perfectly disguise (Riansh FF)

By bloodymarry_

5.9K 654 116

Ridhima leaned closed to me . "vansh let's makes a deal." she whispered . I frowned . "what's the deal?" "I... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
chapter -3
chapter - 4
chapter -5
chapter -6
chapter - 7
chaptar -8
chapter - 9
chapter - 10
chapter - 11
chapter -12
chapter -13
chapter -14

chaptar - 15

296 39 8
By bloodymarry_

Episode start -

Vansh's POV.

The next day when I walked into Steve soft, I told myself I was going to confront Chloe and end whatever was happening between us.

"Good morning, Mr singhania." Adeline greeted me when I entered the office.

I nodded and looked at her. "Miss Adeline, bring the record of the minutes of last week's team meeting to my office." I told her and went inside my personal office.

I had missed the previous team meeting due to Chloe, so I have to check all what they discussed.

I sat down on my chair and adjusted my collar and turned on my office computer. I wanted to fill the promotion form. I've been trying to get promoted to the project manager of Stevesoft. Although I was very close to the manager, I still needed to prove to him that I was capable for the promotion. I opened the document and started filling it with the rightful
information. At a section, I was asked for the reason I wanted the promotion and I paused. It was a vital question and if t answered it wrongly, I might lose my chance of getting promoted.

I sat up and started typing out the reasons I wanted the promotion. Right from where I had begun working in Stevesoft, I had wished to acquire the position of project manager, but due to my work experience, I wasn't qualified.

There was a knock on my door..

"Come in." I said, my attention fully on my computer screen...

Adeline walked inside holding a big book, she dropped it on the desk. "This is the minutes book for last week's team meeting."

I looked up and smiled. "Alright, thanks."

She smiled back and left.

I paused what I was doing and picked up the minutes book. I was reading a page when my door opened and I heard the clicking sound of heels.

"What's wrong, Miss Adeline?" I asked, my attention was still focused on the minute book.

There wasn't a reply, instead the person sat down before me and leaned towards me. The strands of her black hair fell in waves onto the book I was reading until I saw her face.

It's I tightened my hands on the book and glared at her. "What did you want, Chloe?"

She shrugged and checked the book. "Nothing, I just came to see you. I'm sure you saw my present." She said with a seductive voice.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I lied.

I knew she was referring to her nude picture she sent to me, but I acted oblivious. I don't want to talk about it, especially when I was at work. I wanted to maintain a good image in the company and I won't let Chloe's seductive acts ruin all my hard work. I've worked so hard to obtain the position as the leader of my team and if I want to progress further, I need to maintain my good reputation.

She smirked and brushed her long hair backwards. "Come on, don't tell me you didn't see the picture I sent you."

She bent a little and I felt her fingers caressing my thigh as it slowly moved upward. My loin tingled in excitement at her burning touch. "I know your d"k must have hardened when you saw that picture."

Her hands moved around the waistband of my trouser. She glided her fingertips along my lower abdomen. "And I'm sure you're hard right now."

I gasped out with heavy breath as I felt her hands unzipping my pants.

"Stop it." I muttered, but it sounded more like a plea.

Gosh, I hate how I lose control of my body and mind whenever I'm around her. It seemed she noticed how she made me feel. She squatted and crawled to my side from under my office desk. Slowly, her hands closed up around my length.

I jerked my head back and rested it on the chair as I felt her hands moved up my length. I hissed in total pleasure and I gasped out.

Chloe smirked and stretched out her head from under my desk. "I know you want this. Let me suck this juicy dk." She said and wrapped her mouth around my length. My body tightened and pleasure spread up from my loin.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. 1 froze, my heart picking up: Chloe didn't- seem bothered as her mouth continued moving up and down over my length.

After some minutes, the person knocked again.

"I'm coming!"

I looked down, totally flustered. "Chloe, get up."

She shook her head and continued her vicious act.

Then the worst happened. My door opened and Adeline walked inside holding a document. She stopped walking and looked at me oddly. I'm sure my face was very red with bashfulness.

Slowly, she looked down and her eyes lingered on my desk. I swear, I felt my heart almost jump out of my chest due to fear and anxiety. I moved, uneasily, on my seat. Gosh, Chloe needed to stop what she was doing unless I might lose control of myself due to the tingling sensation in my length.

Adeline moved closer, I quickly kept a document on my lap. "Excuse me Mr singhania, you have a meeting with the IT services department in exactly an hour from now."

I managed to put on a serious face and leaned forward to my desk. It was a good thing the chair was covering Chloe from behind the desk.

I nodded and tried to suppress the moan that nearly slipped out when Chloe rolled her tongue around the tip of my length.

"Okay, I will get prepared for that." 1 breathed.

Adeline nodded and turned back towards the door.

I uttered a sigh of relief. Finally, I can get Chloe out of the desk.

Unluckily, she turned around and looked at me. "Least I forget, the IT department wants you to look at this before the meeting." She dropped a file on my desk and left quickly. Immediately, I jolted up and started
buttoning my pants.

Chloe looked up, confused. "What's

I brushed my hair backward and gripped it. "This is wrong. Everything you are doing is wrong. Chloe, we are in your husband's company for goodness sake." I muttered, I didn't want to attract any unwanted attention.

