Monster High: A New Start (Ma...

Autorstwa Morning_Blankets

104K 3.5K 1.7K

Y/N Van Helsing is the adopted nephew to the world famous monster hunter Vincent Van Helsing. However, neithe... Więcej

A Spooky Start
First Day Freights
Here Comes Cupid
New Ghoul
Strange Situations
Dastardly Discoveries
Bad Gets Worse
Creepy Crybrary
Freightful Friends
Dreadful Director
Insidious Interviews
Spine-Chilling Sabotage
Silver Scream
Freight or Fight
Hunting Humans
Hiding in Horror
Phantom Phone Syndrome
Soulful Search
Moody Mooncycle
Monster Mash
Ragged Regrets
Boo-tiful Music
Terror On The Tracks
Abominable Adventure
New Goreleans
Soul-Searching Steamboat
Vampire's Heart
Boo Bros
Possible Ghoulfriend
Sweet Screams
Boogie Nights
Bloody Revelations
Wicked Winter Break Begins
The Grimm Baking Show
The Unlives of Helsing
Familiar Families
Chilling Christmas
Nefarious New Year
Immoral Integrity
Enduring Evil
The End or A Start?

Melodramatic Memories

914 46 13
Autorstwa Morning_Blankets

Draculaura stared at her own reflection with a blank stare. Her dress looked phenomenal, but what was the point? What was the point of any of this anymore? She let out a sigh which was caught by Clawdeen who was tailoring the seems of the skirt. She looked up at her friend and shared in her sadness.

While you weren't the closest, you were still her friend. You had done so much to help and you've proven time and time again that you truly believed in your vision of peace between monsters and humans. It was actually bizarre to think that you were gone now. You always seemed so.....untouchable.

Clawdeen: I miss him to.

Draculaura looked down at her friend. She looked back at her reflection and stared into her own eyes.

Draculaura: How can he be gone? It's just not possible.

Clawdeen stared at her before placing the pin into the cushion on her hand. She stood up and hugged her friend. Draculaura couldn't even cry anymore. There were no more tears.

You were gone. You were really gone.

You laid on your bed with your eyes closed. The night was slowly becoming day and your slumber was restless. But, still, you saw something. Something you couldn't quite remember.

You walked through a field of flowers. The sun shined marvelously and the warmth filled your body. Your hand brushed against the pedals. A myriad of colours stretched as far as the eye could see.

You then heard laughter. Sweet laughter. You looked ahead to see the silhouettes of several people. You couldn't see who they were, but you knew them. You knew all of them. They were friends, family. And among them stood a female. Like the others, you couldn't see who it was.

But in her arms was something you couldn't quite see. You tried to look closer but......

Veronica: Mr. Helsing?

You slowly opened your eyes to the morning light shining through the port side window. Veronica stood by your bed, gently shaking you awake. Once she saw that your eyes were open, she stopped and gave you space to sit up. She noticed you didn't change from the night prior. You still wore your jeans and the white t-shirt, but your coat was resting on a chair nearby.

You began to rub your head. What a weird dream. What was that even about? Who were those people? You've never even seen a place like that before.

Veronica: Uh, are you alright?

You looked up at her through your hair. Once you pushed it back you gave a half hearted smile. How many people can say that a celebrity woke them up? Especially one like her.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm good. And you don't have to keep calling me Mr. Helsing. Y/N works just fine.

You looked behind you and rolled backwards, landing on your feet and grabbing your coat. You pulled it on and peeked outside the window. Land. You've arrived. Romania.

Y/N: Are we ready to go?

Veronica nodded. You grabbed your things and followed her out onto the deck where you found Abby and Honey already waiting. You pulled your bag onto your shoulders and approached the duo.

They were mid conversation before they saw you and Veronica approaching. You smiled as you reached Honey.

Y/N: Guess this is where we part.

Honey: For now.

You raised a brow.

Abby: I told her about Monster High.

You smiled when you realized that Honey Swamp would soon be joining the school as your classmate. Still, you held out your hand which she took.

Y/N: I can't wait to share a class with you.

Honey: Maybe we can start a film club.

You both slipped your hands away and snapped. You liked finding people who thought like you. It was refreshing. Still, your time with her came to an end for now. You all stepped off the boat and onto the pier where you looked back.

