Beating the odds - Catglass

By 97crazyfangirl

16.1K 550 367

What happens when Kitty goes back to KISS for her second semester after everything that has happened to her? ... More

Before you read
Chapter 2x02: If things were different
Chapter 2x03: Closer and further
Chapter 2x04: Coming clear or run away
Chapter 2x05: Misunderstandings
Chapter 2x06: Magnets
Chapter 2x07: Clear as water
Chapter 2x08: Facing the truth
Chapter 2x09: Daydream
Chapter 2x10: Closure

Chapter 2x01: Going back to the source of the mess

2.4K 59 25
By 97crazyfangirl

(December 31st. Song Covey's household. Dinner time. 6 people around the table sharing food, their voices cannot be understood. 1 person is visibly absent. Close-up to Kitty's face. Kitty is hearing an inaudible voice not looking at anyone. Someone slaps their fingers in front of her face.)

PETER: Earth calling Kitty. Are you there? (Speaks with laughter in his voice, looking around the table for an accomplice who's noticed what he is seeing)

KITTY: (Shakes her head, coming back to reality.) Sorry. I was distracted. What did I miss? 

MARGOT: Were you? (Asks, rhetorically)  We didn't realize. (Smiles at her, tring to keep her laughter to herself)

TRINA: I think she's thinking about someone. (Speaks, looking at the man beside her)

DAN: I think she's thinking about more than someone.

KITTY: Dad, stop, please. (Wants to hide herself under the table, but tries to play it cool). Can you pass me the potatoes? (Asks to the man at her right)

PETER: Sure. (Tries to hide a smile and plays along) So, are you excited for the new semester?

KITTY: I am. I cannot wait to come back. (Trying to seem calm and collected)

KITTY (Off): Okay, maybe that's not completely true, but I'm not going to tell him that.

MARGOT: I'm so excited for you. I should have gone too when I was your age. It would have been really fun.

KITTY (Off): Fun if you don't go after you broke up with your boyfriend, end up crushing on a girl with a girlfriend and have your enemy and roommate confess to you on an airplane with no way out.

KEVIN: But we still can go some day if you want to. (Smiles and puts an arm across Margot's shoulders)

MARGOT: Babe, do you remember that I have already been there? 

(Kitty doesn't want to keep listening to them. Sighs, stands up and grabs something that looks empty from the table)

KITTY: I'll go grab some dessert (Turns around, not waiting for anyone's response)

(Kitchen. Kitty leaves the plate on the table. The dining room table can be seen behind her back. Sighs longer than before. Doesn't realize someone's by her side a few seconds later)

LARA JEAN: Hey, Kitty. Are you okay? (Leaves another plate on the table. Looks worried at her sister)

KITTY: (Tries to give her a smile) Yes, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? (Her words try to convey a happy emotion) I'm home. You're home. We're all home and it's New Year's Eve. Why wouldn't I be fine? 

LARA JEAN: Because I can see through your eyes and you're not fine. And I want you to tell me what it is before I can assume things.

KITTY: (Sighs and turns to look at her sister) Why do you have to see through me like this?

LARA JEAN: (Shrugs and gives her a little smile) You're my little sister. It's my job. (Looks behind her for a couple of seconds and turns her head to her sister) Come. (Grabs her hand and walks through the house)

(Lara Jean's bedroom. A full suitcase is on top of the bed, ready for a trip. Lara Jean opens the door and Kitty and her walk in. She closes behind her. Both sit on the bed, turned towards each other)

LARA JEAN: So, tell me. What is it? 

KITTY: (Raises an eyebrow) I think you and I know that you already know what's going on. 

LARA JEAN: (Smiles) Yes, but I want you to tell me for yourself. So, go ahead and say it out loud.

KITTY: (Sighs loudly. Takes a few seconds to answer) I'm a mess right now. And I'm going back to the source of the mess. I really don't know what I'm going to do about everything when I go back to Seoul. I really don't know what to say to everyone. I'm...

LARA JEAN: (Stops her in the middle of the sentence while grabbing her hands) Stop right there. Kitty, if I've learned something after what happened to me is to take a deep breath and let life decide for yourself. You're not going to figure it out in a day. Nor in two. Did you realize you liked Dae in a second?

KITTY: (Answers firmly and confused) Yes.

LARA JEAN: Okay, perhaps that's the wrong example. (Thinks it through). Maybe you knew that with Dae, but that's not always the case. So, don't worry. You may not figure everything out the moment you get back, but it will all come together soon. Whatever happens, you'll be fine. I trust you. (Hugs Kitty, tightly)

KITTY: I'd love to trust myself the way you do.

