By KeymonSanders

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For those that are new, I suggest you read the Prelude of DXD: The Hollow, Slayer, Demon, and Slime before yo... More

DODGE - Oh! You Can Dodge Already...
Divine Challenge
You're Not Normal...
They've Come For Us...
City - Wide Madness!!!!

Nostalgia Reset

570 21 83
By KeymonSanders

Author: Before I start, I just wanna say...

Author: If you started reading this without reading The DxD Prelude Chapter, then you're gonna be very lost.

Author: It's three parts. Go read the first chapter of The Leaf's Red God...

Author: Then the DxD Prelude chapter...

Author: Then come back to this one - you have been warned.

Author: Now, for those who looked at the tags before reading - you are not mistaken.

Author: I do plan on Piccolo having a lover too.

Author: Please keep in mind that even though this is a DBZ/DBS Fanfic it will not just FOCUS on the battles and story...

Author: There will be chapters where it's just them being normal or wholesome or funny - even if it's just a short chapter, it will happen.

Author: There will be lemons in this too. Some allowed cheating - I only say allowed  cheating because of Marron, Zangya, Erasa, Panchy Briefs women like that - if you don't know who they are - go look them up.

Author: But it won't have to do with Goku or Vegeta... ok, I lied, it MAY have to do with Vegeta, Goku, Bulma, and Chichi...

Author: Wanna know who turns me on the most out of all of the women in DBZ/DBS?

Author: It's actually five of the - let's do a ranking system real quick:

• 5: Supreme Kai of Time.

Author: I don't know, maybe it's because she's short as fuck and you guys know that I love extra short women. She not busty but under those clothes - I know she got ass.

Author: Plus she be taking forms like this.

Author: And like this - she can get it.

• 4: Erasa

Author: Y'all can't sit here and tell me that when you saw Erasa that ya dicks didn't get hard.

Author: Homegirl was the bae for real and she was down to fuck.

Author: Her mentality was "If you can drive, have a job, and you were active - we can fuck right now."

Author: I wanted her something bad.

• 3:

Author: Now, before I tell you guys - let me say this...

Author: I understand why everybody wants Bulma. I understand why everybody wants to fuck this woman so bad.

Author: Her aura literally YELLS "My pussy is too good for you humans."

Author: Seriously - when you look up DBZ porn - this bitch and 18 OWNS that shit.

Author: ...

Author: ...

Author: ...

Author: But Chichi got it.


Author: First of all: Let's be real, from the time that Bulma and Vegeta had Trunks to the time AFTER they had Bra - they STILL fuckin - no doubt.

Author: But Chichi BARELY gets it from her husband and when she does - this man can't find the strength or willpower to pull out.

Author: The many times that I've seen DBZ Hentai - Chichi got better head than Bulma.

Author: AND she's ALWAYS IGNORING her sex drive meaning that she got LOADS of pent up stress.

Author: She not only puts you to sleep with that pussy - but when you wake up, there's a home cooked meal waiting for you at the table - she got it.

Author: Yes, she is a bitch for how she thinks but boy she gonna keep fucking you till you're literally bone dry.

Author: Bulma's the type to say "Go ahead get as much of that pussy as you want, baby ~!"

Author: But Chichi's the type to say "Come on! Get it all out! Don't stop until your empty!!! Dump it all in me!!!!"

Author: Had to explain myself. Next is...

• 2: Panchy Briefs...

Author: 😑 Do I really need to explain myself?

Author: You all know what's up, you all know that you were into Bulma's Mom just as much as I was.

Author: You all know that you wanted to fuck her just as hard as Danny Phantom, Dash, and Dexter's moms.

Author: And number one - and y'all will look at me crazy for this...

Author: But Jiece's sister, Bonyu...

Author: Mmm...

Author: It's just something about Jiece's sister that makes me wanna get in those thighs.

Author: Maybe it's because I'm into big girls - I don't know but everytime I played DBZ: Kakarot and saw her - I had to take a Jerk Break.

