The Emperor of Arcadia

By Darkdecade97

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Jaune, is a "normal" student in Beacon, known as the Leader of Team JNPR to his friends and in Beacon, he is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 13

3.9K 86 128
By Darkdecade97

Qrow is leading Team RWBY into their Dorm Room. After their crushing defeat against Bronya, Team RWBY were salty about the loss. Well Yang is, Weiss is scolding herself for losing against one opponent, Blake didn't care, while Ruby is wondering what Qrow is planning.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow, so what are we going to talk about?

Qrow: You'll see, Ruby. Just. Once those doors open, I know you will have a lot of questions and they will be answered. You just need to be patient.

Ruby nods, as she has an uneasy feeling. Luckily, it was interrupted when Bleiss goes up to Ruby and places her arm around her shoulder. Team RWBY decided to ignore her at the time, due to her being very vocal towards Weiss.

Bleiss kept roasting Weiss and it pissed her off, what made it worse was Bleiss doing a light shove, mind you, a light shove and it still made Weiss fall flat on her ass.

Bleiss: Don't worry, bestie. It will all be fine, although, there will be a lot of shouting once we get to your Dorm Room.

Ruby: Shouting?

Weiss: And why are you calling Ruby, bestie?

Bleiss: Because the truth is, I will be her Super Bestie better than the Restie!! And it ain't going to be you!! What, you jealous or something?

Weiss: No I am not and why would I be jealous that I am not Ruby's bestie?

Bleiss: Yeah, sure you are.

The group finally arrives at the door of Team RWBY's Dorm. Qrow just breathes before looking at the girls.

Qrow: 'Well, here goes nothing'

Qrow opens the door and gestures Team RWBY to go inside, Bleiss stays back to let it sink in on what they are about to see. When Ruby looks to the middle, her eyes widen. Right in front of her is her Mother, Summer Rose, the Mother that she knows died long ago, is right there in the flesh.

Summer: Hello Ruby.

Ruby couldn't believe what she is seeing and has tears in her eyes. Summer walks forward and hugs Ruby.

Summer: It's me, Ruby. This isn't a dream, I'm really here.


Qrow: That is what we are here to discuss kiddo, so find a seat because this will be a long one.

While the loving family reunion is happening, Jaune went up to Ozpin's Office to discuss matters regarding Remnant, and one of them is the Land of Menagerie as they learned of some grave news in the Faunus' home.

Ozpin: Your highness, what is it you wish to speak about? Is it regarding the increase of riots by the Huntsmen and Huntresses?

Jaune: No, that problem is already being sorted out. Oh, I take it we have the evidence ready regarding Lionheart's betrayal?

Ozpin: We have, James is handling that situation. We will get a replacement as soon as possible.

Jaune: Good. But this matter involves the Faunus, basically their home of Menagerie.

As the elevator doors open, a group of people step out. They are Adam, Eve, Hoshiguma, and Ch'en.

Jaune: Adam, please show us the intel your spies in the White Fang provided us.

Adam nods and brought out a datapad and began displaying a hologram of the entire map of Menagerie, you can see hundreds of red dots all around. With info logs placed all over the screen.

Jaune: It seems the Black Arms got a lot of manpower and land in Menagerie. This is bad. Adam, Eve, what is the full report of this occupation.

Adam: My spies reported that the Black Arms along with the White Fang have taken full control of all of Menagerie. Said, they are fortifying the entire land.

Eve: We got reports saying the Albain Brothers were able to persuade and manipulate all the Faunus to their cause. If you're wondering why Sienna is allowing this is because she was also manipulated as well, and they did so by showing this.

Eve presses a button on her datapad showing footage of Soldiers massacring Faunus Villages and torturing them, cutting off their Faunus Traits and then murdering them in cold blood.

Ozpin: Those aren't Arcadians.

Hoshiguma: Yup, this is obviously Black Arms Soldiers. But due to Menagerie having no CCTS or any communication network, they have no means of knowing any information that goes around Remnant.

Ch'en: Which means they have no knowledge of what the Arcadians really are and they are using the Black Arms to paint us in a bad name. Making them believe we are not here to help, but to destroy them.

Ozpin: And Sienna agreed to all this?

Adam: Sadly yes, she is gathering her forces and plans to a send a message to the Arcadians. In short, the Faunus have declared war on Arcadia.