Honey: Y'all be safe now. And I'm rooting for ya!

You all waved at her as you walked off towards the Black Forest itself. Now this wasn't to be confused with the other Black Forest. The one in Germany. This one was.....different.

The trees that grew here were actually black. The bark and the wood itself. This place once belonged to a powerful coven of witches before they were hunted down by witch hunters a long time ago. Their last defying act was cursing the forest itself. Legend had it that if you went too deep into the woods you would begin to see visions of your worst nightmares.

It was why it was often avoided. You were fine for now, but the way around the woods would add another two days on your trip. They would be pushing it, so you had been studying other ways around it. Not a whole lot of options, but you were getting desperate here.

Veronica: So, what happens now?

Y/N: What happens is we get as deep into the forest as we can. After that, we'll start to walk along the edge. That should shave off at least a day.

Abby: And if it doesn't?

You stopped and looked back at the two. You thought about it for a moment before shrugging.

Y/N: Bummer. Let's go.

You started off while the two watched. Veronica looked to Abby who simply sighed.

Abby: He is still a stupid boy.

Still, she followed. Veronica was left standing alone, until she heard something crack. She then quickly ran to catch up with you.
Draculaura sat at the end of a very long table. Her friends ate breakfast in silence while Lord Stroker whispered to his assistant. Draculaura couldn't find an appetite. Lord Stroker noticed this and sent his assistant away.

Stroker: Draculaura, you should eat. A queen shouldn't be so...thin.

Cleo looked almost offended while Robecca and Clawdeen looked to their friend.

Draculaura: I'm just not hungry.

Stroker bit his tounge to refrain from saying anything he was thinking. Instead he set down his knife and fork and began to clean his mouth. After tossing the napkin onto the table, he stood up and began to walk towards the future Vampire Queen.

Stroker: Now, I understand you are in a state of....mourning, but you have to start thinking about your future. If you are to become queen, you must come to realize that loss is......inevitable.

He finally reached her and placed his hands on her shoulder, making her go stiff. Clawdeen let out a low growl which told him not to touch her. He pulled away and showed his hands to show he meant no harm. For now, at least.

Stroker: Losing a dear friend will always hurt. I've lost many myself.

Draculaura looked up at the older vampire.

Draculaura: You have?

Stroker: Indeed. Very dear friends. It's the price we pay for our roles in our society. Your friend was human. He would've been long gone by your 1700th birthday. It's a sad truth.

Draculaura never thought about it before. None of them have. You were a human. They were always going to outlive you by a long shot. And yet, you still befriended them. You showed them kindness and accepted them and helped them.

Why would you do that?

Y/N: Because I'm thirsty. And I'm sure you are too.

You dipped your canteen into the stream of fresh water while Abby and Veronica waited. Veronica was rubbing her now sore feet while Abby stood there with her arms crossed. She wanted to get going as soon as she could, but you didn't even have water left to drink.

Rest was needed after hiking through these woods all day.

Even though it was around noon already, the woods still had a veil of fog which was illuminated by the sun peeking through the crown shyness. The light gave an almost haunting affect to the area around you.

You checked the canteen to see that it was now filled. You tucked it into your coat and stood up, brushing your knee off.

Y/N: I think we can start circling the woods now. Any deeper and we'll.....

You found your words coming to a sharp end when you realized you were alone. You quickly began to look around before you realized that the woods had changed. The bark was no longer black but now brown. The fog was also gone.

You stopped searching for your companions and instead turned around. Before you was a large lake. One that was surrounded by mighty mountains. You narrowed your eyes for a moment. You have traveled the world many times now. You've seen mountian formations of all kinds.

You had no idea where you were.

You slowly began to nod. You then clicked your tounge.

Y/N: Great. Awesome.

You flicked your wrists and caught the two poles the fell from your sleeves. You then connected them just in case these illusions got too....real.

You weren't sure what your wrost nightmare was. You weren't exactly too fond of finding out either. You just hoped the others were doing fine.
Veronica found herself greatly confused. She was just in the forest. What was she doing here? Why was she wearing this dress? How was this possible?