Author: Maybe it's the long hair or the thighs - maybe it's her lips that STAY glossy white.

Author: Maybe it's that expression that says "If I take these clothes off - you better be ready to work."

Author: The expression that says "You better keep that dick hard, cause I got some shit to get off my chest."

Author: The expression that says "We're having a baby tonight. 💢 Why are your clothes still on?"

Author: The expression that says "We just had sex four times three hours ago. And you want more? How good is my pussy to you?"

Author: The expression that says "Fine, love. If you're that horny for me... *locks door* then you're not leaving this room. We're gonna fuck like rabbits till we're BOTH satisfied... I hope you're ready because I'm tired of taking it easy on you."

Author: The expression that says "Oh, you came a lot... Hm? You need a minute? Nah, I'm just gonna keep sucking. I like to watch you quiver."

Author: I don't know guys, but this lady here is... ooohhh...

Author: Mmm... anyway...



Author: Please keep in mind that Alcoli and Wina will be getting the business as well - along with Kale, Caulifa, and Kefla will be getting this work as well - if I make it that far...

Author: Most likely they'll get it from the OC's I put in this.

Author: I do plan on bringing in new OC Saiyans - yes, I know it's a lot but don't worry.

Author: They won't play a big part in this.

Author: Yes, there will be some other OC's in this - but the most important ones are two of them - you'll know who they are when I post their picture and they will be one of the main protagonists in this story.

Author: I don't know if you can call this a Harem Story since it won't just be one person but hey, it can be all over the place...

Author: Just like the DBZ Timeline...

Author: Yea, that was a shot...

Author: But I will say that Gohan, Broly, Krillin, and the two OC's will be having most of the "fun" in this before they get to the "Loves of thier lives."

Author: And of course - I will be doing some TFS moments as well but let me start it off a little serious for now. Have fun!!!

On Namek...

Zeno, Priest, and Whis had touched down with a tied up Wina and Alcoli, crashing flat into the ground...

Wina/Alcoli: Oooowwwwww...

Whis smirked at them since his plan was coming together slowly but surely. He rubbed his chin at the thoughts and giggled quietly...

Priest: Something funny, Whis?

Whis: Oh nothing, father. Just can't wait for the entertainment to commence.

Grand Priest stared at him before smiling as well, saying...

Priest: Yes, I see what you mean.

Whis then turned to Zeno and bowed, saying...

Whis: My Lord, shall I go and retrieve the Dragon Balls?

Zeno: Yes. I would also like to get the fun going as well.

Whis: Very well. Be back in a jiffy.

With that, he stopped Time and disappeared...

Whis believed that he could get one over Zeno - but the Omni - King was smart and he wasn't angry with what Whis was trying to do.

It was a harmless plan so he held no ill will towards it...

A few seconds later, he came back with the wishing - granting orbs as they then began to glow...

He set them down and looked at Grand Priest and Zeno...

Whis: Whenever you're ready, my lord.

Alcoli: L-Lord Zeno!

Wina: P-Please - heed our wor -

Zeno: Aaaaand I stopped listening...

He waved his hand at them as their physical bodies disappeared...

Alcoli/Wina: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!

They floated there as masses of powerful Divine Ki...

Alcoli: M-My Lord!

Wina: Don't destroy us! We'll do anything!

Zeno: ... Anything?

Priest: Ooooh bad choice of words.

Alcoli/Wina: YES!!!!

Whis: They should really watch what they say.

Zeno: Very well then.

He then looked at Whis...

Zeno: Actually Whis, let us deal with their punishment before we summon Gohan and Broly back...

Whis bowed...

Whis: Of course, My Lord.

Wina: P-Punishment? B-But we just sai -

Zeno: Now, on the way here, you said that you had an ideal punishment for them

Whis: That I did.

Zeno: And that was?

Whis: I was just going to suggest that we do exactly what we did to Lord Beerus.

Priest: Hehe you still call him "Lord"?

Whis: A habit that I have yet to break.

