

"Hi, Mom," she sidled over to the couch, wrapping her arm around her mother's shoulder. "I didn't figure you would still be up."

"You might be an adult now, Marinette, but I'm still going to worry about you." Sabine rested her head on her shoulder.

"I'm doing okay," Marinette pointed out.

"Except that you're worried about filling all those orders."

"Of course." She admitted. "But I have a plan."

"Your father and I can help you pack in the evenings." Sabine grinned, nudging her daughter's shoulder. "Maybe even sneak in a mail run on a slow afternoon."

Marinette sighed before smiling sadly. "That really would help."

Sabine pulled away, turning on the couch to face her daughter. "That isn't what is bothering you, is it?"

Marinette flinched. "The last thing I was worried about is handled, at least for the shop. But to make that happen, I have to attend a blind date for a friend."

"Oh..." Sabine murmured. "That's... Difficult."

"Mom, can you remember the last time I went out on a date?" Marinette moaned. "Because I can't."

"Oh, sweetie." She reached her arms around her shoulders. "That shop has been your life. Maybe you learned it from your father and me."

Marinette stumbled forward, swaying and pacing a little less furiously than she was used to.

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