Hoshiguma: And we know it is a fight they can not win.

Ozpin: Indeed, and it will lead to worse outcomes for the Faunus if word spreads out about this.

Jaune: That is why we need to contain this situation and fast. Eve, are the Arcadian Faunus ready for battle?

Eve: Indeed they are your Majesty, the fleet is just a few miles from Menagerie. We'll rendezvous with them once we're done here.

Jaune: Good, Hoshiguma, Ch'en, prepare the battalion. We leave at once.

Before the group leaves, Ozpin said one last matter that will no doubt be a problem when they leave.

Ozpin: Before I leave, I believe it's best if I address one other problem.

Jaune: And what is it?

Ozpin: It involves Ms. Belladonna.

Jaune: Oh, hell no. Denied Ozpin, she isn't going with us. Even if that is her home, her attitude and claims towards the White Fang will drag us behind and get us killed.

Ozpin: I was actually referring to her parents. As you all know, Ghira Belladonna used to be the leader of the White Fang, the time when it was a peaceful organization. No doubt, the Black Arms would use this to their advantage and plan something nefarious with this.

Adam: I had my spies bring Ghira and Kali to a safe location provided by the Arcadians. They're safe there, but it won't be long before the Black Arms find them.

Ozpin: Good. But I believe you still need to deal with her anyway as you are going to bring Bleiss in this mission, yes?

Adam: Yup. Wait, don't tell me she's with them?

Ozpin: Unfortunately, yes. 

Back with Team RWBY. Both Summer and Qrow explained everything from the beginning.

They told her why Summer had to go, it was because of their war against Salem. Since Jaune revealed Salem to all of Remnant, basically the 4 Kingdoms. Summer and Qrow can tell Ruby everything, Summer believe it was best for Ruby to stay out of the Shadow, during her travels, she met Juniper as she was introduced to her by Willow. Juniper explained the situation regarding Salem and Summer agreed that Ruby be kept under the watchful eye of Ozpin and Qrow.

If Summer stayed, she would be hunted down due to her Silver Eyes and chose the proposal given to her by Juniper. To hide out in Arcadia until it's time for Arcadia to reveal themselves to all of Remnant, but Summer stated Juniper send Agents to help keep track of Ruby during her absence. So far, Salem has not made her move with Ruby and was kept safe.

She was also disappointed that Tai, Qrow, and Yang coddled Ruby too much, spoiled her, refused to allow her to grow up and make her stay as the sweet little sunshine they all know and love. In short, make her stay a child. She needs to grow up or else she will be left behind. But their overprotectiveness is refusing her to do so. She hated it, she wished she could have done something but her choices forced her not to.

Another detail that they revealed is that Tai was never Ruby's Father. But Qrow is, they all made up a lie that Tai is Ruby's Father and that Yang is her sister. Summer refused this but Qrow and Tai were persistent, Qrow trusted Tai to do a better job at parenting them than him because of his Semblance. Summer was furious of this decision but decided it was the best.

They also revealed that Bleiss is considered Ruby's actual half-sister. This shocked everyone, mainly Weiss, that her and Ruby are related. As well as the fact that her Uncle, or Father now, is somewhat her Step-Dad?

Quite frankly, something in Weiss' mind is telling her that she rather have Qrow as her Father than Jacques.

The two finished their story and Summer hopes with her in the picture now. She can change things and prevent Ruby from making the wrong choices and decisions.

Summer: So that's our story.

A loud bang erupted all around the room, they all look to see Yang punching a hole in the wall.

Ozpin: Ms. Xiao Long please don't break the walls. Even though Huntsmen and Huntresses will soon phase out, please respect the Building.

All of them jumped when they heard Ozpin's voice in the loudspeaker.

Yang: What the hell?! Since we can he see and hear us?!

Ozpin: I'm always watching, Wazowski. Always watching. Always.

They all got unnerved by what Ozpin said, but Qrow had to say this.

Qrow: Who the hell is Wazowski?

Summer: Ignore the troll, Qrow. So anyways, Ruby. Now that you all know the truth, I just want to apologize for leaving you, both you and Yang. I wish I could have stayed longer, but my fear of dragging you into this mess will get you killed in the end. Luckily, his majesty is dealing with that problem sooner or later.

Yang: I mean, what's the big deal? It's just some leader of the Grimm. How bad can she be?