Zeno: I see, and you want to put them both in the bodies of Gohan and Broly?

Whis: While that was the plan - I have decided to change it. Putting Wina and Alcoli into the bodies of those that play such a big role in Timeline would surely put us back where we are now.

With a petty expression, they said...

Whis: They have proven to be too immature for such a role.

Alcoli/Wina: HEY!!!!

Whis: Plus, out of all of Goku's friends, Broly and Gohan had more potential than even him and Vegeta. The two only passed them up because of their teamwork or because the other was too afraid of the woman he lived with.

Priest: Then what do you propose Whis - because it sounds like you want to out Wina and Alcoli's beings in random people.

Whis smirked...

Which made Zeno smile too...

Zeno: Interesting...

Priest: Hm...

Wina/Alcoli: WHAT!?!?!

Whis: Of course, whilst they are in those newborns - I will be watching over them.

He then looked at the two Goddesses's souls and said...

Whis: Either they will join the fight with Goku and the others - forcing Wina and Alcoli to help their jailers stay alive - or they'll live a very dull and boring eternity in them. One or the other...


Zeno: Ah, so leaving it up to fate. I see, I see.

Priest: Very well thought out, son. Using their immortality as a punishment.

Whis: Thank you.

Zeno: Very well, Since The Super Dragon Balls repaired and restarted the world. That's acceptable to me.

Alcoli: B-BUT WE -

Zeno: Nope, not listening.


He then snapped his fingers as they then shot off to the New Earth...

Whilst a woman was giving birth to her two sons....


Doctor: Push! KEEP PUSHING!!!! You almost got it!!!!


She managed to squeeze the two boys out as they then cried loudly. The woman gasped in happiness as they snipped the umbilical cord and gave her, the infants.

?: ❤️ My boys, my baby boys.

?/?: Waaaaahhhhhhh!!!!



?: Hehe v-very lively one's, aren't you?

The husband then walked in and said...

Father: Sorry! I'm sorry I'm late.

?: It's ok, l-look at them.

He looked at them and gave way to a fake smile...

Father: Sigh finally, I get to be a father.

?: I'm happy for you, sweetheart.

Father: Y-Yea... sigh...

Back with Zeno...

Zeno: Alright, lets fast forward Time... hm...

Priest: Something wrong, My Lord?

Zeno: What time should we bring them back to? Whis: Hm, good question.

Priest: Maybe when Goku's Brother attacked?

Whis: That would be understandable buuuuut... do we need to bring them back THAT far?

Zeno: How about Namek? We're already here?

Priest: Mmm... but that would be throwing them RIGHT into everything wouldn't it?

Whis: Hm, you have a point. OH! I know.

Zeno/Priest: ??

Whis: Why not right AFTER Raditz attacked? It'll give Broly and Gohan enough time to get situated and everything.

Zeno: You're right.

Priest: That sounds like a great plan.

Whis: Thank you.

Zeno: Alright then, a year - right before the Saiyans attack...

As they then summoned the Porunga, they used their first two wishes to bring Broly and Future Gohan back to life...

?: ?... !?

?: ?!... wait... this is... Namek...

Gohan: This isn't right, I'm suppose to be dead...

Broly: ... Again?

They both looked around with complete shock and confusion before they ended up looking at Zeno and the others...

Broly blinked and said...

Broly: Whis?

Whis: Hello Broly, how are you?

Gohan: What is... going on?

Broly: Where is... Rias and -

Whis: That time is over with.

Broly: ?

Whis stepped forward...

Whis: Let me explain this in a nutshell to the both of you.

Broly/Gohan: ??

Whis: Broly? You remember when I bring you to Rias's world so that you can live out your days with some peace.

He nodded...

Whis: Well, thanks to two very annoying Goddesses of Destruction...

Priest: Heheh you must've really had it out for them.

Whis: 💢 They tried to hold their title over my head and have me rub BOTH of their feet.

Zeno: Had you said something, I would've changed that.

Whis: I know, but this situation was waaaaay more fun. But anyway...

