Toy Story 2 Alt

By TitanX557

1.5K 59 17

What would happen if Ruby was the one taken instead of Titan? More

Ruby's Cape-Hood (Alt)
Shelved (Alt)
Yard Sale (Alt)
Team RWBY (Alt)
Rescue Plan (Alt)
Photo Shoot Disaster (Alt)
Al's Toy Barn (Alt)
Weiss' Past Life (Alt)
Her Choice (Alt)

Level 23 (Alt)

123 6 2
By TitanX557

"Ruby, you in there?"

"No, this one's empty as well."

"Ruby, you here?"

"Ruby? Can you please come out?"

The toys were all looking around Al's office, while Indo was explaining how to defeat Zurg in the video game, but Utility Buzz thought it was in real life. Also, Titan and Titana went to find Ruby alone while the Multiples went to the other toys and Utility Buzz at Al's office.

"So, we all thought that the main entrance was at the front gates, but it was all just a trick! The actual entrance was to the left, hidden in the shadows."

"To the left, and in the shadows, got it!" said Utility Buzz.

Amy was stilling looking around, and she ran into the Ignitors, Omega, Titan, Titana, Team Prime, Woody and Bullseye. The twelve then went down the Buzz isle, and saw one of the Buzz Figure boxes fall over. Amy turned it over, and inside it was Jessie.


"Get us out of these things!!" cried Jessie.

Back in Al's office, the toys all hid, and looked to see Al himself, faxing the pictures.

"It's him!" said Slinky.

"That's the chicken man," said Ghidorah.

"Funny, he doesn't look like poultry," said Utility Buzz.

"That's the kidnapper," said Dr. Smart.

Utility Buzz gasped, "A kidnapper. An agent of Zurg if I ever saw one!"

Al then faxes the picture of Ruby, and it falls to the floor.

"It's Ruby!" said Ghidorah.

"Now," said Al, "How about we add another zero to the price?"

Al then listened, and the man on the line said, "I don't care!(What?) I'll pay anything you'd like!"

"Yes!! Yes!!! You got a deal!! I'll be on the next flight to Japan!!"

Utility Buzz then looked at Al's bag, and said, "Quick, into the poultry's man's cargo unit! It'll lead us to Zurg!"

Everyone climbed in, and Utility Buzz helped Lighting and Mater. Al was celebrating that he was soon going to be rich!

Amy, Ignitors, Multiples, Omega, Titan, Team Prime, and Woody helped Buzz and Jessie out of the boxes, and they heard faint singing. They looked to see Al, and they looked in the bag to see Indo's tail sticking out.

"There they are!" said Twin Cannon. The toys and Amy followed Al in stealth, and Amy accidentally knocked over two boxes, but didn't notice. As soon as the toys themselves got past it, the camera gets a good look at the labels. While The Thundariam King was right behind them, he then jumps above the boxes and stops to see that they got away from him.

"Curses!" said The Thundariam King. But then he turns around to see the two boxes moving.

Then, a hand punched the plastic, including the one next to it, and came out the action figures of Zurg and Megatron. And like how Utility Buzz, both of them thinks that Zurg is the real Emperor Zurg and Megatron thinks he's the real Lord Megatron.

The Thundariam King then looked at the enemies they had on their labels, and said, "It looks like we have the same goals... destroying our enemies at any cost. I'm on my way to deal with them now, what do you two say? Want to destroy them once and for all while they're vulnerable?"

Megatron and Zurg thought about for a moment until Zurg said, "Destroy Buzz Lightyear!"

"Destroy Optimus Prime!" said Megatron.

"Well then... let's destroy them!"

The three then run to where the Ignitors, Titan, Omega, Team Prime, Buzz, Jessie, Bullseye, Woody and Amy were heading to.

Across the street, Al went inside, but he left the bag behind.

"He didn't take the bag!" said Indo.

"No time to lose!" said Utility Buzz. Everyone got out, and Buzz saw Al getting in an elevator. He then got his wings out, and grabbed Indo and Potato Head's hands.

"Buzz," said Indo, "What are you doing?"

"To Infinity," said Utility Buzz, "And Beyond!"

He opened his eyes, only to see he wasn't flying.

"Buzz," said Potato Head, "Quit fooling around! We gotta get going!"

He and Indo headed to the lock, and Indo helped Potato Head to it.

"I don't understand," said Utility Buzz, as he pressed the button, "It seems like my fuel cells have run dry."

He then pressed the lock button, and Potato Head was launched, and landed head first into the cup holder. Hamm, Mater and Ghidorah all laughed at Potato Head's face.

Utility Buzz opened the door, and looked around. Once the coast was clear, they headed to the door. They saw the elevator get to 23.

"Blast," said Utility Buzz, "He's on level 23!"

"How are we gonna to get up there?" asked Slinky.

"Maybe if we had balloons," said Indo, "We could float to the top."

"And how and where are we going to find balloons in a big city?" asked WhirlSky.

"Are you kidding?" asked Potato Head, "I say we ring the doorbell, stack ourselves, and pretend we are delivering a pizza."

"How about a Ham Sandwich, with a hot dog and fries?"

"What about us?" asked Mater, motioning to Lighting, Indo and the Multiples.

"You guys can be the toys that come with the meal."

Just then, Utility Buzz pulled off a nearby vent, and said, "Troops, over here!"

They saw Utility Buzz, and said, "Like you said lizard man, to the left, and in the shadows!"

He then lead the way, and Lighting asked, "Anyone seen the Ignitors, Omega, Titan, Team Prime, Woody, Jessie, or Bullseye?"

"They're probably with Amy," said Potato Head.

The toys were running through the vents, and Utility Buzz was speaking into his communicator wrist.

"Mission Log: We have infiltrated the enemy's territory, and are making our way through Zurg's fortress."

"I think that buzz aisle went to his head," said Hamm to Potato Head.

Soon, they came to a junction, and Slinky said, "Which way do we go now?"

"This way!" Utility Buzz said, leading the way.

"What makes you so sure?" asked Corx.

"I'm Buzz Lightyear! I'm always sure!!"

Just then, a rumbling was heard. "We've been detected!! The walls, they're closing in!! Quick, help me prop the vegetable man, or we're done for!!!"

"Hey, put me down you idiot!!" said Potato Head.

"Guys, it's not the walls!" said Indo, pointing to a light, "It's the elevator!!"

Everyone ran towards the light, and looked up the shaft, seeing 23 stories high.

"As Titan would say, "That's a long boi"," said Ghidorah.

"You took the words out of my mouth," said Indo.

"Then there's no time to lose!" said Utility Buzz.

He then launched a grabble hook of some kind, and some magnet hands, and started to climb up.

"Um, Buzz," said Hamm, "Why not just take the elevator?"

"They'll be expecting that!" said Utility Buzz.

Lighting, Mater, Gihdorah and the Multiples looked at each other, and just rolled their eyes, and went on the elevator, waiting for it to go upward.

Outside, Amy arrived with the others in her bag. She looked in the car, but saw that they are gone. She puts the toys down, and said, "I'll meet you all when you get Ruby."

"Okay Amy," said Titana. The twelve then headed towards the door, and Buzz noticed the dinosaur tracks on the ground.

They then hear Indo saying, "Buzz, stop, slow down!!" They then headed off into the vents.

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