๐๐‹๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ๐˜ ๐Œ๐€๐‘๐˜; ๐ฆ๐š๐ค...

By functionalism

49.6K 1.5K 1.3K

Just a regular girl in the Jujutsu world. maki zenin x reader. More

before you start
The Beach
Ryomen Sukuna
A Privilege Not Earned
United in Grief
Blood on the Walls
The Girl who Lived, Cried and Fought


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By functionalism

"Why the hell do you have a special grade cursed spirit in your body?"

You blinked twice at his question. "Huh? Special grade cursed spirit?" You questioned, curling a brow in confusion.

Is that seriously what Ryo is?

"Yes that's exactly what I am." Ryo answered your question, which you ignored. "Ah jeez... D'ya know anything about curses? I guess not since you're a civilian. Curses are born from people's negative emotions such as shame, regret, fear, all that. They're typically found in places where people often have bad memories, like schools and hospitals. Depending on how strong the emotions are, those curses can rank from 4th grade to special grade; special grade being the strongest and 4th grade being the weakest. If you're up against a 4th grade, a wooden bat should be enough. A 3rd grade, a handgun is fine. A 2nd grade, it's a close call with a shotgun. Against a 1st grade, even a take might be insufficient. Then there's special grade. You may be on even footing if you carpet it with cluster bombs."

Your jaw dropped slightly as you blinked your eyes once again. "...So what does that have to do with me?" You asked. He chuckled at your response. "So y'know that girl with the ponytail you saw on Saturday?" He replied. You nodded your head slowly. "She goes to a school to learn about curses, and that's where you'll also be going!! Tadaaa!" He chirped with jazz hands. You and Ryo both groaned. Gojo leaned forward closer to your face.

"P.s, I'm doing this so I can suspend your execution, so it'd be nice if you'd make ya gratitude look real" He said with a grin. You jerked up your eyebrows before mustering up the most fake smile ever.

" YAY!! OH I CAN'T WAIT TO GO! THIS IS GONNA HAVE ME BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS ALL NIGHT!" You chirped right before deadpanning your expression. Gojo grinned again and clapped his hands.

"Great! By the way I already informed your parents about curses, so there's no need to tell them. Have your stuff packed by tomorrow afternoon, there'll be someone here to pick you up. See yaaaa!" He chirped before walking off and away from your house.

You turned your head to face him but he was already gone. With a sigh, you opened the door and walked back upstairs to your room.

"YOU'RE GOING THERE OF ALL PLACES?!" Ryo yelled. You sucked your teeth and held the side of your head. "Don't just yell like that. You're gonna give me a headache." You grunted before changing clothes.




In the morning, your mother came into your room and closed your curtains to keep the sun from coming in. She turned your alarm off and began packing your stuff for your trip to that other school Gojo was talking about.

You woke up to the sounds of your mom rustling through your drawers. You sat up and scratched your head and blinked the sleep out of your eyes.

"Well good morning to you too, mother." You chirped, still rubbing your eyes. She turned to you with a chuckle. "Y/n, you don't have to go to school today. Since it's your last day there anyways before you get transferred. Or do you want to go today? To see your friends one last time?" She suggested. You sighed to yourself before giving your answer, "I'll go. Just so I could see my friends one last time."

You weren't really sure if you should call them friends, more like people you hung out with on occasion. Other than school and occasionally hanging out, you didn't really talk with them much. Calling them 'friends' would be a little bit of an overstatement, to you at least, since you considered them plebeians of intelligence.

She nodded before continuing to fold your clothes neatly into your bag.

You waited until she left so you could take your other uniform that was clean and put it on before going to the bathroom to do your morning routine.

"You're seriously going to that thing they call a school?" Ryo questioned after you walked out the bathroom. "Which one? The one I normally go to or the one I'm transferring to?"

"The latter."

"Technically I have no choice, as Gojo mentioned an execution. So, in other words, yeah." You chuckled as you grabbed your bookbag and slugged downstairs to the kitchen where your cousin was sitting.

"Oh. Hey there, Yachi. You're usually never up this early." You commented before opening the fridge. He looked up at you with a frown.

"Shut up. I've got a meeting with someone today so I gotta get up early." He grumpily answered before getting up and putting his bowl of finished cereal in the sink and rinsed it out. You hummed in response before frowning.

Meeting? As far as I know, Yachi doesn't work outside the house. So what meeting?

"You're not seriously thinking your cousin having a meeting is related to the Gojo situation."

You ignored Ryo and shut the fridge before sitting down at the table. Your father walked into the kitchen and set a small box on the table and pushed it towards you.

You looked at the box then at him before he gave you a look that told you to "Go ahead and open it" as he smiled. You smiled back before opening it up and finding a very beautiful nice-sized pocket knife sitting in there surrounded by black velvet placing. You picked it up and examined it, pushing out the blade. It came up swiftly with a quiet woosh. You chuckled softly then put it back in it's box.

