Marooned - Fred Weasley

By writersfeather

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"Whatever memories and moments define who you are or who you want to be, this one was among his." _ The secon... More

Author's note and characters
Chapter 1: The Burrow
Chapter 2: Memories
Chapter 3: Trip down Diagon Alley
Chapter 4: Confiscated and highly dangerous
Chapter 5: A Bond
Chapter 6: Getaway Car
Chapter 7: Knock On Wood
Chapter 8: Heart of Stone
Chapter 9: The Missing
Chapter 10: Egypt's got to your head, hasn't it?
Chapter 11 : The Green Light
Chapter 12: Smoke
Chapter 13: The Hawk
Chapter 14: Stomping on ruins
Chapter 15: Fearless
Chapter 16: Terms
Chapter 17: A Send Off
Chapter 18: The Traitor
Chapter 19: Lycathropy, is that a candy?
Chapter 20: Summer at the Burrow
Chapter 21: A Future
Chapter 23: Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 24: The Curse
Chapter 25: The Champions
Chapter 26: Found Family
Chapter 27: Steps
Chapter 28: The Yule Ball
Chapter 29: The Second Task
Chapter 30: Foe
Chapter 31: An Ally
Chapter 32: Head-Quarters
Chapter 33: Almost
Chapter 34: Pink
Chapter 35: Lies
Chapter 36: Tyranny
Chapter 37: The Hog's Head
Chapter 38: The Match
Chapter 39: The Room of Requirement
Chapter 40: The Fever Dream
Chapter 41: The Antidote
Chapter 42: Details
Chapter 43: The Patronus
Chapter 44: Transitionary
Chapter 45: The Grand Exit
Chapter 46: The Ministry
Chapter 47: Answers
Chapter 48: Reality Check
Chapter 49: Job Description
Chapter 50: Always Almost
Chapter 50bis: Always Almost
Chapter 51: Risks and Gambles
Chapter 52: So it Goes...
Chapter 53: Afterglow
Chapter 54: Glitch
Chapter 55: Families
Chapter 56: Labyrinth
Chapter 57: 25th
Chapter 58: Firewall
Chapter 59: Sweet Nothing
Chapter 60: Farewell
Chapter 61: By Seven
Chapter 62: Guns and roses
Chapitre 63: Captured
Chapter 64: Deathwish
Chapter 65: Fallen From Grace
Chapter 66: Hold My Girl
Chapter 67: Come Back
Chapter 68: Plotting
Chapter 69: MI7
Chapter 70: Lost in the Woods
Chapter 71: The Locket
Chapter 72: Venom
Chapter 73: Godric's Hollow
Chapter 74: Forest of Dean
Chapter 75: What Dreams Are Made Of
Chapter 76: A Centuries Old Story
Chapter 77: Malfoy Manor
Chapter 78: Counting Battalions
Chapter 79: Security Breach
Chapter 80: Courtyard Apocalypse
Chapter 81: Whatever it Takes
Chapter 82: In Between
Chapter 83: The Great War
Chapter 84: Aftermath
Chapter 85: Daylight
To my readers

Chapter 22: The Quidditch World Cup

1.4K 32 6
By writersfeather

After spending a few weeks on her homework and with Remus, Sarah came back to the Burrow the night before they left for the Quidditch World Cup. They woke up early, too early, and Sarah wasn't friendly for a while because the twins woke her up by throwing a bucket of ice cold water on her. And now, she was walking around with a frizzy, untamed hair, that she didn't enjoy particularly.

"What happened to your hair?" asked Hermione when she saw her stumble into the kitchen to pour a cup of tea. Sarah turned and glared at the twins who were waggling their eyebrows, grinning mischievously at her.

Hermione chuckled and left her, knowing in a few hours she'll laugh about it, she just needed to wake up fully.

They left for the camp, and Sarah walked with Hermione and Ginny, which put her in a better mood but Fred and George joined them at one point and tried to joke and lighten up the mood, get her to laugh, smile at least, forgive them, whatever. It hadn't worked very well.

Sarah saw two people walk down the hill in front of them, and after walking a little closer she recognized Cedric and what could only be his father.

"Amos!" exclaimed Arthur and went in to hug the man. He then shook Cedric's hand "Great lad you've become, Cedric. Heard a bit of your Quidditch capabilities around the house," he said said while pointing at the twins.

