Can't Ask, Don't Need, Won't...

By DreamwalkerWanda

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This story is not mine, I did not write it, credits for that to LilRacka on AO3, I'm just putting her story o... More

chapter 1: alone
Chapter 2: Tentative
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Status Quo
Chapter 5: Understanding
Chapter 6: Sheer Stupidity
Chapter 7: Reckoning
Chapter 8: Change of Scenery
Chapter 9: Normalcy
Chapter 10: Honesty
chapter 11: Best Laid Plans
chapter 12: Concrete Jungle
Chapter 13: Little one
Chapter 14: Recovery
Chapter 15: Teenage Kicks
Chapter 16: Consequences
Chapter 17: The Beginning
Chapter 18: Civil Discourse
Chapter 19: Mending Bridges
Chapter 20: Safe Surrender
Chapter 21: The Transition
Chapter 22: First day
Chapter 23: Maturity Matters
Chapter 25: In Sickness and In Health
Chapter 26: A Vision in Red
Chapter 27: Breakthrough
Chapter 28: The Party
Chapter 29: Cognitive Recalibration
Chapter 30: Mrs Rushman I presume?
Chapter 31: Protecting a Minor
Chapter 32: Vasovagal syncope
Chapter 33: Rationalising Denial
Chapter 34: O Tannenbaum
Chapter 35: The penultimate days
Chapter 36: Mutual understanding
Chapter 37: Sartorial Greetings
Chapter 38: Paparazzo
Chapter 39: A New Dawn
Chapter 40: Inbetween days
Chapter 41: Krakow at Dawn
Chapter 42: The Yalta Conference
Chapter 43: What we see depends mainly on what we look for
Chapter 44: The Rome Statue
Chapter 45: Luminous Introspection
Chapter 46: Back with the Ex
Chapter 47: Ulterior motives
Chapter 48: You and Me equals History
Chapter 49: Reality Bites
chapter 50: Reality Bites part 2

Chapter 24: Masking the Moment

235 8 0
By DreamwalkerWanda

Wanda stared at the clock, she was willing the minute hand to move around the face. This day was dragging on, she tapped the pen in her hand onto the table restlessly. She looked back to the whiteboard in front of her attempting to pay attention to the words that were being written on it. English literature was her least favourite class. Maths she could manage it was a universal language. Her english was not poor by any standard, but she lacked the nuance to be able to dissect the greats works of literature. In her mother tongue she had excelled, but now she found herself struggling towards the bottom of the class.

This point irked her, as if english was some superior language that the rest of the world had to obey. She glanced down to the book in front of her “The merchant’s Tale.” It wasn’t even really english it was medieval english. She cursed Chaucer under her breath, as she struggled to understand the language, though it pleased her to see her contemporaries also struggling to make sense of the words on the page.

Wanda glared back at the clock on the wall, how had less than thirty seconds passed. She had nervously watched Steve leave that morning. Natasha had even kissed him longer than they usually did when they parted. Wanda sensed the tension, the underlying fear. She could not focus on the lesson. Her stomach was in knots as she struggled to cope with the anxiety that grew.

The bell rang, as she exhaled heavily in relief. She gathered her books and threw them haphazardly into her bag. Wanda rushed to the faculty staff room and knocked on the door. An older teacher she didn’t recognise came to the front, “if you need to speak to a teacher you need to catch them in the classrooms not here.”

Wanda sneered at the woman, “I need to speak to Mrs Rushman.”

“She is entitled to a break from students.”

“Would you just shut up and get her,” shouted Wanda in annoyance her emotions coming through.

Natasha hearing the noise made her way to the door, “Maggie everything ok?”

She pulled open the door and took in the sight of her emotional teenager, “Maggie Can I borrow your office?”

The older woman nodded and Natasha led the teenager into the office shutting the door firmly behind them.

“What’s wrong Wanda?”

“Have you heard anything from him?” asked Wanda.

“No not yet Wanda, It’s still early. You need to calm down sweetheart.”

“Can we just go home?”

Natasha shook her head, “You can worry at home or you can worry at school. At least here you have work to take your mind off it. Focus on your school work.”

“I can’t focus on anything Mama!”

Wanda wrapped her arms around the woman and rested her head on Natasha’s chest.

