Our Secret Devotion

By maiawr1tes

22K 486 20

For nearly two years, Anthony was nothing more than 'her sister's boyfriend'. Jem had always hated him, and h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Seventeen

631 12 2
By maiawr1tes

"Graham. Johnstone. My office, now," Dean said as he walked past our desks.

Anthony was supposed to move back to his old desk now the intern had left, but Dean asked if he could stay where he was permanently. I didn't know why, and part of me wanted to complain, but what good was that going to do? It'd only raise suspicions even more.

I nervously followed Anthony as we walked into Dean's glass office. It had the most beautiful view of the harbour and inspired me to make Partner one day so I could reap the benefits too.

Dean gestured for us to sit in the two chairs opposite his own. I sat down and flashed a worried look at Anthony.

Had someone snitched about what happened in Melbourne?

"Now, you're probably both wondering why you've been summoned to my office today—" he held up his hand "—and I apologise for the abruptness in my tone, I haven't had my morning coffee yet."

I smiled because I didn't know what else to do.

"Anthony, now that you've made manager, you must be eagerly waiting for engagements with your name on the front. That's why I thought I'd get in quick. We've been advised to do more internal trainings to encourage people to come into the office. I want you to run the first one." He pointed to me. "With Jemima, of course."

I looked at Anthony, who was still staring at Dean. He swallowed a hard gulp.

"The first session we want to run will be a critical thinking training. I'd like you and Jemima to come up with a case study that focuses on policies and frameworks that impact the industry. I then want a few questions that people can answer in groups. Let's say twenty-five slides in a PowerPoint. It'll run in a few months, and it should be designed to take three hours."

"Right," Anthony said.

"I understand you're probably waiting for those external engagements to come your way, but I believe this will be a great starting point—for both you and Jemima. I haven't seen you two work in a team before. It'll be a good change for the both of you."

I nodded as my mind immediately went back to our moment in Melbourne.

Anthony was going to be my manager for the duration of this project and probably many more to come. That meant our actions were not just limited because of Sarah...they were even more limited because of work.

"I figured I'd give you the task now so you can devote some time each week to work on it. I'll email you the rest of the details."

After a few more minutes of explaining our task, Dean ran off to a meeting. I remained seated in his office, and Anthony did too.

"Do you have much work on today?" he eventually asked.

I nodded. "I have a few things I'd like to get out this afternoon. Do you want to go over this at four?"

Anthony smiled. "Yes. I'll book a meeting room."

We walked back to our desks in silence. I figured Anthony was having the same thoughts as me.

By four, I had sent fifteen emails to clients and ticked off twenty tasks on my to-do list. I had another twenty to complete, but I had the rest of the week to finish them. I'd promised Anthony we'd get a start on this today, and I wasn't one to break my promises.

We walked into the meeting room he'd booked, and I immediately felt nervous about how small it was.

"Sorry," Anthony said like he'd read my mind once again. "This was the only room available at such short notice."

I smiled. "It's okay. I don't think either of us expected we'd be doing this."

"Are you okay? You seem tense."

I shook my head. "I'm okay. I'm just adjusting to the increased workload that comes with being a Senior."

Anthony grinned. "Don't worry, it gets easier. I know you'll pick it up fast."

I smiled as I sat in one of the two seats. Anthony sat next to me, and I felt his leg brush against mine. It was unintentional, given the size of the room and table, but it messed with my mind.

He placed his computer on the desk and connected it to the projector in front of us.

"So, I've found this template on the intranet," he said as he scrolled through the slides. "It has prompts that will help us build the session."

"Awesome." I shifted closer to him, but I didn't do it on purpose. I needed to move so I could see the screen better.

Anthony didn't flinch. In fact, he almost relaxed.

We spent the next two hours researching the websites of political parties and news outlets to gather obscure policies. We had to find ones that related specifically to the industry.

I shifted my screen so that Anthony could see. "How about this one on the proposed excess profit tax?"

"Perfect. Add it to the list."

It was weird working with him like this. We'd never worked on the same engagements, and it was even more odd now that he was my manager.

Eventually, seven came around, and we were reminded of how late it was when my stomach growled with hunger.

"I think that's our cue," Anthony laughed.