They rolled their eyes and waved at Cedric, he walked forward to greet everyone. Ginny, Hermione and Sarah exchanged a small smile when they saw him, and they resumed to their travel, walking for what felt like forever.

"How much longer? I'm getting a bit hungry, honestly," said George and Fred groaned, "Yeah, me too."

"A half-hour, at the most," said Arthur and they all huffed.

That's where Sarah had an idea to get back at them. She thought back to the twins' present last year for her birthday, some chocolates, actually Hiccough Sweets but they thought she could be fooled. She had saved them in a little box, keeping them fresh, in the hopes of using them when she needed to. And now was the time. She opened her bag and got out the box, "Care for a chocolate?"

They looked at each other, surprised she wasn't mad anymore and didn't think too much of it, "Sure," said George and they both took one.

"Can I have one?" asked Ron and when she saw the twins eat theirs, she whispered, "Trust me, you don't want this one," she winked at Ron and his eyes went wide, and everyone stared at the twins. They started to hiccough excessively for some reason after that, making everybody laugh and Sarah grinned, watching them struggle a little.

"Need some water?" she asked, faking innocence.

They looked at her and furrowed their eyebrows, "I. Told. You. Not. To. Get. Her. That. As. A. Gift." said Fred in between hiccoughs.

"Don't. Blame. Me. Now. You. Thought. It. Was. Funny." answered George and it was the most hilarious scene

"Such an irony. You tricksters were tricked by the most basic thing ever," she told them, disappointed and they reached to grab her but she ran behind Ginny who was beaming and they couldn't even run and hiccough at the same time. Snape was right, revenge is sweet.

"We'll. Get. You. Mc. Cauley." said Fred

"Bring it on, Weasley." she said smirking, making him feel that thing again.

The hiccoughs stopped after a half hour, just in time for them to reach a strange shoe, standing alone in the middle of a small hill.

"It's a Portkey," explained Arthur, "Yes, grab on to it, come on, Hermione, Harry, Sarah, everyone."

Sarah put her hand on it and the whole world around her started spinning. Mr. Weasley yelled for them to let go and when she did, she was smacked against the ground, but it wasn't anything that hadn't happened before, she fondly remembered her concussion from a couple months ago. She struggled to breathe and move for a second. She got up with a groan, her back hurt, and the ground was not stable yet.

They made their way to what on the outside seemed like a small tent but it was capable of holding all of them in multiple rooms, it had an Extensible Charm. Sarah, Hermione and Ginny made their way to a room, the twins sat at a table and started talking.

Mr. Weasley was yelling out instructions, "Girls, choose a bunk and unpack."

"Ron, get out of the kitchen. We're all hungry."

The twins repeated in sync, "Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron"

"Feet off the table," ordered Mr. Weasley pointing at the twins.

"Feet off the table," they repeated again, pushing their feet down for a second then back up, making Sarah smile.

Harry was looking around the tent, mesmerized, "I love magic"

He caught her eye and she smiled at him, she always forgot he spent 11 years of his life without knowing any of this exists. She was so happy to have him here.

After setting up their beds, Sarah gathers everyone around the table and sets two pots of paint on it.

"Alright, we have white and green," she pointed at each of color and smiled at the group, "Here are the brushes. Go wild."

She painted the twins' faces, Hermione drew two shamrocks on Ginny's cheeks. It was Sarah's turn now, she sat down and gave George the brush, "Nothing lurid please."

"I'm not making any promises," he said, grinning. She closed her eyes and decided to trust him, against her better judgment.

He took a while to paint her face, she grew a bit worried but he clapped his hands, "Done!" and gave her a small mirror. Fred came over and inspected the drawings on her face, nodded at George, impressed, "Looks good, mate."

She looked at them in disbelief, "It's just a bunch of shamrocks."

"But a bunch of well-done shamrocks," said George, finger in the air, like he was making the point of a lifetime.

"Okay, sure. Thank you, George," she said, defeated, trying to seem supportive.

Fred tapped George's shoulder, "Watch this," and put pulled out a big white and green hat. George gasped and tried to take it from him, Sarah left them to their...hat and joined Hermione on a cushion on the ground. Ginny quickly sat down too and Sarah nudged her shoulder.

"We're matching, Ginny," she said and Ginny squinted to inspect her drawings, "They're incredibly done!" she exclaimed.

Sarah frowned and sent her a suspicious look, "Did George put you up to this?"

