Summer Rain

By JJJiangx

3.7M 97.1K 13.1K

[Includes Something about Summer & After Rain] Raine Evans had everything. Okay, maybe not. So she avoided he... More

Summer Rain
[1] Dynamite
[2] Young, Wild, and Free
[3] Live While We're Young
[4] Mr. Know It All
[5] Hit the Lights
[6] Tonight, Tonight
[7] Fall to Pieces
[8] We are Young
[9] Starships
[10] Two is Better than One
[11] Good Life
[12] Thunder
[13] Summer Girl
[14] Beat of My Heart
[15] Fireflies
[16] Love Life
[17] Irreplacable
[18] Pocket Full of Sunshine
[19] My Dilemma
[20] Only Fooling Myself
[21] Love Song (Part 1)
[21] Love Song (Part 2)
[22] Some Hearts
[23] Take Me Away
[24] Kiss You Inside Out
[25] Gotta Be You
[26] Anywhere But Here
[27] I Must Be Dreaming
[28] Decode
[29] Airplanes
[30] Alone Again
[31] Break My Heart
After Rain
[1] White Houses
[2] Here We Go Again
[3] Ship in the Dock
[4] I Hate Myself for Losing You
[5] All Too Well
[6] I Can't Breathe
[7] Catch My Breath
[9] Impossible
[10] Curiosity
[11] Just Give Me a Reason
[12] If This Was a Movie
[13] That's What You Get
[14] King of Anything
[15] Daylight
[16] Heart Attack
[17] Unwritten
[18] Fall
[19] Sweet Nothing
[20] One More Night
[21] Fallout
[22] Same Mistakes
[23] Alive
[24] Kiss Me Slowly
[25] I Need Your Love
[26] Looking Up
[27] Dark Side
[28] Endlessly
[29] Made in the USA
[30] Try
[31] Ever Enough
Extra: Forever and Ever
[18] Kaden's PoV: Secrets
Summer Rain Playlist & FAQ

[8] Like We Used To

52.1K 1.2K 186
By JJJiangx

Dedicated to President2036, thank you so much for all your kind comments<3 :)

Picture of Clark on the side --->



Will he love you,

Like I loved you?

Will he tell you every day?

Will he make you feel like you're invincible,

With every word he'll say?

~Like We Used To- A Rocket to the Moon

     I looked for Kallie after the read-through, but she wasn't anywhere to be found. I wasn't even sure if she had been here at all today. I hadn't seen her except for the tweet, which really didn't count:

     I was looking around a long hallway of offices when I bumped into someone. It ended up being Clark. "Hey, have you seen Kallie?"

     He shot me a weird look, not unkind, mostly curious. "She didn't come in today, Raine," he told me.

     Dang. "Oh." Okay, I can try next time I see her or call her or something. "Thanks," I said to Clark, spinning around to leave.

     "Wait, Raine," he called. I turned slightly to look at him. "Kallie said you live with Belle, is that true?" Aww, he still calls her by his nickname for her. I was about to voice my thought, but then my mind registered his question, which distracted me. Clark wasn't really the kind of stalk someone, or at least he hadn't been, but even so... If he did, well, I doubt it'll have good results. Not to mention Bells is already seeing him sometimes during filming and if he does stop by or something, that would just add to it. Plus, there's Blake. "Please, be honest," Clark said, interrupting my thoughts.

     "Fine. Yeah, I still live with Bells," I admitted, watching him carefully for his reaction- which was nothing. He kept his face completely blank.

     "Okay, thanks, Raine," he said, his voice a bit monotone. "I'll see you Thursday or something for filming and stuff." He shot me a half smile, though it looked a bit more like a grimace.

     "Wait, Clark," I called as he turned to walk away. "Please don't do anything. You hurt her. A lot," I told him hesitantly.

     His face seemed to soften, growing sadder. "I know," he whispered.


     "Did he say casual or formal?" I yelled to Bells so she could hear me over the hair dryer. It was Friday, the day of Blake and Bells' date.

     "He said casual and warm. Any idea what he might do?" she replied, flipping over to dry another section of his hair.

