Our Secret Devotion

By maiawr1tes

22.2K 492 20

For nearly two years, Anthony was nothing more than 'her sister's boyfriend'. Jem had always hated him, and h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Sixteen

580 12 0
By maiawr1tes

Our flight home was as early as our flight there. That meant our morning started before dawn, which only set me up for failure for the rest of the day.

Anthony wasn't at the airport when I arrived, and I was grateful for it. I wasn't ready to see him yet...not after the moment we had yesterday.

I want to do something really bad. Something that could lead to a lot of trouble for both of us.

Did he want me as much as I wanted him? I'm glad Chloe interrupted us because if anything happened, I wouldn't have been able to go back home to Sarah. I was already feeling guilty about the kiss we shared at the party, and that wasn't our choice.

"What seat are you in?" Kat asked. Once again, she had a can of coffee in her hand.

"Forty-one A."

She sighed. "Damn, we never get to sit together."

I smiled. I was grateful Kat wasn't sitting there. She hadn't had the chance to pester me about the kiss, and I wasn't in the mood for any interrogations.

"How was the rest of your trip?" I asked. "I didn't really see you yesterday."

"It was amazing. We went to this little market by the Melbourne Star. I had the most amazing waffles and get this...a cheesecake on a stick."

"Now you're just making me hungry."

Kat laughed. "Where were you yesterday? I swear all of us went to the market except for you and Anthony."

Panic rose in my chest. I didn't realise everyone else had spent the day together. It made our actions extremely obvious, and that was innocent compared to the thoughts I was having.

"So?" Kat asked.

I laughed. "Sorry, I'm still waking up. Anthony and I...went to the St Kilda market." I looked around the airport for Anthony, but he still hadn't arrived. I wondered if something had happened. We agreed to be at the airport by four a.m. and it was now quarter past. I hated how worried it made me.

We boarded at five-thirty. Anthony still wasn't around, and I couldn't help but panic. I'd texted him multiple times, but he hadn't responded. I scanned the plane as I walked down the aisle. No Anthony.

I sat in my seat and stared out the window. It felt weird that we were leaving and he wasn't with us. I thought HM would have some pact where we all had to leave together.

Seconds later, Anthony was throwing his luggage into the overhead locker. He scanned the aisle and stopped when he saw me in my seat. A small smile formed on his face as he sat down next to me.

"Forty-one B, eh?" I asked.

"Hello, sunshine."

"You didn't answer my texts. I was starting to worry you'd miss the flight."

Anthony laughed. "I was going to. Sam stayed at a house in Brunswick last night. My phone didn't charge, and so my alarm never went off. I woke up at three-thirty, quickly gathered my luggage and raced to the airport. I think I scared my Uber with my demanding tone."

I giggled. "You scare everyone with that demanding tone." 

"You like it though, don't you?" he flirted.

I rolled my eyes. I was happy Anthony was sitting next to me, but I also couldn't stop thinking about last night. What would've happened if Chloe didn't walk in? Would we have kissed on our own account?

"Listen," I began, but I was interrupted by the flight attendant's announcement. We sat through the safety video before the plane taxied onto the runway. Part of me was glad I was interrupted as I was sure someone from work would've heard us if I continued.

Anthony and I didn't address what had happened on this trip. Instead, I discovered that his grandfather was an Italian musician who had sold out shows in the sixties, and he discovered I could count to ten in five languages—it was clearly less exciting than his revelation, but it was nice, being in close proximity with him.

"Okay, do you want to hear a riddle?" I asked. We still had two hours to go, and our in-flight entertainment kept freezing.

Anthony grinned. "Sure."

Why does he always look at me like that?

"Okay. What gets wetter the more it dries?"

The corner of Anthony's mouth flew up, and I knew he was having some NSFW thoughts about my question.

"Grow up," I laughed.

Anthony rolled his eyes. "Fine. A towel."

My mouth fell open, but Anthony cut me off before I could say another word.

"You asked me one of the most common riddles, sunshine."

I scoffed. "Well sorry I'm no quizmaster."

"Okay, my turn," he said. "What can you hold in your right hand, but never in your left?"

I hadn't heard this one before, and it frustrated me because Anthony guessed mine so easily. I tried to think of all the possibilities. Could it have been a dominant hand issue? After a minute of serious contemplation, I surrendered.

"What?" I asked, my tone slightly annoyed at my lack of riddle knowledge.

"Your left hand," Anthony said.

I didn't get it first and had to replay the whole question in my head. My face must've given away when it finally clicked, as Anthony started laughing hysterically.

"You must use that hand a lot." I winked.

Anthony rolled his eyes. "Depends on what I'm thinking about." He adjusted in his seat. "By the way, your I'm focusing face is terrifying."

I giggled. "Imagine what my work computer sees every day then."

"Excuse me," a voice said. A tall flight attendant towered to the right of Anthony with a sympathetic face and two large ice creams in his hand.