I nodded. I hadn't worked overtime since March—when I'd committed to too many engagements.

For some reason though, I enjoyed this task. Anthony was one of the few people whose presence I enjoyed—craved.

His eyes were warm as he traced his gaze up and down my body. "Do you want to get empanadas? I heard the truck that sits near the highway on-ramp has amazing beef and olive ones."

Flutters disrupted my stomach and concealed all of the hunger bubbles I'd been feeling earlier.  I'd briefly mentioned one work lunch—before we made amends—how that was my favourite takeout joint in the city. It was a passing comment, and I didn't think he was actually listening.

"It's like you read my mind," I said, grinning. "Let's do it."

We pulled up to the old car park just after the half hour. I ordered my usual beef and olive empanadas, and after several persuasive arguments, I convinced Anthony to order them too.

"But I want to try the chicken ones," he begged.

"Okay, but the beef empanadas are to die for. Plus, you need the iron...you've been looking a bit pale recently."

Anthony gave in after that, not happy that I'd insulted his face. However, his unwillingness disappeared when he took his first bite.

We decided to take the dinner back to mine as it was closer. Sarah was out for the evening, and Anthony's house was too far away. We would've eaten them in the old parking lot, but the rain was threatening enough to send us home.

We sat across from each other at my small dining table. Anthony had demolished his three empanadas before I'd even started my second.

"And I thought I was the hungry one," I chuckled.

Anthony gently wiped his mouth with the checked napkin. "Sunshine, I'm just not as verbally hangry as you."

I laughed, almost choking on the pastry. I grinned at him as he sipped his coke. He held eye contact, not breaking away when we heard the car door slam outside.

The car door.


"Shit," I mumbled as I struggled to swallow my last bite.

Anthony looked worried. "I thought you said she was out?"

"She told me she'd be out all evening. Knowing Sarah, I thought that meant she'd be out until the morning."

The sudden pacing of her feet against the gravel sent me into panic mode.

"Quick," I said. "Go to my bedroom."

Anthony gave me an "Are you serious" look but quickly obliged when my eyes darkened into a pool of obsidian.

"Okay, okay," he said as his hands surrendered in the air. He picked up his belongings and paced up the stairs, dropping his wallet in the process.

"I'll bring it up for you just go," I whispered as Sarah started turning her key in the lock.

She entered just seconds after Anthony vacated the kitchen.

"Hello," I said, my tone spiking up on the first syllable.

Sarah's face was concerned as she closed the front door. "Hi. Are you okay?"

I nodded. "You're home early. Where were you tonight?"


I let out a small sigh, hoping Anthony didn't hear that. I knew he was over their breakup, much like Sarah was, but it still wasn't nice to hear.

"His mother flew in this evening, so he had to go and pick her up. I'm having dinner with them in a few days."

"Right." That was something you usually did when you were dating. Sarah and Jordan couldn't have been dating just yet, could they?

"What are you up to this evening?" she asked.

I stared over at the empty takeaway container. Luckily Anthony had taken his rubbish up to my room, otherwise, it would've looked awfully suspicious.

"Ah, empanadas," she said.

"You bet. I had a late one at work so I couldn't be bothered cooking."

Sarah seemed to buy into my half-lie. "How is work, anyway? You haven't spoken about it since your trip to Melbourne."

That's because every time I think of work, I fantasise about all the X-rated things your ex could do to me.

"Yeah, there's not much going on at the moment," I began. "It's a quiet season. Thankfully."

"Do you see Anthony much?"

I knew that was where the conversation was headed.

"No, not that often. We occasionally pass each other in the hallway."

And work on the same engagements. And go out for lunch and coffee. And grab empanadas from my favourite food truck on days when we have to work late...together.

"Yeah, he's probably busy. I heard he made manager. I always knew he would...he's a smart one." Something about Sarah's tone seemed sad like she was drowning in a sea of her own worries. "Anyway, I'm going to cook dinner and then watch a movie. You want to join?"

I shook my head. "No thanks. I've had a big shift, so I'm going to lie down." 

Sarah understood. She worked fifty-five hours a week during a good week, so she knew how exhausting it was to come home after a long day.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said, praying my tone was more neutral than before.

"Night, Jem."