     I shrugged even though she probably couldn't see me. "No idea. It's summer in New York." I shifted past the dresses and shorts in her closet. I had pretty much no idea what I was doing. Bells had approached me half an hour ago asking for help, I had said yes since she was my best friend and looked kind of nervous, but I was kind of regretting the decision now. I wasn't exactly the best when it came to fashion. My closet consisted of jeans, t-shirts, and the occasional dress. "It's probably outside..." I muttered to myself as I pulled out a couple of her jeans and brought them to the bed.

     "So what's he like?" Bells asked, unplugging the hair dryer. I shrugged and didn't reply. "You knew him best. Tell me anything," she insisted, coming up beside me.

     I stayed silent for another moment as we ruffled through Bells' tops. "I don't know, Bells. The Blake I knew was probably just an act."

     "Maybe, but you still talked to him after, and talked to him now and there's a little truth in every act, right?" she asked. Wrong. I had always acted like I didn't care, and there wasn't even a speck of truth in that act.

     I didn't tell her that, though. This wasn't about me. It was about her and Blake. "He's nice, I guess. Funny. He's a bit jokingly arrogant. Respectful. Carefree. I don't know, really. That's the best I have," I told her with a shrug. I pulled out a brown and black striped cardigan at the same time as Bells pulled out a simply gray T-shirt with two large 'L's on it. We looked at each other and grinned like one of those cliché movie moments. But we found a good top for Bells so it was okay.

     "Wait, Raine, are you okay with this?" she asked, shifting through the pile of jeans I had placed on her bed earlier. She pulled out a pair of distressed light wash jeans held them under the two tops and shook her head.

     "What do you mean?" I asked, freezing at her question. Why wouldn't I be okay with Bells and Blake? I, no offense to Blake and all, sure didn't want to try again with Blake. Sure, we could be friends, but nothing more. It would take a lot for me to trust him again.

     "I mean, like, you guys kind of dated before and, well," she trailed off. Screw acting, I should buy one of those crystal balls, live in a carnival tent and make a living off of reading people's minds. I swear, it would work. I handed her a pair of black jeans to try with them. "Thanks." She tried them with the tops and grinned. Okay, outfit decided.

     I shook my head, stopping her from continuing. "Trust me, nothing could happen between us. Honestly, I don't think I can trust him again," I admitted. "He's a good guy, and it's all over now, but I can't see him as more than a friend."

     "Should I be scared?"

     I shook my head again, more frantically this time, though. "No, I think he'll be good for you, really! He stopped the whole thing because he was in love with you Bells. And remember, three years, is a long time."

     She laughed and pulled me into a hug. "Thanks." Then a knock sounded at the door, breaking our moment. "Do you think that's Blake?" Bells asked.

     "I don't know. To change just in case," I said, nudging her toward the bathroom in her room. "Are you sure you typed seven-thirty? Like, you didn't accidentally press another number?" I asked, checking the clock on her night table. Ten past seven.

     "I said seven-thirty, I'm sure," she told me, her voice muffled slightly from going through the door.

     "Well, then I doubt it's him. If it is, he must be really eager," I said, walking towards the door. I opened it to reveal... A blood splattered, twenty year old Leonardo Dicaprio. Haha, no, I wish. Not the blood part, of course, but you know, the rest. It was actually Devon. He was dressed somewhat formally, in jeans and a black button up. The black beanie on his hand and magazine in his hand kind of ruined it, though. "Hey." I stepped to the side to let him in.

     "Who is it?" Bells called from her bedroom.

     "Just Devon," I yelled back.

     "Just Devon?" he questioned. "Sorry to disappoint. Who were you expecting?"

     "Blake," I answered simply.


     I nodded. "Blake."

     "Do I get to know why?"

     I shrugged and grinned. "If Bells chooses to tell you."

     Devon sighed, rolled his eyes and followed me into Bells' room. "Hey Bella," he said, pulling her into a hug. "So, why are we expecting Blake?"

     "Date. What brings you here?" she replied, returning the hug.

