Silver: The Lost Royal

By sparklingauthoress

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To uncover the truth behind her parents' murder, a high school senior must journey back to where it all began... More

| Prologue
1| Hooded With Red Lips
2| Interesting Feelings
3| Conclusions
5| Unexpected Guest
6| First Ride
7| Gema
8| Magic
9 | Conversations in The Hallway
10 | Missing
11 | Mr. & Mrs. Park
12 | A New Environment
13 | A Realm Built with Magic
14 | A Ripple in The Wall
15 | Teaming up with Justice
16 | Shiny Silver Ropes
17 | The Fountain
| 17.5 |
18 | Justice
19 | Joe & Christina
20 | The Warning in The Garden
21 | A Deal with Pawns
22 | The Mistress of Louriville
23 | Lady Idyna
24 | The Stranger with A Scar
25 | Shadows & Streaks
26 | The Lady and The Rose
27 | The Garden of Gloves
28 | Questions Without Answers
29| Hope
| 29.5 |
30 | Regions & Prides
31 | Red Blazing Eyes
32 | The Shed
33 | Symbols in The Shadows
34 | A Mystery Unsolved
35 | The Name - Daurus
36 | Candlelight Conversations
| Characters & Glossary

4| Welcome to The Team

48 5 7
By sparklingauthoress

HOW observant can one be that they uncover one of your deepest secrets in a week? She had always taken great pride in her ability to keep her private life hidden from others, but now she couldn't help but feel vulnerable.

The question had plagued her since her conversation with Zack in the field. If he could make these conclusions about her and the new students, what else could he find out from being observant and how dangerous could that be? Should she, along with trying to figure out what the new students were up to, also have to worry about Zack and his exceptional deduction abilities?

Did she have to be on her guard at all times for the safety of her secrets?

"Karyn, you shouldn't think much about it. It was just a conclusion," Zack said from beside her as the teacher droned on. "Or maybe you could just ask them in private if you're so interested."

"I guess I should, but don't worry." She cleared her throat. "Your conclusion was just interesting, that's all. You should tell me more about these conclusions. They seem..."

"Good, right," he completed for her, and with a smile, he added, "So I've been told."

"By who? Your grandma?" she asked with a smile of her own, but it faltered when the smile left his face at her question.

"No. Someone better," he muttered.

Before she could ask further, the teacher said, "Ms. Whyte, I'm sure you can continue that conversation with Mr. Black in detention this evening."

She struggled to contain her groan as she yanked her book open. Perfect. Her mind was already racing with excuses to give her aunt for her incoming lateness. Zack whispered an apology, but she wanted nothing more than to disappear into the floor and escape the judgmental stares of those around her. It wasn't usual for her to get detention, and as SAC-VP, she avoided them like a plague. She tried to focus, but couldn't get Zack's words out of her head.

'They're looking for someone.'

If she was to trust Zack's conclusion and assume that 'someone' was her, it made sense that The Faceless was warning her about them.

But why would they be looking for her, and what could they want?

The class ended before she realized, but by then she had resolved to talk to the trio of new students. The chance presented itself in the form of detention where she and Zack found Gema seated.

"Oh, thank the star-I thought I was going to be the only one here," Gema said as they sat in front of the seats on Gema's sides.

Karyn turned around in her seat, relieved she didn't end up between Gema and Zack again. "That would suck."

"Do your tour guide responsibilities also extend to detention, or did you actually get yourself one?" Gema asked with a laugh as she set her legs crossed on the desk, to which Karyn raised her brows.

"If my responsibilities extended to that, I'm pretty sure neither I nor Jordan would have agreed to it."

"Oh, you're both stellar students, then?"

"Jordan is, not me."

"What got you here?" Zack asked. His eyes roamed over her stretched legs before they settled on her face. "I assume it wasn't something you're annoyed about, as you seem quite comfortable."

"It felt like a quiet week for me, so I had to end it with something. I couldn't go home for all five days just like that. Sheesh! That's boring. I don't know how you guys do that."