“Relax baby… Now go get some lunch. Everything is going to be fine…”


Wanda rushed out of the car and bombed straight into their little house. She entered the kitchen and smiled when she saw Peter and Steve sat at the table. Wanda threw herself into his arms burying her head into his neck.

“I’m fine Wanda, it all went fine.”

Wanda didn’t reply she just inhaled his scent deeply. She took a few minutes before turning to face Peter.

“Hey Parker.”

Wanda took in the tired sad expression on the teen’s face and finally released her grip of Steve. She walked around the table an embraced the boy, “I’ve missed you spider-boy.”

Natasha walked into the kitchen and pulled Steve up from the chair capturing him in a passionate kiss. She then turned her attention to other side of the table.

“It’s good to see you Peter, I wish it was under better circumstances.”

Peter nodded in agreement, “Me too Aunty Nat.”

Wanda pulled away from the teenager boy, “So what happened Peter?”

“Wanda let him settle,” rebuked Natasha, “has Steve showed you, your room?”

Peter nodded.

“Ok sweetheart, why don’t we have some dinner and watch a film?”

Wanda frowned at the term of endearment being used to address Peter.

“Wanda go get changed out of your uniform, and this time fold it up on your chair, I’m not ironing your blazer again.”

“But you love ironing Mama!” joked Wanda. Natasha narrowed her eyes at the teen playfully. “Go on…”

After Wanda had left the room, Natasha turned her attention to the other teenager. She walked over to him and placed a kiss on his head, the affection was enough to break the last wall the boy had up. He threw himself into Natasha’s arms sobbing.

“You are ok Peter, you are safe with us. We will keep you safe. It won’t be for long, you will see everyone again soon,” she cajoled keeping her tone soft. Peter just gripped the older woman tighter, like he was scared to let go. Natasha sat on the chair pulling the teenager onto her lap, Peter just went along with the action. She stroked his hair gently, “you know Steve makes the best hot cocoa in the world.”

Steve took the hint to go over to the stove and start heating the milk up. Peter started to calm himself down, and now looked embarrassed. He went to stand up but Natasha held him in place. He used his sleeve to wipe some of his tears away, “Sorry…”

“Don’t apologise little spider, you’ve had quite the few days. ”

Peter relaxed again into the older woman’s arms, neither said anything as Steve bustled around the kitchen. Eventually he placed the mug in front of the teenager. Wanda took that moment to reappear now dressed in sweatpants and one of Steve’s hoodies. She walked in surveying the domestic scene in front of her. Her stomach felt heavy as if she had swallowed lead. Wanda couldn’t place the emotion she was feeling. Watching Peter drink her Hot cocoa while sat on her Mama’s lap. Jealously was not something she had really experienced before, she understood Envy. Growing up in a war torn country with the benefits of technology meant she had some understanding of what others had. But this sensation of zealous vigilance and protectiveness she felt over her parents was new.

Steve noticed the flash of emotions across the younger girl’s face as she walked into the room, and logged it in his memory to discuss with Natasha later. He decided to break the silence in the room, “Why don’t we order pizza tonight?”

Natasha nodded, ‘and we can put on a film. What do you fancy Pete?”

Peter looked thoughtful for a moment. “Can we watch lion king?”

If the two adults were surprised by his choice they did a good job of hiding it, but Wanda just rolled her eyes, “Disney?? Really? I think I’ll give that a miss. I’m going to watch Buffy in my room.”

Natasha shook her head, “No you are not. You know you are not allowed to watch TV in your room. Plus you are grounded, so you can watch a film with us, or you can go to bed.”

Natasha had always strictly enforced the no tv in the bedroom rule, she framed it to young witch as being because she wanted her bedroom to be a place of rest and that she wanted her to socialise. It was a good cover for the truth. Natasha knew Wanda still suffered from flashbacks and nightmares, therefore she wanted to carefully monitor what the young woman was watching. Especially before she went to sleep. The truth was carefully concealed from the teenager as Natasha knew Wanda would not react well to her protectiveness.

Wanda scrunched her nose up at the older woman’s words. “Well can I watch it in the kitchen then,” she sassed.

Natasha narrowed her eyes at the teenager, “I would watch your attitude.”

Wanda blushed at the remonstration in front of Peter.


Wanda cuddled into Steve on the sofa, the four of them were all squashed onto the small sofa. Natasha and Steve in the middle with a teenager on either side. Wanda felt safe her head resting on the man’s shoulder, though she kept looking our of the corner of her eye at the two other occupants of the sofa. It soured her mood seeing Peter snuggling with Natasha.