"Thanks, dad." You said before getting up and hugging him tight. "Be safe out there, Y/n. I love you." He said, letting go. "Love you too, dad. You be safe, too." You replied before grabbing your stuff and walked out the door.




"WHATTTT?! IT'S YOUR LAST DAY HERE?!" Your friend, Tagamachi, the dumbest kid in the class, exclaimed. You chuckled halfheartedly at his words. "Yep. I really had fun hanging out with you guys." You smiled and lie to the group sitting around you.


"DO IT YOURSELF, YOU DUMB SACK OF SHIT!" Your other friend, Chiharu, slapped Tagamichi's head. The group, as well as you let out a cackle. "You'll be fine, Tagamichi." You added, giving the group another soft smile.

"Well, anyways, would we ever see you again?" Chiharu asked. You blinked at her question..

"Probably. I'll definitely text you guys, though." You were definitely gonna delete their contacts and block them on everything.

"You guys should probably head back to your desks, the teacher just walked in-"

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU ALL DOING AT Y/N'S DESK?! LEAVE THAT POOR GIRL ALONE, WILL YOU?!" Your teacher came from behind and smacked everybody's heads with a thin stack of papers in her hand.

"BUT MS. HAGUCHIII, IT'S Y/N'S LAST DAY HEREEE! WE GOTTA SAVOR EVERY MOMENT WE CAN!" Tagamichi protested. The teacher gave him an extra slap on the head before shooing everyone away from your desk.




"Goodbye, Y/nnn!!"


"See you around!"

The group waved you off as you smiled back at them and began walking off towards your house.

"Man those kids are annoying." Ryo commented. You chuckled and kept walking. "My mom even suggested that they're my friends. That's overstating it a little bit."

"Then why do you hang out with them?"

"Because then I'd be lonely."

"You're telling me those punks are your only friends?"


"Well, now we're friends. You're welcome."

You chuckled. "How can I be friends with a curse? Especially one that almost killed me?" You asked, turning a corner down the street that led you to your house.

"Well what else are you gonna do? Be lonely for the rest of your life?"

"I'm about to go to a different school, so who knows? Maybe I'll find friends there." You said before opening the door and walking in. Your mother peeked her head out from behind the kitchen wall and grinned at you. "Hello, Y/n. Did you have a good day?" She asked calmly. You nodded before taking off your shoes and heading upstairs.

"Hey, Ryo."


"Are there any other special grade curses out there?" You asked while sitting in your chair and reading a manga volume. Ryo groaned at your question.

"There are."


"...There's this one special grade curse, even stronger than I. His name is Ryomen Sukuna. The king of all curses. He's supposed to be an imaginary god with 4 arms and 2 faces, but he was actually a real person. All the Jujutsu sorcerers back then gathered up all their strength and even then, all of them died brutal deaths. Sorcerers couldn't even destroy his grave wax as he traversed the ages after death as a cursed object."

You stopped reading your manga and looked up at the wall. "Man, there's a lot of lore that I need to learn about." You commented before looking back down at the page.




"Oooi, Y/n!" Your mother called from downstairs. You got up from your chair, putting a bunch of manga in your bag and walked downstairs with it slung over your shoulder.

"It's time for you to go..already...you come over for Christmas break, alright?!" Your mother demanded before hugging you tightly. You chuckled and hugged her back. "I will. Goodbye, mother. I'll see you around. Love you."

And with that, you walked out the door with a blonde woman in a suit.

"Hello, you must be Y/n right?" The blonde woman asked. You nodded with a smile. "Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you." You said warmly as you both shook hands. "I'm Akari Nitta. Pleasure to meet you, too." She responded before opening the passenger door for you. You nodded before stepping in.

The ride there was silent for the most part. A few questions were asked from her and you gave the best answers possible, but other than that it was basically silent.

When you arrived, you looked out the window and saw this huge mountain that you assumed you had to walk up. Nitta-san saw your expression and chuckled, "Follow me. I found a shortcut a while ago." She said before stepping out. You grabbed your bag then stepped out with her.

"So what kinda school even is this?" You asked. "You dumbass, I thought I already told you. It's a school for Jujutsu sorcerers which was what I was talking about earlier." Ryo grumbled. You shook your head and ignored it.

I know that it's a school for Jujutsu sorcerers, asshole. I'm just asking to get more information.

"Really? I thought Gojo told you. Oh well. It's a school where people around your age with cursed energy, such as you and I, go to learn about curses and become Jujutsu sorcerers." Nitta-san explained. You nodded your head in response.

"And people just believe that such things like curses exist?" You asked. "You idiot. They do exist." You ignored Ryo once again and kept walking. Nitta-san took a minute to think of an answer.

