Par Amour [Taekook ff]

By AfroArmyGirl

75.8K 3.3K 1.2K

TYPE: πŸ”² General Fiction | βœ”οΈ Taekook ff | πŸ”² Non-Fiction Date Started: 04.30.2023 Date Finished:... More

i | intro
ii | character descriptions
iii | Par Amour Playlist
1 | The Proposition
2 | The Documents
3 | When Do We Start?
4 | Playing With Fire
5 | Rescue A Prince
6 | Christmas Candy
7 | White Wedding Cake
8 | A Day To Remember
9 | His Favorite Par Amour
10 | Happy New Year
11 | Moth to a Flame
12 | Friend and Friend
13 | Taken to Bed
14 | Is It Working?
15 | Collect Your Man
16 | Not of This World
17 | Total Bliss
18 | Now It's Over
19 | Clientele
20 | Taught Him to Love
21 | Screaming His Name
22 | The Real Deal
23 | A New Friendship
24 | Join Me
25 | Valentine's Day
26 | Together-Together
27 | Shacking Up
28 | Too Good To Be True
29 | Tears of Worry
30 | One of Her Shooters
31 | Room 128
32 | Time To Come Clean
33 | He Left
34 | Someone I'd Like You To Meet
35 | I Want You To Go
36 | March Has Come
37 | Good Night, Baby πŸ‘…
39 | I Hate You Too, Baby
40 | Par Amour
iv | Final Author's Note
v | Character's Q & A
vii | Playlist Narrative

38 | A Little Baby Girl

1.4K 68 19
By AfroArmyGirl

A little mild violence ahead. Read at your own risk.

Jungkook wished he wasn't at work. This was a first. He always loved to be busy and he loved his job. But mornings had started to be difficult for him.

The morning sickness had kicked his ass this morning. At least, that's what he thought he was experiencing. He tried drinking a glass of water and that made it way worse. He needed to make a doctor's appointment to get something for the nausea. He thought of calling his mom or sister to ask for advice, but he hadn't told them about his situation yet.

But, most importantly, he needed to talk to the child's father and discuss what they needed to do. He hated when he had to admit that Taehyung was right. He needed to be a grown-up and talk things out with him.

It just so happened that his gorgeous ass was sitting on the other side of the room on his laptop. He said he was working.

Taehyung had woken up gloating this morning because he had sexted Jungkook the night before. Tonight, he won't be so successful. Kook planned to not answer his texts. That'll show him.

Jungkook caught himself staring at him again. Tae looked like a modern-day Greek god as he was wearing a dark navy pin-striped suit with a dark navy shirt and red tie. He was looking rather sexy with the glasses on. Taehyung reminded him of a sexy librarian. The kind that would try to keep you quiet and say "shhh..." while fucking you against a bookshelf.

Uh oh, he caught him staring again.

"Need anything, Jungkook? Want a ginger ale for the sickness?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook hated when Tae was being all nice when he was having a hard time keeping his legs closed around him. Being with Tae, he learned that his most prominent love language is service. And Kim Taehyung served him on every level. 10/10. Or was Jungkook's love language service?

"No, I think I need to call the doctor and have him call me in something to the pharmacy, something to take."

"Well, call him up. If you have to see him, I'll go with you," he said. "When my sister was expecting, her nausea usually left by now so later in the morning. So, you need to get something called in or buy something over the counter."

They had never apologized for the argument they had gotten into over the tv shows. Taehyung was big on dealing with disagreements but he figured with the seriousness of their predicaments, he'd pick his battles wisely. He chalked the argument over the shows as hormonal on Kook's part or sexual frustration on his. Either way, the fight was absurd. So, Taehyung didn't bring it up.

"Jungkook, this is off-topic, but what are you doing for your birthday?" He asked.

Shit. Jungkook forgot his own birthday was coming up. Usually, he and Jimin got drunk off their asses and Jimin would spend the night at his place.

"You're not my boyfriend anymore Taehyung. You don't have to celebrate my birthday with me." He wanted to let him off the hook.

"But, I want to. You're the future mother of my child. I'll buy you a gift from the baby. Wouldn't that be cute?"

"Serious talk. You high-key want this baby don't you?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't want to upset you, but yes. I want it with everything in me. Just like I still want you."

Jungkook looked at his computer and pretended to do something important.

"But, back to your birthday. I know we're not dating anymore. But we can do something as friends. I can still be your friend right?" He asked.

"Were you being my friend last night?" He asked.

"I believe so, yeah," he answered.

"The text messages you sent me last night- you consider them friendly?"

"I consider them very friendly. You had a need and I, your friend helped you out. It's the same as if you needed to move to a new apartment. I'd help you move," he smiled, looking up from his computer.

"You're full of shit Kim." He laughed. "But don't think that last night will happen again. I won't be answering texts tonight."

Tae just looked at him with a pout.

"And don't try to act cute and sad either. I'm on to you. You're a fucking swindler and hustler."