Ginny smiled and nodded and behind her, Sarah heard George sigh in exasperation, "Come on! They're great!"

Sarah laughed wholeheartedly "Yes, they are, Georgie. I take my doubts back, alright?"

"Thank you! You put in the effort and people don't even acknowledge it," he retorted in an annoyed tone and everyone stared at him for a few seconds, making him drop the act, "Yeah, alright. I took it too far."

Sarah smiled and nodded and before she could turn around to Hermione, she saw Arthur walk in the tent "Let's go, everyone!" he yelled and they all exited, excited.

They walked to the stadium and up the stairs. Their seats were really high. "Dad, how much higher are we going?" whined Ron.

Sarah thought the same thing but didn't say it out loud. Arthur was about to give him the same answer as five minutes ago Just a little more he said, but instead they heard a cold and condescending voice, "Well, put it this way. If it rains, you'll be the first to know."

Sarah turned around the see none other than Lucius Malfoy and his pathetic excuse of a son. He started bragging about being invited in the Ministers lounge. Sure, it was prestigious. But Sarah and the others will be the ones actually enjoying and having fun during the match. Draco and his dad will probably sit on velvet chairs sipping tea and speaking in hushed voices, wincing every time the crowd went wild. Wouldn't want to break that broomstick stuck up their arse. 

"Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people," he sent a disdainful look and Harry started pushing his friend out of his sight. They know where Draco gets his attitude from. 

Before he could leave, Lucius blocked Harry with his cane on the metal railing and said "Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can."

Sarah kicked the cane off Harry making Lucius stumble and white locks fall over his eyes. He straightened and pushed them back in a heartbeat, sending Sarah a hateful look. She put on a confused face, "Your crooked silver arm seemed to get caught there. Figured I'd help you out," and gave him a tight, fake smile.

She turned to Harry and pushed him forward "Let's go, Harry."

Arthur turned his back on them but she saw the corner of his mouth go up.

"That was brilliant," whispered Harry back to her. She smiled and ruffled his hair.

"I was just helping out. Wouldn't want that bloke going in there with half a cane. What would the Minister think?" she said with a fake alarmed tone, making the group chuckle.

Fred looked at how her tied up hair was moving from side to side as she walked, his heart doing that thing again, and his mind racing with thoughts of her. What was wrong with him? This is McCauley. He needs to get his shit together. But he did pray she wouldn't turn around right now because he had no idea what he'd say or do if he locks eyes with her.

They finally arrived at what seemed the top of the stadium's benches. Sarah finally took in the sights. It was gigantic, so much bigger than the terrain at Hogwarts. It seemed accurate, this was the Quidditch World Cup. The stadium was illuminated by a golden light coming from the stadium itself.

"You can see everything from up here!" exclaimed Ginny and Sarah and Hermione couldn't answer, they were lost in the scene. Fireworks were going off, drums making the rhythm of their hearts go faster every second in anticipation. A group of flyers passed just above their heads, leaving behind trails of white and green.

"It's the Irish!" yelled George, he and Fred were clinging to the metal railing and looking down, absolutely beaming. They started naming the players, which Sarah didn't know and was too exhausted to learn over night.

Fireworks exploded making a dancing elf dressed in Irish colors. Everyone's smile was wide and gleaming, there was such a rush to being surrounded by never-ending screams and jumps, colors of Ireland and Bulgaria, you just couldn't keep a straight face.

The crowd started chanting "Ireland! Ireland! Ireland!"

The Irish team flew by some of the crowd and Sarah heard Fred shout "Here come the Bulgarians!"

"Yes!" they all screamed back and the Bulgarian team flew right into the dancing elf, making it disappear in a flash of red lights. The drums became much more dramatic and low, accompanying the team's leader spinning and turning in the air.

"Who's that?" shouted Ginny

"That, sis, is the best Seeker in the world!" said Fred

A giant screen showed his triumphant image, fist in the air, with the whole crowd chanting his name. Sarah looked at Ron who was completely mesmerized, she caught Fred's eye who was shouting too, he gestured for her to scream louder. She and Hermione bent a little more over the barrier and did so, while clapping.

"Good evening," she heard a voice coming from a lower point in the stadium, "As Minister for Magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup! Let the match begin!" and as he said, a ball of light made its way into the middle of the stadium, thus giving the go ahead to the teams.