She now wore a purple gown and her hair was done up like it always was when she was a child. No, she was a child. She was back in the royal court. She was sitting on a chair of dark red velvet while lanterns illuminated the dark room.

Many vanpires gathered. All dressed in elegant clothing. All discussing things she didn't understand. It was like they were speaking a different language. And among them all was none other than Stoker. He looked just like she remembered him.

He noticed her staring and shot her a snarled glare. Veronica quickly lowered her head in fear. What was happening? Why was she here? You didn't go that deep into the woods, did you?

The woods. What were the woods? What was she thinking about?

???: You look quite bored, my dear.

Elizzabat looked up to see her father smiling softly at her.

Alphonse: Such a place must be tiring for a young lady. Perhaps you should go play.

Elizzabat: Play? But with who?

Draculaura: Elizzabat!

Elizzabat looked towards the chamber doors to find a head of familiar pink hair. Draculaura waved her over which made the young girl smile. She hopped off the chair and hurried to join her friend.

Alphonse smiled at the sight of his daughter having fun. That smile slowly began to fade when he noticed Stroker watching him. Alphonse narrowed his eyes.
You let out a yawn before you reached the top of a hill. You looked out at the land before you. It was actually quite beautiful from up here. Even the ruins that freckled the land. Like a civilization was here before.

You took a seat on one such ruin and began to wonder where you were. You didn't really understand what you were doing here. You were doing something, right? What was it?

???: Scout.

You looked behind you to find a man standing there. Your king.

King: Night will be upon us soon. Go and open the gates.

You rose to your feet and slid your knife back into your belt. You then bowed your head.

Y/N: As you command, my lord.

You turned back to the hill and pulled your hood over your head. You then ran as quickly as you could. The attack would begin as soon as you gave the signal. No one wanted to be here, but this was a necessary evil.

So you ran. You ran as the sun began to set. And, before long, you spotted your target. The great city itself. The gates were impossible to break down. They were reinforced by the magic of a witch. The only way the army would get inside is if you snuck in and opened them yourself.

It was a dangerous task, but you were the King's person scout for a reason.

Tonight, this great city would fall.
Elizzabat ran through the dimly lit halls of the castle. In front of her was her best friend. She was trying to catch her. To tag her. It was a game they liked to play. Whoever was it by the time the game was over would have to do a dare.

This time it was to steal wine from the party. A risky dare that would surely get them into trouble. But it was a risk they would take for fun. It was hard to find that these days.

It seemed like all the adults did these days was bicker and fight amongst themselves. She wanted nothing to do with it. If she was Queen she would stop it all. Why couldn't Vanpires live as equals to other monsters? They were all in the same boat after all.

Maybe one day she'll get to do it. Maybe one day she'll get to make the change. But today, she lost the game of tag.

The ringing of the grandfather clock signaled the end of the game and Elizzabat was still it. The girls laughed regardless.

Draculaura: I win! I win I win I win!

Elizzabat didn't particularly care that she had lost. Still, it was time for her to keep her end of the bargain. The two hurried back to the chambers where the guests were gathered and peeked inside. They were still talking about things neither cared for. But, right at the end of the table, was the bottle of wine.
You peeked around the corner of the grand column to where two guards waited. They held spears and wore large fuzzy green hats. All the green was starting to hurt your eyes. It was just a lot.

You reached for your knife and slowly pulled up the yellow fabric over your mouth and nose.

The two guards knew each other for years now. They had joined the academy at the same time. Both earned to be guards for their own reasons.

Harold was a simple man. He wanted a good job to help support his mother. When illness took her from this world, he began to work for himself. It wasn't long after that he met a woman. Her name was Julie and she quickly became his whole world.

They married two years later and had a child about one year after that. A beautiful baby girl named Nina. She was named after his mother. They lived a modest life in a home near the wall. They enjoyed celebrations, birthdays, holidays, and many other joyous occasions together. They were a family.

Norton was in a similar boat. He had a wife before entering the academy. It was there he would meet his best friend and brother in arms. Norton looked up to his partner and his devotion towards his family. He hoped to have a child himself, but has found himself happy to be with his beloved.

His father lived south of the grand city. His mother was currently visiting the grand city itself for her son's birthday. Just around the corner it was. Another year older and yet he felt that he was as wise as he could be.

