The Princess and the Assassin

By anonymousteengirlxo

613 38 1

Irmina, a princess, longing for the freedom of the forest Ezio, an assassin, longing for the freedom of duty... More



23 1 0
By anonymousteengirlxo


"Sofie, I'm bored." It's finally my off day, or according to my father, the day I'm supposed to read books about the kingdom or practice my studies, but truly, I am not forced to do any of that.

"Yes, yes Princess. Yesterday, you go missing before you're class and now you're bored. Would you like to piss Ezio off anymore than you have?" I blink, looking over at my bodyguard.

"He'll be fine. He knows the only excitement he gets around here is when I decide to spice things up." I smirk. Ezio scoffs, turning towards me and Sofie.

"Well, if by spice up, you mean staying put and listening to me, then sure, I'm super excited for that." He remarks as I hold back a smile.

That's better a response I've heard out of him since he got here. Maybe it's time for that...

I hold back a giggle as I grab Sofie and head for the bathroom. Ezio says nothing as the door shuts behind us.

"What are you planning now, Princess?" Sofie crosses her arms. I smile.

"Just one more prank. I think it would be fun to see his reaction." I state, my teeth beaming as Sofie as she shakes her head.

"So you're not doing this because you want to get rid of him, but to see his reaction?" She asks. I nod.

"If pranks were going to get rid of him, he would've left a week ago. He seems to be warming up to us." I say, and Sofie shrugs.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" She asks. I urge her to come closer.

"Just tell him you need help with something in the kitchen and send him back himself. I'll take care of everything after that." I whisper. She snickers and nods.

"Hey Ezio, can you come with me for 2 seconds to fetch something from the kitchen? The Princess wants some snacks." Sofie asks. A grunt later, the door shuts and I hurry out of bathroom.

Hmm, I guess I'll just scare him.

Footsteps approach the door as I stand right beside it.

He's coming.

The door swings open, nearly hitting me in the face as Ezio walks in, his eyes scanning the room. Startled by his sudden entrance, I take a step back, stumbling over my own feet. 

Before I can hit the ground, Ezio swiftly moves towards me, his arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me into a tight embrace.

My heart pounds in my chest as I find myself face to face with Ezio, our bodies pressed together. Time seems to stand still as we gaze into each other's eyes, the intensity of the moment sending shivers down my spine. For a brief moment, it feels as if the world around us has faded away, leaving only the two of us suspended in this intimate embrace.


But then, with a sudden realization, we hastily release each other, stepping back as if we've been burned. The air between us crackles with an unspoken tension, and I struggle to find the right words to break the awkward silence.

"Um...thank you," I stammer, my cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and something else I can't quite identify.

Ezio clears his throat, his usual stoic expression returning. "You're welcome, Princess. Please be more careful next time."

I nod, avoiding his gaze as I try to collect myself. "I will. Thank you again."

With a curt nod, Ezio turns and leaves the room, leaving me standing there, bewildered by the whirlwind of emotions that have swept through me. I shake my head, attempting to push aside these strange feelings. 

"Um, yeah anyway. I wanted to go into the garden. Please come with me, Sofie?" She looks between Ezio and I with a silent but telling look. I send her a wide fake smile.

I'd rather throw up than even attempt what the look on her face means.

"...yeah. Let's go. I don't have any work right now." She says, still looking at Ezio and I. 

I would cuss her out thoroughly if he wasn't here. 

I sneak a glance at Ezio. The tips of his ears glow a light pink as he faces away from us. 

Hm. I'll have to assume that means nothing at all. 

We find ourselves in the palace garden, the scent of blooming flowers filling the air. I'm admiring the vibrant colors when I accidentally step on a loose stone, causing me to lose my balance. Ezio, always alert, swiftly moves to catch me, his hand gently gripping my arm to prevent me from falling. Our eyes meet briefly, a mixture of concern and something else I can't quite decipher in his gaze.

What is happening today?

 As I regain my composure, we release each other, both pretending as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

Throughout the day, more accidental touches occur between us. We head to the library and as I reach for a book on a high shelf, Ezio's hand brushes against mine. While walking side by side, our arms occasionally graze against each other. Each time, the spark of electricity ignites, leaving me feeling both irritated and annoyed. 

His arm brushes mine again and we both freeze. I turn my head toward him slowly and he does the same. 

"Watch where you're going," He spits. I scoff. 

"I could say the same thing." I cross my arms. 

"Guys... what happened?"  Sofie asks, turning around from in front of us. I shake my head, hurrying to walk beside her. 

Ugh, he's so... 


The day goes by with Ezio and I avoiding being within a foot of each other, which is fine by me. 

I lie in bed now, staring at the ceiling, my mind filled with conflicting thoughts and emotions. The events of the day replay in my mind, and I can't help but acknowledge the strange occurrences and accidental touches between Ezio and me. It's as if fate is toying with us, testing the boundaries of our relationship.

But I'm not ready to admit any deeper feelings for him. No, it's too soon, too complicated. We don't even get along most of the time, and I can't let myself be swayed by fleeting moments of connection.

I pull the covers up to my chin, seeking comfort in their warmth. 

None of this matters.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, attempting to clear my mind. Thoughts of Ezio linger, though, as images of his strong arms wrapped around me flash through my thoughts. It was a reflex, a mere instinct to keep me from falling, nothing more. 

A mix of irritation and curiosity swirls within me. What is it about Ezio that unsettles me so? Why do these accidental touches evoke a strange flutter in my chest? I can't deny that there's something different about him, something that challenges my preconceptions.

But If I'm going to be queen, I must remain focused. There are matters of state to attend to, alliances to consider, and my future to safeguard.

I can't let these confusing feelings cloud my judgment or derail my path. As much as I want to run from it myself. 

As I finally manage to find a semblance of peace, I drift into a restless sleep, hoping that tomorrow will bring a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. 

I vow to myself that I will maintain a professional distance from Ezio, keeping our interactions strictly focused on our roles as princess and bodyguard.

Because nothing else is acceptable. 

And so, with that determination, I surrender to sleep, hoping that in the coming days, I can navigate the intricacies of my feelings without compromising the path I've chosen to walk.


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