Hale Sister

derekhalekolmlover द्वारा

56.9K 1.5K 193

Season 1-6 Scott McCall x OC ©️ derekhalekolmlover अधिक

Hale Sister
Book covers
Act I
1) The Hales
2) the dead body
3) assumptions
4) magic bullet
5) Visit from Kate
6) calling the Alpha
7) night school
8) lunatic
9) Wolf's bane
10) kidnapped
11) Kate knows
12) code breaker
Act II
1) new boyfriend
2) complicated feelings
3) ice pick
4) first date
5) confusing feelings
6) honesty
7) Restraint
8) Raving
9) party guessed
10) the puppeteer
11) kidnapped
12) Master Plan
1) tattoo
2) chaos rising
3) trapping them
4) Visit from the alphas
5) frayed
6) Motel California
7) currents
8) visionary
9) the darach
10) the overlooked
11) saving baby Hale
13) kidnapped.... Again
14) Galvanize
15) illuminated
16) the oni
17) power surge
18) the memory
19) the Shugendo scroll
20) the message
21) de-void
22) I love you, goodbye
23) Divine move
Act IV
1) the dark moon
2) Kate
3) tryouts
4) the benefactor
5) I.E.D
6) Buddhists
7) secrets revealed
8) forgiving
9) Perishable
10) monstrous
11) crashed date
12) Smoke and mirrors
Act V A
1) creatures of the night
2) Senior Year
3) Mercury
4) Condition Terminal
5) dread doctors
6) Required Reading
7) Strange frequencies
8) Ouroboros
9) lies of omission
10) morning after
11) hospitals
12) surprise visit
Act V B
13) Codominance
14) theories
15) Eichen House
16) saving Lydia
17) A credible threat
18) surprise phone call
19) The beast of Beacon Hills
20) Apotheosis
Act VI A
1) Memory lost
2) superposition
3) sundowning
4) Relics
5) Radio Silence
6) the plan
7) heartless
8) Blitzkrieg
9) memory found
10) Riders on the storm
Act VI B
11) Said the spider to the fly
12) fear
13) hunters

12) lunar eclipse

703 13 1
derekhalekolmlover द्वारा

Cora helped Derek get a drink of water while Hazel was on his other side and Derek looked at Cora. "Hazel" Derek asked on the verge of tears afraid it didn't work.

Cora motioned to the other side of him, and he looked seeing Hazel was alive and he smiled happily. "You're okay" Derek said.

"Yeah, I'm okay much better than you now, all because of you" Hazel said smiling and Derek smiled at her.

"Hopefully not all for nothing" Peter said. "Love you too Peter" Hazel said sarcastically.

"The moon is rising Derek you drained your battery all the way to the red" Peter said. "There is a fully charged alpha on her way to rip you, limb from limb" Peter said.

"I'll be fine in a few hours" Derek said. "I sincerely hope so because a few hours, is all that you have" Peter said.


Ethan and Lydia went to the loft where Derek, Peter, Hazel, and Cora were to warn Derek about Kali and Aiden.

"We know about the lunar eclipse so don't think Kali's gonna sit around waiting for it to level the playing field she's coming and my brother's coming with her" Ethan said.

"Good enough for me" Peter said. "Derek" Peter asked. "You want me to run" Derek asked.

"No, I want you to stay and get slaughtered by an alpha with a psychotic foot fetish of course I want you to run, sprint, gallop, leap your way out of this town" Peter said.

"If you want to fight and die for something that's fine with me but do it for something meaningful" Cora said. "Hazel" Derek asked.

"Derek you're my brother I can't live without you and if something happens to you, I will lose my mind I'll never be the same please make the smart choice" Hazel said. "How do you know I'm gonna lose" Derek asked.

"We don't but I bet she has an idea don't you Lydia" Peter said going towards her.

"Peter" Hazel said and quickly got in front of Lydia protecting her. "I don't know anything" Lydia said.

"But you feel something don't you" Peter asked. "What do you feel" Derek asked. "I feel like" Lydia said and then paused. "I'm standing in a graveyard" Lydia said finishing her sentence.


Hazel stayed with Lydia and Ethan to buy Derek and Cora some time and to also protect Lydia if necessary. "Where is he" Kali asked as soon as she walked in the loft.

"I think he said he was heading out to do some shopping run a few errands the usual werewolf afternoon" Lydia said. "Who do you think you're talking to" Kali asked.

"Someone in desperate need of a pedicure I'd be happy to give you a referral" Lydia said and Hazel saw Kali getting too close as she made her way in front of Lydia.

