Us Against The World

By Uniquelywritten86

98.7K 4.7K 4.8K

With all the madness surrounding the couple they finally agree to focus on bettering their relationship. Whic... More

This Is Our Relationship
Blue Light 2.0
No More Disrespect!
Therapy Saved Us
Creating Memories I Never Had
The Truth Will Reveal Itself
Checkmate Bitch!
So Called Friends
Almost To The Finish Line
Therapy Won't Fix This
Things Ain't What It Seems
The Day Has Come
A Weight Has Been Lifted
We All Have Choices
No New Friends
New Beginnings
It Could Have Been Worse
No More Talking
One Step At A Time
We All Have A Past
Eviction Day Came Early
Everyone Can't Be Trusted
You Gone Learn Today
Growing and Glowing
Let Me Cater To You
Our Family Is Crazy
Doing Better Than Ever
People Stay Testing Us
New Neighbors New Problems
Fatima's Big Heart
It's Not Easy Letting Go
I'm Gone Protect Mines!
Old Run Ins & New Relationships
She's Gone
Mending Bridges
Baby Girl 💜♥️ ❤️
There's Always Some Truth
They Stay Fucking With Me
Now Run And Tell That
Close Call
Who Are You
Our New Home
One Step At A Time
House Party
Caught Cheating
It's Time
Zaya Marie Taylor 💜
Our Family Is Complete
A Big Help
Stepping Out on Faith
Us Against The World Still....
A Lot Has Happened
Daddy's Home
2nd Run In
Pay Attention To The Signs
New Distractions
Someone From Our Past
Nasty Ass
Time Is Up
Playing Nice
Bitches Playing Dirty
It Must Be Done
Bye Bitches
You Got The Right One
Double Dose Of Stalking
Who Are These Bitches
You've Met Your Match
Game Plan

It's Always Something

1.3K 65 108
By Uniquelywritten86

I woke up to the sun beaming and shinning on my face. I slept so good, I haven't slept that good in a while. Still in shock from everything that happened yesterday I can't believe I am growing a little person inside of me. I told myself that if I ever got pregnant again I would keep it no matter the situation. I already struggled with getting rid of the child I had from my previous relationship. Zac and I are no where near perfect but we're getting better I couldn't wait to see what kind of parents we would be. A part of me got sad thinking my child probably won't have their grandparents in their life. Only one that wasn't on the shit list was my dad.

Zac must have went out and ran some errands he was no where in sight

I got up and started cleaning, I turned on some cleaning music and got to it.

Zac came in and turned off the music

Zac: Excuse me what are you doing?

Fatima: Why you turn off my music and what does it look like I'm doing. I'm cleaning

Zac: No ma'am you need to be resting. And you don't need to be breathing in all these chemicals

Fatima: Zac I'm pregnant not cripple, and the doctor did not say I have to stay in bed

Zac: Well Dr. Zac is saying that you need to rest and take it easy

Fatima: Babe I can't sit in bed all day plus I feel fine just a couple of scratches. Are you going to be like this for the next 7 1/2 months

Zac: I am because you be going non stop and don't listen to your body

Fatima: Look at you, we got a long road ahead of us and trust me I want everything to go smoothly so I promise to listen to my body and rest when I need to.

Zac: I'm not playing Fatima

Fatima: Babe I know I hear you.

Zac: Come here so I can talk to my baby, they say talking to the baby and playing music is good. I want to talk to the baby everyday so he/she will know my voice.

Fatima: Where did you hear that at.

Zac: I read it online and look what I picked up from the story today baby books

"What to expect first baby"

"Dad Jokes"

Fatima: Awe cute, you're buying stuff already. You're going to be a great father ( giving Zac a kiss)

Zac: Thank you I want to be everything that I never had. I don't want to be a fuck up

Fatima: You're not just keep doing what you're doing now keep moving forward.

Zac: Long as we're moving forward together

Fatima: Of course , pointing to her stomach we in this thing for life you stuck now.

Zac: Oh I wasn't planning on going no where you got me hooked. And I heard pregnancy sex is the best sex

Fatima: You know what stop looking online, you're the reason I'm knocked up now just shooting up the club

Zac: Online be providing the best information and I found the best positions so it wouldn't hurt the baby

Fatima: Zac you're not going to hurt the baby

Zac: I'm just trying to make sure dick jango won't be all up in them guts poking my baby

Fatima: laughing I can't with you can I get back to cleaning please

Zac: What else do you plan on doing , do you need me to do anything

Fatima: Probably just pick up some groceries, I had picked up some yesterday but you see what happened.

Zac: Okay I can go pick them up before I go hang out with Tony and Bryce tonight. They hit me up for some drinks

Fatima: Oh okay no Nate?

Zac: Nope I'm not trying to be around him

Fatima: Okay and remember we aren't sharing any baby news until I am out of my first trimester

Zac: You got it my lips are sealed and I wouldn't tell they ass nothing anyway. They run their mouth too much. But send me the list of what you need and I will head to the store

6 hours Later

Zac: I am about to head out do you need me to do anything else before I leave

Fatima: No, we're good.

Zac: Okay well I will be back shortly will you wait up for me?

