By badroommate

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BOOK TWO of the Falling for a Muller series -(-)- he should be grieving. she should be moving on with her li... More

author's note


479 23 2
By badroommate



I arched a brow in the direction of the bedroom where Leah's furious cursing came from. Walking to the edge of the kitchen, I poked my head into the hall.

"What's wrong, love?" I called.

A lot was huffing and shuffling and I waited for a raging rhinoceros to come charging from the bedroom.

Instead, a flash of golden blonde hair and pouting pink lips crossed my vision.

"I can't get my fucking heels on!" she cried. "And I lost an earring under the bed."

She leaned against the doorway and closed her eyes for a moment.

I stole the opportunity to take in her long lashes and red lips, the way her black sweater left her shoulders bare, and how those black jeans hugged her curvy legs like a second skin. She embodied all things sensual and enticing.

My fingers itched to touch her. Like some magnet between our bodies, her skin sang its siren call.

"Maybe we should just stay in," she groaned.

I was apt to agree, images of my next move flashing through my mind, but the weight in my front left trouser pocket grounded me.

Swallowing hard, I shook my head. I tucked my hands into the front pockets of my jeans and walked towards her.

"No can do," I said. "It's been ages and I've been promising to take you on a proper date for weeks now."

It wasn't an exaggeration either.

Over the last few weeks, the Foundation business gradually escalated. We'd been working long hours to keep up with the load and make sure things were getting done on time.

We'd been traveling a lot, too—Leah, to women's conferences and marketing events; me, to lobby in DC and seek out more investors.

Most of the time, we had enough energy to scrounge dinner together, fuck a few rounds, and drag ourselves to bed.

I wasn't complaining. We were both happy with where life was now. But, I'd been looking for a chance to break the monotony.

I knew what I wanted out of life with Leah Harris. This happiness we found was only the beginning.

Tonight was going to be very special.

I took her hands into mine and kissed her knuckles. Leah's eyelashes fluttered as she peered up at me. Her breathtaking emeralds sparkled in the glow of the hall light. 

"Come," I said softly, leading her back into the bedroom.

I led her to the ottoman at the foot of the bed and sat her on it. Taking the heeled booties, I brought them to her feet.

Fuck, she had such cute little toes. The nails were all trimmed and painted dark red.

I kissed her shin and slipped the shoes on. She uttered a sweet breathless gasp and shivered.

"Now, the earring?" I asked.

She pulled back the curtain of gold hair hanging over her right ear. A small gold hoop hung from her earlobe piercing.

"It fell under my side," she said quietly.

I reluctantly withdrew from her warmth and went to her side of the bed.

After feeling around under the bed frame for a moment, my fingers found purchase on something cold and hard.

"Thank you," Leah said as she accepted the jewelry from me.

She guided the pointy back of the earring through her lobe.

"I've missed you," I told her, clasping my hand to her jaw.

She licked at her mouth as our eyes met. "I missed you too, baby. I'm exhausted."

"I know you are." I knelt and placed my hands on the top of her thighs. "We're going to get a break soon. Promise."

Nodding, she smiled. "I love what I do, though. And I'm so happy I get to do it with you."

She had no idea how wonderful those words made me feel.

All my life, I'd wanted a strong, fierce woman to love.

I looked for her in every wrong place. My journey earned me many scars that I knew I'd always bear.

With her, all the past pain was endurable.

As long as I had this woman's love, I could keep my sanity. I could imagine a future for myself and for her, for us.

In fact, I could no longer envision a life or a future without her in it. Such a thing no longer existed.

I rose to my feet and drew her with me. My lips found her soft ones in a gentle caress. I stroked a hand down her supple figure.

"I love you," I murmured into her cool skin.

Then I pressed her against the bed and kissed her more roughly, cupping her jaw in one hand and round ass in the other.

After a moment, her harsh breathing sounded like music to my ears. I fucking loved seeing her flustered.

Her cheeks were flushed, eyes downward and shy. I pecked both of her cheeks.

"I love you more," she whispered huskily.

She didn't protest as I led her toward the bedroom door.

"That's never a contest you're gonna win, baby," I reminded her.

We climbed into my Tesla and Leah immediately took my right hand into hers. She cradled our tangled fingers on her lap and massaged them between her thighs.

She always got grabby in the car. If my driving required both hands to safely execute, she tended to sulk until our unified posture was restored. I couldn't help but find it completely endearing, as she was rarely a needy woman.

She was so fiercely independent that I knew she would be alright on her own if she ever had to be—god forbid something happen to me.

In moments like these, when she always had a hand or even a finger on some part of my body, I knew she needed me at least a little. Some part of her craved my touch and relied on it for her well-being.