He came back to the two saiyans...

Whis: Thanks to them, the world you lived in was shattered without you knowing killing everyone...

Broly went wide eyed...

He exhaled in horror - instantly wanting to know who and where these Goddesses were. Those were his friends...

He balled his fists with the ground shaking. Gohan looked at the fellow saiyan with surprise...

Gohan: Who is this guy? Where's all that energy coming from?

His person glowed green as he gritted his teeth and hate for what happened - but then Whis patted him on the back...

He looked at him to see a smile as he said...

Whis: Don't be so down in the dumps, my friend. They were all brought back and are alive and well.

Broly: ... They are?

Whis nodded...

Whis: Yes, they are. But...

He put a finger up and said...

Whis: The only thing about this is the fact that we cannot send you back there.

Broly: ...

Whis: Life was very peaceful for you there but thanks to those Goddesses - you are cut off from that world.

Zeno: Meaning that you will be heading back to your OWN world.

Broly: ...

He was happy that they were all alive, but when they said that he has to go back...

That meant abuse and manipulation rig -

Whis: Broly? You should know me better than that.

Broly: ?

Whis: You won't be going back to Paragus or Brona, your mother.

He gestured to Gohan...

Whis: You're going to be going back, with Gohan.

He blinked at this...

That was new...

Before Rias and the others, he was only with Goku and the others for a brief time but they've always talked about their adventures and close calls.

Gohan: Going back with me? But...

Broly: ?

All: ???

Gohan: When I died, the Androids were a threat.

He glared saying...

Gohan: Sorry, but I don't think it's best to send him back with me. He'll be killed.

Zeno: You shouldn't have to worry about that.

Gohan looked at the small person before Grand Priest bring up an image of all that happened with trunks, the androids, Cell - all of it.

He saw how Trunk went back and just ENDED the threat and rebuilt their timeline, he watched as the teenage, not really a "teenage" version of him defeat something even stronger than the machines themselves...

He was shocked at this...

Gohan: That... that really happened?

Priest: That it did.

Gohan: ... So...

He looked down and smiled, saying...

Gohan: My sacrifice wasn't in vain, that's good to know...

Zeno: Your sacrifice was moving. Even to me.

Gohan: ?

Priest: From what the both of you had to endure - you have the full respect of The Omni-King.

Whis: So, as a reward for your tenacity and good nature, we're going to give you both a Redo, right from before the saiyans arrived - with all the knowledge that you have right now.

Gohan: Really? Are you... are you serious?

Zeno: I don't lie.

Whis: But keep in mind that the people and enemies in this New Earth will be stronger. It's only fair since I'm not wiping your minds clean.

He looked at Broly...

Broly: And just so it won't hurt as much. I'll strip you of those memories of your life with arias and the others.

He didn't like that but he understood why...

Knowing that he can't see them anymore would be a little painful...

He nodded with Whis smiling...

Whis: Try to cheer up, I will be doing the same thing for them as well. It'll be like you never were there. And as a plus...

Broly: ?

Whis: I assure you that you WILL see Cheelai again.

His eyes went wide as he blushed a little...

Broly: She's... she's alive too?

Whis: That she is.

Zeno: I almost forgot how bad you had it for her.

Priest: You two were so adorable.

Broly: ...

Broly turned to them...

Broly: Can... can I see her now?

Whis: Hm...

Priest: Mmm...

Whis: Well, that depends on My King, not me.

Zeno: Broly? Would you really want to see her now than wait to see her later. She won't remember you, so you'll take her by surprise.


He gulped at this before smiling and nodding at them as their smile widened...

Whis: Oh! And one more thing. About your Destroyer Training. I'm going to have to ask you to keep that under wraps till the time comes.

Broly: ?

Zeno: Just some harmless fun for us.

He looked at Gohan...

Whis: That also means no Super Saiyan or Beast form for you till Goku does it. We have to stick to the timeline.

He frowned...

Whis: Though I STRONGLY suggest that you take your training more seriously.

Gohan: ... I'm sorry?