Qrow: Trust me, Yang. She's bad news, but with Arcadia on our side, Salem won't even be considered a threat anymore.

Blake: Then why not kill her? Why are we prolonging this fight?

Qrow: Salem usually doesn't do all the hard work and let's her pawns do it. But what she doesn't know is her pawns are working for the Arcadians, so if she tries anything, they'll be the first to find out.

Ruby: Now then!!

As Ruby uses her Semblance to speed towards her Mother.

Ruby: Mom! Tell me all your stories and adventures in Arcadia!? Are they just like the stories you used to tell me?! The great Super Mom saving the day!! You must have been a hero to everyone there!!

Summer: Hero, huh....

Memories began flooding Summer's mind, two in particular. One was her time of service in the Arcadian Military, a memory of her in a battlefield. But the land is covered in corpses, those of her friends and allies. She looks down to see one of her squadmates looking at her with an angry look.

Arcadian Soldier: You did this to us. You wanted to be a hero and save the day. But look what happened, everyone you lead are all dead.

As the Soldier falls to the ground dead.

Summer: It's-it's not my fault.

She kneels to the ground and began crying her eyes out, her hands covering her face. Suddenly, she hears the cries and screams of children as she now looks to a burning city.

Dozens of thieves and looters destroying the place. Summer stands up, her outfit is the gear she wears when she is in the Adventurer's Guild. The sound of a sword cutting through flesh can be heard as blood splashes all over Summer's face.

She jumps a bit and looks to the ground to see a group of looters dead, then she lifts her arm up, revealing that she is holding a bloodied weapon. She was the one that killed them.

Her hands began shaking as she was brought back to reality. She quickly stood up and began saying talking to herself.

Summer: No, no, it wasn't my fault. I had to save them! I had too! They we're my men! My responsibility! It's not my fault!!

Qrow quickly realizes the situation and stood up to go to Summer.

Qrow: Summer, shit another one of her episodes.

Qrow began calming Summer down as Team RWBY watches with worry, especially Ruby. As Qrow was able to calm down Summer.

Ruby: Mom....are you okay?

Summer: Yeah-yeah I'm okay. Just.......just a bad memory.

As Summer sat down and began breathing slowly to calm herself down.

Summer: Ruby, I'm going to be blunt with you and say that my time in Arcadia ain't sunshine and rainbows. Yes, there were amazing moments and memories I made with my friends and teammates, but there are also the bad. Quite frankly......with all this change coming to the 4 Kingdoms....I don't think you are ready for this.

Ruby: Mom!! Why?! You saw what I can do!? I was accepted to Beacon, I passed initiation and I'm a leader of a Team!!

Summer: I know that, Ruby, and I'm proud of you for achieving this much. But out there in the real world. No one is going to hold your hand. It won't be easy, Ruby.

Ruby: But that's why we are here, Mom. To learn and know how it's like to survive out there.

Summer: Arcadia is much worse than facing the Grimm in the 4 Kingdoms. Trust me, I have seen things that you wished you would never see in your life......and it left me with some scars.

Weiss: I believe the same can be said for you.

As Weiss looks to Bleiss who was in the corner of the room with her arms crossed.

Bleiss: Yup, what's out there ain't so pretty, Ice Witch, if you're not ready for it. It will eat you up, I've seen many recruits with fresh faces and motivated looks when they first joined, and after they got a taste of combat, things changed, they always do.

Ruby: But that's our job, to inspire hope!! To show them that their is a light at the end of the tunnel and that good will always prevail over evil!!

Summer: Indeed it is, Ruby. But I need to say this to you, there is a difference between what you are thinking of and what others perceive as hope. I've seen so many people in Arcadia that faced hardships and trials that will bring them down to their breaking point, but in that light was hope. They push through all their hardships and became beacons of hope to the people around them. The reason why they continue is because they don't want others to face a similar fate as what they have faced. For you just based it off those Fairy Tales I read you, not all the good guys win, Ruby, and you need to see that.

Qrow: Life's not a Fairy Tale, kid and it's gotten to the point where you are over-romanticizing it.

Summer: You can't save everyone, Ruby. I tried and paid the price.

Suddenly, they were all interrupted when they heard a knock on the door. Bleiss went up to answer it and it's revealed to be Adam and Eve waiting by the door.

