Toy Story 2 Alt

By TitanX557

1.5K 59 17

What would happen if Ruby was the one taken instead of Titan? More

Ruby's Cape-Hood (Alt)
Shelved (Alt)
Yard Sale (Alt)
Team RWBY (Alt)
Rescue Plan (Alt)
Photo Shoot Disaster (Alt)
Weiss' Past Life (Alt)
Level 23 (Alt)
Her Choice (Alt)

Al's Toy Barn (Alt)

108 6 0
By TitanX557

The next morning, all the toys were still trudging to get to Al's.

"Hey Titan," said Hamm, "could we stop for a minute? May I remind you that some of us are carrying over six dollars in change?!"

"Losing, health, units, must, rest," panted Indo.

"I think my battery's dead," said Lightning.

"I've got a covered," said Mater, revealing batteries for his best friend.

"Is everyone here?" said Jessie.

"Not everyone," said Corx.

"Who's behind?" asked Buzz.

"Mine," said Slinky, as his butt caught up to them all. And when it finally reaches the others... the butt lays down.

"Hey guys," said WhirlSky, "Why did the toys cross the road?"

"Not now WhirlSky," said Titana.

"We don't have time for this," said Blades.

"I love riddles!" said Indo, "Why?"

"To get to the chicken, on the other side!" said Hamm. There, on the other side of the road, was Al's Toy Barn!

Everyone cheered, until a car came by, and ran over a can, that landed right in front of the toys.

"Oh well," said Indo, "We tried."

Optimus then grabbed Indo's tail, and said, "We'll have to get across."

"What!?!" exclaimed the others.

"You're not turning me into a mashed potato!" said Potato Head.

"I may not be a smart dog, but I know what road kill is!" said Slinky.

"There as to be a safe way," said Buzz.

"We can't use the cross roads," said Predatron, "We'd be too exposed."

Bullseye and Scales got everyone's attention, and pointed to some traffic cones.

"Nice job you two!" said Jessie.

Each of them got a cone, and cross the road. They didn't make it across accident free. There were some spills from the cars that crossed. Amy jumped awake from one of the crashes, and saw the toys getting out of their cones. She quickly got out, and headed to meet them.

In the apartment, Al opened the door, and he saw the cleaner.

"Oh, sir, thank you for coming!"

"Is the specimen ready for cleaning?" asked the man.

A moment later, the man put his suit case, and opened it up. It was a whole repair shop. He then got Ruby out, and puts her on a seat.

"So, how long is this going to take?" asked Al.

"You can't rush art," said the man.

Amy managed to get a worker's outfit, and puts the toys in her purse.

"Why is it closed?" asked Ghidorah.

Amy came in, and she looked around, and found no one around. She then puts her bag on the ground, and said, "Okay everyone, we should split up. I'll go on my own. Woody, you and Bullseye are one team, Jessie, you and Buzz are a second team, Indo, you and Ghidorah will go with Potato Head, Slinky, go with Hamm, The Ignitors, Multiples, Omega and Titan will be a third team. And finally, Optimus, you, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Arcee and Bumblebee will be a fourth team."

"Sounds good," said Buzz. So, the toys each spread out, and Indo found a magazine that was an instructional manual with how to beat the game. Indo couldn't help himself, and took the magazine.

Back in the apartment, the cleaner was working on the toy. He waxes Ruby's eyes, making her look shiny and new. He also gave Ruby's Cape-hood some minor stitch work. He even gave Ruby some screws for some parts of her body.

Next came the hard part, Ruby's arm. The cleaner puts his glasses on, and magnified the seam up, and he carefully stitched Ruby's arm back in place. He then move her foot, and painted over Sophie's name on Ruby's foot.

"There we go," said the cleaner, "Now, don't handle her too much, or she's not gonna last long."

"Thank you sir!" said Al, giving him a check, "You made her look brand new!"

In Al's Toy Barn, The Ignitors, Multiples, Omega and Titan were looking around. They then turned to one aisle, and Titan stopped.

"Something up Titan," asked Omega. The two groups looked down it, and saw a huge Titan's Mecha Adventure aisle.