LARA JEAN: (Breaks the hug, but keeps an arm around her sister's shoulders) Thankfully for you, you have Q to help you out.

KITTY: (Ahaking her head, like saying 'no') I'm not sure if I like that you two are close friends now.

(Flashback. Kitty and Lara Jean are wearing Christmas sweaters. They're sitting on the living room's couch, looking at the laptop on the coffee table. Lara Jean starts laughing and Kitty puts a hand on her face, dying of embarrassment.)

LARA JEAN: Oh my god, it's so funny. (Tries to wipe the tears falling from her eyes) And what did you do?

(On the laptop's screen, there's Q's smiley face)

Q: When I saw them running towards Kitty, I assumed I wasn't needed to put out the fire. So I just stood there, watching the K-drama happening in front of my eye. I should have brought popcorn.

(Both start laughing once more. Kitty can't take it anymore.)

KITTY: I'm going to call this off. (Reaches out to lower the computer's screen. Lara Jean tries to stop her.)

(Back to the present. Both sisters are still sitting on Lara Jean's bed)

LARA JEAN: You may not like our friendship, but you could use both our helps, so it's best if we are close. Q knows that he has to keep me informed of everything that happens to you this semester.

(Dan appears on the door. Knocks on it, making her daughters turn towards him. He smiles at them.)

DAN: Even though I love to see my daughters together under my rooftop once more and I don't want to break your moment, I think you'd like to have some dessert. Don't you?

LARA JEAN: You're right (Smiles at him and stands up. Turns to reach out her sister's hand). Come. You'll have time to think about it tomorrow.

KITTY: (With a sarcastic tone) Tomorrow? You mean...

(Kitty's bedroom. All dark. An alarm clock on the nightstand changes the time from 3:59 am to 4:00 am. It starts ringing really loud. Kitty is woken up all of a sudden. She turns off the clock, after a few seconds not being able to do so. She's still half asleep when she sits on the bed.)

KITTY: Already? (Sighs and leaves bed, like a zombie)

(Time jump. LAX Airport. Kitty is still asleep, but dressed up nicely. She's sitting in a chair, with one elbow on the backrest and resting her head on one of her hands. Moves a bit, almost falls and wakes up, suddenly. Raises her head and sees a boy coming towards her. He's almost looking the same as the first time she saw him)

KITTY (Off): I should have imagined I'd see Minho here today. But that doesn't make it less awkward considering...

(Flashback. Flight from Incheon to LAX. Minho and Kitty are sitting side by side.)

MINHO: I think I fell in love with you.

(Kitty keeps quiet for a few seconds. Blinks a few times. Her head is empty, not knowing how to respond. Minho looks at her, first with excitement in his eyes, then confusion and, finally, terror. When she's about to respond, Minho doesn't let her.)

MINHO: (Hurry in his voice) I think I'm going to ask if there's still room in first class.

(Minho stands up and runs towards the beginning of the plane. Kitty's still in shock, with her mouth open.)

(Back to the present. Kitty's looking at Minho.)

KITTY (Off): Alright. I'm going to play it cool for the moment.

(Kitty raises her hand, with a smiley face. Is about to say 'hi' to Minho, when he puts on his sunglasses and walks far away from her, to the VIP lounge. Kitty's face swifts to a confused look.)

KITTY (Off): Nevermind. It's normal. I didn't return his feelings, nor said anything back, so it's obvious he wasn't going to be open to speak to me. I'll talk to him when we're back in Seoul.

VOICE THROOUGH THE SPEAKERS: Fight 1805 to Seoul, board through gate 11.

(Kitty grabs her bag pack and walks towards the boarding gate. She sees the same woman from the previous semester)

GROUND ASSISTANT: (way more excited than last time) Oh. I remember you. The crazy kid. Are you flying back to Korea to see your boyfriend?

KITTY: (smiles, awkwardly) Not my boyfriend anymore.

KITTY (Off): Hopefully still my friend.

(Flashback. Kitty has posted a photo on Instagram saying she's coming back to KISS. Look at the people who have responded to the story. Q has answered with a long message saying how happy he is about it. Sees Dae's name. He responded with clapping hands. Kitty makes a weird face).

KITTY: Nothing else? (Lays down in bed)

(Back to the present. The woman makes an awkward face.)

GROUND ASSISTANT: Well, if I have found someone great, maybe you will too. Or you already have someone you like and you don't know.