"Well, my friend, how's the nausea now? Feeling any better. This swindler wants to know." He smiled.

Their back and forth got interrupted when Jungkook got a phone call. It was just his dad.

"Hey, Dad." He answered. He had him on speakerphone.

"Hey. Just wanted to let you know I'll be out of the office for a few hours. So will the receptionist. If you need anything from me or my office, please let Jimin consult with Marianne, per usual," Seojun directed.

"Oh, ok. I shouldn't need you. I believe all contracts are signed on my end. Gillian took care of them last week."

"Good to hear. I'll be back this afternoon. Goodbye."

"So, that was Mr. Joel?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes. He's heading to some meeting or another.

"You guys work well together. I didn't know that he usually called you when he'd go out of the office?"

"He does when I'm not allowed to call his personal cell while he's out. That's his way of saying 'forget my number for a few hours.'"

"And Gillian goes out with him a lot?"

"I know what you're getting at, Taehyung. There is no affair happening between the two. We've already investigated."

"Investigated?" He asked with a light laugh.

"Yes, Kennedi and I."

"Oh. Well, it's none of my business. But if you don't mind, I'm off to the restroom. I'll use this one in here so I won't have to leave you alone. Unless you want to come to the men's restroom with me?" He smiled.

"Hell no," Kook said.

He went to the bathroom and took out his phone. He texted both Namjoon and Yoongi.

Hey Namjoon, I know
the lady from the
photos you showed
me. I knew she looked
familiar. Her name is
Gillian. She is the
receptionist and private
secretary of Jeon Seojun.
They have left the Jeon
Building and are headed
out together.

Min Yoongi
That checks out

Kim Namjoon
That helps a lot

Min Yoongi
Tae, you need to
get to the site now

On my way

He rushed out of the bathroom. He walked determinedly to Jungkook and whispered in his ear. "We have to get out of here right now. I'm whispering because our conversation is being picked up. I just saw that someone is recording from a device left in your restroom. Don't ask questions and don't seem in a hurry. Grab your crossbody bag and phone and we will head out as if we are going to an early lunch. Move. Now."

Jungkook did as he was told and they made it to his floor's lobby.

"Hey, where are you headed," Jimin asked Jungkook.

"Going for a late breakfast or early lunch," Jungkook said without further explanation.

Jimin knew he was lying. He assumed the couple were off to have sex. His mind was always in the gutter.

They took the private elevators so they could exit in the alley. Yoongi had already stationed officers and a driver there. They got into the SUV and headed out.

"Can we talk now?" Jungkook asked as he exhaled.

"Yes," Taehyung said as he started putting on policeman protective gear. He already had one gun on his hip. He added another behind his back and a third one inside one of his socks under his left pants leg.

"Where are we going?" Kook asked.

"To The Ice House." He started strapping protective gear onto Jungkook's chest and his head.

"Taehyung, what the fuck is happening?"

"I'm not at all sure yet. I have an idea but I don't want to speculate. Now, please give me your phone."

Jungkook did, and Tae gave it to one of the guys seated up front. The guy took the phone apart and used tweezers to pull out a very thin round disk and a small red wire.

The guy then lifted it and showed it to Taehyung and he simply nodded his head. The guy upfront through the phone out of the window.

"Hey, what the fuck? That's my phone!" He screamed.

"It's time that I let you in on something. They've been trailing us and listening to our every conversation through your phone. It had to be done. Now are you married to these shoes?"

Jungkook was more than confused. Who the fuck were 'they'?

"These shoes cost me two grand. I'm not throwing them out of the window." He said.

"I wasn't going to suggest that. But where we are going, it will take some walking and going downstairs. These shoes will be counterproductive. You can take them off and leave them in the vehicle." The low-cut boots had a small heels on them.

Jungkook bent down to take them off of his feet and placed them in the seat behind him.

"Ok, we're here. Do not talk. Do not ask questions. You're only allowed to breathe. But not hard. We don't want to be heard. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Jungkook said as he went from being curious to scared. He looked at Taehyung and had never seen him be so serious and determined, well except for once when he rescued him from Kira Ivanov. This was not the fun-loving Taehyung from thirty minutes ago. This was the badass detective.

Jungkook didn't know where he was. It was broad daylight and he still didn't recognize the area they were in. The SUV was parked in the alley next to a camper that was full of cops, he assumed. There were monitors all over the inside of it and the men and women were paying close attention to what was on each screen.

One of the officers opened the camper quietly and gave them all headsets, not Jungkook, but to the officers that were in the SUV with him. They tested them and as soon as they knew they were working, they headed next door to a Chinese restaurant.

Were they now hungry?

He held on to Taehyung as much as he could. There was an elderly gentleman at the counter, wiping it down. When he saw them walk in, he simply nodded to the back.

They went to the back of the restaurant and were met with what looked like a set of pantry doors. Behind them was where the dry goods were stored. They all fit in the small space. In this room was another door. One of Taehyung's coworkers unlocked it with a key and opened it slowly.