The match was crazy. Ireland won by only 10 points and now they were back in the tent, the twins were dancing and singing with Irish flags around their shoulders. Ron was completely infatuated with the Bulgarian Seeker, hasn't stopped talking about him since the match. He jumped on a table "There's no one like Krum."

"Krum?" mumbled George

Fred mumbled back "Dumb Krum"

"He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind" said Ron, spellbound, the twins started mimicking some birds, flapping their wings.

"He's more than an athlete...He's an artist." he exclaimed further, making Ginny walk up and smile teasingly, "I think you're in love, Ron."

"Oh, shut up, you," he snapped at her and Fred put the flag on Ron's head. George started singing, "Viktor I love you"

Fred continued, "Viktor I do."

Harry and Sarah joined, laughing, "When we're apart my heart beats only for you."

Arthur had a grave and worried look on his face. He went outside to see what was happening, returning with a look that made Sarah's stomach turn and send a cold shiver down her spine. Something wasn't right.

"Seems like the Irish have got their pride on," commented Fred but Arthur shook his head, told everyone to stop what they were doing.

"It's not the Irish. We've got to get out of here. Now."

They all went outside and heard people screaming not as they had all day but out of fright. Tents were on fire, people were running in all directions.

"Get out, it's the Death Eaters!" a voice passing them shouted. Sarah grabbed onto Harry and Hermione when she heard that, looking around with a sickening feeling that evil, real evil, was not far from here.

"Go back to the Portkey, everybody, and stick together!" shouted Arthur.

"Fred! George! Ginny is your responsibility! Sarah, Charlie, stick to the trio, Bill, you follow me!" Sarah's head shot up and she met Fred's who was looking around for her too. They both let out a breath and started running when his father yelled again, "Go!"

She and Charlie were gripping onto Harry, Ron and Hermione, and the five of them started running in between tents, recalling their steps to the Portkey. Harry's arm slipped from her when a large and panicked crowd passed them and she left the group's side.

She left the group's side, vaguely aware of Hermione screaming after her and she ran towards the crowd that took Harry. There were weird whispers around them, making the hairs rise on the back of her neck. She saw Harry then, catching a glimpse of a brown mass of hair, for a second thankful he didn't cut his hair that summer.

"Harry!" she shouted when she crashed into him, he looked so relieved to see a familiar face, "Sarah! We need to go!"

She grabbed his hand, and pulled him away from the cloaked figures he was staring at when she got there. They pushed past people and saw not far away the tall head of Bill and Arthur.

"Harry! Sarah!" she heard Hermione call them, they tried to walk forward and reach them but couldn't, the terrified crowds swept them off in the opposite direction.

"There's no way we're getting back to them, now!" shouted Harry.

"We need to find a spot to stay put until the panic stops!" she yelled, both hanging on tightly to one another to avoid being separated again. They ran away from the fireballs the Death Eaters were throwing. But when they took a steep turn when a fireball was thrown in front of them and Harry was taken by another crowd away from her. He tripped and fell, got knocked out on the ground. She ran to him and before she could reach him, she felt a hit at the back of her head and everything went black.

She regained consciousness, but her head was throbbing. There were faint voices far from her, and ashes falling on her face, it was difficult to breathe. She tried opening her eyes, getting them to focus. She saw a dark silhouette kicking the objects on the ground.

"Morsmordre" it shouted and she knew what it was. She thought the man will leave but he looked right at her, like he knew exactly where she was, like he wanted to reach her. He started walking towards her when Harry shook her and made her stand up and run. Her head was spinning, so she trusted Harry on the directions they took. The man seemed to follow them until some voices pierced the silence, getting closer and closer.

"Harry! Sarah!" they made out the words, the voices much closer now, "Where are you?"

"We've been looking for you for ages!" they heard Ron just behind them, Ron and Hermione jumping at Harry and Sarah's necks.

Harry and Sarah looked at each other and back at where the man was standing before. He seemed determined to reach them before but now he was gone.

"We thought we lost you both," breathed out Ron, Harry looked up at the mark in the sky "What is that?" and he started grunting in pain, hand on his forehead, making Sarah's body hurt too.

She crouched down in pain, but no one seemed to notice because a group appeared and shouted at the same time "Stupefy!" red sparks flying around their heads, Sarah covered the trio as quickly as she could.

"Stop!" yelled Arthur "That's my son!" running towards them, pushing away the wizards.

"Ron, Harry, girls, you all right?" his eyes went over each of their faces, stopping to look at Sarah "You're bleeding!" he pointed to her head.