Hazel heard Aiden growling not liking how Kali was close to Lydia. "Oh really" Kali asked Aiden.


"Did someone take their little assignment too seriously" Kali asked. "She is not the problem" Aiden said. "Maybe the problem is where your loyalties lie" Kali said.

"Is this about to get really violent" Lydia asked. "Probably" Ethan said.

"I'd be surprised if it didn't" Hazel said then all of a sudden Jennifer came down from the roof when Ethan quickly pulled Lydia and Hazel to the corner covering them.

"So, who wants to go first" she asked once she stood up. "Man, you really can't get rid of her can you" Hazel asked.


Kali and Jennifer started fighting before Jennifer tossed her. Then Aiden started fighting her and Jennifer knocked him down before Ethan ran to Aiden taking his shirt off along with Aiden trying to morph while Hazel stayed with Lydia trying to protect her.

But Jennifer stopped them causing them to be thrown while Lydia and Hazel stood up and Kali moved in front of Jennifer.

"That's right Kali look at me look at my face, do you know what it takes to be able to look like this to be able to look normal" Jennifer asked. "I don't care" Kali said. "It takes power, power like this" Jennifer said demonstrating her power. "I should have" Kali said.

"I should have ripped your head off" Kali said and then Jennifer killed her.

Kali was about to make her way to Hazel and Lydia, but she noticed Ethan and Aiden morphed. He tried to fight Jennifer, but she snapped his neck killing him.

"What's the line couch likes to say the bigger they are" Jennifer said.


Hazel went to attack Jennifer when Jennifer grabbed her choking her.

"Unfortunately, if I kill you Hazel your brother will never help me, and Derek does love you more than anything you're his entire world it's hard not to notice the love Derek has for his little sister he would even sacrifice his life for you but knowing you you'd rather die than him" Jennifer said.

"Is that right" Jennifer asked before releasing her and going to Lydia. "What do you want from me" Lydia asked.

"I want you to do what you do best Lydia; I want you to scream" Jennifer said transforming and Lydia screamed.


Derek and Cora made it back to the loft and saw Jennifer. Cora went to Lydia and made sure she was okay while Derek went to Hazel helping her up. "You did this for me" Derek asked.

"For us for anyone who's ever been their victim" Jennifer said. "Stop talking to me like a politician stop trying to convince me of your cause" Derek said.

"Fine I'll convince you of someone else's Scott you can save his mother Stiles's father" Jennifer said. "How" Derek asked.

"I need a guardian and that's a role that can either be filled by the three parents I was forced to take or you" Jennifer said. "Derek no" Hazel said.

"I can't help you I'm not even an alpha anymore" Derek said.

"All I need is for you to help me get Deucalion in the right place at the right time" Jennifer said. "You killed three of them on your own" Derek said.

"What do you need me for" Derek asked her. "You haven't seen him at his strongest I have and if he's got Scott with him, I don't stand a chance unless I have you" Jennifer said.

"Derek don't trust her" Cora said. "I have the eclipse in my favor but the moon's only gonna be in the earth's umbral shadow for 15 minutes that's the extent of my window there's no decision to struggle with help me kill him and the others live just help me" Jennifer said and she saw Derek hesitating, so she suddenly grabbed Hazel choking her.

"How about now will you help me if I kill her" Jennifer asked as Hazel struggled to breathe.

"Okay fine alright stop, stop let her go" Derek said and Jennifer loosened her grip. "You really would do anything for her wouldn't you" Jennifer asked.

"She's the best part of me" Derek said. "She comes with could use her help too and I don't have to threaten her to know that she would gladly kill Deucalion if it meant saving you" Jennifer said.


Hazel, Derek, and Jennifer eventually found Scott and Deucalion after Scott's message he sent to Jennifer.

"What are you doing" Scott asked as he saw Jennifer, Hazel, and Derek. "This might be hard to believe but Hazel and I are actually trying to help you" Derek said.

"Ooh like brother against son how very American this is" Deucalion said. "Are you ready Jennifer hmm did you gather your herbs pray to your ancient gods and your oak trees slit a baby's throat perhaps should we show them why you needed to sacrifice nine innocent people just to face me or is it 12 now" Deucalion asked transforming into his wolf form as he went to go attack.


Soon enough Derek and Hazel transformed going to attack Deucalion but failing.

Jennifer tried to use her powers but failed as well. Deucalion grabbed Derek and Jennifer's throats tossing Jennifer on the ground and grabbed Hazel tossing her as well when she tried to attack.

