DragonBall Variant

By XrimsonCroc

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Dragonball, we're familiar with the story. The tale of Goku and company fighting to save their world and at t... More

Yerlec's Bio
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Yerlec's Bio V2
Interlude #1: Broly
Interlude #2: The Days in Between
Episode 10
Episode 11
Interlude #3: Countdown To The Cell Games!
Episode 12
Interlude #4 Pt 1: Aftermath of The Cell Games
Interlude #4 Pt 2: Homecoming
Yerlec's Bio V3
Episode 13

Episode 9

410 15 9
By XrimsonCroc

Last time on DragonBall Variant! A bout ensued on the battle-damaged planet Namek between Frieza and the duo of Goku and Yerlec in their newly acquired Super Saiyan forms. After a fierce battle, the tyrant had fallen by Yerlec's hand. Goku and himself then fled the expiring planet and made off for parts unknown. Meanwhile on Earth, the Z-Team had wished back all of their fallen friends and were prepared to wish Yerlec and Goku to Earth once they learned that they were alive. However, they were told that they wished not to return at the moment and would comeback on their own. With things as they were, the group decide to merely bide their time and wait for their arrival. Little did they know, that danger was on the horizon...

An Ice-Cold Reunion!

Mysterious Youths And Their Warning!

Life was fairly calm for the moment, as the Z-Team carried on about their lives. The big change was the presence of Vegeta, a change that put everyone on noticeable edge. In a display of, what some would call recklessness, Bulma offered sanctuary to the saiyan prince! It's been a few days since the agreement, but there are still concerns held by the group.

Yamcha: I'm still not sure about this Bulma. Did you forget that he's the reason you and the others had to go to space in the first place!?

21: I agree with Yamcha. He was certainly less than forthcoming back on Namek. Especially when he blasted that hole in Yerlec unwarranted.

Bulma: Trust me, I get where you guys are coming from. But I think this beats having him off who knows where out in the world. This way we can keep an eye on him in.

Yamcha(Uneasy): But aren't you worried he might try something?

Bulma: Not really. Even if he does, once Yerlec gets back and gets wind of it, he'll deal with it.

Vegeta, who had been standing idly nearby made a noise of indignation, but otherwise said nothing.

After the altercation on Namek and the Z-Team wishing back those that had fallen, Vegeta had taken one of the Capsule Corp spacecrafts and gone off into space to look for Goku and Yerlec. Try as he might, he simply wasn't able to locate them anywhere, and thusly returned to Earth. Much to his, and everyone else's surprise, Bulma offered the prince to stay at Capsule Corp. Initially reluctant, he had no alternative place of residence, so he took up her offer. Living here had not been terrible, aside from the outfit...

Yamcha: Ok then, I guess that makes-!

It was then that Yamcha and 21 sensed something strong incoming, and in 21's case, something familiar. Frieza! But there was something else there, something resembling Frieza's power! What ever it was, it didn't bode well. Bringing Bulma along, 21, Vegeta and Yamcha head off to where the energy was coming from. Along the way, they came across the other Z-Fighters who were also on their way to the menace. Tensions were high, as the Z-Team caught wind of Vegeta's presence. None more so than Raditz and especially Nappa. Before things could escalate, Piccolo let out a shout, informing them that Frieza had arrived! Indeed, a ship identical to Frieza's came landing and let out came Frieza, albeit looking a bit worse for wear. To make matters worse, he wasn't alone.

At his side was his father, King Cold. It was clear that they were up to no good, evident by the abundance of soldiers at the beck and call.

Krillin(Shock): This can't be happening! How is he back, and who the heck is that big guy next to him!?

Vegeta(Unnerved): That would be his father, King Cold.

21(Nervous): Just when I though thing would settle down a bit...

Frieza gave the order to some of his men to fan out and kill any and all earthlings they find. As they go to fulfill that order, they are quickly struck down by an outside force, cut into pieces. Shock permeate throughout the area, as the assailant made themselves known.

???: So, you must be "Frieza".

Frieza(Annoyed): That's Lord Frieza to you, worm. Honestly, I don't have the time nor the patience to deal with you. Men, deal with this fool.

With the order issued, Frieza's men rushed the mysterious attacker, only to be cut down with ease. The sword this newcomer wielded sliced through their armor and flesh like butter.

Frieza(Amused): Well, you're a persistent one. It would seem I have to dirty my hands even before I deal with-

???: Goku, right?