"Well, people seem to be keen on knocking me out," she laughed after touching the back of her head and seeing fresh blood on her fingers. He didn't laugh but he did let out a breath of slight relief.

"We came back for them," explained Ron.

"Which one of you conjured it?" asked a panicked mustached man.

"Crouch, you can't possibly-" breathed out Arthur, but the man turned white as a ghost.

"Do not lie! You were discovered at the scene of the crime!" he said in a shaky breath, wand switching positions every second.

"Crime?" asked Harry, confused at what the mark in the sky meant.

"Barty, they're just kids!" shouted Arthur and Sarah exchanged a look with the others.

"What crime?" Harry asked again

Sarah leaned in and whispered, "The Dark Mark, Harry."

"It's his mark," finished Hermione.

"The people tonight were his, Harry," whispered Hermione and he looked at Arthur, who nodded. Barty Crouch, Sarah had made out the name now, still looked suspiciously at them but she told him what she remembers "I saw a man conjuring it. He left. There!" she said pointing to where she last saw the man, making the men run towards that spot, although it would make much of a difference. He was clearly long gone.

"A man? Who?" asked Arthur, she looked at Harry who didn't know either. She raised their shoulders "I don't know," and Harry added "We didn't see his face."

Sarah and Harry looked back at the Dark Mark in the sky, not understanding why the burning in his scar made her feel pain too. And they made their way to the Portkey, getting questioned by Ron and Hermione about that man, but they didn't know any more than what they told Crouch and Arthur.

She saw the twins standing next to the Portkey along with their siblings, waiting and looking horrified. George and Fred started running towards her at full speed when they saw her, and Fred took her in his arms as he reached her, lifting her off the ground.

"Oh, thank God," he whispered so low against her hair without meaning to, absentminded, like he just breathed again.

She hung onto him too, until George cleared his throat, making Fred let go of her, a little flushed now.

"Don't you do that again!" urged George.

"Yes, because getting attacked by Death Eaters was on my check-list this summer. Should've considered it might stir up panic, my bad," she blurted sarcastically.

"Ugh," he scoffed, putting an arm around her. "You're fine."

She turned to glance at Harry, Ron and Hermione, Fred saw that there was blood on her neck. His eyes went wide "McCauley, you're bleeding! Again!" and he had to mentally order himself to stay put.

George turned to her and saw it too. He gasped, sharing the worried look of his twin. Her head was still hurting a little, she put her hands on both sides to stop it from buzzing.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic, I'm fine," she said dizzily, closing her eyes, and the twins frowned a little, worried she'll collapse.

"All right, come on," said Fred, crouching down a little and tapping his shoulder.

Sarah looked at him confused, "What does that mean?"

"I'm carrying you home, come on," he said, tapping his shoulder again.

She grunted, "The hell you are, I can walk on my own."

He chuckled, straightening his back and gesturing for her to do so, "Go on, then. Walk."

She squinted at him and tried to. She lost a bit of her balance and stumbled, but she'll be damned if she lets Fred be right. She tries again and George catches her before she stumbles again.

"Okay, maybe I don't have the balance yet, but I can walk. Can I just cling to you maybe?" she asked, and she was held by George then, but he led her towards Fred who lent out his arm for her to hold on to and they started walking together, with George behind them, smiling.

Sarah kept blinking, the world was either double or blurry, so she just looked down, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. She was facing the Portkey, and she realized that it will be much worse now, remembering how it was the first time she used it.

She crouched down and grabbed the shoe, the whole world started spinning then, and she dreaded the moment she'll hit the ground again, but it didn't come.

Her head hit something a bit softer than the ground, and warm. She heard a small grunt and felt arms hold her waist tightly. In her dizziness, she realized Fred cushioned her fall, and she was lying on top of him. The remaining blood in her system, although she had lost an awful lot, rushed into her cheeks then.

"Oh my goodness, are you all right?" she asked hurriedly, nervous from the proximity and also that he might be unconscious now, because he wasn't moving.

"Yes, I'm great. You're the one who's hurt," said Fred, his eyes shooting open, and mind snapping out of whatever it went into, holding her, and he helped her up

"Thanks for cushioning the blow." She talked without looking up at him because she didn't know the exact shade of red her face was, thankfully she could blame it on the injury.

"Of course," he replied and he helped her keep her balance all the way home, trying to ignore how fast his heart was beating.

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