perfectly disguise (Riansh FF)

By bloodymarry_

5.9K 654 116

Ridhima leaned closed to me . "vansh let's makes a deal." she whispered . I frowned . "what's the deal?" "I... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
chapter -3
chapter - 4
chapter -5
chapter -6
chapter - 7
chaptar -8
chapter - 9
chapter - 10
chapter -12
chapter -13
chapter -14
chaptar - 15

chapter - 11

265 47 10
By bloodymarry_

Episode start -..

Vansh's POV

The sun scorched brutally on my skin as i got down from my SUV. It was noon and the weather was very sunny, blazing my skin. It was a good thing I didn't wear stuffed clothes. I straightened my black tee shirt and pocketed my car kegs before stepping into the beauty salon

Annie, my best friend since childhood, had asked me to buy a hair treatment cream for her four years old daughter when I was going back from work. It seemed like her daughter, Zoe, had Dandruff and it was getting worse.

Cool brew hit my skin as I stepped into the beauty salon, freezing the heat out of my skin. I walked to the counter at the entrance of the salon.

I smiled at the receptionist. "Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon sir, how may I help you,"

I told him what I needed and he directed me to a section filled with racks of hair treatment products. I walked along the shelves searching for the cream that Annie told me to buy. I couldn't remember the name of the cream, but 1 knew how it looked. I picked out a cream product and checked the cover. It doesn't look like the product I wanted so I placed it back on the shelf and continued checking around the shelves.

"Vansh! " A woman with a high pitched voice, I recognized, called out.

I sighed and pocketed my hands before looking at Chloe. She stood at the end of the shelf, wearing a silly smile on her face. She approached me and I turned the other way walking away from her. I haven't spoken to her since she intentionally poured hot coffee on my pants.

She ran towards me and quickly held my hands. She blinked her eyes severely and pouted. "Vansh are you still angry at me?

"Just leave me alone, Mrs Rodriguez. uttered, a little irritated.

She pulled my hand, trying to gain my attention. "Come on Vansh, don't be vex. It was a mistake.

I reluctantly looked at her, she pouted again trying to convince me. I wasn't angry about the incident at the restaurant, I just wanted her to get out of my hair.

And ignoring her might be my solution.

I jerked my hand from her hold and continued checking the shelves for the hair product I wanted to buy.

She stood beside me and looked at the shelf. "What are you looking for?"

"Something." I muttered, I squatted a little checking the lower shelves.

She tinted closer to my side and looked at- the shelf, closely. "Something like what?"

I sighed and rested my hands on my thighs, still squatting, "Please, can you just let me be

She shrugged and looked offended. "I'm, just trying to keep you company."

I brushed some of the stands of my hair backwards and stood up. I waved my hands around me. "Take a look around you Chloe. Ain't you worried someone, might see us and get the wrong idea?"

She smiled and rolled her eyes. She raised her hand and brushed it along my chest. "It's none of our business, let's just focus on us."

I held her hand, stopping her from brushing my chest. "Stop it, there is never going to be us and it is also my business if your husband discovers your acts."

She moved closer to me, and whispered into my ear. "Come on, don't be scared. He won't know. Besides, that old man is just too busy to be concerned about this."

I stepped back, creating a space between us. "I can't have an affair with you, Chloe. It is because... because... I'm trying to--"

"He can't have an affair with you because he already has a girlfriend." A calm voice said from behind me.

The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't. decide who the person was.

I turned to look at the person. "What?" I blurted out. I didn't even know had a girlfriend.

The lady walked towards us and held my arm, pulling me closer to her. I stared at her in bewilderment.

What's happening?

She smiled at Chloe. "You look familiar, you are Chloe, right?"

Chloe narrowed her eyes, moving from me to the lady. "Yes, I'm Chloe. Who are you

The lady leaned close to me and looked at me with pure affection. I froze when my eyes met hers, she was so beautiful that my eyes lingered on her even when she looked away,

"I'm his girlfriend." She said with pure adorations. She smiled at me. Her face glowed, making my heart flutter.

Gosh, what's wrong with my heart? Why does she look so beautiful?"