Whis: Gohan? Let me explain something to you...

Zeno: Uh-Oh

Priest: I believe that you're in trouble.

Whis came to him saying...

Whis: When I first saw you - well, the OTHER version of you, I didn't think too much about it. You were a saiyan, yes. But you lived like every other human - which isn't bad. Humans are adorable and funny at times.

He now overshadowed him...

Whis: But you want to know what I couldn't brush off?

Gohan: ?

He leaned down to him...

Whis: It was your staggering potential.

Gohan: ...

Whis: You not only have proven on more than one occasion that all it takes is the right situation for you to become STRONGER than your opponent WITHOUT having to "almost die" to get a PowerBoost. You did it with the androids - but since it was two against one, I let that slide.

Gohan:💧Er -

Whis: Did you know that me AND Lord Beerus wanted to inspect that power of yours? We didn't because that "mother" of yours beat it into you that you need to "be a scholar, be a scholar, be a scholar"


Whis: But then - hehehe the REAL kicker was that you AND Piccolo took on a form so powerful - SO strong... that you BOTH either passed up Goku and Vegeta... or were on par with them - and at the time, they could turn into a Saiyan Deity, BEYOND a Saiyan Deity, take the Form of The Destroyer, and Master a form, that I excel in, at will.


Whis: And guess what?

Gohan: W-What?

Whis got in his face...

Whis: You STILL had more potential. All you need to do...

He smiled angrily and through his teeth, he said...

Whis: Is train. Broly gets a pass because he gets stronger the more he fights - he doesn't NEED to train that much, but for him to have more peace at mind - we're bringing him along.

Gohan gulped, he didn't know that his "No Androids Included" variant was such a powerful guy...

But it seemed like his variant's mother had more of a grip on his life than his own.

Chichi would usually yell at him for not studying but he would explain his reasoning and leave it at that.

Gohan: O-Ok, I get it. I'll take my training more seriously.

Whis smiled and said...

Whis: Splendid! I'll forward to it, and as a reward...

Gohan: ?

Whis smiled...

Whis: When the time comes - I will send you off with Trunk for one last showdown with your worlds Androids.

He went wide - eyed before getting serious...

Gohan: You serious? No kidding?

Whis: I mean every word. I only ask that if you see 17 and 18 in your new world - keep the PTSD to a minimum.

Gohan: ...

Zeno: But besides that, you all should be happy. This is your chance to really train and LIVE. Something you BOTH haven't been doing. Now is your chance.

He then looked at Porunga and spoke in to him as he nodded and looked at the two. Their bodies then began to glow with confusion...

As they began getting smaller...

Broly: !?!?

Gohan: Whoa! What the -

Whis: Relax, calm down. We're just preparing you for your departure.

Priest: We've all decided that you'll be shipped off to the time after Goku has died...

Gohan: ... and when is that because he's died like like -

Whis: The first time.

Gohan: Ooooh, so back to my first time meeting dad.

Zeno: Dad?

Gohan: Piccolo...

Whis: PFFT!!!!!

Zeno: Heheh, this is going to be very fun to watch.

Whis then tapped his staff on the ground as they glowed again, flickering out of existence...

Whis: Sigh, welp...

The three sat back, got some tea and went back home, looking at the world they sent Ichigo and the others along with Gohan and Broly to saying...

Zeno/Whis/Priest: Let the show begin.

Out of nowhere, Gohan gasped and woke up, looking at the clear blue sky and sat up...

He breathed heavily and looked around. They weren't kidding, he was back here, in this time period...

Gohan: I'm...

He patted himself as Broly then sat up...

Gohan: I'm really back...

?: GOKU NO!!!!

Gohan: I know that voice!

He then looked up...

As Krillin landed along with Bulma and Roshi...

He ran over to Goku's lifeless body that Gohan and Broly did not see at first...

Broly's never seen Goku dead before...

He was in shock from what happened before seeing another saiyan that was dead.

This must be the evil brother Goku talked about...

Radish or something?