Natasha was hers, she had always been her, she had never really had to share her before. Steve did not count in her mind. As the circle of life played over the end of the movie Wanda made no effort to move. Steve stretched slightly and stroked her head softly, “come on Wands it’s bed time.”

Wanda shook her head against his shoulder, “I’m not tired.”

“You might not be tired, but you still have an early bedtime.”

Wanda looked over to Peter, “What about him?”

Natasha spoke up, “Him has a name, and Peter is not grounded. So go on Missy up you go.”

Wanda glared at them, “Fine I’ll leave you to it.”

She stomped up the stairs and Natasha sighed. Peter glanced from his seat, “It’s ok I’m pretty tired anyway….”

“Don’t worry about it Peter. Wanda is fine. She is just being a teenager,” replied Natasha.


Wanda became increasingly cold and isolated from the others. She wasn’t rude or disrespectful just distant. Peter starting at the same school did not seem to help matters. Wanda stopped being tactile entirely she no longer wrapped her arms around either adult for comfort or in jest. Natasha followed the two teenagers into the house, after another tiring day at the school. Teaching kids was exhausting Natasha, thought not as much as her growing concern for her daughter.

Wanda hung her bag up on the hook in the hallway, before walking into the kitchen to grab a a bottle of water from the fridge. Peter hung up his own back and followed her route. Natasha removed her high heels and flung them into the cupboard grateful that it was the end of another week.

“Do you guys have any homework?”

Peter shook his head, “I did mine in the library at school.”

Natasha nodded in acceptance. “Wanda?”

She shrugged, “I have an english assignment, I’ll be in my room.”

Wanda shut the door to the fridge behind her, and went to leave the room.

“Do you need any help?” asked Natasha kindly.

“No thank you.”

Peter looked sheepishly at the older woman as he observed the sad expression on her face.

“I’m sorry Aunty Nat.”

“Don’t be sorry Peter, you haven’t done anything wrong,” stated Natasha forlornly.

“She doesn’t talk to me at school,” explained Peter. “She pretends she doesn’t know me.”

Natasha sighed. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her.”

“She doesn’t want me here,” said Peter sadly.

“No sweetheart, she even said how much she wanted to see you.”

Peter exhaled heavily, “Then why can’t she stand to be in the same room as me.”


Wanda coughed into her hand in her room, she felt awful. She chugged down some more water hoping it would supply some relief to her sore and aching throat. Her chest heaved in pain. Wanda stared at her reflection in the mirror on her bedside table. She had felt sick for the last fews days, she assumed it was just a cold, but she seemed to be getting worse. Her make-up was doing a good job of hiding her pale waxy complexion, as did strategic use of her powers.

She pulled out her chair and sat at the desk, leaning her head forward she rested her forehead on her hands. Wanda knew logically she was sick and should just go and ask for help. Her pride was getting the better of her, and even though on a level she knew she was being irrational. Her fear of being replaced by Peter reverberated through her body. It was controlling the majority of her decisions. She stood up wearily and went to change out of uniform throwing the discarded clothes into the laundry basket in the corner of her room.

Once she was changed she headed down the hallway to the small office that was set up. She knocked lightly on the door waiting for Steve to give permission for her to enter. The small study was out of bounds to both teenagers much to their annoyance. She heard Steve moving around inside the room, and then the door open to her.

“Hey Wanda you had a good day at school?”

Wanda nodded, “Is it ok if I pop out for a bit. Just want to go for a walk.”

Steve furrowed his brow slightly, he looked back towards the window, even though the winter months were approaching it was still relatively light out.

“I don’t know Wanda, I’m not sure you should be out on your own. Why don’t you take Peter or your mother with you?”

Wanda looked at the older man dropping her chin slightly and then said the magic word, “please Daddy.”

Steve melted in that moment, “OK Sweetheart, but be back in 30 minutes that’s it.”
Wanda knew she was being manipulative in her response, but it got her what she wanted. She headed down the stairs and grabbed her coat from the hook next to her school bag. Natasha poked her head around the door, “Where do you think you are going?”

Wanda carried on putting her coat on, “Steve said I could go out for a walk for 30 minutes, so I’ll be back in a bit.”