Bleiss: Hello, handsome.

Adam: Bleiss not now, we're in public and it's very rare to see a Schnee fall in love with a Faunus.

Bleiss: Well it's normal in Arcadia and I don't care what anybody in this School thinks.

Weiss/Blake: Wait, you're in a relationship with him?!

Adam: What is that suppose to be mean? Are you saying I am incapable of loving someone?!

Bleiss: Yes, that's why we were always meant to be together. Also, is there a problem with me being with him?

Blake: Do you know what kind of person he's like?!

Weiss: And he's the leader of the White Fang?!

Eve: Hey idiots, do you have earwax or something?! My girls literally told you in Oz's Office that my Brother is a spy!! He ain't that man you knew in the White Fang, Belladonna!! That was all an act!!

Adam: And I'm not an edge lord, Blake.

Bleiss: But it's true.

Adam: Shut up.

Summer: Moving on, do you need something from us?

Eve: We came here to pick up Bleiss, we're leaving for Menagerie.

Qrow: And what's the situation?

Adam: Bad, very bad and that's all I'm going to say.

Blake: Wait, let me come with you!!

Eve: Absolutely not.

Blake: What?! Why?! This is my home and my parents live there!! I should come as well!!

Adam: We know your parents live there, Blake, and if you want to know, they are alive. The Arcadians are keeping them safe and that's all you need to know.

Eve: And don't even think of trying to stowaway in our ship. We ain't Atlas, we can easily tell if unwanted guests are in our ship.

Blake: But-

Qrow: I'm sorry, kid. But orders are orders and Ozpin ain't letting you out of here after the last stunt you guys did. This is a Military operation and we ain't letting a bunch of kids interfere.

He looks to the group as they are about to leave.

Qrow: You need us for anything?

Adam: Jaune said all forces in Vale stay on guard as Huntsmen riots are increasing, we fear it may turn into terror attacks sooner or later.

Qrow: Yikes, looks like they ain't liking what the Emperor has planned.

Adam: You have no idea.

As Adam closes the door, Summer stands up and looks to Ruby and her Team.

Summer: I still need to take care of some business regarding the Adventurer's Guild as we need a full on guideline and rules that we need to engraved in these idiotic Huntsmen and Qrow you're helping me with this.

Qrow: You got it.

Summer: Like what the Taurus siblings said, stay out of this. You are not authorized to join them, you are not Huntsmen but Huntsmen-in-training. Do not, disobey my order. Understand?

Team RWBY nods as Summer and Qrow leave the room. The minute that happens, Blake went to check the door to see if they were really gone. Once she saw it was clear, she went to her things and began packing.

Weiss: Are you serious?! They just gave you an order to not go and yet you are doing this!! What is wrong with you?!

Blake: I don't care what they say! My home is in trouble and it's my responsibility to go there!! My family is there, Weiss, and I don't trust the Arcadians in dealing with this mess.

Ruby: But Headmaster Ozpin specifically said not to do anything stupid and yet you are doing something like this!!

Blake: If it involves my family, all bets are off. 

Weiss: Blake. Oh my Oum, don't tell me I'm the only one making sense here and I can't believe I'm saying this. Jaune and his team can handle it, if they were able to deal with the threat of the Black Arms then they can deal with this.

Blake: I just don't want them slaughtering the White Fang. They don't deserve it, they don't deserve to be killed.

Ruby: I'm sure Jaune won't kill them.

Blake: He ordered his men to kill the White Fang in that rally, I saw the dead bodies.

Weiss: That is because they are deemed hostile targets. I spoke to my sister and she said they have every right to take them down. They were a threat and needed to be neutralized, also, you saw they brought in prisoners. They won't kill them, Blake.

Blake: But it won't stop me from doing what's right.

She marched out of her room as the rest of Team RWBY tried stopping her.

Ruby: Wait, Blake!!

Weiss: Don't do anything stupid!!

Yang: I just don't want my Mom-Aunt catch us!

Unknown to them Ozpin, already knew what to do.

Ozpin: (Sighs) They forgot just minutes ago that I am always watching. Sorry, Ms. Belladonna. But we can't have you interfere with Arcadian affairs.

As Ozpin presses a button in his desk that will ensure Blake will stay.

Meanwhile, in the skys leading up to Menagerie, the Arcadian Fleet is preparing for the attack, Jaune along with Adam, Eve, Hoshiguma, and Ch'en, are overlooking the layout of the land.