"I'm really sorry, we can't figure out why this row is having technical issues. I'm afraid we won't be able to get your TVs working for the remainder of the flight."

If I was on my own, that would've annoyed me. But I was enjoying this moment with Anthony, and I figured the broken TVs were a blessing in disguise.

"We have complimentary ice creams for you both. And press the assistance button if you'd like any more." The man handed us the raspberry and white chocolate ice creams.

"I will take unlimited ice cream over some shitty aeroplane movies any day," I said as I peeled off the lid.

Anthony smiled as he did the same. "Me too."

I looked out of the window and could see the sunrise on the horizon. A sea of fluffy white clouds lay beneath us, blanketed by the red and orange tones in the distance.

When I turned back, Anthony was looking at me. The edges of my mouth curved up with immediate joy.

"Do you look at all of your colleagues like this?" I whispered.

Anthony let out a low laugh. "Only the one that matters."

Just the one.


"Oh my gosh, I've missed you," Sarah said as she pulled me in for a tight hug.  I hugged her back, but I wanted to leave before she could ask about the trip. I quickly learned that was impossible.

"How was it? Were there any cute Australian men there?"

My mind traced back to Nick and how welcoming he was to me...but it was quickly clouded by the thought of Anthony shirtless. Us in the water. Our bodies pressing together. Our kiss.

"It was amazing," I said, hoping that would suffice. "I spoke to a few hotties, yeah."

"And?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes. "And I had a really great time."

She shrugged. "Oh, come on Jem. Did you go home with anyone? Did you at least kiss someone?"

Just your ex.

"Nope. No one stood out enough for that," I lied.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Come on. I expected some juicy tea. Not...this," she said as she swirled her hand in front of me. How patronizing.

"It was a work trip, Sarah. Not a trip to get fucked."

Although if Chloe didn't walk in who knows what would've happened...

"A good work trip is filled with a balance of learning and fucking," she reaffirmed.

I rolled my eyes again and started walking towards the stairs.

"I'm going on a date tonight," she said.

I paused in my tracks, refusing to turn around. "With whom?"


My skin started to flare as my nails dug into my palms. I knew something was going to come out of her affair, but I couldn't help but feel frustrated. Anthony didn't deserve this.

"Don't you think it's a bit soon?" I asked as I turned around. "You know...since you slept with him and cheated on your boyfriend."

Sarah scoffed. "Oh, would you please drop that? It doesn't matter anymore. Anthony and I are over, but that doesn't mean I'm going celibate." 

I pinched my temple. "Yes, but you could at least keep it behind closed doors for a few months."

This time, Sarah was the one rolling her eyes. "Here you go with the lecturing again. Have you forgotten who the older one is here? I've had three more years of experience...I know how to handle stuff like this. You don't."


"Anthony and I had a great relationship...until we didn't. I'm sure he'd hate to hear you're fighting his battles for him." She paused, looking me up and down with her flaming eyes. "Or at least trying to."

I wasn't in the mood for arguing. If I said anything more, she'd probably accuse me of fucking him. That was entirely untrue...at least in reality.

"Enjoy your date," I said as I walked up the staircase, heavy-footed. 

I lay down on my bed and scrolled through social media. Normally that was enough of a distraction to calm me down, but this time, it wasn't working.

I needed to blow off steam by talking it out, but I couldn't call Kat because she'd ask the same questions Sarah did. Why do you care anyway?

I didn't even have Chloe or Sam's number, so there was only one person I could call. One person who understood.

I flicked through my contacts until I found his name...and then I pressed his name.

The line dialled for a while before a quiet rustling tickled my ear.

"Jem?" the voice on the other end said.

I already felt calmer. "Hey." I tried to hide my sadness, but I knew my tone had betrayed me.

"What's wrong?" Anthony asked. 

I took a deep breath. "It's Sarah. Sometimes I feel like an uptight mother, but I'm only looking out for her." And you.

"What has she done this time?" His voice sounded slightly different on the phone, but it was still warm enough to give me butterflies.

"I shouldn't be telling you this. God, you probably don't want to know...but she's going out with Jordan tonight. I think there may be something serious there." I didn't want to be that person who snitched, but I needed to get it out. These days, I saw Anthony more as my friend than Sarah's ex. 

There was a slight pause on the line before Anthony spoke again. "That's okay, sunshine. I figured this would happen at some point."

I sighed. "I know...but does it at least make you a little sad?"

"Of course it does. We were together for a year and a half." He sighed. "But people move on. Hell, we were both moving on while we were still in our relationship."

I didn't quite know what he meant. I didn't pick Anthony to be the type to cheat...but I didn't question it further as it wasn't my place.

"I appreciate you looking out for me. It means a lot, sunshine. But I'm okay. Sarah wasn't perfect during our relationship, but neither was I. There's no point holding onto grudges as I'll only be poisoning myself."

I smiled. "I'm glad you're okay, Anthony. I really am."

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