Was it because of the sun rays that were shining on her brown skin or her hazel eyes?

"It's a lie, you are not dating him." Chloe challenged her, her eyes flaming with fire. The heat that radiated from her eyes was so intense that I felt hot even though the salon was cool.

The lady gasped and arched a brow at me, looking shocked and surprised. "Honey, I thought you told her about us?"

A blush appeared on my cheeks and I flicked my eyes, surprised she addressed me in such an affectionate manner.

What's she up to?

"I.IForgot." I stuttered.

she nodded and smiled again. "Okay."

She stretched out her hand to Chloe, "It's nice to meet you again, but we have to go NOW

Chloe looked at her outstretched hands with distaste. She crossed her hands, looked sideways and rolled her eyes.

The lady smiled sweetly and dropped her hand. She looked at the shelves. "Have you seen what you want to buy?"

I was confused for a second before I realized I actually wanted to buy a hair treatment product for dandruff. I quickly took a cream and showed the lady, "Yes, this is it."

I'm definitely aware I had picked out the wrong cream, it seemed I will have to come back with Annie to buy the real product.

After paying for the cream, we walked to the parking lot.

Episode start -


After work, I drove straight to Harper beauty salon which wasn't far from my workplace. When I was younger, my mother used to tell me that beauty. brought about confidence and made women more courageous. So, if I wanted to prove to Liam that I had moved on and was doing perfectly okay, then looking beautiful and fulfilled was my only chance.

There is no way I would let him see through my defense. Eswerved my Mercedes into the car park of the Harper beauty salon. I had made up my mind, I wasn't going to fall into his Trap twice. If he thought he could
abandon me anytime he wanted and still get me back then he was mistaken.

I won't be that girl that once used to beg to be loved. I won't seek for love anymore, I would rather love myself than seek my happiness in a man who can crumpled upon it at any time.

I got down from my Mercedes and closed the door. The sun scorched brutally against my skin, so I brought out my sunglasses and wore a sun hat. I stepped into the salon and was glad to be welcome by the cool air that soothed my skin. I decided to change my curly hair into a super straight hairstyle. While I was doing my manicure, I leaned my back comfortably on an ornate chair, reading a fashion magazine. The atmosphere was 50 soothing and comforting that I felt tempted to close her eyes and doze off. I blinked my eyes as a wave of dizziness swept through me.

I adjusted on the comforting chair and flipped the pages of the magazine.

"Liam! Over here!" A lady, I recognized, called out across from me.

My ears jumped up when I heard her voice, Calm down ridhima, this isn't your ex -he is in Nigeria, remember?--this is
Another Liam. I repeated the words in my mind, trying to remain calm.

I didn't look up, what if he was the one? The last time I saw him was when he left me at the rooftop during our last date.

Flip, flip, flip.

I flipped through the magazine acting like I was searching for a content, but my ears were concentrating on the lady.

I heard footsteps coming closer to the other lady who had called Liam, I peeped underneath my magazine on the floor. The man was approaching the lady.

Slowly, I raised my head up and the magazine in my hands dropped when I saw my Ex boyfriend, Liam, hugging Sasha.

The manicurist looked at me and asked in a polite tone. "Are you okay, ma'am?

I shook my head and blinked, it seemed like I was dreaming. It was like he was just a fragment of my thought visualizing into his actual self.

His hair was combed to the back and his smooth jaw line widened as he smiled, making his green eyes twinkled. I gulped when noticed his dazzling eyes gazing at me.

I picked up the fallen magazine and locked eyes with him. He was very manly. his blue shirt highlighted his taut muscle and his bulky body tightened beneath his clothes.

I hadn't expected to see him, especially when he was hugging another lady.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. He was still the same, he was still a shitty cocky jerk who made ladies swoon over him only to break their hearts at the end.

Crazy stupid jerk!

I hated how he made me feel worthless, like I was a piece of trash. I had cried under the rain when he left me at the rooftop after breaking my heart into pieces.

I was still heartbroken, but he has smoothly and easily moved on like I was never a part of his life.

Liam stared at me for a while, his eyes shone in recognition, but he looked away from me and smiled at the lady he was hugging

"Are you done?" He asked and played with the Sasha's long curls in his fingers.