Hoshiguma: From what we're seeing here, it looks like the Black Arms were able to make a base in the beaches of Menagerie, best bet is the place is heavy fortified.

Jaune: Our main focus right now is to take over this base and find any intel we can get on the land. The Black Arms will have the full support of the Faunus of Menagerie, so we need to be careful about this.

Eve: Indeed, we are here to save them, not kill them. But I don't want to risk my men when we use Stun rounds at the Faunus, cause the Black Arms and White Fang will use lethal.

Hoshiguma: Then the minute they attack, we retaliate. After all, they are considered hostile, our best option is to force them to surrender.

Jaune: That's the best option we have so far, I want to show the Faunus of Menagerie that we are here to help, but the Black Arms are making this hard for us.

Adam: Indeed, once we take the base. Our main objective is to retrieve the Belladonna family and bring them back to the Cruiser, they'll be safer there then in the Safehouse.

Jaune: Hoshiguma, Ch'en, I trust you and your team will handle that?

Ch'en: Yup, we'll get it done, boss.

In the Hangar Bay, the Arcadian Faunus are all heading to the Ships as they are about to depart for Menagerie, Eve and Adam are wearing their armor.

They head to the Aircraft, where their teams are waiting for them.

Adam: Is everyone all set?

Ch'en: Yup, we're armed and ready to go.

Adam: Good. Let's move out.

They head inside as all of the Aircraft in the Hangar Bay start to take off, with Fighter Jets moving ahead of the transport ships. In the Bridge, Jaune watches as the Arcadian Military forces all head to Menagerie.

In the beaches of Menagerie, inside the base that the  Black Arms created for the White Fang or in reality, for themselves. The Soldier manning the console look at the screen to see multiple signatures heading to the base.

Black Arms Soldier: Boss, we detected enemy signatures heading to the base, and fast.

The Black Arms Officer sees in the screen, multiple enemy signatures heading to the base.

Black Arms Soldier: Looks like they're here. Scramble the White Fang and prepare them for the defense. This is a good opportunity for us to use our pawns.

Black Arms Soldier: Yes sir.

Outside the base, the Black Arms placed Artillery Cannons all around the beach, with Black Arms Soldiers and White Fang guarding them. 

In the skies, the Black Arms Fighter Jets all patrol the skies as their defences are being set up, the entire beach has been turned into a fortress.

In the beach, the Black Arms Officer in charge of overseeing the entire base, gets a call from the Command Center and informs them the Arcadians have arrive.

Black Arms Officer: All units, get to your stations! The Arcadians are here!! You, get over here!!

The Black Arms Officer calls out to one of the White Fang Officers that were assisting the Black Arms in the base.

Black Arms Officer: Gather your people and prepare our defences. I believe it's time for the Arcadians to see what the White Fang is truly made off!!

White Fang Officer: Yes sir! My Faunus to me, battle stations!!

The White Fang Officer calls out to his Faunus brothers and sisters as they prepare to defend their home. While the Black Arms Officer snorts, these Faunus are so easy to manipulate, they'll be slaughtered like sheep.

In the Arcadian Aircraft, Adam contacts one of his spies as a hologram of them appears, the spy is Ilia.

Adam: Ilia, what's the situation on the ground?

Ilia: Sienna is enforcing the city and her base of operations is heavily guarded right now. As for the Albain Brothers, they went off with the Black Arms, my men are tracking them down as we speak.

Eve: Then we have a lot of work to do once we get down there.

Adam nods, when suddenly, the Aircraft starts shaking as the sounds of explosion echo out outside the ship.

Adam: Lieutenant status report?

Arcadian Pilot: We got artillery firing at us and enemy fighters approaching.

The Artillery starts firing at the Aircrafts as explosion rain out all around the sky. The Black Arms Fighters head in and take out a few of the Arcadian's Aircrafts and Transport Ships, while the Arcadian Fighter Jets scatter and deal with them.

Ch'en: Looks like they won't give up their base without a fight.

Eve: Indeed. Eagle Squadron, you are clear for launch.

In the Arcadian Cruiser, the Hangar Bay doors open as a Squadron of Arcadian Bombers head in to the base.

Arcadian Pilot: Copy that, Commander. We're going in.