Frieza(Surprise): So you're acquainted with that loathsome ape?

???: You could say that. Any moment now, Goku's gonna come home. The thing is, only one of us is gonna stick around to greet him.

Frieza: *Smirks* Finally, some common ground. Don't worry, I'll be sure to show him your corpse when I see him. Right before having him join you in the afterlife! As for Yerlec, he'll be a special case. I want to see and hear him suffer before I end his life.

???(Confused): *To himself* "Yerlec"? Questions for later. *Out loud* Sorry, but I'm afraid your RSVP with Goku is officially declined.

Frieza: If you think that defeating my troops grants you merit to fight me, then you're sorely mistaken. I don't know who you are, but you matter not. I came here for the Super Saiyans.

???: Oh is that all? You should've just said that. I can show you one right now.

Frieza was caught off guard at this proclamation, before slowly chuckling to himself.

Frieza(Amused): A cute attempt at a joke, worm. But I know a bluff when I hear one.

As Frieza continued to laugh, his father joining in the merriment, the swordsman began to power up, the act shaking the earth beneath them. His hair started to rise and glow, as his eyes turned from blue to teal. Much to Frieza's horror, the youth standing before him had transformed into a Super Saiyan!

???(Smug): Still think I'm bluffing?

Everyone was shocked at the development, another Saiyan, let alone another Super Saiyan!? Just who was this lad? Frieza gazed upon the Super Saiyan and felt three things, confusion, fear, and above all else, fury! Another one of these golden haired simians!? This simply wouldn't stand! Without warning, he fired a blast at the swordsman, kicking up a large dust cloud, but otherwise not harming the saiyan in the slightest. The second blast fired was merely deflected with ease. More and more, this saiyan upstart proved to be a thorn in Frieza's side, as he hasn't even been here for 5 minutes! Well enough was enough. Frieza rose into the air and started to charge a massive amount of ki into the tip of his finger, as an orange ball started to form. Soon it grew larger, much larger, as Frieza sought to just blow up the planet then and there. The Z-Team looked in fright as Frieza sent his Supernova careening down towards the saiyan swordsman

It seemed bleak as the attack made contact, but everyone was surprised to see the boy simply holding the attack up above his head.

???: *Smirks* Oh I'm sorry, did you drop this?

Frieza growls in annoyance before firing a beam that set off the Supernova, causing a massive explosion. Once the smoke cleared, the boy was nowhere to found, and Frieza alongside his father assumed the boy to be no more. This was proven false, as the boy's voice called out from above, signaling his next attack. The father and son duo split up and evaded the attack, but this was merely bait. When Frieza turned around he saw the bot lunging at him with his sword ready and...

...was promptly cut in two. This wasn't enough for the saiyan, as he continue his onslaught by slicing him into small chunks and then blasting them all away!

Frieza was ... gone, dead, and so easily too. The Z-Team couldn't believe their eyes, just who was this guy!? Vegeta was especially taken aback at the boy. How could this brat be a saiyan? Pure-blooded saiyans have black hair, plain and simple, so what was the deal? As the group stewed on the situation, King Cold approached the boy, oddly calm for someone who just lost their son.

King Cold: Well, well, Mr. Super Saiyan, I'm quite impressed. Not just anyone could defeat Frieza so easily. With that strength of yours, you'd make a valuable asset to my army, what do you say?

Before the boy could give his decline, Kind Cold was struck across the jaw by another intruder, this one being a girl.

She ... she has a tail! More saiyans!? Just how many were up and about!? As the tyrant was reeling from the abrupt impact, a voice called out from above.

??? #3: Hey, what happened to "waiting things out"?

This makes three! What was gong on here!?

??? #2(Sheepish): Sorry bro, I got kind of excited.

??? #3: *Sighs* No helping it I guess. *Turns to the swordsman* Mind if we wrap things up here?

???(Confused): Uhh, sure. Go ahead.

With a nod, the third saiyan approached the recovering King Cold and pressed his fingertips against his chest.

??? #3: Hurricane Shotgun!

With a yell of his attack name, the saiyan sent out a torrent of ki that blasted a hole in King Cold's chest, sending him flying back. The king tried to plea for his life, but the saiyan female rushed over and delivered a nasty uppercut, spawning a twister of flame with an enthusiastic shout of "Cobra Flare"!

King Cold screamed in agony as he was burned alive by the attack, until the screams faded away within the roaring flames. When the flames vanished, the king was naught but ash, smoke and a memory.