Pain slipped into my heart, he has just
Ignored me like I never meant anything to him.

I took in a deep breath and dropped the magazine. Beauty brought about confidence and that would he my defense.

I stood up and walked towards him. His eyes lit with surprise and shock an he watched me walked closer to him.

I swept my eyes from his toes to his head) before regarding him with a bright smile. "Hello, Liam."

He held the other Sasha's hand and looked at me, still shocked that I could approach him. "Ridhima..."

This must be your new girlfriend." I cut him midway, looking at the lady beside him. She has a calm and gentle face and an angelic smile that touches her eyes. I doubted she would date Liam If she knew who Liam truly was. My eyes caught the blue pendant at the her neckline. It was, sparkling, catching the light in the room. and had a beautiful glow. I was totally in love with it when Liam had given it to

"That's a lovely necklace," I complimented.

Liam frowned and gave me a sharp look which I ignored.

She smiled and brushed her fingers over the pendant. "Thanks, I love it too."

"I'm sure Liam gave you that necklace, telling you his mother gave it to him to give it to the woman he loved."

She furrowed her brows and looked at me oddly. "How do you know that?"

"He gave me a necklace similar to this, when we were dating telling me those same words. I eventually discovered he does that to other girls even while we
were dating"

"She frowned and looked at Liam. "Is that true?" She asked.

"Don't listen to her, she is... She-" "I'm his Ex," I cut in and looked at the lad "If you know what is best for you, then you know what to do."

Lum frown deepened. "I know you are still hurt that I left you, but you don't have the right to badmouth me." "You have no idea how I feel so don't conclude, besides I'm glad you left me. It inade me realized I deserve better,"

"ridhima, let's just leave whatever happened between us in the past."

I shook my head and brought out my iPhone. He was really a coward, trying to act like a committed man at the presence of his girlfriend when he was actually at Casanova. I unlocked my iPhone and showed him the last message he sent me.

"If you are trying to move on from the past, then why do you text me that you miss me?"

Sasha took the phone and checked the message, a frown appeared on her face. "Can you explain the meaning of this?"

Liam raised his hands trying to calm her down. "Sasha, it's nothing, don't listen to her."

She frowned. "You texted your Ex that you want her back and you are telling me to ignore that?" Her voice went an octave higher.

I cleared my throat, totally aware of the commotion I had started. It was good that he was finally getting a share of his portion. After all, it takes two to tango.

I stretched my hand towards Sasha. "Can I have my iPhone back?"

She gave it to me and stormed out of the salon in anger.

Liam looked like he could explode at any time. He tightened his lips and narrowed a his eyes at me. "This is the same reason why we broke up, you feel you are too damin perfect."

I straightened up and crossed my armi across my chest. "That's because Fam.""

I kept my iPhone in my handbag and saw vansh standing by a shelf, Chloe was talking to him, but he seemed irritated. I was sure he badly wanted Chloe to get out of his hair. So, I would use it as my golden ticket.

"See you later Liam. I need to go and meet my boyfriend." I said and left a furious Liam looking at me as I approached vansh

Thumps up Ridhima, you finally kick his ass this time. Acting beautiful and confident) was always my best defense.

I approached vansh and held his arm, i could feel Liam's eye watching me. Vansh gaped at me, his eyes lingered on our entwined hands.

I smiled at Chloe. "You look familiar, you are Chloe, right?"

Chloe narrowed her eyes, moving her eyes from me to vansh. "Yes, I'm Chloe.

Who are you?"

I could hear the distaste in her voice. She was obviously shocked to see me acting as his girlfriend. I leaned close to vansh and looked at me with pure affection.

I'm his girlfriend." I said with "It's a lie, you are not dating him

I acted like I was surprised and looked at vansh who looked confused. "Vansh , I thought you told her about us?"

"...I... Forgot." He stuttered.

I'm glad he was playing along with my pretentious act. I smirked. Aside from fashion designing and shopping. I was also very good at acting, I guess all my mother's effort of enrolling me into acting classes are finally paying off

I said goodbye to Chloe and we left the salon.


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