The Arcadian Bombers head in to the base, with explosions erupting all around them. They use their rounds and missiles to dispatch any enemy fighters that get in their way. Once they are in range of the Artillery defenses, they deployed their bombs as numerous explosions erupt all around the beach, with the White Fang all scattered.

The Arcadian Bombers continue towards the base and drop more bombs, giving a path for their troops to land.

In the White Fang HQ, Sienna got wind of the attack and scrambled all her defenses. The doors were opened as the Albain Brothers entered the Throne Room.

Fennec: High Leader, the Arcadians have destroyed majority of the defenses in the beach, soon they will make their way to the City.

Sienna: What is the status of our army?

Corsac: The Black Arms are assembling the rest of the White Fang and gathering all of our new recruits for battle. We have lockdown the city and are still tracking down Ghira Belladonna's location.

Sienna: I see, and have the Arcadians taken the beach yet?

Corsac: As of now, no.

Sienna: Then send the robots that the Black Arms provided, that will buy us time for now.

Fennec: Understood, High Leader.

All of the White Fang scrambled as Corsac and Fennec talk about their other plans.

Fennec: So brother, when is the time we strike? With the Arcadians already here, we'll use this opportunity to get rid of Sienna and blame the Arcadians for this.

Corsac: In due time, Brother. In due time, we just need to be patient.

In the beaches of Menagerie, all of the Black Arms Artillery has been destroyed as the Arcadians Transport Ships began hovering in the air, Adam and Eve look out to see the base, the two nod and jumped off the Aircraft.

With their suits, they were able to land gracefully as they came face to face with the White Fang, Eve looks and sees only a few Black Arms Soldiers in sight, she guessed they are using the White Fang as cannon fodder.

Adam began addressing the White Fang but made sure to use a voice modulator to hide his real voice as he plans to reveal himself once he reaches the Throne Room.

Adam: To all the Faunus of Menagerie, why are you siding with the Black Arms?! They have told you lies about Arcadia, you are only just pawns for their quest of power and domination! What you know about us Arcadians are lies created by the Black Arms! We are here to show that we are here to help you, not destroy you! So please, to spare yourselves from facing death, lay down your arms and surrender! And we can all resort to peaceful methods instead of murdering each other like animals!

All of the White Fang looked at each and then back at Adam and Eve, as one Soldier said this.

White Fang Soldier: Kill the Arcadians!!

Eve: Well, that didn't worked out at all.

Adam: It was worth a try, worked last time.

Adam looks up and signals the unit to commence the attack. Ch'en nods as her and the rest of the Team, all donning Jetpack armor.

All jumped off the Aircraft, followed by the rest of the Arcadian Faunus, as they land in the base and opened fire at the White Fang and Black Arms. A few of the Arcadians got shot down as Adam and Eve use their katanas to block the bullets and send them back to the White Fang as the Battle for Menagerie has begun.

Back in the Arcadian Cruiser, Jaune is overseeing the battle as he sees the Black Arms are bringing in reinforcements.

Jaune: It seems the Black Arms are putting up a fight here. They're going to need reinforcements. Captain, what's the status on the Walkers?

Arcadian Captain: They're almost at the beach, eta. 3 minutes.

In the beaches of Menagerie, the Arcadians were able to push towards the main entrance of the base as the Black Arms are using their fortified walkers to deal with the Arcadians.

A couple of Arcadian Soldiers were dead on the ground as they bring in their Rocket Launchers to take the Walkers down, Eve can be seen on the rooftops slicing the Black Arms and White Fang, she break a window and throws in a grenade, causing an entire room to explode.

Franka: Adam, heads up, our reinforcements have arrived.

Adam looks to the beach to see the Arcadian Transport ships dropping off their walkers.

The Walkers began making their way to the base and firing off their main cannon and missiles, causing havoc all around the base.

Explosions erupt in the facility as Arcadian Jet Troopers began doing strafing runs all around the base, disrupting their defenses and throwing grenades in areas where the Arcadians can't reach. They can see the Black Arms deployed their Bots to dispatch the Arcadians.

Adam and Eve use their Katanas to cut through the bots easily as the Arcadians push through the base. As they continue on forward, Jaune contacts Adam to inform him of the situation.

Jaune: Adam, be advised. You got multiple squads of bots heading your way. What's the situation on the ground?