??? #2: Alright, goose successfully cooked!

??? #3: If you're done patting yourself on the back, we got stuff to do.

??? #2: Oh right! We gotta tell the others about Goku.

??? #1(Surprise): You two know Goku?

??? #2: Yuh-huh.

??? #3: Let's let the others know. *Out loud* Hey, Goku and Yerlec are gonna touch down not too far from here in a few hours.

The Z-Team were taken aback, not only did two new saiyans arrive, bit they claimed to know both Goku and Yerlec, as well as where they'd arrive.

Krillin: I don't know about this guys, these three did take care of Frieza and that other guy, but doesn't this seem a little off?

Gohan: Maybe, but we gotta take the chance! This is dad and uncle Yerlec we're talking about!

21: I'm with Gohan.

Vegeta: I agree as well. If this kid knows about Yerlec and Kakarot, then he has my attention. Not to mention the fact that he himself intrigues me.

With the rest of the group reaching an agreement, they follow the three saiyans off to another nearby location and wait. Th swordsman bringing out a capsule fridge in the meantime to stave off their thirst.

Gohan: Hey, how do you guys know my dad and uncle Yerlec?

???: Well, I've never actually met Goku before. As for this Yerlec guy, he's ... a mystery to me.

??? #2: We've never met Goku either, but we've met Yerlec. You could say that we're-

??? #3: Ahem! Time and place, sis.

??? #2: Oh, sorry. We can't really say much right now.

Nappa(Confused): Huh, why not?

??? #3: It's complicated, I'm sorry...

With skepticism high amongst the group, they all continue waiting. After two hours pass, there was know sign of Yerlec or Goku, and doubts started to creep in. That is until something was seen in the sky, two pods were coming in hot! The two pods came crashing down mere moments later, leaving a massive crater in their wake. The Z-Team and the saiyan youths approached the crater as the pods began to hiss open. From them emerged Yerlec and Goku, both wearing a strange outfit.

Cheers were let out as Goku and Yerlec looked on in confusion.

Goku(Confused): That's weird, how'd they know we'd be here?

Yerlec: Your guess is as good as mine. May as well ask them ourselves.

Exiting the crater, the two of them inquire the group how they knew of their arrival, to which they reply that the three other saiyans told them. The strange thing was neither Goku nor Yerlec recognized these three. Vegeta even piped in saying how there shouldn't be any other unchecked saiyans roaming about. How odd...

???: Hey Goku, mind if I have a word with you over there?

??? #2: Yeah, we've got something important to tell you.

Raditz: Hey, what do you have to say that the rest of us can't hear?

Goku: Don't sweat it guys, it'll be fine. I'll be back before you know it.

With reluctance, the group allow the three saiyans to talk with Goku.

???: Thanks man.

Goku: Don't worry, if anything I should be thanking you guys for taking care of Frieza. I had no idea that he survived after what Yerlec did to him.

???: That's something that's been on my mind, who's Yerlec?

Goku: See that gruff looking guy in the outfit like mine? That's him.

???: I see. At any rate, Frieza was on his way here, so I took it upon myself to stop him. With some help dealing with his dad thanks to ... these two.

Goku(Puzzled): You mean you're not a group?

??? #3: To explain that, we're gonna need your word that what comes next stays between us.

Goku: I dunno...

??? #2: I know it seems weird, but please, trust us.

Goku: Well ... alright. You have my word.

???: Thanks. Ok, to start off, my name is Trunks. I come from 20 years in the future.

Goku(Amazed): Wow, the future? That's crazy.

Trunks: Yeah, Vegeta was right. I'm not exactly a pure-blooded saiyan. I get my genes from him, he's my father.

Goku(Shock): What, him!?

??? #2: Hang on a second, that can't be true!

Trunks: Huh, what do you mean?

??? #3 Lemme explain. My name is Vocado.

??? #2: I'm Vendei. We also come from 20 years hence.

Trunks(Confused): What, but I've never even met you two before.

Vendei: What do you mean? You're our brother.

Trunks(Shocked): B-brother!?

Vocado: Yeah, and our father is Yerlec.

Goku: Really? I mean, I guess I could've figured he and one of the girls would have kids eventually, but wait, let's slow down guys. We can deal with that later. Something tells me there was something else you needed to say.

Trunks: R-right.

Vocado(Stern): Listen up. Three years from now, on May 12, South City will be under attack by a powerful threat.