KITTY: (keeps the awkward face) I think it's more complicated than it looks.

KITTY (Off): Complicated is an understatement.

(Flashback. Kitty's sitting at her desk, looking at something on her laptop. Close-up to her phone on the desk. It's December 16th. Gets a text from Yuri. Smiles, brightly but confused. Unlocks her phone.)

YURI (Text): My mom's just called me to tell me that she's arranged everything for you to come back to KISS next semester!! Don't worry. This time you'll be assigned to the girls' dorms ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Hopefully this text got to you before the school's email and I surprised you. I can't wait to see you, so we can finish our airport conversation. Have a great break and Merry Christmas!! Love, Yuri.

KITTY: (Excited) I'm coming back to KISS!! (Jumps from the chair. A second later, her face changes to an alarmed one). Oh my god, I'm coming back to KISS. (Lays dramatically on bed and covers her face with a pillow) Oh my god. What am I going to do?

(Back to the present. The woman tries to smile at Kitty)

GROUND ASSISTANT: Well, I'm sure you'll figure something out.

KITTY: (Sighs) I really hope you and my sister are right about that. (Gets her boarding card back)

GROUND ASSISTANT: Have a safe flight!

(Incheon Airport. Kitty's dragging her bags through the airport. Almost falls because of running.)

KITTY: Am I going to miss the bus once more?

Q: (Coming from behind) Hopefully not. I don't want you to...

(Q can't finish his sentence when Kitty hugs him, tightly)

Q: God, you're going to drown me.

(Kitty pulls back a bit. Q doesn't let her)

Q: Just kidding. I've missed you too. A lot. (They finally break the hug, both with huge smiles on their faces). This break has been too calm compared to the semester. I want to go back to the chaos.

(They start walking with their suitcases towards the exist)

KITTY: Are you sure? Because I think I'm more of a mess right now. (Speaks, a bit defeated)

Q: I know. You're 2 hour video call was really informative. (Speaks like he is tired just by remembering it)

(Kitty pushes him. Q laughs)

Q: I'm joking. I really enjoyed it. (Swifts his voice from a funny tone to a sad one) It made me forget my own mess for a moment.

KITTY: (Gives him a worried look) Has something happened after we left for the break? You haven't said anything about it and I didn't want to pressure you to speak if you didn't want to.

Q: (Gives her a thankful look) Thank you for not pushing me. I really needed a time away to think everything through and make a decision.

KITTY: And, have you made one? (Asks, cautiously)

Q: (Nods) I have. (Sighs) I really love Florian, but he needs to come clean about what he did. Te moment I saw Dae's face when he got dropped from the top of the class, it broke my heart. I think I knew at that moment what I had to do, but I needed some time to process everything. I'm sorry that I was a bit of an idiot about this with you.

KITTY: (Shakes her head like saying 'no') It's okay. No judgment. (Frowns) But, what are you going to do if he doesn't come clean?

Q: (Sighs) Let's not go there, yet. (Sad face) I don't want to think about it.

KITTY: (Smiles) Exactly. (Puts an arm around Q's shoulders, making him crouch down to be at the same height ase her) This is going to be a great semester. Right?

Q: (Smiles back) Right. Step by step. But, now, let's run so we don't miss the bus.

KITTY: (Opens her eyes, wide) Right. Let's go. (They start running towards the exit)

(KISS campus. Q and Kitty get to the table where the rooms are assigned.)

KITTY: 안녕하세요 (annyonghaseyo). I'm Kitty Song Covey. I'm not new, but I needed to be assigned to a new room.

ADMINISTRATION LADY: Yes, I was informed about it. (Looks through the folders, until she finds the right one. Grabs it from the box and gives Kitty a paper) You'll be in a double room. You're roommate has already arrived.

KITTY: (Smiling) Great. Thank you (Realizes something). Sorry. 감사합니다 (kamsahapnida). (Bows and walks away towards the dorms)

Q: (Confused) What's happening? Why are you speaking Korean all of a sudden? I think this is the first time ever I've heard you speak it.

KITTY: (Shrugs her shoulders) I need to practice more. Last semester, it was the subject where I got the lowest score. I'm sure Mr. Kang passed me just because I was really annoying during the test, asking him every single word on the paper. So, this semester I have to step it up. I will probably need a tutor.

Q: I think you won't have a problem finding a tutor. You already know a really good one. (Raises his eyebrows)

KITTY: (With a sad tone) He's a good choice, but I'm not really sure if he's going to help me.