As they both got up though...

Piccolo stared at Broly...

Piccolo: What the hell? That kid wasn't there at first. But that tail, he's a saiyan too?

Krillin: Goku!!!!

Krillin kneeled to his best friend to see that he wasn't breathing before gritting his teeth in anger of what happened...

Bulma: No... Goku...

Roshi: Sigh...

He balled his fist and put a hole in the ground before calming down...

Krillin: I'll have to go and get the Dragon Balls to wish him back. We can't handle a threat like that guy on our own.

He then looked at Bulma who nodded with a smirk...

Bulma: Yea, I already got the Dragon Radar at my place. We can got there, get it, and bring Goku back.

Krillin: Good.

Gohan: I'm very confused - wasn't this the part where -

Scouter: Raditz? Come in, are you there?

Gohan: Ah, there it is.

All: ?

Broly: Hm? Who's voice is that and why does it sound funny to hear him talk?

They looked at the evil dead man to see that his scouter was going off...

Scouter: Raditz come in, now.


Scouter: Dammit. I think he's dead, Vegeta?

Vegeta: No matter, he was fodder anyway.

Bulma: Fodder? Are they talking about this guy?

Piccolo: He was a weakling?

Piccolo looked at him...

Piccolo: You mean to tell me that we busted our asses on a guy that wasn't even a real challenge?

Scouter: Very well then. So, do we head to the planet that killed him?

Vegeta: Yes, but not for him. I'm more interested in this thing called Dragon Balls.

Broly tilts his head and looked at Gohan...

Broly: Uh... I'm a little lost.

With a flat expression, Gohan said...

Gohan: This was around the time that dad just let it be KNOWN what the Dragon Balls could do and that asshole, Raditz's scouter was on.

Broly: How?

Gohan: Asking the wrong person, Broly.

Vegeta: Nappa? How long will it take us to get to Raditz's body?

Nappa: Hmm... from his location, I'd say about a year, Vegeta.

Vegeta: Well, these wish - granting orbs better be worth the trip, that planet is as good as space dust!


With that, the communication cut off...

They all looked in shock from what they heard, some hearts dropped but others were just baffled...

Roshi: More of those monsters?

Krillin: In a year? The hell do we do now.

Bulma: We can't handle an attack like that again.

Roshi: Hm...

Piccolo glared at the situation before looking at Gohan and Broly who weren't paying attention...

They saw that Goku was dead - Gohan saw that his father was dead, and yet...

He didn't shed a tear...

He didn't cry or cause a tantrum...

He looked sad, but that was it...

Broly just stared at the corpse, he knew that was Vegeta's voice on that scouter. He remembered when Bulma told him about how he was evil at one point into time.

Krillin: W-Wait...

They then looked at the kids...

Gohan: Hm?

Bulma: It was just... Gohan that Raditz stole, right? So...

Author: Yes he still has Ba's ear...

Bulma: Who is that?

Broly: ?

Krillin: He has a tail just like Gohan.

Roshi: So, he's a saiyan, eh?

Broly: ...

Broly then stood up before Bulma yelled...

Bulma: STAY BACK!!!!

Krillin: Wait Bulma. Maybe this kid was kidnapped by Raditz too. He did kidnap Gohan - who's to say he didn't do the same to him.

Hearing this, Gihan stood and rolled with it...

Gohan: Y-Yea! He took Broly too.

Broly: ... He did?

Gohan elbowed him...

Gohan: Oh! Right! Redo. U-Uh... er... hi?

Bulma: So he really was in that pod with you?

Gohan nodded...

Roshi: Mm...

Krillin: ...

Bulma: ...


He leaned into Gohan...

Broly: I don't think they're gonna b -

Gohan: They're gonna buy it.

Piccolo: ?

Roshi/Krillin/Bulma: ...

Roshi: ... Well, alright then.

Bulma: Oh you poor thing. You said his name was Broly?

Krillin: It must've been hard for you, Broly.

Broly: ... Just like that?

Gohan: Exactly like that.