Vendei(Serious): Their power is unlike anything you've ever seen or dealt with.

Trunks(Stern): The best way to describe them would be monsters, plain and simple. Thanks to them, this world and everyone on it will be laid to waste.

Goku: No kidding? What are we dealing here then, aliens?

Trunks: No, androids. Androids created by the Red Ribbon Army's Dr. Gero.

Goku(Surprise): What, but I thought I dealt with the Red Ribbon Army.

Vocado: Yeah, and let him live. Thanks to that, he managed to slink away and begin work on what would be the world's undoing. I know you have a good heart Goku, but that's just how it is.

Goku: So what's Gero's plan anyway?

Vendei: We never found out. Once those things could think for themselves, they rebelled against him. After that, they did as they pleased, turning Earth into their personal playground. We're all that's left.

Goku: Wait, what about the others? Surely they could help, can't they?

Trunks: They can't, they're dead. Earth's strongest fighters were wiped out by them.

Vocado(Angry): There weren't many survivors on our front left to fight. It's a goddamn nightmare, and it's all thanks to those bastards!

Vendei: Bro, calm down. Getting angry now won't solve anything.

Goku: Dang. Wait, what about me? Do I die in the battle too?

Trunks(Grim): No. You don't even make it there. Not too long from now you're gonna catch a deadly virus that attacks the heart. That's what does you in.

Goku(Shock): No way! You mean I don't even get a crack at these androids!? That's not fair at all.

Trunks(Surprise): Wait, aren't you scared? Even after everything we've told you?

Goku: Only a little bit, but all challenges are scary at first. Maybe I could've made a difference.

Vocado: *Smiles* The others were right about you.

Trunks: Here, take this. It's an antidote for that virus. A cure doesn't exist now, but where I come from, or we come from, one does. When you start to feel sick, take it.

Goku: No kidding? Well that'll help, thanks. Wait, what about Yerlec, won't he need one too?

Vendei: Since he patrolled space a lot in his time, his body has gained a bit of an immunity to certain diseases. That's what kept him safe from it. ...to be honest, we shouldn't be doing this. It could change the future or something. But from our view point, it'll be worth it.

Trunks: My mother told me to put my trust in you Goku, so I am.

Goku: Your mom, huh? Do I meet her eventually or do I know her now?

Trunks(Flustered): O-oh, you know her already.

Goku: Does she live near me or...

Trunks: She's over there. It's ... Bulma.

Goku(Shock): Vegeta and Bulma!? No way she would do that to Yerlec!

Vocado: You can say that again. In our future it's Yerlec and Bulma.

Vendei: Yeah, your hair isn't even purple, it's blue!

Goku: Man oh man, this is a lot to take in...

Trunks: I know we're putting a lot on you, but promise you won't say a word.

Goku: No problem.

Trunks: Thank you. I should get going, mom's gotta be worried sick about me.

Vocado: Us too. Take care of yourself, Goku.

Vendei: I'll meet up with you bro. There's something I need to do.

Vocado: Sis, what are you planning?

Vendei: I just ... need to do this.

Vendei flies back over to the Z-Team and approaches Yerlec.

Vendei: Umm, Yerlec?

Yerlec: Hmm? How may I help you?

Vendei was silent for a moment before surprising Yerlec and company by capturing him in a tight hug.

Vendei(Somber): Promise me that you'll stay safe out there.

Yerlec(Confused): What are you talking about?

Vendei: I ... I can't say. I know I'm a stranger to you and that I'm leaving you in the dark, but you mean the world to me. So promise me, p-please.

Yerlec was confused, but when she craned her face up towards him and he saw those tear-filled eyes, he felt a sense of ... protectiveness. How could he refuse?

Yerlec: Very well. It's not as if I planed on dying any way.

Vendei(Relieved): *Wipes tears* Ok, I'll trust you on that.

With all that said and done, the three half-saiyans made off for parts unknown. Meanwhile, the Z-Team approaches Goku for insight on what just transpired

Krillin: Goku, what happened over here? What were you guys talking about?

Goku: Oh you know, nothing important.

Piccolo: Really, because it sounded pretty important to me.

Goku(Surprised): Eh? You heard all that?

Piccolo: My ears aren't just for decoration, you know.

Raditz: What's so important that you can't tell us, Kakarot?

Goku: Sorry, I can't say.

Piccolo: Fine be me, I'll say it then.