I walked towards the stairs where I saw Anthony's wallet on the floor. My eyes widened, and I turned back to Sarah. She was busy rustling through our veggies in the fridge, so I quickly bent down and picked it up within a second.

Anthony was lying on my bed when I came in, my beloved stuffed bear lay suffocated behind his head.

"Hey," I quietly yelled as I rescued Big T from his despair. "Don't disrespect Big T like that."

Anthony laughed. "Sorry, you just took so long I was beginning to think I'd have to sleep here."

I didn't laugh at his comment, and Anthony seemed worried by how expressionless I was.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Well...about that," I began. "I don't think you'll be able to leave for a long time. Sarah's going to be downstairs for a few hours."

Anthony's expression didn't change, and this made me both concerned and relieved.

"I can sleep on the floor," he said. "I'm sure Big T won't mind if I use him as a pillow.

I laughed. "No, it's okay. You can sleep in the bed too. It's a king so you won't even know I'm there."

Except I'll know you're there. Because your scent holds me captive under your spell. Because your presence infiltrates my mind and I'm struggling to stay afloat in a pool of thoughts about you and only you.

Anthony stared at me with hesitation, and for a second I thought he was going to decline and climb out my window. But then he grinned. "Okay. Do you have a spare toothbrush by any chance?"

I sighed with relief as I nodded. "Lucky for you, I do. Thought the day might come where I brought a dude home."

Anthony's eyes turned a piercing grey which was enough to make me regret my last words.

"I'm kidding," I began. "I always take those freebies at the hotel. I have a whole stash."

He snapped out of his thoughts to thank me, and we walked into my bathroom to get ready for bed.

We decided that Anthony could sneak out of the house at six. That was when Sarah had her morning shower.

I walked over to my vanity and started applying my skincare.

"So that's your secret," Anthony said. "You have smooth skin because you have seventeen different oils for your face."

I laughed. "Some of them are for the face. Others are for the hair and body."

I couldn't get over how put together he looked, even after a long day at work. His curls were all over the place but that only made him look more human. This man was different from the man I'd first met when Sarah brought him home. This man was different from the man who was so harsh to me during my first week of work. There was no mask fuelled by the expectations put on him. This was the real Anthony.

He didn't have any other clothes apart from his suit, so I told him he could sleep in his underwear. I regretted doing that the moment I saw the bulge of his cock hidden behind the thin layer of fabric.

We hopped into bed, and I immediately lay on the side facing away from Anthony. I was worried that if he saw my crimson cheeks, he'd pack up his things and run for the hill.

"Have you ever thought about telling Sarah how you feel about your family?" Anthony asked.

I didn't respond at first, partly because I didn't want to and partly because I didn't know what to say.

"I've tried," I eventually said. "But she'll never see my parents in the same way I do."

Anthony sighed.

"They've done so much for her. In her eyes, it'd be a crime to say a bad word about either of them."

I turned around to face Anthony. He was already lying on his side, facing me.

The moonlight crept through the crack in my curtains and drowned his face in the soft light.

"Did she ever mention anything like this when you two...you know...were together?"

Anthony shrugged. Not in a rude way, but in a way that he couldn't quite understand. "She'd briefly bring up how proud she was of you, and she acknowledged that your parents didn't see that at the best of times."

I sighed. She'd never told me that to my face, but her actions spoke louder than words. I knew she was proud of me. In certain situations, she looked up to me—like how I was strong enough to stand up to people who tried to use me for their advantage (except my parents).

She even once told me that she was proud I gave it back to Anthony because he shouldn't have been talking to me how he did.

"Jem, I hope you know there are many people who see you for who you truly are. You are a role model, and you inspire a lot of people, including myself. Even if your parents struggle to express that, I know they're just as proud." 

I smiled. It warmed my heart to hear that from Anthony. "Thank you."

Anthony placed his hand against my face and gently brushed my cheek with his thumb. I closed my hands around him and nestled my head further into his touch.

He didn't remove his hand, and I didn't move away.

We held our gaze, just like we did on the couch in Melbourne. Except this time, no one was going to walk through the door. No one was going to interrupt us. We could do whatever we wanted. 

I opened my mouth to say something else, but Anthony beat me to it.

"Fuck it," he said as he cupped my face with both hands and crashed his lips onto mine.

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