Bakudeku love

By its_bakudeku

155K 1.4K 4.5K

Au third year Bakugo and Izuku Bakugo has apologized for bullying Midoriya, and they have become friends, but... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Bakugo's Bday/Part 9/pt.1 of pt. 9
Part 2 Of Part 9
Another A/N
Part 14 i guess
Part 15
Part 16 (Last Part)

Part 13

6.1K 45 327
By its_bakudeku

This is the start of summer! They have 4 years of school so their seniors now!

I haven't touched this since May..It's june..Anyway! Imma be in a car for 4 hours so yea!

Enjoy pls 🙏🏻🥲

Midoriya POV:

It's summer, me and Kacchan we're gonna go to the beach but some of our classmates reached out saying they wanted to hang out! Of course I said yes, but Kacchan was reluctant to go, eventually I convinced him that he's get to hang out with Kirishima-kun, and he was more willing to go.

"Where are we going Deku." He said as I got off the phone with Mina-san
"We're going to an Amusement Park! And not only that but its (Instert Random Anime park idk trying to think of one I've watched)
" ig."
"Kacchannnnn you said you wouldn't be grumpy!"
"When the fuck did I say that shitty nerd!"
"A couple weeks ago!"
"I don't recall."
"You never do." I say pouting. Kacchan walks over to me and wraps his arms around my torso. He lays his head on my shoulder as he says
"I'm sorry Izuku..I just wanted to spend the summer with you..."
"I forgive you Kacchan but please try to not be grouchy? " I say giving a little laugh.
"I'll try..for you." He says
"That's alright with me!"
"Get dressed you shitty nerd" He says.

✨Slight time skip✨

I start getting dressed because Kacchan says so.
I pull on some black jean shorts, a light blue crop top, my black converse, and of course I put on some eyeliner.

a little shorter on the shorts bc it's Izuku!

With the eyeliner it wouldn't be this'd be like actual eyeliner but this style

I walk out and see Kacchan standing by the door ready to go. He's wearing a white tank top, blue shorts, and adidas sandals with explosions on them. (only if those actually existed)

I feel my jaw drop to the floor. Sure I see my boyfriend everyday, but he usually wears a black tank top. I just about faint but Kacchan catches me.
"Whoa there don't want you passing out."
I can't's like the first time i realized I had a crush on him, I couldn't talk to him.
"H-Hottie..." I say leaning my head back. Kacchan bursts out laughing.
"Ah Izuku you haven't seen hot yet. I've been working out and well...let's say I may have gotten hotter." I snap back to reality as I get myself up.
"Let's get going before that happens again" I say.

✨Time skip✨

By the time we Arrive at the Amusement Park, Kirishima, Mina, Denki, Shinso, Uraraka, and Todoroki are there already.
"Sorry we're late!" I say running over to join them."
"It's alright Deku!" Uraraka shouts.

Katsuki POV:

"Yo Bakubro! Have you been working out more?" Kirishima ask.
"Maybe..I mean it's summer I want to be in shape for next year."
"Nice! I think there's a strength test here! No Quirks though!"
"Yea because people would cheat."
"Anyway, what's going on with you and Midobro?"
"What does that mean?"
"I mean what's going on with you guys, haven't seen you since school!"
"Nothings going on except us dating"
"Oh so it's official?"
"Yea.." I say blushing
"Good for you man, now we should probably get going."

✨Time skip!✨

No One's POV:

They all go with there respective groups after Bakugo can convince a frowning very unhappy Midoriya, by saying they'll meet up for lunch. Midoriya and Uraraka want to ride all the rides. Shinso and Todoroki stay back as they do. They stay with the games. Of course the end up winning a lot since Shinso can manipulate them, and Todoroki can play multiple times with his fathers credit card (😏 sneaky shoto) When lunch time reaches, Midoriya can't contain his excitement. Shinso is having a little trouble since he won a lot of stuffed animals for his beloved Kaminari. Uraraka, and Todoroki, just want food. Midoriya looks around and see Kirishima panicking.

"Kirishima? Where's Kacchan!" Midoriya asks running over to him panicking.

"He was here just a couple minutes ago! Then he said Izu....and looked panicked, and walked off!"

"And you didn't think to stop him!!" Midoriya yells. Clearly distressed. He whips out his phone to call his lover.

📞Phone call 📞

Bakugo: Hello?

Midoriya: KACCHAN! Where are you?!

Bakugo: I-Izu? Where are you?!

Midoriya: I'm with Kirishima by the picnic tables..where we all agreed we'd meet..