It was a satisfying feeling to know a woman was not dependent on me except for the reasons she wanted to be.

While we drove, she flicked through different radio channels and sang along to her favorite songs. She perked up as we entered Chattanooga city limits.

"Where are we going again?" she asked as she turned the radio volume down.

"It's a surprise."

She wiggled in her seat, peering out the window. I squeezed her thigh gently until she looked at me.

"You look breathtaking, by the way."

"Thank you," she beamed. Her hands reached up to smooth the front of my button-up. "I love this color on you."

"You bought it for me."

"Wow, I have impeccable taste."

I chuckled. "That, I can't deny."

After a few minutes, we reached downtown and found a street-side parking spot. We walked hand-in-hand down a block or so and turned into a pasteria.

The smell of garlic filled the air as well as various noises from people chatting, silverware clanking, and soft romantic music.

"This place is lovely," Leah whispered. Her awe-filled eyes slid over the waterfall lighting and candle-lit tables.

"It's easily one of my favorites."

The hostess led us to a booth in the back where it was quieter. As we settled in across from each other, I quickly snatched her menu before she could see it.

She looked surprised at first and then her confusion faded into intrigue.

"What's this?" she asked, lips curled up.

"I'm going to order for us both," I said. "I hope you trust me."

She shared a smile with me. "Only with my life."

I reached across the table to stroke the back of her knuckles with mine. "You're in good hands, darling. I promise."

The waiter arrived with the bottle of French Pinot Noir I'd already ordered. Everything we would eat tonight was, in fact, already ordered.

He filled our glasses with generous pours and then left again.

Leah swirled her glass around, sniffing at the dark red liquid. I sipped from the glass and groaned with delight.

This wine was a lighter red that bathed the tongue with robust earthy flavors and undercurrents of sweet fruit. It was like a kiss to the palate.

"Damn," Leah murmured, "yeah, that's good."

I smirked over my glass, nudging her heeled toes below the table. "The best is yet to come. Now, tell me about your day."

We chatted and enjoyed the wine for several minutes until the waiter returned with an enormous tray. Leah's eyes widened as platters with bread, cheese, fruit, and pasta with bolognese sauce were spread on the table.

"James! This is so much food!"

"What's wrong with that?" I asked, popping a grape into my mouth.

"I'm never going to fit into my old clothes at this rate." She rolled her eyes and stabbed at some of the pasta with her fork.

"You don't need to," I assured her. "If you would accept the clothes I bought you, you'd have a whole new wardrobe."

Her eyes narrowed on me. "You know how I feel about that."

"No matter how you put it," I said, smiling lowly, "I'm still going to spoil you. I can't help it. Seriously, it's like this wild impulse I can't control."

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Right, just like your impulse to fuck me every time I put on my pajamas."

"Yes, exactly. I do wonder if there's a correlation between the two."

"The sex is good then, I guess?"

"The sex is divine." I groaned and shifted the bulge in my tightening pants. "Must you remind me of it now? That's rather sadistic, darling."

She snickered softly.

I took another sip of wine and prayed it calmed my flighty nerves. My shirt stuck to my sweaty spine and my knee bounced continuously on its own accord.

Jesus, I never got like this. I'd given presentations before c-suite corporates and famous politicians without breaking a sweat. This woman made me feel things I never felt around anyone else.

"So," I continued, mostly distracting myself, "will you accept the damn clothes then?"

She licked a fleck of sauce from the corner of her mouth, those sexy hazels fixed on me. "I'll consider your overwhelmingly gracious gesture."

"Good." I pushed the bowl towards her. "Eat up, love."

It wasn't that I wanted to pressure her into eating. I'd never want to pressure her into anything. She was plenty capable of making her own decisions, and it was something I admired about her very much.

This was different.

I wanted her to feel beautiful always. I wanted her to indulge in life to the fullest. I wanted her healthy—mentally, emotionally, and physically. She was so much more than the insecurities that weighed her down. She was gorgeous, truly stunning.

After a few more glasses of wine, Leah was more relaxed. We joked and talked about people at work, her friends, our families.

Even though I hadn't spoken to mine since they visited several weeks ago, Julia kept me updated on their whereabouts.

She'd been living with Isabelle for a few weeks now. Our parents didn't know yet that her new roommate was also her girlfriend, but I sensed that would change soon.

I was happy my sister's life seemed to be back on track, but I hated she still was living a lie. A lie to our parents, at least.

They wanted our lives to match their vision for growing the Muller legacy, and I could only hope they would give her this one sliver of joy.

Once we ate our fill, Leah and I took a stroll through the city. We popped into a few stores and continued down to where the aquarium met the great winding river.