Karyn chuckled with raised brows. "So you're a rebel huh? Good to know."

"If you ever want to break into the principal's office or do something much wilder, I should be your go-to person," Gema said with her two thumbs directed at herself. "What of you guys? Let me guess. Zack probably got in a fight and you, Ryn, I don't know what can bring you here. You seem like the good girl who never does wrong. Though Marce says those are who we should be most cautious about."

She would have commented on Gema's last words, but reared her head back and said, "That's presumptuous of you. How does Zack seem like someone who gets into fights?"

"Do you mean I appear as some impulsive guy?" he asked.

"No, I'm sorry. It's just the way he looks so proud, yet angry at the same time. Ryn, didn't you think he would be someone like that at first?"

"No," she replied and locked eyes with Zack. "I thought he would be someone who listens to heavy metal music, but I was wrong. He's a lot smarter and the more time I spend with him, the more I see it."

Karyn then found herself lost in his green eyes and felt a warmth spreading through her chest from the way his eyes took in hers.

"That could be true, and it's as you said," Gema continued. "You spend time with him so you get to know him more than those of us who only see his scowl and moody aura. If a guy's quiet, he's seen as mysterious. If a girl's quiet, she's seen as timid. That's why we interact with each other to break that down. Like how you're learning a lot about us at the moment."

The spell that kept Karyn's eyes locked on Zack's broke and she blinked before she turned to find Gema giving her a pointed stare. The statement caught her off guard, but Karyn didn't have time to ponder as Gema continued.

"With all the questions you've been asking. You really want to know a lot about us. Is that also part of your tour guide responsibilities or..." Gema tilted her head with a scrutinizing gaze that made Karyn shift in her seat. "Is it something else?"

She saw the suspicion in Gema's eyes, and her mind whirled to form an answer.

"I just wanted to be sure I could trust-"

Gema smacked her lips. "Hm no, that's not it. No need to lie."

"I'm-" she started, but Gema cut her off with a wave.

"Save it. I have a thing for knowing when people are not exactly being truthful," Gema said.

Karyn wanted to sink into her seat and forget this was happening. For the first time, she wished for a teacher to enter the class and put an end to the awkward moment.

"But you know what? We're not mad. On the contrary, I'll answer the question you've been trying to ask. No. We're not simply here for school," Gema said and turned to gauge Zack's expression, but it remained as always. Blank.

Gema looked at Karyn and spoke. "Why am I telling you this now? You seem like someone who keeps secrets."

Her heart raced in her chest and pounded in her ears at the statement. She felt blood warm her cheeks but pursed her lips to maintain a collected expression. Had they been as curious about her as she was about them?

The room descended in a hush, with Gema's voice coming out clear and crisp in the silence.

"I'm pretty sure you have something huge or two tucked under your sleeve, but that's fine, don't we all? And you..." Gema's eyes drifted sideways toward Zack. "Seem like the person who figures out people's secrets. It won't be a surprise if you already know why we're here."

Karyn's eyes snapped to catch his reaction, but couldn't get a hint of his thoughts under the expressionless mask he wore. He didn't even move a brow or shift his intense stare from Gema.

"And that's why I'm telling both of you. We are looking for someone and we need your help."

The faint ticking of the clock on the wall seemed to drag on as the only sound in the room until Karyn finally found her voice. "Do you have any clues or info on who this person is?"

"For starters, we know it's a girl. Sadly, that may be the most substantial piece of information we have from all our... time of searching."

"All the moving around was because you were searching for this person?" Karyn asked.

"Yes. They have something we've been looking for. Not that they stole it, it's rightfully theirs."

"Then why are you looking for it if it's theirs?" Karyn asked.

"Because their kingdom needs them."

Although Karyn knew what it was, her brain still found it necessary to ask. "What... what do you mean by kingdom? A group of people ruled by a monarchy?"

Gema's lips tugged up at the question. "More than a group and more than a nation. Countless people are waiting and hoping for the return of their princess."