Bakugo: But someone told me a green haired male was going looking for me....

Midoriya: I was because I was excited to see you...please come back...

Bakugo: I am....I see you guys right now.

Midoriya: Thank god, I think I see you.

📞End of call 📞

"Kacchan!" Midoriya shouts, running over to him.

"I'm so sorry Izu....I shouldn't have left, I regret it." Bakugo says placing his forehead on Midoriyas.

"It's okay Kacchan I forgive you." He says smiling as he kisses his lover.

"Okay Enough PDA, we already have enough of Kami and Shin.....please not you guys too." Kirishima says groaning.

"Why don't you go have PDA with your girlfriend?" Uraraka says.

"Hmmm maybe I will!" Kirishima says going to find Mina.

Uraraka and Todoroki go buy food as the couples embrace.

✨Time skip timeeeeeee✨

(I apologize for this terrible story.....and uh thanks if you made it this far with suffering..)

After they left the Amusement park, Midoriya and Bakugo decide to head to the Midoriya home since, their both tired and don't want to get yelled at by Mitsuki, and Inko isn't home.

Midoriya POV:

"Kacchannnnn I'm tired...." I whine as we step into my house.

"Don't say that, because I got something special planned for you~" Kacchan says smirking. I gulp.

"Shit...he better not wanna do it Im tired enough as it is...unless he's extra horny...shit im screwed" I think to myself.

"Izu-? Are you okay?" He asks.

"Oh- y-yea just thinking..." I say as I snap back to my senses.

"We don't have to if your uncomfortable with it...we could watch a movie instead...." He says giving me a hug.

"I-I don't know...I'm really tired b-but you seem to be quite excited...." I say.

"Hehe...i-i mean...." He starts.

🤫SMUT WARNING SKIPP IF UNCOMFY! (Ik i said i wouldn't write anymore buttttttt i feel like some of y'all would like that shit soooo) 🤫

I decide not to tell Kacchan what I'm planning while I get a devious smirk on my face. I lead him up to the bedroom, and set him on the bed. I straddle him as I roll my hips forward at a slow pace.

He groans and I go a little faster.

"I-Izu...please?" He says.

"Please what Master?" I say in a teasing tone.

"GAH~! Fuck Izuku!" He yells as I go a little faster.

"Do you want to fuck me master~? Make me cum so much that I become a slut for your dick~?" i say teasingly as I get off.

"P-please Izu...."

"Your never this submissive...I like this~" I say as I slowly start removing my clothes making sure to let my fingers linger on my body longer.

"Izu...can I remove my clothes?" Kacchan asks.

"I never said you couldn't..." I say as he quickly removes everything including his boxers. His member flies out as I forget how big it is....

"Shit" I say under my breath.

"D-do whatever you want Izu...."

"Kacchan? What's going on with you...first your horny out of no where, now your being submissive....? This isn't like you!"


"What?...." I ask.

"I-I was going to tell you today, but I wanted to be bottom or we'll have you be a power bottom and take control....s-so to prepare...I p-AAH~" He moans unable to finish. I look down to his hole and there is a vibrator shoved in there good.

"Kacchan....where's the remote...?"

"R-right here..."

"Do you want me to take the vibrator out Master~?" I ask crawling over to his body, with cuffs.

"D-do whatever you want...." He says again.

"Okay..." I say as I cuff his hand to the bed, and pull the vibrator out. "10 inches Kacchan?! I-I think you overestimated..."

"I-I didn't...I wanted it to torture me all day.."

"You masochist." I say as I grab a condom an lube. "Since you can put the on yourself I'll do it...later." I say pointing at the condom. I grab the lube as I squirt some on my fingers and stick them in my hole making sure to face my ass towards him.

"AhhhH~" I moan as I insert my fingers going at an already fast pace. "F-fuck..." I say as I add a third finger.

"FUCK! KATSUKI!" I scream feeling pleasure release from my body.

"Don't cum yet..." He says putting his thighs together while rubbing them to get some friction.

"I-I won't hah...don't worry.." I say as I place the condom on him and put some lube on it, spreading it down all over the base, and tip.


"Just what master?"

"Get on my damn dick already and use it to fuck the fucking daylight out of you so hard, that you can't walk and your filled with my cum." He says.

I blush.

"There's my master~" I say as I slowly aligning my hole with his hard member. I slowly sink down having to bounce here in there.

Kacchan tried to use his hands forgetting they're tied to the headboard.

