Pretty Virgin Rhodes (STRICTL...

By smil3_books

4K 398 344

'Where Roses Grow' - π™π™ƒπ™Šπ˜Ώπ™€π™Ž Never mix business with pleasure, they say. Never date a rich man, they say... More

2. The Skirt That Seeks Attention Unknowingly
3. Throwback on a B*tch
4. Doing Him A Favor
5. Am I Getting Fired? *cries*
6. That Red Dress
7. My Boss & His Morals
8. Gulf Was Never My Thing
9. Roses Brought Back Memories
10. Misinterpretation
11. Whiskey Makes You Do Crazy Things
12. Whisky Numbs Pain
13. The Night It Begun - Part One
14. The Night It Begun: Part Two
15. Take Me Somewhere
16. Small Things, Big Memories
17. 24 Hours to Make You Fall for Me
18. Jealously at its Peak
19. How to be a Fake Girlfriend
20. Pretty Feet
21. Wild Imaginations
22. Be My Date
23. Dine, Wet and Feelings
24. The Photos
25. Don't Hate the Game, Hate the Player
26. Soft Kiss in a Car Park Theatre
27. His Little Secret
28. Sit on the Desk and Look at Me
29. Blair Never Gave Up
30. Have to Let You Go
31. Three Days Alone with my Ex-Boss
32. Day One - Nasty, Nasty
33. Day Two - Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes
34. Closure
35. Day Three: No More Secrets
36. Ruin Me
37. A Love Situation Gone So Wrong
38. Drunken Old Habits

1. Meeting the CEO

328 22 82
By smil3_books

Please ensure to click on the YouTube video to have it play while you're reading. This serves as the audio version for the chapters, enhancing your reading experience with audio accompaniment. Thank you!

"Have you opened the letter?" Sophie asked, skipping through the channels with her feet up and crossed.

"If you're wondering, I'm afraid I won't be accepted. Especially since the company is of the highest caliber. What if my credentials are insufficient?" I slouched on the couch, my gaze fixed on the envelope in my hands.

I could feel my heart pounding as I debated whether or not to open it. The weight of the decision was heavy on my mind, knowing that my future could be drastically altered depending on the contents of that letter. 

She rolled her eyes and said, "You're holding the goddamn letter in your hands; just open it already, Eleanor."

I tried to control my breathing as I briefly closed my eyes. My dog, Chipper, yanked the envelope from my grasp as I tried to open it.

I pursued him down the hallways, yelling, "Hey, don't you dare eat that."

Could this day get any worse?

"If you had just listened to me and opened the damn letter, Chipper would not have received it. Perhaps Chipper could open it for you and let you know if you were accepted," she yelled from the living room.

 I finally caught up to Chipper and retrieved the envelope, feeling a mix of frustration and amusement at the chaotic situation. As I tore it open, I couldn't help but wonder what life-changing news it might contain. 

How funny!

I cooed, stroking the top of his head, "Come here." I kindly removed the envelope from his grasp and said, "You're dead," to him. 

Not wasting any more time, I opened the letter and read the note.

CONGRATULATIONS! Eleanor Valdanger, your application has been accepted. Please stop by the building tomorrow for an interview. We'd love for you to start working right away. 

I screamed at the top of my lungs and dashed into the living room, grabbing Sophie's cheeks and kissing them.

"Can you believe it? I got the job!" I exclaimed, tears of joy streaming down my face. Sophie hugged me tightly, sharing in my excitement and pride. 

"Wait a minute, girl. You're getting wet on me, and it's nasty," she said as she drew her head back. 

"Working as a CEO's assistant? Seriously, this seems so surreal. Can you even begin to fathom how many people applied but weren't accepted?"

"Thanks to your qualifications, they got you into that damn job."

"Shit, I don't think I have anything to wear." I grinned. "Maybe I should dress in something a little fancier. Something that the assistant would wear." I chuckled, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of dressing the part. "I want to make a good impression, after all," I added, already picturing myself in a more professional outfit. 

"You have tons of clothes in your wardrobe. What more could you possibly want?"

"I mean, I'll get interviewed; all I have to do is dress the part. Put on something new." 

Her phone chimed, "It's Alex, he wants me to stop by the store to get some items. I have to go."

She hugged me, grabbed her things then left. I can't wait for my interview tomorrow.

I've been practicing for this interview countless times while pacing back and forth, breathing, and calming myself. I looked in the mirror for 15 minutes. Am I insane?

The building was absurdly large. I mean, insanely large. I'm not used to anything, but this was the fulfillment of a long-held dream. My brown, curly hair had fallen over my shoulders. I adorned my sugary-sweet lips with blossom-soft lipstick. Was my use of the lips excessive? 

For me, the image was essential. I have to look the part if I want a job like this. Who wouldn't, really? I was nervous, even though I was wearing a gray dress that hugged my curves and the best perfume I could find.  

I walked towards the front desk lady. She was so beautiful.

"Hey, um... Good morning. I have an interview with Mr. Amir Bezos," I stuttered a bit.