"Wow," said Corx.

They knew that this was where they came from before they became Sophie's toy, besides Titan because Sid had him first before Sophie. The two groups then looked to see a sign that said, "New Titan's Mecha Adventure Character!"

Commander Dark whistled, "We could use someone to help us right now."

Both groups looked at the character on display, and what they thought it was going to be one their friends... but it was The Thundariam King.

A/N: Think of him as his whole body is crystallized and has a crystallized staff.

"Oh boy," said Omega.

With Indo, Ghidorah and Potato Head, the three were heading down an action figure aisle.

"So, what do you think?" asked Ghidorah, "I mean, where's Al's office? It could be anywhere, you know?"

"I know."

Just then, Hamm and Slinky came in a car, and they nearly hit the others.

"We found this, and decided to take her out for a spin," sand Hamm.

"Nice one, now how about letting a toy with fingers drive?" He then backed into something, and he drove off.

The two groups were looking at the Thundariam King toy, and Twin Cannon asked, "Is he really is that shiny?"

Omega was about to touch his staff, and The Thundariam King quickly backed up and aimed his staff at them. The two groups then aimed their weapons at Thundariam as well.

"Okay! He's alive," said Corx.

"Well, Omega. It's been a while since we last saw each other. You still thinking about your 'friends' before yourself?"

"Oh no," said Titan.

"Hey! Don't do anything you might regret."

"Tell me this guy's isn't delusional," said WhirlSky.

The Thundariam King then said, "STOP TALKING! I have my Thundariam Staff, and I will use it!"

"You mean the weapon, that just glows?" asked Omega, pressing the button on his staff and glowed. The Thundariam King gasped, and jumped on the tiny Thundariam Castle building.

"You idiot! You could've overloaded the Thundariam and killed all of us. You sociopath!"

The Thundariam King then pointed his Thundariam Staff at the two groups again, and Omega said, "We don't have time for this."

"Hey! Get back here! I'm not done talking!"

The two groups just ignored him, and climbed out, and then The Thundariam King tackled them to the ground, and they fought against each other. Twin Cannon then had an idea, she uses a stacked pile of action figure boxes and they all fall on The Thundariam King, trapping him. The two groups then left to find the others.


Mater and Lightning were having a Barbie Doll show them around, and she was telling them all about the store.

"That's pretty cool," said Mater. Just then, they ran into the Transformers.

"Hey guys! Any luck?"

"Nope, you?" asked Ratchet.

"Nope, but Barbie here is showing us around. I imagine she might take us to the office if we went with her."

"Okay then. Good luck," said Optimus. Then him and the other four left to find the others.

With The Thundariam, it took him a while but eventually got out from the pile of action figure boxes and went to find Omega.

Meanwhile with Buzz and Jessie, they had a little trouble with Utility Buzz, and Utility Buzz strapped both of them tied down into spaceship boxes.

"Hey!" said Jessie, "Let us go!"

"Listen to me!" said Buzz, "You're not a real space ranger! You're a toy!! We're all toys!! Do you hear me?!"

"Well, that should hold you two until the court martial comes," said Utility Buzz.

Just then, the others, minus Woody, Bullseye, The Multiples, Ignitors, Omega, Titan and Team Prime came, and they saw who they thought was their buzz.

"Hey Buzz!" said Slinky.

"Halt who goes there!!!" said Utility Buzz, as he pressed his laser.

"Buzz," said Potato Head, "Quit clowning around, and get in the car!"

"Buzz, Buzz," said Indo, "I found out how to defeat Zurg!!"

Utility Buzz then stopped, and asked, "You do?" "Get in, and I'll tell you all about it!"

Buzz and Jessie were trying to get the other's attention, but their cries were muffled by the plastic. "NO STOP!!/YOU GOT THE WRONG BUZZ/BEHIND YOU!! LOOK BEHIND YOU!!"

"Say, where did you get the cool looking belt Buzz?" asked Hamm.

"Well slotted pig, they're standard issue." They then took off, leaving Buzz and Jessie trapped.

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