Karyn's mouth slackened, and her eyes went a fraction wider. Despite her parted lips, she remained at a loss for words.

The usual lively chatter of students that filled the halls during school hours was absent, leaving behind a soundless atmosphere amplified by a sense of mystery as all three individuals kept their thoughts hidden from one another.

Karyn swallowed down the lump of shock forming in her throat to bring her thoughts into one cohesive sentence before she broke the contemplative atmosphere.

"You've been going around the world searching for this princess, and I understand how Zack's... observation skills could be of help, but what does this have to do with me?"

If they weren't a danger to her quiet life in Emerfield, she found no reason to tag along. They could carry on with their absurd tales of royalty, and she could focus on her friends and duties.

"We've been in town for more than a week now, but only came to Emerfield High this week. From our time here, we've come up with some guesses. Three people that we are each looking into."

"Who do you have in mind?" she asked.

"Elowen," Gema said. Karyn's brows scrunched before they let up and she let out a laugh.

"You think Elowen is the person you're looking for? The princess?" she asked, trying to rein in her laughter.

"Well... yeah," Gema stuttered for the first time since she started and then asked, "How well do you know your best friend?"

"Well enough to know she's not the one you're looking for," she said. She saw the look of confusion etched on Gema's face and the slight question on Zack's, so she added, "I mean, I've known her for years. I would know if she was keeping something, whatever it was. We're like sisters."

"So you know all her secrets?" Gema asked.

"Well, no, I only know all there is to know about her. I can't explain it. It's like when you know someone so well that you just know what they are and what they're not. Plus, I can assure you Marigold is Elowen's mother. One look at them would be enough for anyone to tell. Would that mean Marigold's the queen?"

Gema kept her eyes locked onto Karyn, her gaze unwavering. "And you're not keeping any secrets from her, either?"

"That's not what I'm saying but-what made you think of Elowen? Maybe I can understand your point of view."

"We've been around her and there's something about her that's different. We still need to know more, and that's where you come in."

"There's something different about Karyn, too. Is she also on your list?" Zack asked. His first statement since Gema started talking.

Gema's eyes narrowed a small fraction, and she asked, "What do you mean?" The tone was one devoid of any friendly or curious undertone, causing a shift in the air that Karyn noticed.

He gave a nonchalant shrug but replied with equal intensity. "It's just a question."

While Elowen suspected Zack had an interest in Gema, Karyn couldn't help but think it wasn't as romantic as her best friend had suggested as she shifted her gaze between Zack and Gema.

"No, Ryn's not on our list. My focus is on Elowen."

Karyn couldn't help but wonder what Gema found different about her best friend. Everyone loved the young soul, and it was easy to see why. No one could find fault with Elowen because she had an effortless personality that people warmed up to quickly.

Gema's voice broke through Karyn's reverie. "What do you say? Do you want to help us find this person, or have I been sounding like a weirdo since?"

Karyn's gaze shifted to find Zack's eyes on her, swirling with an emotion she couldn't decipher.

"I mean, you don't have to have an answer now. You can think about it, and if you say no, that's alright. I probably sound like a weirdo."

She didn't know when she saw it in his eyes, but she did. "We agree."

Gema glanced at Zack, who confirmed with a nod of his head.

"Great!" Gema exclaimed before she pulled her legs from the table and sprang to an upright position. Then she stretched her hands forward and rested them on the back of their seats. "Welcome to the team. Questions?"

"How could we have this conversation with no interruption? Wasn't a teacher supposed to be here by now? Or at least another student?" Karyn asked.

Gema smirked. "Seems like Mr. John must have forgotten he was on detention duty."

Karyn sensed there was more to Gema's words but decided against pressing further.

"How were you so sure that I knew why you were here or Karyn was good at keeping secrets? What if we weren't?" Zack asked.

"I wasn't," Gema simply said. "Risks are part of the job and we're gonna be taking quite a lot."

ITNC: Kara and Karyn trade stories and rub minds on the recent turn of events and the unexpected guest in their home.

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The Sparkling Authoress,
Mis. A

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