His Warrior Princess

By Integra1127

5.6K 167 13

The tragic love story of Ser Harwin Strong and his Warrior Princess, Princess Visenya Targaryen, the younger... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen

Part Twelve

272 8 1
By Integra1127



Harwin had a vicious smirk upon his face as the Dayne was announced the victor of the second last match. Good that means he could unleash his full fury upon the fool who believed he could take his beloved from him.

"It seems that our champions shall be competing against each other" Rhaenyra remarks.

"It seems so, aye" you respond, nervous with excitement.

"Who do think shall win?" Rhaenyra asks.

"Harwin is the strongest" you state matter-of-factly.

"True, yet Vorian is faster" Rhaenyra points out.

"Either way, this shall be a formidable match" you shrug, eyes focused on Harwin as he entered the arena.

You were on edge throughout the entire match when it seemed that Harwin was having difficulty with the much faster Vorian.

"Go on Harwin! Kick his ass!" you cried out in excitement as Harwin finally gained the upper hand.

"Visenya!" your father yells out from behind you.

"My apologies Father..." you sheepishly grin at him while your sister giggled at your behavior.

"Now Vi... that was not ladylike..." Rhaenyra scolds you teasingly.

"Have I ever professed to be one?" you retort with a raised brow.

Rhaenyra pauses for a second to think, the two of you stare at one another silently for a moment; both suddenly bursting out in laughter then.

"Moments such as these are the reason why I have missed you terribly during your time away" Rhaenyra comments as she wiped away her tears of laughter.

"I have missed them terribly as well" you nod, wiping away at your own tears.

"Now hush, my champion is about to defeat yours..."

Rhaenyra gasps out at your remark, playfully swatting your arm as you smirk at her.

It was not long thereafter that Harwin delivered the final blow to Ser Vorian and won the match.

You cheered along with the crowd as Harwin did his victory lap around the arena, finally coming to a stop as he was handed the victory wreath.

The crowd grew silent then as everyone awaited to see who he would bestow them to.

"Princess Visenya!" Harwin calls out as he stops in front of the royal booth.

Open mouthed, you stare at your sister then back toward Harwin again.

"Go...!" Rhaenyra pushes you out of your seat.

Like a complete dimwit, you nearly trip over your feet when walking to the railing.

"Princess..." Harwin smiles broadly at you.

"Would you do me the honor of allowing me to crown you, My Queen of Love and Beauty?"

Standing opened mouthed like a fish out of water, you were finally brought out of your daze when Rhaenyra elbowed you in the side.

"Ouch..." you glared at her, rubbing at your side.

"Congratulations on your victory, Ser Harwin" you shyly respond to him, stepping closer to receive the wreath.

"You honor me Ser..."

"It is I that am honored, your Highness" Harwin smirks, bowing at you then.

"Or should I say, your Grace..."


"The Queen of Love and Beauty...?" Rhaenyra smirks at you as the two of you sat at the high table during the feast.

"Oh, hush you..." you scrunch your face at her.

"Harwin is most certainly in love with you" Rhaenyra states matter-of-factly.

"Are you certain?" you stare at her hopefully.

"Quite certain" she nods in seriousness.

"It is quite certain that he shall ask for your hand soon enough."

"You believe so?" you ask, the surge of excitement threatening to burst out from you at her remark.

"I know so" Rhaenyra nods with a broad smirk.

"It is quite fitting, only a man as strong as he would be able to handle a woman as yourself."

"I can be a bit of a handful, aye..." you snicker.

"A bit...?" Rhaenyra arches a brow at your remark and the two of you burst out in laughter then.


"You seem extremely giddy..." Larys remarks to his brother as they sat eating.

"I am merely excited over my victory of today" a nervous Harwin replies.

Larys stares at him with a knowing smirk.

"Then it has nothing to do with the princess Visenya?"

"Why would you ask that?" Harwin scoffs at his remark.

"It is quite clear for all to see that the princess and you have affections for one another" Larys points out.

"When shall the announcement of your betrothal happen?"

"I have not even asked her yet" Harwin responds, taking a sip of wine to calm his nerves.

"You best do so soon" Larys remarks, pointing with a head tilt toward the royal table.

"Before the Dayne heir beats you to it."

Frowning at his brother's remark, Harwin looks over at the royal table to witness Vorian Dayne approach Princess Visenya.


Rhaenyra and you were busy chatting amongst yourselves when someone cleared their throat to get your attention.

"Princess Visenya..."

Turning toward the person, you were surprised to see Ser Vorian standing in front of your table.

"Ser Vorian?" you stared at him with a faint smile.

"Would you do me the honor of a dance?" he requests of you.