She stood up and walked towards me.

I stretched out a hand, stopping her. "Don't come closer. I can't do this with you, your husband is my boss and I respect him very much."

"But vansh"

"Just stop! Stop trying to ruin my reputation!" I shot back at her.

For a moment she looked sad, but it didn't last long. She shook her head and left. And I was left to sort out my arousal.

Vansh's POV

After Chloe left. I brushed my short black hair and sat down on my chair. I'm not sure if Adeline noticed she was under the desk, which I hoped she didn't. Unless, my reputation will be ruined. I slapped my forehead in frustration and groaned.

How can I be this stupid?

Why do I let Chloe have her way with me all the time?

Gosh, I should have stopped her, but her touch was so compelling and irresistible. Yes it has to be her touch that gets me all the time. One touch and I'm already falling straight into her trap like an insect caught in a spider web. I wonder why she has her eyes on me, there are many handsome males in the company, so why me?

This job was my only source of living and I couldn't afford to be fired if anything went wrong. It was obvious Mr Rodriguez won't even give me a chance to explain myself if he found out his wife was having an affair with me.

I sat up and picked up the file Adeline had given me from the IT department. 1 checked out the first page, my eyes roaming over the page, but my mind had a thought of its own.

What if Adeline knew?

Fear gripped my whole body and my heart raced a thousand miles. I quickly stood up and walked towards my window. The window was across my team members" general office. I looked through the window at Adeline, trying to find out if she truly saw anything.

She was sitting at her counter typing something into the computer. Her face seemed calm and focused on the so I assumed she didn't know about it.

Phew, Thank God. The only way to resist Chloe was to will myself against her touch. A touch that blew me out of my mind and sparked up wild wet dreams.

After reading the file, I went to the meeting. We were having some issues with a new software program we developed, so some team leaders of the departments had to come together to sort out the issue. We discussed for an hour without getting a solution before the meeting was finally adjourned.

I was feeling hungry so I headed out to Craig restaurant for my lunch break. I drove along the road for a few minutes before driving into the parking lot of Craig's.

I properly parked the car and entered the restaurant. The restaurant was painted white and has a semi circle design at the top of the building where its name was written on it. When I got into the restaurant, I noticed there were a handful of people sitting at various tables, happily chatting with each other. I sat at a corner of the restaurant and brought out my phone. I should have had my lunch at the company restaurant, but I was avoiding Chloe. I didn't know if Chloe could. actually seduce me in public in the presence of the workers, but with the way she was acting lately, it seemed like she could do that. So, it was best I stayed away from her.

A text message from Kenneth appeared on my screen. He wanted to know if he could have lunch with me. I texted back telling him I was at another restaurant.

After I texted Kenneth, I kept my phone in my pocket and looked up to call the waiter. When I looked up. I saw the fashion designer  who had disguised as my girlfriend at the salon.

She was on a call at the entrance of the restaurant, she removed her iPhone from her ear and hung up. Then her eyes met mine and she did what I didn't expect.

She smiled.

My heart a bit as I watched her. Her lips parted, revealing a glimpse of her white teeth. It sparkled and pulled a string of my heart. She waved at me and walked towards me. I looked behind me to check if she waved at someone else but there was nobody behind me. I turned back and slowly raised my sweaty hand to wave back at her.

She pulled out a chair and sat down. "Are you alone this time?" She asked with a hint of a joke. I didn't understand why she said that, but

I nodded.

"Yes, why are you asking?" I asked

She shrugged. "I was actually expecting you to be with Chloe since she sticks with you all the time."

I looked at her. It hadn't been a week since I got to know her, but had seen her three times in different locations. "Well, she isn't the only one sticking with me, is she?"

Ridhima laughed and shook her head. "You are so funny! Do you think I'm stalking you?"

She flipped her long straight hair and patted her chest. "I don't know what you think about women, but I'm an exception. I don't chase after men, they are the ones who pursue me. Okay?"

"I never said you were chasing after me."I pointed out.

"You don't have to say it, it's obvious you were talking about me."

She picked up the menu and observed it.

Soon, a waitress came. I ordered grilled chicken casper salad while Diana ordered Avocado toast with scrambled eggs and bacon.

When our orders were served, Ridhima picked up her fork and cut a bit of the toast with her table knife. She ate it and moaned satisfactorily.

"This is why I love Craig's food. It's just so addictive."

She was right about that, their meals were tantalizing, but very expensive. I mostly eat at Craig's when I'm having a bad day and need something to cheer me up.

I ate a bit of the salad and nodded. "You are right, but their meals are also a little expensive."

RIDHIMA smiled and looked at me. "Come on, what's the point of working if you can't eat a good meal?" She asked, arching a brow.

"Besides, you only live once so enjoy your life while you can." she said cheerfully. I chuckled. "You must really like buying Expensive things." "Of course, it makes me stand out."

Suddenly, She stopped eating and dropped her fork. She furrowed her like she was bothered about something

She folded her hands over the table and looked at me. "VANSH,let's make a deal." She said boldly.

"What kind of deal?"

"I want you to be my boyfriend."

The spoon I was holding fell down. I didn't expect her to say that.







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