A burst of nerves exploded in my stomach. I hoped she couldn't hear the change of cadence in my breathing.

"Oh, I see the water! Let's go over here," she said, darting over to an overlook.

She grabbed onto the railing and peered out at the river. I approached her slowly, enjoying the beautiful scenery, etching it onto a thousand memories.

"It's so beautiful and peaceful," she murmured.

"Like you," I spoke into her ear, pulling the tumbling waves of her hair behind her shoulder. "My sweet Leah."

She leaned back against me with a sigh. Even the slightest pressure from her body had my cock hard. She angled her hips and subtly rubbed her ass against me.

"Darling," I chided her, my vocals hoarse.

She paused to glance back at me through wide eyes. "What is it?"

"You know what."

"I'm just innocently taking in this view. What a gorgeous evening it is."

My hands clamped onto her hips. She bit down on her bottom lip, eyes widening.

Here I was, trying to be romantic and serious and she was begging me to fuck her against the railing.

"I'm going to ruin that pussy when we get home," I whispered into her neck. My lips skimmed the silky stretch between her collarbone and earlobe. "Maybe I'll take your little asshole while I'm at it."

She shivered. "Why wait?"

Chuckling, I kissed down the side of her throat. The muscles beneath my lips tensed with a heady swallow.

"Because I'm not sharing your body with anyone."

"Not sharing!" she protested. "But maybe, like, some kinky voyeur shit?"

"You can be an exhibitionist all you want . . ." I slid my hand up her waist, around her ribs, until it settled around the soft swell of her breast. "As long as it's only for me."

Her words came breathily now, making my cock stiffen. "Yes, sir."

I squeezed my eyes shut as I fought the desire swelling inside me. Images of taking her against the railing, passersby watching, and listening to her rapturous cries filled my mind.

Suddenly, her hand was inside my shirt and her mouth was in mine. Her fingers gripped my neck.

I pressed into her, sinking my tongue into her hot mouth. We kissed loudly with obscene wet sucking noises. My hands roamed the dips and valleys of her curves, squeezing her ass.

When I broke for air, she panted but gripped my shirt tightly. A delirious grin stretched across her face.

"I love you so goddamn much. More than I ever knew was possible," I told her. "You're fucking amazing. So patient and kind, even when I'm a grouchy asshole. You see the best in people and want the best for them. It's honestly so admirable. I deeply admire you."

"James, that's so sweet." She stroked my cheeks with both palms and smiled widely at me. Tears glistened in her eyes. "I admire you, too."

"I just want you to know that every day with you is like a gift for me," I continued. My eyes fell across the glowing planes of her freckled face. "I want more time with you always. I can never get enough of you, of your presence. When we're apart, I feel like I'm holding my breath until we're together again."

She bit her lip and I knew she was fighting to hold back the tears.

It's time, I realized.

"Wow, what an impressive sailboat." I nodded down at the river.

While Leah turned around to scan the murky waters for a boat, I stepped back and pulled the weighted item from my pocket. I knelt on one knee.

"Where?" she asked. "I don't see a boat, James—"

She stopped as she realized I was no longer behind her. Leah looked over her shoulder.

Those heavenly eyes turned to me before trickling down to the palm-sized velvet box in my hands. Her hands flew to her mouth.

"Leah Elisabeth Harris," I said, my voice thick, "will you marry me?"

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she stared at me, sobbing into her hands.

"Well?" I bit my lip to hide my nervous smile.

Snapping out of her daze, her hands fell away from her face. "Yes! Oh my god, yes! Yes, I'll marry you." She laughed in disbelief.

"Thank fuck," I chuckled and stood up.

She gasped as I pulled the ring out of the velvet and slid it onto her finger. Her jaw visibly stopped.

Her delicate fingers traced the circle of diamonds that enshrouded the central 5-carat stone.

Lips curling up, Leah pulled her gaze back to mine. A fresh wave of tears dappled her cheeks.

I cupped her jaw gently and planted my lips on hers. She tasted so sweet.

My fiancée.

She pulled away to look at her ring again. "Damn, baby. How much did you pay for this? It's huge!"

"You deserve the best," I told her. I held her left hand and examined the glittering gems, how elegant the jewelry looked on her. "I mean that."

More tears escaped her eyes and she laughed a little. "Sorry I keep crying, I just—I can't believe this is real. I can't believe I'm going to be your wife." She wrapped me in a hug, burying her face in my chest. "God, I can't wait."

I laughed too but held her tightly against me. "I know, darling, me neither. We have our entire lives ahead of us and I intend to make it the best chapter yet."

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