Model Paint Over

By 101twilightlover

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Rae (Rachel) Chloe Smith is Nineteen, and living on her own in New York. Being disowned by her parents... More

Model Paint Over: Introduction
Model Paint Over [1]: Perfect Picture... Sort Of
Model Paint Over [2]: Finding New Art Is Harder Than It Looks
Model Paint Over [3]: The Camera And Canvas Meet

Model Paint Over [4]: The Agreement Between Lens And Paint

126 15 10
By 101twilightlover

Model Paint Over 

Pictures + Pain = A Whole Lot Of Fun

Model Paint Over [4]: The Agreement Between Lens And Paint

Rae's POV

The sound of busy shoppers pushing past one another trying to get to their desired destination in the mall. Looking around to see the varied amount of people in shops buying these items of choice or simplest just browsing, then the people outside walking to and from shops.

Walking over go a rickety looking bench, which looked like it would collapse anytime soon. My point was proved when I sat down and it began to creak under my weight.

Pulling out my phone from my cardigan pocket, I began to text Lacy. We had decided last night at the dinner because today was Saturday and both our days off, we should go to the mall. At which I was currently waiting for her.

To Lacy:

Here. Where are you?

I sent, soon later I got a reply.

To Rae:

On way, see you in about five.

Not too long of a wait I suppose. Shoving my phone back into my pocket I looked down at what I was wearing.

I had light faded blue jeans on with a few rips here and there, matched with a plain white long sleeves top. A light beige brown thick wooly cardigan which went to my elbows. I had wool style flat boots which went a couple of inches up from my ankle, and a beanie on my head, both of which were the same colour as my cardigan. My hair was strained instead of my usual curly waves.

Crossing my legs careful not to wobble the broken bench, not to risk it collapsing with my on it. Which is something I do not want to experience.

"Rae! There you are. Sorry I'm late." Cried Lacy as she came rushing through the crowds of people. Bumping a few along the way. Her hair flying all over the place.

"S'all right, you ready?" I questioned, getting up from the death trap that passes as a bench. Dusting my bum of at the same time.

"Sure, just let me catch my breath." She panted.

A couple of minutes later, Lacy grabbed my arm through mine and began dragging me of though the mall.

We had decided to go see a new movie that was out, called 'To Love A Flower' it was a chick flick of some sort.

While walking and making a couple of doges her and there to get to the built in cinema they have here. I began to think about that offer Finn had made, well it was more of Archie's idea. I had thought about it all last night. After a couple of hours toying with the pros and cons - there was more pros than cons - and playing with the now crumple piece of paper lodged in my purse I had put it down, trying to get to bed. Hoping a nights sleep would clear my mind.

Obviously not.

I have to see what Lacy thinks on the idea. I definitely need a girls opinion on this. I couldn't ask my mum that definitely was not an option and Rebeca would just tell mum.

Apart from Lacy and Sally I really have many choices.

I was brought out of my thoughts to find that we were at the cinema in the cue. for. Our tickets. The cinema here was good, in total there is eight viewing rooms and one was a special viewing room where you can see premieres of films and private screenings.

Going up the next free till the guy behind smiles at us. He was kinda cute he had shaggy dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes that shined under the lights and and lip piercing on the right side of his bottom lip.

"Two tickets to 'To Love A Flower' please." I asked, beginning to pull the money out of my bag.

"That's eleven, sixty four please?" He asked looking directly at Lacy. Who was too absorbed looking at the guy to realise she has to pay.

Sighing with a slight smile forming on my lips handed over the money for the both of us. Taking the money he handed over the tickets to Lacy, who was still standing there start struck with a dazed look in her eye. Nudging her in the side she came out of her trance and took the tickets. Flashing him one last smile and walked away.

"Bout time." I joked.

"Ha ha come in the movie starts in a minute." She grabbed me by the elbow and began dragging me along with her again.

Once we had chosen out seats which were in the centre of the room, to get a better view of the screen and taken our seats. Before going in we took the time to join the extremely long cue for popcorn. Lacy had gotten a medium popcorn and drink. We're as I had got a couple of packets of different sweets and a large drink. What can I say I wanted to be a pig.

Looking around the dimly lit room as people slowly came in, picking their choice of the best seats before sitting down. After about ten minutes of munching on my sweets and watching people come in, the adverts and trailers came on.


'That was such a good film, and so sad." Gushed Lacy. She has now literally become obsessed with it now, she has been going on about how good and sad, and cute it had been. Personally I thought it was okay, nothing to write home about.

At the moment we were heading of to the food court.

"Remember when he saved her from drowning... I wish I could have a man like that." She sight with a live struck look in her eyes, looking of into space.

Walking over to one of the pizza counters and joining the cue. I'm seriously getting fed up with having to cue today. When it was our turn I ordered a meat feast. Yum. And Lacy got a ham and pineapple.

With out slices of pizza we weave

our way through the sea of tables and people, to an empty one the other side of the court. Plonking the trays down and taking our seats.

"How many people are here?"

"Well it's a mall on a weekend it's bound to be packed." Talking a large bite of the meaty and cheesy goodness.

Lacy was looking at me with a smirk plastered on her face, "Are you enjoying that?" Nodding her head towards the the slice of mouthwatering pizza.