She looked up from the computer and scoffed, "What is your name?"

I'm sorry. I corrected her with politeness; do me the honor and correct me as I have corrected you. I've told her to "adjust" so many times that I'm tempted to rip her snarky face off. 

I took a small breath in, my nose flaring a little, "Eleanor Valdanger."

"So you're the assistant?" she asked, turning her attention back to the schedule. "The elevator is to your right," she muttered under her breath. "Last door on the floor, on the 12th floor. He is waiting. He dislikes having to wait." 

Okay, this b*tch was nerve-racking.

I smiled as I approached the elevator. I waited for the elevator to open with patience, and a man wearing a God-scent fragrance stood next to me. 

"Are you new around here? Haven't seen you here before," he asked.

"Oh, I'm here for an interview," I said.

"I'm Blair if you want to get to know me in the future. I could be your toy boy."

I fold my lips in a tight line, "What?"

"I'm just messing. But I'm serious about the future part.  As in working together and all that life bull."

"I guess I'll consider that. I'm Eleanor."

"You look beautiful. I bet you'll rock that interview."


The elevator door opened, and we both stepped inside. After closing the door, I pressed button 12 and waited in awkward silence with Blair next to me. 

"Does the front desk lady always act that way?" I broke the silence.

"Tracy? Since Tracy is friends with Mr. Bezos' fiance, she dislikes anyone who works close to him. For her, she keeps an eye out for new females." 

Damn. Seems like she wanted to be all up in his skin.

"I see," I said.

"What position have you applied for?"

"CEO's Assistant."

He looked at me and then cleared his throat.

"What's going on? Have you got anything to say?" As soon as I brought up Assistant, things just started to get strange. With Blair and Tracy's current situation. 

"His previous assistant was let go. She was exposed for having information about Mr. Bezos and for scooping on his private life. Avoid interfering with that man's personal matters at all costs." 


We split up when we got to the twelfth floor. I had a huge lump of air in my throat as I moved toward the final door on the floor. Before I was in front of his door, I wasn't this anxious. 

On the door, you had his full name in the printed letter format, CEO MR. AMIR BEZOS.

I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. As soon as I heard the voice, shivers ran down my spine.

"Come in," he said from the other side of the door. I opened the door, but I had no idea what to do. He represented everything. He was like a hot barbecue. 

I was so nervous and my palms were sweating that I was clenching and unclenching my fists. He was so spotless that even if I licked him, my tongue wouldn't get dirty. The smell of his shampoo. I need to stop being a simp and wake up. 

I approached his desk and smiled. Sh*t. My smile was trembling and this looked pretty bad for my image.

"Hello, my name is Eleanor Valdanger, and I'm here for an interview for the CEO's Assistant."

"I had you in mind. Have a seat and let's get right to the details," he said, maintaining a neutral expression. 


He added, "Tell me a bit about you."

I was apprehensive, but I managed to keep the conversation going by saying, "I am dedicated to what I do. I have a consistent source of inspiration that pushes me to give it my all. This passion inspired me to push myself and learn new skills that improved my performance at work."

He maintained his composure as I continued. Why was I feeling uneasy about this over and over again? He was just sitting there, taking in everything I said without engaging in any conversation. I felt anxious as a result. 

"I focus on results. I keep checking in to see how far away or what's needed to make it happen. I believe that the team is greatly motivated by this pressure."

"You will be my personal assistant, but you must earn my trust, and I will make the final decision." Your role entails doing everything I say, as well as assisting me with and supporting administrative functions pertaining to me." 

Throughout the entire interview, he did not even crack a smile. I've only met one nice person so far, and that was Blair. I'm not a fan of this CEO. In my opinion, he came across as a little haughty. 

"You must manage my schedule, deal with important communications, maintain corporate records, documents, and reports, and manage confidential information."

This sounds like years of headaches.

"You must possess the abilities to support me during non-critical meetings, empower me, stand by my side, anticipate my needs and preferences, have scheduling expertise, and be proficient in developing systemized processes," he continued.

There was one thing I needed to hear most and he was not bringing that up. The money.

"Now for the good part. Your monthly salary is $5,289, or $1220 per week. You have the option of being paid weekly or monthly. There are a few things you should be aware of. In my personal life, there is no running. "The day that happens, the day you pack your belongings and leave," he poured himself a glass of whiskey, "you should be here by 8:00 a.m. now that we've talked and agreed. I have a board meeting coming up, and you should get used to the schedule." 

I didn't even agree with him. A lot of work but the money was so freaking great.

"Okay, Mr. Bezos."

"You can leave my office now," his eyes left me and fixed on the papers in front of him.

If I didn't want this job I would lash out and tell him how ass-full he was. Or maybe I was just overthinking it.

I stood up from the chair and turned my back finally getting to be an Assistant to a CEO.

Thank you, guys, so much for reading. The trailer is posted in the story introduction if you didn't know and yes this is the first chapter. You know what I love. Give this book a vote, comment, and share. Don't be mean. Thank you for joining the PVR journey. I appreciate it.


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