You sat a bit dumbstruck for a second until Rhaenyra nudged you in the side.

"Certainly, Ser..." you respond with a tight smile, flashing your sister a scowl as you made way around the table.

The two of you took position onto the floor and began to dance.

"I must say that I was quite disappointed in my loss of today's tourney" Ser Vorian remarks.

"You fought quite gallantly Ser, there should be no need to feel as such" you politely respond.

"I would have loved to have crowned you the Queen of Love and Beauty, Princess" Ser Vorian states.

"Oh..." you stared up at him in surprise.

"Aye" he smirks at you then.

"It seems that Breakbones had the same thought though and beat me in both matters."

"Both of you fought gallantly" you respond, doing your best as not to praise Harwin too much that it would cause a tiff between the two.

"He is the strongest man in the Seven Kingdoms after all" Ser Vorian chuckles in response.

"So I have heard" you faintly smile at him.

The second dance was just about to start, when suddenly Harwin made his appearance from behind Ser Vorian.

"Would you mind if I cut in?"

"Certainly not" a slightly ruffled Ser Vorian responds, bowing to you as he makes his leave.

"Princess..." Harwin bows at you with a broad smirk.

"Ser Harwin..." you smile in response as he pulled you closer to him.

"Congratulations on your win Ser" you remark as the two of you danced.

"Thank you, your Highness" Harwin smiles in response.

"My sole motivation to win it was you..."

"Me...?" you stared up at him wide-eyed.

"Aye... the most beautiful woman in all of the Seven Kingdoms."

"You flatter me Ser..." you blush in response.

"It is merely the truth, Princess..." Harwin reaches a hand up to lightly stroke your cheek.

"You are the most beautiful being I have ever seen in my entire existence."

You stood dumbstruck in the middle of the dance floor for a second, only coming to your senses once Harwin had led you off the floor to the side of the room.

Looking over your head toward the royal table, Harwin looks to your father in a silent question. The King gives him a silent nod of permission then.

"Princess, I have something of importance that I wish to speak to you of" Harwin remarks to you then.

"What would that be, Ser?" you stare up at him in wonder.

"If we could mayhaps step outside?" Harwin requests.

"Certainly" you smile as he leads you out of the grand hall.


"What is it that you wish to speak of?" you stared up at Harwin curiously once the two of you were in the corridor away from the grand hall.

"I... um..." Harwin nervously scratched the back of his head.

"I just won a grueling tourney yet find myself uncertain now..." he softly grumbles out.

Lightly chuckling at Harwin's remark, you grab hold of his hand encouragingly.

"Harwin... take a deep breath and say what you wish to say."

Inhaling deeply, Harwin then releases it while shaking his head.

"Princess..." he then begins.

"The moment I witnessed you riding into the royal encampment that day, you became a constant thought in my mind. You are both beauty and grace, and I have never seen anyone before as beautiful as you were while in armour."

You couldn't contain the goofy smile plastered across your face as you listen to Harwin's every word.

"The more time I spent with you, which was mostly with my ass plastered to the ground after our sparing sessions, the more I fell in love with you."

You couldn't stop the chuckle that slipped then.

"To be fair, I believe you allowed me to beat you most of the times."

"Was it that obvious?" Harwin blushes in response.

"Horribly so" you snicker.

"You find me graceful, beautiful, and constantly think of me?" you tilt you head as you smirk at him.

"Is that what you wished to speak to me of?"

"Nay" Harwin nervously clears his throat, kneeling in front of you then as you stared back at him open-mouthed.

"Princess Visenya... would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Harwin found his confidence slipping with each second that you stood silently staring open-mouthed at him.

He should have known someone as yourself; a strong-willed warrior and a princess at that, would never want to wed someone such as himself.

Exhaling heavily and with a heavy heart, Harwin gets up from kneeling.

"My apologies if I overstepped, your Highness."

When he turns to make his leave, you finally snap out of the stupider you were in.

"Harwin, wait!" you grab hold of his arm to stop him.

A hopeful looking Harwin turns back toward you then.

"I accept" you broadly smile at him.

"Truly...?" Harwin smiles in excitement.

"Aye" you nod at him.

"Under one stipulation though."

Harwin eagerly nods in agreement.

"Name whatever it is, and I shall do so Princess."

"Do not address me as Princess or your Highness... to you I shall merely be Visenya or Vi. And once we are married, you shall address me as wife."

"As you wish, Pri-" Harwin stops midsentence when you shoot him a warning gaze.

"As you wish, Vi..."

"I believe this is the part where you are supposed to kiss me, Har..." you smirk at him.

Harwin flushes you a mischievous smirk then as he pulled you flushed against his chest.

"Whatever my Beloved wishes..." 

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