Norton: Hey, mate. You still coming to the dinner tomorrow?

He didn't receive an answer. He couldn't look at his partner out of risk of missing something. So, he asked again.

Norton: Mate? You didn't fall asleep on me now did ya?

Still no response. This was beyond odd. Harold was one of the top guards. Surely he wouldn't be sleeping on the job.

Norton decided to take the risk. He slowly turned to see what was the matter with his partner, only to be greeted with a shine heading straight for his eye.

Once his body fell, coated in the shadow casted by the lanterns, you stared at it. You wiped your knife clean before turning towards the gate. You took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

The king stayed on his horse and watched for your signal. One that arrived in form of a flaming arrow fired into the sky. The king sighed and drew his sword.

King: Men, charge!
Elizzabat carefully maneuvered through the gathered crowd. She was careful not to make herself obvious or to catch any attention. She was still young so it was actually quite easy.

At least, it would've been. She stopped walking when she noticed her father and Stroker leave the room. She slowly pulled her hand away and began to follow them with her eyes. When they were out of view, she found herself getting curious.

She looked back to Draculaura to see that she was now watching a couple dance. Elizzabat took this chance to slip out the back and followed the shadows of her father and lord. She knew that they weren't the best of friends, but for what reason would they need to go away from the others?

Elizzabat reached a pair of large wooden doors and peeked inside. There she found three figures. One had to be her father, one had to be Stroker, but who was the third? She heard mumbles and placed an ear to the door to better hear what was going on.

Alphonse: Absolutely not! We will not wage a war against the wolves!

Stroker: You are being unreasonable. The wolves need to be dealt with.

???: But not in the matter of war. They have done nothing to us.

Stroker: They are our sworn enemies.

Alphonse: By whose orders? Our fathers? We must now go to war because they could not solve their own personal issues?!

Stroker slammed a fist onto the table. This made Elizzabat flinch, but she covered her mouth to avoid making noise.

Stroker: You have gone weak. Both of you! It's those daughters of yours....

Dracula: Hold your tounge, Stroker.

A gust of wind filled the room and sent shivers down Elizzabat's spine. Draculaura's dad. He was here too?

Alphonse: You will leave our children out of this, Lord Stroker.

Stroker: You will not have a choice should the Wolves attack.

Dracula: They won't. There will be no war.

Stroker: That is not for you to decide. The Vampire Queen will be the one to decide.

Elizzabat peeked through the doors again. The Vampire Queen was no more. There hasn't been a new one found. Who would possibly allow such a thing to happen. The Wolves stayed in the forests away from the others. They were no threat to anyone.

Dracula: Should the Vampire Queen order it, then it shall be so. But since there is no queen, there will be no war.

Elizzabat realized that Dracula and her father were leaving. She quickly hurried off and back towards the chambers. She hurried through the crowd and past Draculaura. She hurried up the steps and into her room where she hid under the covers.
You leaped over the abandoned cart and kicked a guard in the chest which sent him to the ground. You then leaped up and spun around, knocking another guard down before leaning back to avoid an arrow. You threw your knife at another soldier and hurried down the street.

The invasion was now in full effect. Magic and battle and war waged around you as you ran as quickly as you could. Your king was waiting for you at the main building. Not quite a Palace, but that would be where you would find the ruler of this place.

You leaped over a soldier swinging an ax before landing on his shoulders and pushing him away. You rolled to a stop and spotted your king amongst the battle. You hurried over and kicked away a soldier trying to attack him from behind.

Y/N: My lord, I am here.

The king looked at you. He was always impressed by your feats.

King: Good.

He turned to the palace and pointed at a window.

King: You need to enter through there. We will knock down this door and meet you in the throne room. Do not kill the lord. He's mine.

You nodded.

Y/N: As you command, King Charming.

You broke off into a sprint once again and leaped onto the side of the wall. You began to scale it before reaching the top and running. You reached onto your belt and pulled out a dart. You threw it to the wall and held onto the rope attached. You swung and began to climb.

You reached the window and climbed through. Just as you did, you spotted two small shadows running. Children? You hesitated.