Q: (Frowns) Why would you say that? Dae helped you last semester. I'm sure he won't have a problem now.

KITTY: (Doubtful) I know but...

Q: (Exclaims, happily) Guys! (Waves her right hand to someone in front of them).

(Kitty turns her head from Q beside her to the front. She opens her eyes wide. Side by side, Dae and Minho are looking at their direction. Kitty's eyes go from one to the other, not knowing where to look)

KITTY (Off): Oh my god. These two. Last time I saw them together, in the same place...

DAE: (With happiness) Kitty, it's so great to see you back here. (Tries to come closer, but stops himself halfway. He's confused about how to act next. Decides to stay still). So, how are you feeling being back here? Ready for the new semester?

KITTY (Off): So he's not mad at me. But this was weird.

KITTY: (Even though she's made a confused look at Dae, she smiles, trying to play it cool) It's really great. I'm so happy that I can be back. I have to thank... (Stops herself before saying anything biting her lower lip).

(Awkward few seconds of silence)

MINHO: (In a tough way) So, let's get going. I'm not sure if we're having a new roommate and I don't want him to mess up my stuff. (Turns around and leaves without waiting for anyone else. Kitty's left wondering, Q's looking at Kitty focused on her reaction and Dae is confused)

KITTY (Off): Okay, he's definitely ignoring me.

DAE: (In a confused tone) I though he was calmer and way nicer. (Shrugs his solders) I'll ask him later. (Turns to look at Kitty) Will we see you tonight at the New Semester party?

KITTY: (Turns to Dae after looking towards the corridor where Minho left. Analyze the question for a couple of seconds and answers, with a big smile). Of course you'll see me. I already had a dress planned before the break, so I'm definitely going.

DAE: (With a big smile) Great. (Grabs his luggage) I'll get going. I have to meet with the school's secretary. I need to figure out how am I going to pay for the tuition. (Takes his bags and leaves)

Q: So, that was an interesting exchange of words. (Kitty rolls her eyes) Don't make that face. You know as well as I do that this is just the beginning of an interesting semester. And...

KITTY: (Cuts him and talks like Q would) I need to talk to both of them. (Sights and continues) I know and I will. I have to talk to a lot of people really early on in the semester.

Q: (Laughs and grabs Kitty by her shoulders) You do. But first you should find out where your room is.

KITTY: (Nods) You're right. Let's go then.

(Kitty gets to a door at the girls' dorms. Number 316. Presses the code number and gets in. Everything is dark)

KITTY: Hello? Is someone there?

(Kitty walks in and takes her shoes off, not looking if there are any others. Turns on the lights as she walks in with her bags. It's a room with a small kitchen to the left and a some sort of living room with a sofa and a TV to the right. A door is closed at the left wall.)

KITTY: Maybe she's somewhere else?

(Kitty walks towards the door and opens it without any caution. Inside, two beds, two wardrobes and two desks decorate the room. The bed in front of her has two people laying on top of each other. When they hear the door open, the two sit up and the one on top turns towards the door, with a surprised look on her face. The other person is excited but doesn't show that much surprise.)

KITTY (Off): This cannot be happening.

YURI: (Excited and happy) Kitty!

(Yuri jumps from the 1 meter height bed and runs towards Kitty. Kitty's face is still a mix of surprise and sadness. Yuri gets where the other girl is and hugs her, really tight. Kitty cannot contain herself and hugs her back, with the same strength. She closes her eyes for a second)

KITTY (Off): I've missed her so much.

(Yuri ends up breaking the hug and Kitty has to let her go. In her face, it can be seen that she didn't want it to end that fast. Kitty's eyes go from Yuri's to their joint hands.)

YURI: (Excitement in her voice. Keeps their hands joint really tightly) I'm so happy to see you. When we met at the airport, it could have been the last time we see each other, but you're back at KISS and it is so exciting. I'm happy my mom revoked the expulsion.

KITTY: (Keeps her smile on her face. Her eyes are still on Yuri's. She's forgotten the outside world, apart from the girl in front of her) I wanted to thank you for that. It's because of you that I can enjoy the entire year. So, thank you so much. I'm sure there's something I can do to compensate you for this.

YURI: (Laughs out loud) Don't worry. It's what I had to do. You don't own me anything.