Nodding my head in agreement I continued to chew my food. Looking around the room at everyone. It was extremely busy, even for a Saturday. The large food court packed with people strewn around the room, with their meals.

Looking outside through one of the large glass walls which looks out to the waterfall and outside area of the mall, where people can sit and enjoy the sun. Which was shining in over everyone in sight.

Looking over to Lacy, "Can I ask you a question?" I lent my elbows on the table.

"You already did, but I'll let you have another." Taking a sip of her drink.

"Well yesterday I met one of Archie friends, and he needs a favour from me. I'm not sure if I should or not." Taking another bit of the pizza.

"What was the question?"

Finishing of my bite, "He's a artist and he needs a model for a portrait, and he asked me. I don't know if I should or not."

"I say go for it. I mean you're a model anyway, so posing for a painting isn't going to be that hard is it?" She smiled.

"I suppose I could..." I trailed of. Starting to think about it.

"There's no suppose about it."

Well I guess I could do it. It would be a good thing for both of us. What would mum think? What would mum think! She's always loved the world of art, and me being a model for a portrait, by an artist. Would be the icing on the cake, it's something she would love to do and or Rebecca to do.

That's it. I've made my mind up.

"I doing it!" I smiled.


After my little confession, Lacy had gone crazy and suggested to go shopping to celebrate.

At the moment I was standing in a shop call Sweet Style, waiting for Lacy to finnish trying a dress on.

Looking around the brightly coloured shop, and all the different fabrics and materials of the clothes all in different shapes and sizes. Looking back at the dressing room door, giving it a slight kick with my foot.

Lacy just called out 'One sec'. When that one sec turned into a full blown minuet I got my phone and the small piece of paper containing a number, and typing it in.

To Finn:

Hi, this is Rachel. About that offer... Yes.

And send. That should be good enough. A bang of a door opening cause my attention, looking up to see Lacy walking out with a white summer dress with little blue flowers, over it.

"You done?"

"Yep, let me just go pay for this." Nodding my head and following her over to the tills, my phone vibrated.

To Rae:

Great. Come to my place later so we can get started?

To Finn:

Sure. Time and place...

To Rae:

Green St. Letters Apartment, Level 5, Room 1A. Rooftop.

To Finn:

Okay, also I have one condition

To Rae:

What's that?

To Finn:

I'll tell you later

When Lacy had finished pay turned around, and smiled. "Ready for more shopping?"

Nodded and we began to walk out, to the next busy shop.


Looking up at the building in front of me it looked about five storeys tall, including the loft space. It's was a dirty brown brick building. The wooden pane windows, with the once white paint chipping off with mold growing.

Walking to the door which looked like the windows only that it looks like its going to fall off anytime soon. Pushing it open with a creak. The interior was a plain cream colour with a lift in the centre of the room to the left was the first apartment and the post box and to the right was the next apartment and the stairs.

Opting for the stairs and making my way up them. Passing the first, second, third and fourth floor. Once reaching the top I had become out of breath. I really should have took the lift, how anyone could walk up them it's beyond me. Straining my back heading to the only door on this floor looking at the thick dark brown wooden door, with 1A.

Knocking on the door, holding my breath till the door opened to reveal Finn. Wearing a white top with a blue checkered shirt undone on top, with those light blue jeans. His brown hair was a mess in top of his head, as if he's been running his hands though it.

"You can come it you know. You can always check me out inside." He smirked. My cheeks flushed, at the fact that he caught me checking him out.

Brushing past him into his apartment. There was a large open space with a two doors near the end of the room.

To my left was a long flat wall and a door near the bottom. There was a built in kitchen with fridge, oven, washing machine, and sink and every kitchen equipment you would need. Was a couple of book shelves.

To my right the wall only went up halfway, cause the rest was a wall long window. With a great view of the city outside. Closer to the door was a load of stacked up painting on canvas, with a lot of painting equipment including an easel.

In the centre of the room was a ratty old sofa facing the wall the opposite end of the room, with a two seater next to if facing the window and a arm chair opposite. Both in the same stair as the sofa. A large tv in front, which currently was showing a TV program which Finn had been watching before interrupted.

The two doors I'm assuming is a bathroom and a bedroom.

Turning around to face Finn who still had the smirk on his face. "So you got the loft of the building, I see." Gesturing to the room.

"Of course, couldn't have anything less." He replied sarcastically. "Plus how do you think I keep this body, them stairs are a great exercise." Moving his hands down his body, as if it was to help prove his point.

Shaking my head, "So are we going to stand here or what?" I asked.

He began to walk over to the sofas, gesturing with his head. Indicating for me to follow. I trudged over to where he sat and joined him.

"So what's this condition?"

Folding my legs under me, hands sitting in my lap. "Well my mum is coming to town soon, and she really doesn't believe. Wait no, actually she doesn't like the choices I've made for my life. I failed at school, and she believes that I can never do something high paying, smart job like my brothers and sister. So she's coming down to see if I have done anything better! or to prove that she was right that I can't do anything."

Taking a breath, before continuing. "So if you help me in letting my mum believe I have a better job and life. I'll gladly help you with your portrait." I finished.


"Really, not going to question a thing a said?"

"Nope." He laughed at my shocked face.


© All Rights Reserved 2014 101twilightlover


A/N: So here's Chapter 4. Let me know what you think. Thanks. Enjoy. :)

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