"Nuh uh uh Master~ I know you want to grab my ass and slam me down but not today." I say as I bounce down to the base of Kacchan's member. "Ngh~ hah hah~ Oh shit Kacchan...I forgot how good you feel!" I moan as he hits my prostate head on.

😭Time skip bc i left this alone and have no clue what to go from there-😭

No One POV:

After an hour of Midoriya bouncing on Bakugo's member, and having came 6 times he finally pulls himself off and removes the handcuffs.

"You were amazing bunny~" Bakugo says in Izuku's ear. Izuku blushes.

" were also quite amazing master..." Izuku says.

"I'm glad~ now let's go to bed it's quite late.." Bakugo says.

Izuku nods his head as they both settle under the covers removing the cum stained sheet.

👏Time skip bc gay👏

When the two wake up in the morning they hop in for a nice warm shower. After the shower Midoriya picked out some white shorts, with a pink top. (Accessories make up in ur imagination.)


Bakugo's jaw dropped. Sure he saw his boyfriends perfect little body, but he hardly saw his abs- sure their not as impressive as his, but still. Also with his biceps and triceps (and whatever arm muscles) sort of showing through the sleeves of the shirt.

Bakugo then got dressed himself (no shoes bc they ain't going anywhere)
he slipped on a green tank top, orange sweatpants (bakugo is that guy 😑🙏🏻)


He then walked out to go make breakfast for the two of them. When he arrived in the kitchen he saw some people a littler too early.

"What the hell Dunce Face! SHITTY HAIR? BIG TITS? EVEN FUCKING HALF N HALF! What are you damn extras doing here!"

"Well Midobro's birthdays in 14 days- so we wanted to plan something." (Yes it's July 1st and this started on june 12th- I procrastinate a lot)

"Guys he doesn't want anything for his birthday, at least not a party-" Bakugo says running the back of his neck.

"C'mon! Mina can't be here today but she's super excited!!" Denki says bouncing on the couch.

"I-" Bakugo was about to say smth else when he heard someone behind him.

"Oh- Hi everybody! Why are you guys here?!"

"Oh we were gonna do smth for Denki's birthday since it was 2 days ago!"


Twice,        Shigaraki, All Might, Denki,
May 10th, April 4th, June 10th, June 29th

also Mirio shares a bday with Midoriya but class 3-A is gonna do that for him.

"Oh Yea! Happy Late birthday Kaminari-kun!" Midoriya says happily.

"Thanks man!"

"Let's all go get breakfast i'm getting hungry!" Midoriya says. Everyone else nods.

"Extras are paying for themselves."

"Kacchan- their guests."

"Extras pay for themselves"

"Sorry guys-"

"It's alright! We figured Bakubro wouldn't pay for us!"

"Well I can't join you guys I have to meet with my parents" Momo says.

"Same here" Todoroki says.

"See you guys later!" Midoriya says as they wave back.

"Let's go." Bakugo says clearly angry.

🤭Time skip bc i'm boring🤭

When they arrive at the diner, they see a friendly face behind the counter.

"Ojiro!?" Midoriya says hurriedly running up to the counter with Denki.

"Oh hey guys! Long time no see!"

"Yea! Anyway how's your summer been!"

"Can't complain! I'll be able to buy a new car by next year I hope!"

"That's exciting!"

"It really is, anyway what can I get for you guys?"

"I want a breakfast panini, with a mocha latte!" Midoriya says.

"I'll take a Steak Egg & Cheese burrito, with a coke to drink!" Denki says.

"Okay and for you gentlemen?" Ojiro says to Kirishima and Bakugo.

"Spicy Curry, with a sprite."

"I'll take the breakfast ramen please!"

"And want to drink?"

"Chocolate Milk!"

"What the fuck Shitty hair- that's a bad combo."

"Well whatever!"

"Alright now is that all separate?"

"I got me and Deku, Shitty hair & dunce face idk-"

"I got me and Kami bro!" Kirishima says smiling.

"Alright so split bill, that's $23 for Bakugo, and $18.49 for Kirishima."

After the boys pay they sit down as they wait for their food. Once the food arrive they start eating. Once finished they head off to their homes.

Once Bakugo and Midoriya reach home they sit down on the couch to watch some movies . (use ur imagination).

They continued to watch movies for the rest of the night until they ate dinner and went to bed.

(Bad ending ik but wtv)

Word Count 2393

OMG I FINALLY FINISHED- if u guys actually like this lemme know pls cause i've been procrastinating this-

i hope u enjoyed 😭

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