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De Jeonteasty

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Minho and Celine, have been best friends for as long as they can remember. They find themselves returning to... Mai multe



13.5K 326 105
De Jeonteasty




CELINE  stood near the departure gates, anticipation etched on her face. Her eyes darted across the sea of travelers, searching for familiar faces amidst the crowd. The air hummed with a mix of languages and the sound of rolling luggage echoed through the concourse. The scent of coffee and freshly baked goods wafted from nearby cafes, mingling with the lingering aroma of jet fuel. Glowing departure boards flickered with flight details, illuminating the path to far-off destinations. The sight of families bidding tearful farewells and friends sharing warm embraces created an atmosphere of bittersweet emotions. 

As she waited, her  gaze wandered over the expansive windows that revealed a panorama of aircraft lining the tarmac. The sunlight streamed through, casting a warm glow on the bustling airport. The rhythmic hum of engines resonated in the background, a constant reminder of the ceaseless movement of travelers and the promise of adventure.

The airport's architecture boasted sleek lines and modern design, its open spaces and high ceilings creating an atmosphere of grandeur. Travelers scurried past, wheeling their suitcases with purpose, while overhead announcements filled the air, providing updates on arrivals and departures. The symphony of languages spoken around her painted a vivid tapestry of cultural diversity, as people from all corners of the globe converged in this bustling gateway to the world.

Airport staff in their distinct uniforms, with badges displaying their roles and responsibilities, navigated through the crowd, offering assistance and maintaining order. The female lead observed the myriad of shops and kiosks lining the concourse, showcasing an array of international brands, tempting travelers with last-minute indulgences. Duty-free fragrances lingered in the air, intermingling with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the tantalizing scent of warm pastries.

As she scanned the crowd for her best friend, she couldn't help but feel irritation rise inside her. Minho had a knack for always being late, even though she had called him the night before to warn him to arrive early. Their flight to South Korea was in less than 20 minutes, and he was nowhere in sight. Just as she was about to call him, something caught her eye. There he was, walking towards her, swinging his bag on his shoulder, with sunglasses resting on his nose. "What a show-off.

There isn't even that much sun inside," she thought, but her heart couldn't help but skip a beat. She didn't know when or how she had developed feelings for him, but she wasn't going to tell him. She didn't want to risk ruining their friendship, and she was certain he didn't see her as anything more than a friend.

"No Englishi," Minho's voice brought Celine back to reality as she watched her best friend talking with a girl wearing glasses. "Talking" was a generous term considering he ended the conversation before it even started. "Really?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as Minho made his way over to her. "No Englishi?" He hung his sunglasses on his shirt before answering, "What? Don't judge me. I wasn't in the mood to talk." Celine rolled her eyes and playfully smacked him on the arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?" he exclaimed. "For being late. We almost missed the plane," she replied. "I'm here now, right? Chill, the plane isn't taking off for another," he glanced at the departure board, "10 minutes." "Whatever, let's check-in."

The plane touched down at Incheon International Airport in South Korea, and the two friends eagerly made their way through the bustling airport corridors. Following the signs and directions, they navigated the immigration process smoothly, retrieving their luggage without any hiccups. " Hurry up the bus will leave us", Celine rushed her friend as he was walking nonchalantly. Minho's hand made his way through his hair." What's the rush Lili?" The nickname rolled off his tongue as Celine cursed her heart once more for reacting like that. It was nothing new, but since she relized how she felt the nickname made her feel some type of way. " Do you want to sit in the back?" " I don't mind ", Celine said as they made their way to the back. " I'm going to sleep a little," " Okay", Minho rested his head on her shoulder.

They knew each other for as long as they could remember, their moms were friends so they would often play together. She remembered it clearly,  she just came to korea for vacation. Her mom wanted her to learn about her korean culture, so she insisted on taking her there. She - Celine- didnt know a single word in korean. She just spoke English and french at the time.

That's when she met him Minho,  her mom brought her to her friend's house to introduce her to her friend's son. They immediately click even if Minho was hard to understand or even approach at first. She tore her gaze from the boy and focused on the view.

The bus arrived at KISS as a crowd of students roamed around the campus. Celine and Minho made their way towards the main hall. "Well, I'll see you at the welcome party, yeah?" Minho asked as he tucked the form he was holding inside his jacket. Celine nodded and waved at him. However, her hand froze midway as she felt something soft on her cheeks. Minho smiled at her and proceeded towards his dorm. "Did he just kiss me?" Her mind momentarily went blank, and she instinctively slapped her cheeks, earning strange looks from the surrounding students. She quickly composed herself and continued on her way to her own dormitory.

As Celine made her way towards the welcome party, the campus was abuzz with excitement. The atmosphere was vibrant, with music filling the air and laughter echoing through the corridors. The evening sky cast a warm glow, creating a serene backdrop for the gathering.