"Uhm..well usually when we get new students, they've already seen curses in likely places and have somehow exorcized them. But, some are stubborn and choose not to believe it yet." She finally answered. You nodded your head again.

"And do these Jujutsu sorcerers have access to all scenes involving curses?" You asked once again. She nodded in response. "Yes, before being assigned a mission, Jujutsu sorcerers are granted access to all information about the scene and the victim, if there is one." She answered. You just huffed.

"Anyways, you'll learn more about curses and Jujutsu sorcerers once you actually start going here." She continued. The two of you reached the main building where she continued to lead you up some stairs to some huge room, where at the very end of it was a man sewing a bunch of..dolls?!

You lifted a brow in confusion.

"Ahh, Y/n. I'm surprised you're here a little early. Did Nitta-san show you the shortcut?" Gojo asked, appearing out of nowhere from behind one of the supporting wooden pillars. You looked at him and nodded with a smile.

"So...what is all this?" You questioned. "It's your entry to the school, duh! I thought Nitta-san would've told you all that. Anyways, that's principal Yaga. He's the one who determines if you actually go here or you trek all the way back home. So don't hesitate when he asks you why you're here." Gojo explained before patting your back over towards principal Yaga.

"Be careful Y/n. Those aren't ordinary dolls." Ryo warned. You chuckled to yourself. "What, you're worried about me, now?" You quietly teased before setting your bag down to the side.

"Why are you here?" Principal Yaga asked rather loudly. You huffed, getting ready to say whatever random words come up in your head. "Recently, on Saturday, I went with my father to a crime scene. The scene consisted of a deformed human body, that was the victim of a curse. I only found that out just yesterday, but I realized that curses cause a lot of problems. Which led me to the question, could the annual average number of disappearances and deaths a year be correlated with the curses? I'm here because I want to help make the world a better place for everyone on it." You explained warmly. Principal Yaga bruted for a minute.

".......Satoru, show this girl her way to the girl's dormitories. You've passed." He hesitantly said. You sighed with relief before grabbing your stuff and walking off with Gojo.

"Wow, kiddo. You must really have a way with words. Not many people can get in based on first impressions. I take it that people must really like you." He stated before chuckling. You chuckled with him. "I guess."

You and him took the turn to a hallway which consisted of a handful of doors that mostly led to empty rooms.

"Alright! This is your stop. Hope you and your neighbor get along well!!" He chirped before hopping off in the distance. You lifted a brow before turning to the right to find that same green haired girl from Saturday.


"Huh? You again?" The green haired girl grunted in frustration. Your other eyebrow furrowed towards the bridge of your nose. "Oh, it's you. From Saturday. Who would've thought that we're neighbors-"

She ignored your most friendly gesture and turned her back towards you then walked off. You jerked up both your eyebrows before shaking your head and walking into your room.

"Yeesh. She's a feisty one. Think you can handle her?" Ryo asked while you set your bag on your bed. You scoffed before chuckling. "What makes you think I'd want to handle her?" You shot back, joking.

"Just askin. Never know what you guys might turn into later on." Ryo teased with a small laugh. You snickered. "What do you mean by that?"

"Don't even worry about it."

"Jeez, is it that bad?" You let out a hearty chuckle. "No. Ya never know what feelings might blossomm," Ryo teased once again. You let out a playful gasp before chuckling.

"No. Way. I barely know that girl." You said while unpacking your stuff and separating your shirts from your bottoms in different drawers.

"...You are such a perfectionist. Having different drawers for different types of bottoms and shirts?" Ryo commented. You shook your head before closing them.

"Why does it matter to you? Not like you'll be wearing them."

"Are you saying that I'm walking around in your head, ass naked?"

"You could be. Not judging though. Not like anyone else can see it so do it all you want."

Ryo sighed in response.

A few moments later, you heard a knock on your door. "Huh? Who the hell could that be?" You wondered, walking towards your door. You opened it and saw that nobody was there, you realized that you got ding dong ditched on your first day here. With a sigh you stood next to your door frame and waited for another knock.

It came again eventually and you turned the doorknob right as you heard it.

"Yes, it's very nice to meet you too!" You said lightly as you stared at the panda and the white haired boy in front of you.

"Are you seriously talking to a Panda right now?" Ryo commented as you and the panda went on about your conversation.

Yes I am now shut up.


"Oh, you're the new student aren't you?" The panda asked. You nodded your head quickly.

"You're not gonna ask how that Panda can talk?!"

"Ah, you're an unlucky one. Maki's your dorm neighbor, good luck with that." The Panda commented, pointing to her room on your left side as soon as you peeked your head out.