JULIANA: (Everyone has forgotten about her. Besides, she can buy whatever she wants by herself. (Walks besides Yuri and puts her arm around her waist) But she's really the best. (Smiles at her and Yuri smiles back)

YURI: (With her eyes on Juliana) Thanks, baby. (Turns her eyes back to Kitty)

(Kitty is trying to stay still, but the eyes never lie and they show a hurting heart)

YURI: Finally you two are meeting. Property this time.

(Yuri's the only one who laughs. Kitty tries to put on a smile, while Juliana is looking at Kitty like scanning her)

YURI: Juliana, this is Kitty Song Covey. American student and my enemy turned into great friend last semester.

(Kitty smiles at her description of their relationship. The word 'friend' hurts. But tries to play it cool)

KITTY: And I'm also an awful fan dancer.

(Yuri laughs with Kitty, but Juliana just makes a little smile)

YURI: That one as well. (Moves her eyes from Kitty to Juliana) Kitty, this is Juliana. My girlfriend.

KITTY (Off): And even though I knew about that, it still hurts my stomach.

KITTY: It's great to finally be able to put a face to a name that I've heard so many times. (Holds out her hand so she can shake it)

JULIANA: I agree with that (Takes Kitty's hand and holds it. She's giving a half smile) I was looking forward to meeting you.

KITTY: Likewise.

(They look at each other for a few seconds, still holding hands)

KITTY (Off): Is it a weird tension in the air?

YURI: So, (They break the holding) I guess you two are going to be roommates this semester.

KITTY (Off): (realizing that) Oh no. This is not happening.

JULIANA: It seems so. It's great to have Yuri's friends near by.

(Juliana smiles, wierdly. Kitty smiles back, cautious)

YURI: It's great. But, Kitty, I promise to you that you won't catch us like this ever again (Laughs out loud)

KITTY (Off): Hopefully. Please.

JULIANA: (In a more serious tone) Next time, knock on the door if you find it closed before you come in.

KITTY: (Nods) Noted. Won't happen again.

YURI: (Gets a notification on her phone. Takes it out and looks at it) It's the make up artist. She's waiting for me. (Puts down the phone and looks at Kitty) Will I see you tonight?

KITTY: (Smiles and nods) Of course. I'll be there.

YURI: (Smiles back) Perfect. (Turns to see Juliana) See you later.

(Yuri comes closer and gives her a peck on the lips. But Juliana pushes her for a longer kiss. Kitty has to look away)

KITTY (Off): Please, not here.

YURI: (When she breaks the kiss) See you two later.

(Yuri gives both girls a little smile and walks towards the door. A moment of silence. Juliana is scanning Kitty.)

KITTY (Awkwardly) So, I'm going to put my stuff in its place. And, then we get ready for...

JULIANA: (A bit sharp) I have to go now. I'm meeting my friends before the party. I'll see you later. (Makes a short and forced smile)

(Juliana exits the room without saying anything else, leaving Kitty confused in her place)

KITTY (Off): Have I done something wrong? (Shrugs her shoulders and starts walking around the room)

(Some time later, Q's standing in front of Kitty's room. He's wearing a black shirt and gray trousers. He knocks on the door and waits a few seconds before Kitty opens. She's wearing a black dress. She's done her make up and straightened her hair. Q opens his mouth)

Q: (Looking at her from head to toes) If I were straight, I would hit on you. But you already have too many love interests.

KITTY: (Rolling her eyes) Just shut up. You look really nice as well. (Gets outside the room and closes the door behind)

Q: (Before Kitty closes the door, tries to look inside the room) Are we waiting for your roommate?

KITTY: (Starting to walk towards the end of the corridor) Let me tell you something about her.

(Some time later, Q and Kitty get to the room where the party is going to be held. She looks around and finds Minho next to the bar, Dae talking to a professor and Yuri talking to her mom beside Juliana. Q looks at Kitty, who is looking from one to the other)

Q: So, what do we do?

KITTY: (Sighs and takes a deep breath) Let's enjoy tonight. Starting from tomorrow, I'll have plenty of time to talk to everyone. (Turns to Q and smiles, brightly) Let's dance.

(Q smiles and nods and they walk onto the dance floor holding hands.)

KITTY (Off): Maybe I'm a mess right now, but this mess can wait until tomorrow. I want to enjoy my last night of calm before the storm comes.

Hello everyone!

Here you have it! Part one of this story is out!

I hope you liked it as much as I'm enjoying writing this.

I can't promise you when will next part be out, but I want it to be as soon as possible. I won't let you down. I promise.

If you liked this part, don't forget to comment, vote and share this story with everyone you know (and don't know). I'll be reading you.


Crazy Fangirl

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