Natasha did a double take clearly unhappy with this, but Wanda knew she would not want to undermine Steve. “Ok be careful and make sure you are back within the 30 minutes.”

Wanda watched her press some buttons on her watch, she rolled her eyes at the older woman of course she was setting a timer. Wanda left the house and took a deep breath of the fresh autumn air.

Natasha meanwhile climbed the stairs in annoyance and headed straight for the study. She didn’t even bother to start the conversation with a greeting.

“Why did you let Wanda out on her own??”

Steve blushed slightly under the questioning, “It’s just 30 minutes Nat….”

Natasha narrowed her eyes and looked the man up and down several times. The realisation dawned on her and she rolled her eyes dramatically, “she called you Daddy didn’t she…”

Steve nodded weakly, “She was so sweet though.”

Natasha laughed weakly, “she can play you like a piano Steve. You know I don’t want her out on her own.”

Steve shrugged slightly, “That’s why she asked me. We have to give her some freedom Nat, and don’t worry I’m keeping an eye on her.”

He beckoned the woman over to the desk he was sitting at pointing towards the monitors. Natasha looked at the footage, and watched as Wanda walked down the street.

“Has Wanda seemed off to you? It’s like she is avoiding physical contact? I don’t want to push it on her, but it just seems strange she has always craved it before,” asked Natasha.

Steve nodded, “yeah she seems to be keeping her distance, maybe she is just trying to reassert herself as a teenager? We do both baby her a bit.”

They both watched the screens, Natasha slipped an arm around Steve and then dropped into his lap. She leaned forward looking at the pixelated screen, “has she just walked into a pharmacy?”


Wanda entered the brightly lit pharmacy, overwhelmed slightly by the amount of products on display. She headed over to the cold/flu section and started perusing the different brightly coloured packages. There were so many different types of Cough Syrups, dry, tickly, chesty. Which one was she supposed to get? Then there was night medicine and day medicine. Nasal sprays, throat sprays, and what was ibuprofen? She picked up several of the packets hoping to deduce what she needed.

Wanda just wanted the cough to stop, it was getting harder and harder to hide. She was struggling to maintain her powers. She knew she would slip soon. Her eyes scanned more boxes and she stopped on the words “cough suppressant.” She picked up the box, and then grabbed some throat spray as well. Content with her purchases she headed over to the counter. Wanda paid and stuffed the medicines into her coat pocket. She begrudged slightly how expensive they were. Steve and Natasha never gave her a lot of money just a bit for lunches. So now she couldn’t eat lunch at least twice next week.

She walked back into the house, ten minutes later feel thoroughly exhausted by the journey. Natasha greeted her from the kitchen, “Hey Sweetheart, did you have a nice walk?”

Wanda nodded even though she knew the older woman couldn’t see her. “yeah just went around the block.”

Natasha kept her eyes focused on the pan in front of her, upset by the lie but choosing to not call her out on it. She knew it was in her best interests to keep Wanda in the dark about the cameras so therefore could not show her hand prematurely.

“We are having Sir-fry for dinner. Do you want chicken or Steak?”

Wanda shook her head as she leaned on the kitchen doorway, “I’m not really hungry Mama, if it’s ok I’m going to just go lay down with a book.”

Natasha stepped towards the teen, who instinctively stepped back keeping a space between them.
“You feeling ok Malyshka?”

“Of course just a long day at school,” she replied. Natasha removed the pan from the flame and placed it on the side to prevent the food burning.

“Baby you have not been yourself the last week, what’s bothering you?”

Wanda shook her head, “honestly Mama I’m fine, just tired from school.”

“Ok Well Peter is playing on the playstation in the living room, why don’t you curl up on the sofa with a book then?”

“No I’ll think I’ll just be in my room,” replied Wanda.

“You have been locking yourself in your room all week. I would rather you spend some time downstairs Wanda.”

Wanda crossed her arms across her chest, “Steve is in the study what is the difference?”

“He is working Wanda, and when dinner is ready. we will eat as a family and then he will spend the rest of the evening with us.”

“You,” said Wanda simply.

Natasha looked at the teenager curiously, “you what?”

“You misspoke, he will spend the rest of the evening with you, not us,” explained Wanda matter of factly.

Natasha groaned at the sassy teenager, “You are spending the evening with us Wanda and that is final. I’m fed up of you hiding out in your room.”

“Fine. I’ll be in the living room then.”

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