Celine, adorned in a stunning satin midi dress, exuded an air of elegance as she walked confidently. The dress gracefully hugged her figure, its smooth fabric glimmering under the soft lighting. The dress's rich color complemented her complexion, and its delicate design added a touch of sophistication to her ensemble.

Around her, students in their own stylish attire mingled and chatted animatedly. The event venue, adorned with twinkling fairy lights and vibrant decorations, emanated a festive ambiance. The sound of upbeat music floated through the air, drawing people towards the heart of the celebration.

As she approached the entrance to the party, the chatter and laughter grew louder. The doors swung open, revealing a lively scene within. The space was transformed into a dazzling setting, with colorful decorations, beautifully arranged tables, and a dance floor inviting students to let loose and enjoy the evening.

Groups of friends clustered together, engaged in animated conversations, while others swayed to the rhythm of the music on the dance floor. The air was filled with a mix of laughter, joyful exclamations, and the occasional clinking of glasses. She scanned the room looking for Q and Minho the three along with Dae agreed to meet at the party. When she finally spotted them a smile made its way toward her lips. Q was the first one to notice her as she approached.

"God, look at you!" he exclaimed. Minho turned to look at her and said, "You look amazing," causing butterflies to flutter in her stomach, the same feeling she had when he kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you, you both look good too," she replied. Q smiled, acknowledging the compliment, while Minho pointed to himself. "Of course I look amazing," he remarked. She rolled her eyes, ignoring his comment, and asked, "Where is Dae?" Q took a sip of his drink and replied, "He is not here yet." Minho was about to make a comment when someone bumped into him.

"Watch where you're going," he hissed at the girl, who looked at him with a glimmer of realization in her eyes. "So you do speak English." Q giggled, saying, "Haha, busted," as Celine handed Minho some tissues. "Don't worry, he pulls this move on everyone," Celine stated. Q added, "Yeah, he even did that to me when we first met." "Welcome to KISS," Minho said, and Q nudged him. "God, Q, this is bespoke." "Shut up about your drink, Minnie, look at Dae!" Celine exclaimed. "Where did Dae get that suit?" Minho asked, confusion visible on his face. "Yo, Dae!" Q yelled.

Kitty turned around  and Dae locked eyes and run toward each other. " How does he know her?", " I don't know but that's really cliche." Celine slapped her bestfriend's arms." Stop ruining the mood, idiot."

" Anyway how was your summer guys? Anything fun?",Q turned to his friend " Well I was with my mum in LA", Minho replied filling his now empty glasses, "  And I was in Paris with mine." Celine answered." I'm surprised you didn't spend the summer together", Well" Minho started before putting his arms around Celine's shoulder." We did facetime each other everyday though", " Y-yeah, we did".

Why the fuck am I stuttering?

" Are you okay Celine? Your face is getting kinda red.", Q inquired, looking worriedly at his friend." I'm-" As on cue a voice interrupted her." Excuse me?", it was the girl from before." This girl treats Korean guys like pokemon. She's trying to catch them all.", Minho stated as he glanced at her form up and down." Not interested "" Get over yourself i'm looking for Dae " " Okay, who are you?", Q asked." I'm Kitty Song Covey." The three friends shared a look of shock. " You're Kitty?", Celine asked again as if to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Kitty looked at the three of them before her gaze landed on Q. " Wait are you Q? Trackstar, fellow american, heart of gold?"

The boy smiled before answering. " Guilty as charged ", she then turned to the only female in the group." And  let me guess youre Celine. Bookworm, french girl, sweet as candy." A chuckle left Celine's mouth as she nodded." Yes, I am." " I feel like we should hug right now, should we hug?", Q requested as he opened his arms." Maybe later I need to find Dae." " So, you're the penpal", Kitty just looked at Minho for a moment." If he is Q, and she is Celine, then you must be Minho."

he boy nodded and bowed. "Of course you are," he replied. Celine looked at him with an apologetic expression. "Sorry, we don't know. The last time we saw him, he was with Yuri." "Oh, okay. I'm going to look for him," Katie stated as she excused herself.

"Minnie," Minho turned to his friend, "What?" he asked, noticing the expression on her face. "You could've been nicer," she remarked. He simply rolled his eyes. "I'm only nice to the people I like."

Celine was about to respond when a loud thud interrupted her. They turned around to see Kitty falling into the cupcake tower, creating a moment of silence as everyone looked at her. "What, never seen a girl crash into a dessert tower before? Nothing to see here, people!" she shouted as she made her way towards the exit, not without slipping on some cupcakes. "Ouch, that must have hurt," Q winced as if feeling the pain. "I know. I hope she is okay," Celine added, watching Kitty leave the room. "Well, I don't care," Minho chimed in. If Celine could count the number of times she rolled her eyes tonight because of Minho, she would probably be rich by now.

"Hey, want to get some air? It's starting to feel suffocating in here," Celine suggested. "Yes, let's go," Minho  agreed. The three of them made their way towards the campus garden.

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