Goku(Panic): But Piccolo, if you heard them-

Piccolo: I won't say anything to endanger you friends, but we deserve a fighting chance against what's to come.

Piccolo then took the time to explain the situation about the androids to the others, while keeping the part about the youths' origins under wraps.

Yamcha(Skeptic): The future? C'mon now, that sounds like something out of a movie.

Piccolo: Believe what you want, but I rather like staying alive, so I'm gonna go and train. Take the risk and laze about if you want, but I'm gonna be prepared.

As the group let that information stew in their heads, they notice the youths flying away in their respective time machines, Vendei ad Vocado having to share. The youths look upon their respective parents and bid them a silent farewell, as they return to the future.

Tien: Guess that settles it then. I'm off to train.

Yamcha: Me too.

Yerlec: Sounds like a plan.

Vegeta: Speaking of plans, tell me, how did you two escape Namek anyway?

Yamcha: Yeah, King Kai told us there was no way you guys could've made it out. We thought you were goners.

Goku: I have Yerlec to thank for that. He told me that we could use the pods of the two Ginyu Force guys that were gone to get outta there.

Yerlec: Afterwards, we were sent rocketing off into space, and landed on a planet known as "Yardrat". The inhabitants were kind enough to nurse us back to health and repair our pods. When the time was right, we made off for home.

Vegeta: Well that explains where you've been all this time, but there are still some things that puzzle me. Those garments for instance, are the silliest looking things I've ever seen.

Goku: It's all the rage on Yardrat but I see what you mean. But at least it's not pink.

Vegeta(Annoyed): *Growls* That's besides the point. It's obvious that you two have gotten stronger, and I want to see what you've learned.

Goku: Hmmm, what do you think Yerlec? Should we give a little demonstration?

Yerlec(Amused): By all means, after you.

Goku: Alrighty then. Pay close attention, this one's called the Instant Transmission. First, I'll need to think of a person. A person far away, one with a high power level would work. Let's see ... got it!

In mere moments, Goku vanished in an instant. Mere seconds later he had returned, with a souvenir to boot.

Goku: Check it out!

Krillin(Shock): Wait a second, aren't those Master Roshi's glasses!?

Yamcha(Shock): No way! Kame House is miles away from here, how's that possible!?

Goku: It's a secret.

What a strange ability, being able to move that far and back so quick. Just when things couldn't get any stranger, those in the group could sense energy picked up on something over the horizon.

Vegeta(Annoyed): Enough with the surprises already! What could it possibly be this time!?

As everyone pondered the same thing, Yerlec stiffened in place before abruptly taking off in the energy's direction! Shocked at the abruptness of it, the group gave chase. What could cause Yerlec of all people to zoom off without a word of explanation?

When they catch up, they see him standing in the wasteland looking into the sky. Namely at an incoming ship, one that was similar to Frieza's! Just great, he must've had reinforcements. Once it landed, a few soldiers emerged from the front entrance and stood to the sides at attention, as one particular individual made himself known.

This guy bore a striking resemblance to Frieza, another member of his family no doubt. As those thoughts swirled in the heads of the Z-Team, they saw Yerlec do something they never thought they'd see. He kneeled. Yerlec dropped to one knee placing a fist over his chest. What was happening right now!? All the while, the Frieza look-a-like strode towards Yerlec until he was right in front of him. That's when Yerlec spoke.

Yerlec: Welcome to planet Earth, Lord Cooler.

Shock was found throughout the group for different reasons. Some found the prospect of Yerlec kneeling before one of Frieza's kin bizarre, let alone addressing him as "Lord". Others who knew about Cooler beforehand were surprised to see him in person!

Raditz(Surprise): So this is what Cooler looks like. His power is insane.

Nappa(Surprise): You're telling me...

Cooler: Always a pleasure to see you in good health, Yerlec.

Yerlec: Likewise. What brings you here?

Cooler: Well, this past year was spent traveling to this planet so I could simply see it for myself. After all, you were never one for excitement back on the ship, so when your interest was peaked due to this place, I had to see the reasons why.

Yerlec: I see. I'd be happy to show you around once I get the chance.

Cooler: Splendid. I see that we're not alone. There are even some faces I recognize. Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta too? How curious. I thought you were still sided by my brother.

Vegeta: Let's just say I've had a change of heart.

Cooler: As you say. By the way, while I sought out to see the planet, I also come bearing some new armor for you, Yerlec.