Derek landed on his feet going to attack Deucalion once again ending up flying across the room. Jennifer tried once again to fight him but failed.

Hazel saw the scene and went to try to attack him again, but he tossed her once again.

Deucalion grabbed Jennifer by the hair placing her on her knees facing Scott. "Kill her" he said in a deep voice.

"Do it" Deucalion said once Scott hesitated. He roared at Scott making him transform when he looked at them.

"Now kill her your parents are dying the storm you hear she's burying them alive it's her connection to the telluride currents kill her and it ends" Deucalion said. "It won't end not with me he'll have you kill everyone you love it's what he does." Jennifer said.

"They're dying Scott your mother and the parents of your best friends kill her now and it's over become the alpha you're meant to be become the killer" Deucalion said.

"They're not dead yet" Scott said. "Who's going to save them your friends" Deucalion asked. "My pack" Scott said.


"Maybe you just need a little guidance" Deucalion said forcing Scott's claws out leading him to Jennifer. As soon as they made it to Jennifer, Scott faced Deucalion.

"I forgot to tell you something, something that Gerard told me Deucalion isn't always blind" Scott said and threw down a flash blinding Deucalion while, he let go of Scott.


Soon after everyone besides recovered from the flash and had their eyesight back. Hazel went over to Derek making sure he was okay while he did the same to her.

"The eclipse it's started" Deucalion said once they realized they were in human form. "Oh no" Scott said once they realized Jennifer was gone.


Soon Jennifer showed up in her Darach form when Derek pulled Hazel against him protecting her knowing they couldn't fight her without their werewolf abilities.

She knocked Scott out cold on the ground causing him to land on his back then banged Deucalion on the ground with his head multiple times.

"Jennifer" Derek said standing up and she stopped facing him.

"He doesn't know" Derek said. "Know what" she asked him. "What you really look like he knows the cost of bringing Kali into his pack, but he's never seen the price you paid" Derek said.

"No, no he hasn't" Jennifer said bending down to Deucalion putting her hand over his and he screamed.

She took her hand back to reveal Deucalion had his sight back. "Turn to me, turn to me" Jennifer said and Deucalion did. She was about to fight him but was about to fall then Derek caught her.

"What is this" Jennifer asked. "Healing him made you weak just like healing Cora did to me you won't have your strength for at least a few minutes" Derek said.

"Then you do it kill him" Jennifer said. "No" Derek said. "What" Jennifer said.

"Like my mother used to say I'm a predator I don't have to be a killer" he said, and Hazel smiled at Derek.  Derek grabbed Jennifer by the throat. "Let them go" Derek said.

Jennifer shoved him off and she started fighting him while Derek tried his best to fight back failing and then the Eclipse ended as Hazel felt her eyes glowing running to Jennifer tossing her off Derek growling.

"Your 15 minutes are up" Derek said. Then all of a sudden, Jennifer made a circle of mountain ash before Derek Scott, and Hazel could get to her.

"Like I told you Derek either you or the parents well I guess I'll just have to take them now, in a few minutes they'll be dead, and I won't need a lunar eclipse, even to kill a demon wolf" Jennifer said.

Scott stuck his hands out determined to get through. "You've tried this before Scott, I don't remember you having much success" Jennifer said.

Scott started pushing to get through determined not to give up. Scott eventually got a hand in while Derek and Hazel looked surprised.

Scott's eyes eventually turned red, and he got a foot in the barrier while Derek and Hazel looked more surprised.

He ended up breaking the barrier as he stood inside of it making Jennifer fall down.

"How did you do that" Jennifer asked. "I'm an alpha now whatever you're doing to cause this storm make it stop or I'll kill you myself I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes" Scott said.

"It won't change the color of mine" Deucalion said as Hazel noticed he was behind them no longer on the ground. "So, allow me" Deucalion said going to Jennifer killing her.


"My mother told me you were a man of vision once" Derek said. "We're letting you go because we hope you can be that man " Scott said.

"But if you're not then having your eyesight back won't matter because you'll see us coming" Scott said and he, Derek, and Hazel left.


"Derek you, bout ready" Hazel yelled as they were taking Cora back to South America.

"You know you could stay here till I get back or you could always stay with Cora" Derek said. "And leave you all alone what kind of sister would I be if I did that" Hazel said and Derek smiled at her.

"Hopefully this time we won't get kidnapped" Hazel said. "Just get in the car" Derek said and Hazel smiled before going to get in the car.

Soon enough Cora and Derek joined her, and Derek drove off heading to South America.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

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