You looked over your shoulder to see the fires rising. Smoke filled the air. Screams echoed. You lowered your head before pulling out your blade. The job must be done.
Elizzabat was fast asleep. The party was still raging downstairs, but she had had enough of it. She wanted nothing more than to just leave this place, find somewhere where peace reigned. Where people would live together instead of fighting.

Hearing her father speak to Dracula and Stroker brought only fear. What would happen if war broke out?

She suddenly found her sleep interrupted when a loud noise came from the other room. She slowly pushed herself up and looked around the dark room. She looked to her door for a moment before she slipped out of bed.

She wondered through the dark hall towards her father's room. The noise came from there, right? Was her father working on his notes? Maybe she could talk to him about what she heard? Would he be upset?

Elizzabat: Father?

She knocked on his door but got no response. She was about to knock again but stopped when she noticed that the light coming from under the door was brighter than usual. Elizzabat pushed the door which opened with ease. That was when she saw it.

Her father, laying face down with his notes scattered everywhere. The lantern he used was laying on the ground and there was.....there was blood. Elizzabat's eyes grew wide as she took a step back. Then, she screamed.

She screamed so loud that the people downstairs hurried to see what the commotion was about. Dracula entered and saw the body of his friend. He also saw Elizzabat standing there with eyes of horror.

He quickly ordered for one of the servants to take her to her room while he forced everyone else to leave. He closed the door to avoid anyone messing with the scene of the murder.

But it was all to late. Elizzabat saw it all. She sat on her bed with her head in her hands and cried. And while she cried, her door opened. She looked up through her bangs and tears to find Stroker standing there. He offered a kind smile.
You stood pushed through the group of soldiers and hurried towards the throne room. The king would be waiting for you there. You finally found it just in time to find your king facing against the ruler.

You've never seen him in person before. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz himself.

King: I'm truly sorry it had to come to this, old friend.

Oz: So you say. Yet, here you are. Why?

King: You know why. What Glinda is doing could bring war to all of the lands.

You suddenly heard a noise. You looked to your left to see two figures hiding behind the thrones. You reached into your belt and flung a dagger. One of the figures moved to protect the other, earning a yelp.

The ruler looked in worry, only leaving himself open to be stabbed by your king. As he gasped, you hurried to finish off the figures.

However, when you reached them, your eyes grew wide in horror.

Children. They were......children.

The older one was bleeding now, your knife lodged in his chest. The younger one was whimpering, crying over his body. You took a step back and found your hands shaking.

No. You knew what the mission was. No survivors. There couldn't be any. It was to stop this war.

So, you lifted your blade, and stared the young boy in the eyes.

You had never felt such fear. You were just a child. Only 4. You didn't understand why this was happening. The soldier before you held a blade that was larger than even your father's. The look in his eye was dark. Nothing behind it.

You looked to your brother who was bleeding out on the floor. He weakly tried to reach out for you, then you saw it. A spark of green.

???: O-Oscar........

Then you blinked.

You laid in a forest with a soreness in your body. You stared at the sky before you looked to your left. Laying beside you was Veronica. She was asleep, hut she was twitching. A nightmare? Was that.....was that what you just experienced? That couldn't have been a memory. It was impossible.

Who.....who was Oscar?

You looked back up into the sky and soon found a figure leaning over you, smirking.

Helsing: Morning, sunshine.

You blinked and realized that you were indeed awake.

Y/N: What happened?

Helsing gesture to something. You leaned up a bit and spotted Abby sitting on a log, holding your bag of supplies. Did she not fall asleep?

Abby noticed you were awake and smiled.

Abby: You're not dead. Good. Is she?

You shrugged.

Helsing: Abby carried you both through the Black Forest. Quite the feat, if she wasn't a Yeti. Highly immune to old magic.

He patted your shoulder and helped you lay back down.

Helsing: Get some rest, kiddo. Tomorrow, we stop a crowning. Drac should be here in the morning.

He stood up and headed over to Abby to check your inventory. You stared at the sky before looking back to Veronica. She must still be in her nightmare. You then looked at her hand.

You reached over and gently laid your hand on hers. The comfort was immediate. She stopped twitching and began to breathe easier. The sky was beautiful. The woods were clear. You were here and you were okay.

But questions lingered in your mind.

What was that dream?

Did you have a family?

And......who was Oscar?

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