Yerlec: Really?

Cooler: Indeed, think of it as a present. With our advancements we wear able to construct some more durable armor for you. One of the soldiers in the ship will hand it to you, head inside and try it on.

With gusto due to receiving a gift from his father figure, Yerlec went inside the ship, as Cooler turned to the Z-Team.

Cooler: You lot have done my boy a lot of good haven't you? He's made himself at home on this planet and as his surrogate father, it delights me.

21: Of course, he means a great deal to us.

Cooler: Glad to hear it.

Soon enough, Yerlec emerges in his new saiyan armor.

Cooler: How is it my boy?

Yerlec: In a word, superb. I'll treasure it greatly.

Cooler: Excellent. For now I shall return to the ship and scour nearby planets. Contact me if you wish to show me anything particularly interesting.

Yerlec: Will do. But when I do come and get you, exercise caution. There's trouble on the horizon.

Cooler(Intrigued): Oh? Do tell.

Yerlec relayed the warning from the youths as Cooler closed his eyes in thought.

Cooler: I see. That's quite the predicament, but I can take care of myself. After all, this isn't even my final form.

Goku(Surprise): Wait, you're saying you can transform again?

Cooler: Indeed. I can transform one more time, unlike my little brother. You've never seen it before have you, my boy?

Yerlec: No, I haven't.

Cooler: Well then, *grins* let me show you exactly what I'm capable of.

Cooler's body gains muscle mass, as his power skyrockets. His head gains four ivory spikes, a large gem in the center and his eyes turn a deep red, sclera and all. His wrist also gain gems, grow sharp spikes similar to blades and a visor appears over his mouth. This was Cooler's Final Form.

Cooler: Well, what do you think?

Yerlec(Amazed): Incredible, to think you had this under wraps all this time!

Krillin(Unnerved): Oh man, am I glad he's on our side. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that!

Cooler: As you can see, I can handle myself fine. What about you?

Before Yerlec could respond, he stops himself and opts to show rather then tell, and transformed into a Super Saiyan for all to see.

Bulma(Surprise): Woah, Yerlec's all blonde now!

Gohan: He's a Super Saiyan.

Cooler(Shock): Super Saiyan? So the legends were true...

Yerlec: Indeed. Though I gained it through less than favorable means, it proved quite handy in defeating your brother. Even if I didn't wind up killing him after all.

Cooler: If that's the case, then you should be fine.

Yerlec: Perhaps, but I feel as if further training is in order. Better safe than sorry. I'll be seeing you Lord Cooler.

Cooler: Come now, we're among friends and family, I think it's time we dropped formalities.

Yerlec: *Smiles* Very well, father.

Cooler: *Grins* That's more like it.

With that, Cooler and his soldiers returned to the ship, as the Z-Team set off to train for the threat in 3 years time. On Cooler's ship...

Salza: It was nice to see Yerlec after all this time.

Dore: I'll say, he's really come along hasn't he?

Neiz: Indeed, and to think he's the Super Saiyan of legend to boot!

Cooler: ...

Salza: Is everything alright Lord Cooler?

Cooler: I'm fine, just thinking about things.

Dore: Penny for your thoughts?

Cooler: ...training. I've seen my men, yourselves included, go through training to better themselves constantly. I never undertook such things due to my already impressive strength, but now I can't help but think, how much stronger could I become if I were to train as well? Perhaps there's something even beyond this final form of mine. ...hmmm, slight change of plans.

Dore: Say the word, my lord.

Cooler: We'll be staying near this quadrant of the galaxy as planned, but instead of merely continuing to expand our influence, I also wish to train my body as much as I can along the way. Preferably without outside intrusion.

Salza: Well on our way to Earth, we passed a pretty barren planetoid.

Neiz: Pretty nasty down there though... If I recall, it was planet Vampa, sir.

Cooler: Very well then. Chart a course for Vampa, effective immediately.

Salza: Right away, Lord Cooler.

Three years. In three years time, an android threat would make itself known to the world. This was the warning issued by the mysterious youths of the future. With Goku and Yerlec back on Earth, the gang was back together and ready to thro themselves into training to combat the looming danger. Just how formidable are these androids? Will the Z-Team's training be enough to prevent a grim future that has happened once already? Find out next time on DRAGONBALL VARIANT!

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The Story begins after Dragon Ball Super and GT. In this Story Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, Bra and Pan will find out that there is the possibility...