Taehyung got on his headset and pushed one of the buttons. "We are in," he said into the set. Jungkook assumed he was talking to someone in the camper.

Jungkook's heart was beating into his ears. He felt like he was watching a movie. Except his former personal was the main character.

They went through the door and were immediately met with stairs. Now he understood why he didn't need his Christian Louboutins.

The stairs were narrow and dark. They finally reached the bottom of them. That's when they all pulled their guns out and started pointing them as they walked. The room they were in was vast. It had plenty of tables and chairs. The odor was a little musty like it was full of mold. The smell almost made him sick. He reached for his stomach and Taehyung looked to see if he was ok.

They progressed past the dingy room and made it into a hallway. That's when he heard gunshots.

"Duck down baby, he said," as he started shooting toward the area the gunshots were coming from.

What the fuck?

The cop that had driven said "I'll progress. Watch the third door. That's where the deal will occur." So, Taehyung maneuvered his way toward the door. The third cop remained at the hallway entrance they had just left.

More gunshots were coming from the opposite end of the hall. Taehyung progressed toward the shots and waited. A guy jumped out at him and Taehyung shot him down. After securing the guy's weapon, they kept walking. Then another guy shot at Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung shielded him and shot back at the other guy, hitting him in the leg. Taehyung rushed over and pulled his guns off of him and ammunition.

Then they saw the body of the cop that had gone ahead of them. He had been shot in the foot and was bleeding pretty badly. Taehyung knelt and pulled his jacket off. He tied the jacket around the foot to slow the bleeding down. Then he drug the officer to a room that said 'general admin' on it. He got on his earpiece and said "Officer down-shot in the foot. Send rescue to the door that says 'general admin' on it."

Jungkook heard more gunshots. And then it got quiet and he could hear voices. Two of the voices sounded familiar.

"They are already there sir. And I'll personally pick up the cash and bring it to you," the unknown voice said.

"And what about Sehun, the informant? I don't want any more mishaps, Logan. I can't believe they let that son of a bitch out after harassing my son."

What the literal fuck? Was that his dad in that office talking? What the hell was he doing here?

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and put his finger up to his mouth alerting him to keep quiet.

"So how many have we sold?" Seojun asked.

"All of them, sir."

"Excellent. I'll leave Gillian here to figure out any loose ends and I'm just going to head out before your team returns." Seojun said as he started turning the door knob.

He opened the door and before he could see Taehyung, Tae had already punched Seojun in the face and knocked him out. Jungkook stood stunned.

He pulled the gun on Gillian and Logan.

"Put your hands in the air. Now."

The guy Logan called Taehyung's bluff and he reached for his gun to shoot one of them but Taehyung was faster. He simultaneously pushed Jungkook out of the way and shot the guy in the chest.

He handcuffed Gillian to a chair.

He looked to find Seojun in the hallway, but he was gone.

There were still more gunshots. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook and kept maneuvering through the hallway and Seojun met them with a gun of his own. He had it pointed toward Taehyung and shot him.

"You couldn't leave us alone, could you? You may be good at cops and robbers games, but this is the big league boy." Seojun breathed out.

"Dad, what the hell are you doing?" Jungkook asked.

"Come here, Jungkook. I'm just here trying to make sure business is going as it should." He said grabbing Jungkook's hand and pulling him toward him.

"What business do you have here?" He asked. He snatched his hand away as he ran back to Taehyung. Tae was holding his shoulder.

"All of it. We own all of it, Jungkook."

"What the fuck?" That's all he could get out.

"And your boyfriend here stuck his nose where it didn't belong."

Taehyung was still saying nothing. He wanted Seojun to talk as much as possible.

"Dad put the gun down. Don't hurt him. If you do, just know you'll hurt me." He unconsciously put his hands over his stomach.

"Jungkook, don't be stupid. I've taught you better than this. Just keep your mouth shut and everything will be ok." He pointed the gun toward Taehyung again and then there was a gunshot in the hallway near them. Seojun jumped and that gave Yoongi, who had been walking up behind him the chance to knock Seojun out with his Glock. Yoongi handcuffed him.

Jungkook had no more 'what the fucks' to give. He passed out.

"Taehyung put pressure on your arm. Can you walk?" Yoongi asked. "I want to get us all out of here before more of their team arrives. I've called 911. There are plenty of ambulances upstairs. I'll just feel more comfortable once we are out of the building. I've had to send most of our team to the final pick-up location."

Yoongi picked Jungkook up and got him up the stairs and into an ambulance. Namjoon assisted Taehyung and got him into another ambulance. Yoongi sent a couple of officers with them. He, himself, had plenty of arrests to make at the drop-off center across town.

Taehyung lost plenty of blood and passed out dreaming about a beautiful Jungkook holding a little baby girl.

Next | I Hate You Too, Baby

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