Adam: We pushed through the main area of the base and are pushing the Black Arms and White Fang back.

Jaune: Well I got bad new for you. The bots are headed to your location as we speak, but don't worry, I got a little surprise for them.

Adam: Copy that.

He looks towards the lower levels of the base to see Eve dispatching a squad of bots, she orders the men to move forward and take this part of the base.

Adam: Eve. Jaune just contacted me, he said we got a lot more bots heading our way.

Eve: And how is this going to help us?

Adam: He said he's got a surprise for them. All we need to do is take this base before they arrive.

Eve: Again, how is this going to help us? The White Fang and Black Arms ain't letting us take this base.

???: Don't worry, by the time we take half of the base, the White Fang will start running.

Adam and Eve look to see a group of Bots got sliced to pieces, as it is revealed to be Bleiss in her Ninja Armor.

They watch as she threw a bunch of Shurikens at the White Fang as they drop to the ground, dead. Then she zooms to the bots and slices them to pieces.

Bleiss: The Black Arms already left the base and are heading back to the City. Only the White Fang remain, our best option is to surround them and force these guys to surrender.

Adam: Bleiss' right, once they see their main force is defeated they will have no choice but to surrender. Come on, let's go.

After a couple more minutes of fighting, the Arcadians were able to push the White Fang back, as they ran for the exit that leads to the city. Arcadian Jet Troopers can be seen firing their Grenade Launchers at the enemy walkers, while their own Walkers push through the base.

One Arcadian Jet Trooper lands on a bot and uses it as a surfboard, killing a bunch of them. He sends it off by placing a grenade and crashing the bot to it's friends, as an explosion erupts.

The rest of the Arcadians all gather around the exit of the base as the White Fang are surrounded. Suddenly, the gates of the base open as they were met with a battalion of Bots.

Eve: That's a lot of bots.

Bleiss: Yeah, no kidding.

The Bots began heading in to the base as the White Fang were smirking, thinking they have the Arcadians at the ropes. But they were met with multiple explosions out of nowhere, all the Arcadians look up to see the Arcadian Cruiser hovering above them.

The Arcadian Cruiser fired it's missiles and took out all the enemy reinforcements as a squad of Vincent Wards land to secure the area, followed by the Lancelot siN.

The Lancelot siN looks at Adam, Eve, and Bleiss, as the Knightmare kneels and opens up it's cockpit, with Jaune stepping out of it.

Jaune: Hello there.


The Arcadians began securing the base as they load up all the Arcadians that were KIA and tending to the injured. Also, squad of Arcadian Soldiers were bringing the captured White Fang to the ship, and had to do it with force since the White Fang were not cooperative.

Jaune is now speaking with Adam and Eve about their next move as they will now focus their attacks on the capital.

Adam: So you want to lead the charge in the city while the two of us deal with Sienna and the Albain Brothers?

Jaune: Yup, I already sent Rhodes Island and Penguin Logistics to handle the Belladonna situation. They'll get the job done, guaranteed.

Eve: Has the fleet secured the perimeter?

Jaune: We have, the Arcadian Naval Fleet securing the entire island, no one gets in or out. We even took out the Sea Feilong that's been causing problems in Menagerie.

Eve: Good, with the fleet blockading the entire continent, the Black Arms have no means of escaping.

Jaune: We also made sure to deploy a Submarine incase they try to go the underwater route.

Adam: Now that we have those problems sorted out. I believe it's time we head in to the city.

Jaune: Yup, you're transport is waiting for you. The rest of the unit is already en-route. Let's hope we're not too late to save what's left of this mess.

Eve: Yup, if we screw this up. It will cause a whole lot more problems for the Faunus.

Jaune bids the Taurus Twins good luck as they head off to their Aircraft. Jaune on the otherhand, heads back inside the Lancelot siN. The Aircraft takes off as a convoy of Arcadian Military vehicles can be seen heading to the City, as well as ships and Knightmares. The fight for the Land of the Faunus begins now.

Author's Notes:
- I posted this earlier, but will you like a story about Juniper Arc, An Ren, and Willow Schnee's adventures in Arcadia and beyond. I showcased all their powers and abilities and it will be interesting to see what kind of adventurers they experienced and the foes they faced. This will take place years before Jaune is sent to Beacon. Also, I have yet to decide on what Crossover to use, either Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts

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