Can't Get Enough

By thnkrdust

1K 21 0

post-divorced Addison and Derek. Both received an "I miss you" message and they're already on each other's th... More

1. The Deal
2. Back To You
3. Icy Cold
5. Carpe Diem
6. Head Turner
7. A&D
8. Mind Your Own Business
9. 2 Plus 1 Equals 3

4. Oops

88 2 0
By thnkrdust

"What's your relationship with Addison?"

"Are you sleeping with her?"

"What's your intention?"

"Why are you here?"

"You upset her!"

Those questions and remarks made Derek sweaty as he was being interrogated in the practice's kitchen. He was still holding the bouquet of flowers that he should've given to Addison before she stormed out of her office. Derek had no clue who the men surrounding him are. Addison never officially introduced them to him. At that moment, he knew he was cornered. And he knew that those men were so protective. Somehow, he felt happy because Addison met people like them. Way different from me, I guess.

"Cat got your tongue?" Pete smirked. He could see the grain of sweats slowly dripping down Derek's forehead. "I—"

And then it was Cooper's turn. "How'd you meet her? She barely goes out of her house. Unless it's girls night out. Are you even from here?" He crossed his arms, eager to wait for Derek's answer. But before Shepherd answers those unending questions... "You're an idiot!" Amelia bolted in like a lighting, punching her brother on the arm. Pete and Cooper looked at each other with clueless expression. "What did you tell her, Derek?"

Derek? Like Derek... Pete heard that name from Addison once but he couldn't remember who that Derek was.

Derek started telling the truth and Amelia punched his arm again. "Ow!"

"You deserve it. You've hurt Addison so many time. You're such of an ass brother!"

"He's your brother?" Pete and Cooper asked in chorus. Not believing what they're witnessing at that moment. "Unfortunately. He's the main reason why he and Addison got divorced." And that shocked Pete and Cooper completely. "You were married with the hot boss?" Derek couldn't deny. "And I can tell that you're making your way into her again." Another comment from Pete.

"He's not. He was married in a post-it with his intern lover back in Seattle. His standards crashed."


"What? Isn't it true?" The little Shepherd picked an apple from the tray, before going into her office. Leaving the three men stare at each other without saying another word.

"Can I go now?"

"Don't you dare hurt Addison again or you'll never go back to your post-it wife anymore." That was Pete, followed by Cooper's as-if-threatening look. Derek released the breath he was holding from the moment he was cornered by those men. Dumb Derek!


Of course, Derek found his way to St. Ambrose where he spotted Addison, finishing up her charts. "I'm sorry." The woman flinched when Derek hovered and whispered. "Jesus Derek!"

"I like it better when you say it breathless." It was so clear to the both of them that they're just doing their deal. "Have you tried Go Kart?"

"No. And why are you still here? Aren't you supposed to be on your ass flying back to your wife?" Derek could hear Addison's inner thought of saying stay. Why? "I fly out tomorrow morning, but let's have some fun first." He slowly wrapped his arms around Addison's waist, his touch made her shiver, feeling the tingling sensation eating her alive. No one could touch me like Derek does. "What do you think?" He was purposely hitting her skin with his warm minty breath. He knew that it's her weakness and he could tell, without touching her west side, Addison was already wet.

The redhead saw the nurses eyeing on them, so she squared her shoulders so Derek could back off, yet he didn't remove his arms from wrapping around her. So she did the work, finally facing him after closing the chart. "Fine. Let's try Go Kart Racing."

"You're agreeing that easy?"

"It's because..." Addison leaned it then whispered "I'm horny and I need sex. You're the only person who can satisfy me, even if you made me so mad that I wanna claw your eyes out. Damn those eyes." Suddenly slipped her hand down Derek's crotch, grabbing him hard. "Hmm. You were thinking about me all day, weren't you?"

"I don't wanna think about anything else."

Addison lead the way out. "Good thing Amelia won't be home tonight." They were holding each other's hand like they're lovers again. No one noticed it the other way around. Maybe because they were used to do things like that. They didn't mind anymore because it's them, AddisonandDerek or DerekandAddison. They might be living a different life, but there are things that never changed. Connection? Still there. Friendship? Definitely intact. Love? Love? They both could deny, deep in their eyes their love for each never died. "We can just do takeouts, stay on the couch, watch movie."


"Well Derek, my door is always open. If you're bored, you can just walk out. It's your talent."

"You really wanna go there Addison?"

"Pick me up by 8."

Tho, Derek arrived at Addison's place earlier. As usual, he had to wait for her to finish. "For fuck's sake Addison. Just wear jeans and shirt!" But the problem was, she owns that much and she couldn't choose. Derek was no help either. "You're not gonna parade on the street anyway. So why dress up honey?" Again, their endearment. She heard him say it a lot of time, butterflies in her stomach began to dance again as if they took them back to where Derek asked her out for the first time. She's never ever gonna get tired of hearing their endearment. "I don't have a nice shirt to pair with this skinny jeans, Derek!" She's panicking as if she's going to be interviewed by the president of the United States. The only thing Derek could contribute to calm her down was...