"Maki?" You repeated. The Panda and the white haired boy nodded in sync. "What's the problem with her?" You questioned. "Maki's...uh...stoic. It's not that hard to get on her bad side, so if you're not very good with people, try not to talk to her so much even though it might be inevitable that the two of you do interact one day, try not to say the wrong thing. It may very well set her off." The Panda warned. You chuckled in response. "Her and I already met Saturday. Yeah you're right, it's not hard to get on her bad side." You repeated with a small smile. The Panda cringed a little. "...Well, it's also your first day here. So if you're gonna be training today, you'll probably find her out in the field or the training room. Either one if a 50/50 chance so there's almost a-"

"Almost a 100% chance I'll run into her. Yep, got it. Thanks." You cut him off. The Panda and the white haired boy just stared.

"...Anyways, I'm Panda. This one here is Inumaki Toge. He's a cursed speech user, meaning any regular word he says has a curse placed on it, therefore he's limited his vocabulary to rice ball ingredients, so good luck talking to him." He said nicely. You smiled at him. "I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet the both of you. Are there..any other students here, by any chance? I know since Maki's a bit problematic, we might not get along that well, so I figured I'd be better off with some other students here." You asked. Panda shrugged.

"There are other students here, but they're second and third years. You, Toge, Maki and I are the only first years here. We just started about a few weeks ago." Panda explained. You nodded with a huff.

"Anyways, our 6th period is about to start here in about 15 minutes. Do you have a uniform already?" Panda asked. You shook your head 'no.'

"Hm. That's fine. Toge almost never wears his uniform to any of his classes, so you won't be the only one." Panda said before walking off. You nodded then shut your door.




"Who would've thought that a school for Jujutsu sorcerers would still teach regular classes like every other normal school."Ryo commented as you walked into what looked like a history classroom. You chuckled at it's comment.

I guess since this school is so far up in the mountains, it's probably considered a private school. But even though it's a school where grades really shouldn't matter as much as they do in regular schools, they still have to have classes in order for it to count as a school. You mentally replied to it before you glanced over and noticed Maki sitting in the back of the class; her being one of only 4- now 5- people in the room. She scoffed then rolled her eyes at the sight of you.

An average height man with neat black hair walked up to you and nicely told you to sit at the desk next to Maki, which made you and Ryo both groan.

"So much for 'try not to talk to her.' You guys literally sit next to each other!" Ryo stated as you slowly took your seat next to her, carefully watching her eye twitch in annoyance.

"What are you looking at?" She asked starkly, not looking at you. You huffed before facing forward.






Later on, after that history lesson, you and the other first years walked out to the training field.

"I can't believe that people back then believed that a man really flew into the sun. That's complete bullshit!" Maki exclaimed as she sped past you and Toge. You chuckled at her frustration.

"Well, technically, since the materials Icarus used to fly weren't the most stable, and since he chose to fly further upwards, the wings melted due to the heat of the sun, but he didn't fly directly into the sun. He flew too close to it." You corrected, smiling at her. She scoffed then turned away.

"Woww. What a history nerd." Panda teased, chuckling with Inumaki. You shook your head and rolled your eyes.

"Anyways...what's your cursed technique?" Panda asked. You looked at him. "Uh..my what?"

"Your cursed technique!"

"...Yeah, I have less than no idea what that is." You said blankly, looking around at the other 3 surrounding you. You nervously chuckled to keep the atmosphere happy.

"So you're telling me, that you got in Jujutsu high with no cursed technique?" Maki grumbled from her spot. You looked at her and shrugged.

"Wait. I think I remember Gojo saying something about a cursed human coming here. Could that be you, Y/n?" Panda asked. You shrugged once again. "Man, and I thought you were a genius. Turns out I was dead wrong." Maki huffed before sitting down on the bleachers.

"Also, why the hell are you here if you're a cursed human? This is a place where people can learn about curses. Not for the people who are cursed." She continued with a grunt. "I don't even know, I just got this curse yesterday and then last night Gojo showed up at my house then proceeded to tell me about curses and this and that."

"So then you should know what a cursed technique is!"

"He didn't say anything about that."

"Then how else do you expect to exorcise curses? With your bare hands?" Maki questioned. You rolled your eyes.

"Man she's a bitch." Ryo commented.

"WHO SAID I'M A BITCH?!" Maki grabbed your collar, pulling you closer to her face.

"I- sorry, that was my curse, Ryo."


"She didn't ask to come here." Ryo added. Maki rolled her eyes. "....Anyways, can you fight?" Panda asked. You and Maki looked at him.

"...Would it be bad if I said no?" You said sheepishly. Maki grunted then punched your shoulder, causing you to fall backwards.

"Well then you'll need Maki to train you! No one here does better in hand to hand combat than Maki does!" Panda exclaimed in almost a teasing tone. You and Ryo both groaned before you looked at Maki, who was giving you the stink eye.


Rolling her eyes, she stuck out her hand for you to grab.

"C'mon, get up. If you're gonna be a Jujutsu sorcerer and not have a cursed technique, at least learn how to fight."

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