Fatima: You know I'm going to be up waiting for you, you know I can't sleep without you.

Zac: I will be back soon love you ( giving Fatima a kiss)

Fatima: Try to have fun babe

Zac: I will

The Bar

Zac: Tony my man what's good

Tony: Zac attack good to see you, you looking good.

Zac: You see me ya boy looking clean

Tony: I see you, Fatima must be treating you good

Zac Of course

Tony: Well first 2 rounds are on me

Zac: Okay I will cheers to that, business must be booming

Tony: All 3 Barbershops are doing great.

Bryce walked in the door before he got ready to take a shot

Zac: Hurry up man you're late .

Bryce: I'm coming sorry Angela wouldn't let me leave if you know what I mean

Zac: Okay Bryce putting in that work

Okay lets toast to brotherhood, love and our businesses doing great

Zac: I toast to that.

We were having a good time laughing and cracking jokes. That was until Nate came strolling in

Zac: I thought I told you not yo invite his ass

Tony: I didn't even invite him, I haven't even talked to him.

Zac: Well how did he know we were here

Bryce: Throwing his hands up don't look at me

Nate: So ya'll thought ya'll was gone have boys night without me

Zac: You weren't invited Nate

Nate: I know , but I'm here now

Tony: How did you know we were here this isn't our normal meet up spot

Nate: You forgot I got your location - waving his phone in the air. But I see how ya'll are I thought we were boys

Zac: Well boys don't do half the shit you be doing

Nate: Whatever I brought ya'll a gift

In coming walking 4 ladies

Nate: I got one for each of you now who's the man

Tony: Okay that's what I'm talking about I'll take that one.

Zac: Look at how easy you fold

Tony: What it's been a minute , don't blame me

One came walking in Zac's direction licking her lips

Girl: I like what I see I want you

Zac: No disrespect but I am taken already

Girl: I don't see a ring so looks like you're single to me

Zac: Ring or not I am taken

Girl: I see you're playing hard to get let me get you a drink

Zac: Yeah Tony and Bryce I'm going to head out.

Boys: Awe man you leaving so soon

Zac: Bryce yo ass need to be leaving to before Angela come up here and get your ass.

Bryce: She will be fine

Zac: I am going to finish my drink and I'm out. I'm about to go to the bathroom I'll be back

Nate was whispering to the girl that wanted Zac. I am going to distract him and you hurry up and slip it in his drink. He's not going to take the drink you give him.

Zac: Alright it's been real fellas

Tony: I thought you were at least going to finish your drink

Zac: My bad( getting ready to grab his drink)

Nate: Hey Zac lets take a picture ( trying to distract Zac from getting his drink)

Zac not even paying attention, the girl manages to slip something into Zac's drink without him even knowing.

Zac: I don't want to take no damn picture with you

Nate: Fine well at least finish your drink ( handing Zac his drink)

Zac: Gimmie my shit ( snatching the drink from Nate spilling a little of it)

Zac downed the rest of his drink

Girl: Here have another drink on me

Zac: Naw I'm good

Nate: Dang nigga why you gotta act so up tight she just trying to be nice

Zac: Nice or not I already told her I''m taken and I don't want a damn drink. You take it if you're so worried.

As Zac was getting ready to go he started stumbling and getting dizzy

Bryce: Whoa man how many drinks did you have?

Zac: Only 2

Bryce: You're not going to drive home just sit on the couch for a second can't have you driving like this.

Tony: You good man I can take you home?

Zac: Naw I'm good I'll just sit here for a second just feeling a little dizzy

Nate was off to the side observing while Tony and Bryce checked on Zac. After a while Zac had zoned out. While Bryce and Tony weren't paying attention Nate and the girl walked over to Zac. Trying to see if Zac was coherent he called out Zac's name and snapped his fingers. Zac was in and out of it at this point.

The girl ended up grinding on Zac and unbuttoning his shirt.

Nate: Yeah just like that , Give him a kiss on the lips.

While the girl was putting in work Nate was taking pictures

Bryce looking in Nates direction

Bryce: What the fuck are you doing man?

Nate: Nothing mind your business, our boy is having some fun

Bryce: Doesn't look that way to me he's passed out. Bryce pushed the girl off of Zac. Get the fuck outta here

Nate: We were leaving anyway

Bryce: Hey can you help me take him home he's out of it.

Tony: What the hell happened he didn't even have that many drinks

Bryce: I don't know but Nate was on some shady shit I don't trust him

Tony: Naw he cool Nate wouldn't do that

Bryce: If you say so. Can you just follow me to his place in his car then I can drive you back up here to your car.


Bryce: Hey Fatima we had to drive him home he's out of it

Fatima: Thank you, umm can ya'll take him upstairs he's to heavy for me.

Bryce: Sure

Fatima: How many drinks did he have tonight

Tony: That's the thing he only had 2 drinks you would think he took something else the way he's knocked out.

Fatima: Wow thank you both

Bryce: No problem, tell him we'll check in tomorrow

Fatima: Okay I will

Zac was really out of it he was talking in his sleep.

"get off me hoe"

"you ain't shit Nate"

I just let him sleep it off

What we both didn't know was trouble was going to be awaiting both of us the next morning.

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