"Ow!" To throw Addison on the bed, going on top of her and began kissing her deeply. She gave in that easy, wrapping her arms around his neck as they both deepened the kiss. Tongues were dancing and fighting until they were out of breath. He wasn't finished tho, his fingers slipped into the band of Addison's panties, pulling them off as he lowered his head down, stopping on the pleasure center. "Oh god, Derek." Addison arched her back, pulling Derek's hair, locking his head between her thighs. His tongue was making out with her other mouth, slowly making her feel better—yet breathless on the process. "I'm assuming that could make you choose your outfit now." Addison's chest was heaving, boobs were popping and it was a sight for Derek Shepherd. "Thank you. Don't keep my panties tho." She snatched her panties back from her ex husband aka current fuck buddy.

"I'm all set!" She jumped down from the last step of the stairs, getting Derek's attention who made himself a sandwich, he got hungry waiting for her. "That's my T-shirt." It's your t-shirt and I'm keeping it. "You're not taking it back. It's the only good thing you left for me." It stabbed Derek on the chest. Didn't I leave us a good memory together? Didn't we spend great times? They did—only when he was just pursuing her as a girlfriend, on the process before asking her to be his wife, in between of planning their wedding and residency. I got hungry with work proving that I'm a good husband, without thinking I'm getting worse, and losing her—the love of my life.

"It looks good on you." It was his black Star Wars t-shirt. It was one of his favorite T-shirts, but when he saw Addison wore it one time, and it looked better on her, he gave it to her as a gift on their 8th monthsary. He could still remember her cheeky smile when she opened the box. It was a precious moment for both of them. "And you're showing legs? Are you even wearing a bottom?"

"I am wearing shorts, Derek. Your shirt is just long. Let's go."

"You're not wearing heels, are you?"

"Stop complaining about my outfit. You're not wearing it." She held onto Derek's arms as she was slipping her pumps. "All set. Let's go Shepherd."


"Oh you know I'm born ready Derek." Addison held onto the steering wheel, "Ready to beat your narcissistic ass."

"Yeah? Better ready your ass for beating later." He winked, teasing Addison. She just rolled her eyes at him.


Derek accelerated first, leaving Addison behind and she just let him. That's the Derek I know. Leaving so fast, not caring about me. And then she remembered the prom incident when she was still in Seattle. Damn you Derek Shepherd! She then sped up, bumping Derek's kart on the side, causing him to swerve a little. "You're not fair!"

"We're you?"

Is she taking this personally?

He bumped on Addison's kart too, but too slight to keep Addison from accelerating straight. A moment later, they were approaching the apex, then Addison bumped Derek's kart a bit before easing off her accelerator, and using the brake for a smooth turn while Derek was left behind, bumping on the edge of the track. Loser.

"Loser's gonna pay for dinner." Addison laughed, removing her helmet and thanking the facilitator. "I'm always paying for dinner." He argued. "But you're a loser Derek, nothing's gonna change." Addison suddenly felt so hot, unconsciously wrapping her arms around Derek's neck, pulling him in for a kiss. "So, I still get a reward even if I lost?"

"Only if you'd add steak and wine for dinner. Not just Chinese and beer please."

"Sure thing, Madame." He leaned in for another kiss before intertwining his fingers with hers.

The two ended up ordering Italian food after discussing about it inside the car. "You're such a sucker of pasta and steak. It's still a wonder why you have a perfect body shape."

"Have you heard the word "gym" Derek? Or you're just so out of civilisation now?" She laughed, pouring another glass of wine for her and for him because she just drank his too.

Before Derek answered her back with sarcasm, his phone rang. "Wife?" Addison asked with bitterness on her tongue. She was relieved when Derek shook his head. "Chief." Oh. When Derek pressed accept, Addison was the first one to speak. "Hey chief!" And that forced Derek to put the phone on speaker.

"Is that Addison? Are you with Addison?"

"The one and only." She answered again. Derek knew she's already drunk so he just let her play. "So Derek found you?"

"And screwing me too."

"Alright. That's enough. Take the plates on the sink, Addie."

"You're such a bummer. Tell him that, Richard! Oh I bet you already knew." She then crawled on Derek's lap, holding her glass of wine. Derek inhaled her scent, which is a mixture of her Favorite perfume and expensive wine. Delicious. "Let's make out. Richard won't see he's on the on the other side of the world." She didn't know that her whisper was so loud that even Derek heard Richard's gasp. "Addie he heard you."

"He could listen."

"Addie." Derek tried so hard to stop her, but as if he's trying so hard. She removed her top, including her bra, showing her beautiful jugs like it's the most beautiful breasts Derek had ever scene.

"Derek?" It was Richard. "Still here."

"Have you told her? Or were you busy screwing her?" Not yet and yes!

"He never told me anything Richard. What is it?" It was Addison who managed to speak while she was busy grinding her crotch against her ex-husband's bulge, tongue licking his neck.

"I want you back Addison. It's my niece." And that made Addison freeze, but apparently bit Derek's shoulder. "Awe! Addie don't bite!"

"You two are—does Meredith know about this Derek? I sent you to LA to look for Addison and bring her here. Not to screw each other!"

"Yeah Derek. Does Meredith know we're fucking?" There was a wide grin spread on Addison's face, but in her green-ish wide glassy eyes, a message sealed in a bottle. "You're so drunk Addie." He framed her face. "I'll talk to you in the morning Richard. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Richard. Wait for me there." She then waved her hand as if she's saying goodbye to Richard in person. Derek just shook his head—it's gonna be a long night. And wait, did she just confirm she's coming back?!


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