Piccolo then stretched out his stub of an arm and yelled...


Growing his arm back...

They looked at him, Krillin, Bulma, and Roshi being baffled at what he did before he came to Gohan and Broly...

He overshadowed them with his height and size before he gripped them by their hair...

Gohan: OW!!!!

Broly: MMF!!!!

And lifted them up...

Piccolo: Fine then, the more, then merrier.

Krillin stepped to him...

Krillin: Hey! What do you think you're doing -

Piccolo: QUIET!!!!

His eyes lit up as a shockwave threw Krillin through a tree...

Author: Krillin will not have an "Owned Count" in this.

Piccolo: Use your heads - that bastard's scouter said that they'll be here in a year. So...

He held them both up to his eyes with a dark expression and said...

Piccolo: I'm gonna train these little brat up and get them ready to protect this damn planet that they love so much.

He walked to them, making Roshi and Bulma lean back...

Piccolo: Anyone wants to refuse me?

Bulma: !

Roshi: ... Nope! You got it buddy.

Bulma: Roshi!

Roshi: I'm old! And he ages slower than me!

With that, Piccolo flew off with the two...

Krillin: Darn it!!!!

Krillin got up but instead of flying off after him, he left it alone...

Piccolo was right...

They were gonna need all the help they can get and if he can get Broly and Gohan to at least learn to fight for themselves...

Then that would help out a lot...

Krillin: ... Sigh... NOT TELLING CHICHI - 1,2,3 NOT IT!!!!

Bulma: NOT IT!!!!

Roshi: NOT I - AW FUCK!!!!

Hundreds of miles away in The Paprika Wasteland...

Author: I know right? I actually looked up the names?

Piccolo has just arrived there with the two children and threw them into the large lake that was there.

They splashed into it before coming out and gasping for air and shaking the water out of their hair...

Broly: ...💢Rude. Very rude.

Gohan:💧Yeeeeaaaaa. But you know -

Broly: SlugMan gets better, I know.

Piccolo landed with his arms crossed and a glare as he said...

Piccolo: Alright, now let's get this underway. First, I'm gonna explain somethings.

Broly: ?

Gohan: Oh yea, the talk.

He looked at Goku's son...

Gohan:💧Yea, of course he'd look at me first.

Piccolo: Just like you recently saw, your father's dead and the threat he was fighting are sending backup in a year. And from it sounded like, they are even stronger.

Gohan: ...

Piccolo: So, I'm gonna whip you two into shape so that you could be ready for the fight to come, understand?

He then looked at Broly...

Piccolo: And you.

Broly: ?

Piccolo: I don't trust you one bit, brat.

Broly: 💢I have a name.

Piccolo: And I don't care to know it. You came out of nothing - just "poof" and your right in front of us. So that little lie you told them didn't get passed me.

Gohan/Broly: ...

Piccolo: I don't know what's going on - and at the moment. I don't care. Those saiyans are coming here, and I wanna kill thrm before I deal with you both and my Conquest for Earth.

Broly: ...

He looked at Gohan but pointed at Piccolo...

Gohan: Him too?

Gohan: Oh yea, around this time EVERYONE wanted to either rule something or not die.

Broly: ... Why -

He shook his head and said...

Gohan: I don't know.

Piccolo: Hey! I'm talking to you too! Or do I have to smack you around till I have your attention.

Gohan: Sorry dad - er, sorry uh...

Piccolo: ?

Broly: Why're you changing it -

Gohan: Shh!!!

He looked at Piccolo...

Gohan: W-We understand.

Piccolo: ?

He saw Gohan stand as he said...

Gohan: Sorry, my dad being dead still hasn't hit me yet.

Piccolo: Well that's too bad, because we got work to do. If you're pissed that they took your daddy - then you're just gonna have to get stronger to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

He then took a stance and said...

Piccolo: Now come on, let's see what you got. Both of your come at me full force.

Gohan/Broly: R-Right...

Author: First chapter is done, let me know what you guys think so far.

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