     "Do you not want me here?" he asked dramatically, placing a hand on his heart. Neither of us answered, just raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay, Raine, you might want to see this," he said, turning serious. He handed me the magazine. It was one of those gossip magazines that was always reporting pregnancy or cheating scandals or churning out fake couples. On the cover were two cast photos from Call Me Cupid. To be more specific, it was mine and Kaden's photos. The words 'The New Girl and the Heartbreaker Heir?' were written across them in all caps, in a bold, black print.

     I groaned. "Already? Really?"

     "There's more," Devon said, reaching over to flip open the magazine. On the fifth page, there was a picture of Kaden and I's conversation on Twitter along with the heading 'Off-Screen Romance or Just Friends?' The second. If even that. I responded mentally even though I knew no one would hear me.

     "Lovely," I gritted out through clenched teeth.

     "Raine, you're an actress, these things come with it," Bells told me calmly.

     "I know, but really? So soon? And with Kaden?" I sighed and buried my face in one of her pillows.

     "You guys are starring in a movie together, it's expected," Devon reasoned, taking the magazine from my hands.

     "I know, but he's still my ex and the rumors might make it awkward and it's just ugh," I said, or tried to say, though it probably came out really garbled since my face was pressed against a pillow.

     "It'll only be awkward if you make it awkward," Bells assured me, gently tugging at the pillow. I let her pull it from between my hands and face and leaned back on her bed instead.

     "Are you guys trying again?" Devon asked.

     I shot up. "What? No!"

     He shrugged. "It seems that way," he said, gesturing to the magazine.

     "We're not!" I protested.

     "I know. And I know your history. But the world doesn't."


     "So they don't know you guys have already tried. Twice. A lot of them will take what you guys think are friendly gestures as the real thing."

     "Nothing's gonna happen. He's probably moved on."

     "I doubt that," Devon remarked. I raised an eyebrow at him in question. He returned my raised eyebrow and lifted the hand with the magazine. Right. Devon had a kind of weird habit of reading gossip rags. He said it was for a project in which he had to observe the effects of fame on people, but I doubt a project lasts three years.

     I shook my head. "You haven't seen how he's acted around me."

     "Okay, fine, I believe you. But, just remember, that if you guys do try again, this time, the world's watching," he said darkly.

     "I know," I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut.

     No one spoke for a couple moments after that.

     "So, Devon, any suggestions on accessories?" Bells asked, finally breaking the silence and lightening the mood.

     He groaned. "I thought you guys were past the gay fashion jokes," he whined, causing me to open my eyes and grin. You know how in books, the gay guy is always some sort of fashionista, or something? Yeah, Devon's not like that. At all. I think, that if he could wear his PJ's all day, every day without getting weird looks, he would.

     "So no suggestions?" Bells teased, pouting. Devon didn't respond, instead just collapsed on the bed beside me and started flipping through the magazine.

     "I think it's fine Bells. Except, maybe..." I stole Devon's beanie and slipped it on her head. "Works," I said, ignoring Devon's cry of protest.

     Then the doorbell rang. "Five minutes early," I remarked, after checking the clock.

     "At least he's not scared to show he's eager," Devon voices from behind the magazine.

     "Can you get it?" I looked over to see Bells in the process of curling her hair and chuckled. We probably shouldn't have totally gotten off track with the magazine. Okay, time to go entertain Blake for five minutes. I walked to the door and flung it open. Blake stood there looking slightly nervous, a bouquet of red gardenias in his hand. He relaxed slightly when he saw it was only me.

     "So, do I get to know where you're taking her?" I asked, stepping aside to let him in.

     Blake shrugged and took a couple steps in. "Ice skating," he told me quietly.

     "In summer?" I bit back a laugh. It was the Big Apple and they were going ice skating. During summer. It fit though. It was weird, in a cute kind of way.

     He nodded. "Then a picnic in the park. It's not really hot out so it works."

     I shook my head and laughed softly. "Only you, Blake. Only you would schedule ice skating in the middle of summer in New York."

     He shrugged. "What can I say? I'm cool like that," he joked.

     I laughed a bit before turning serious. "Blake," I said in the hardest voice I could manage. I guess it worked to some point, because he sobered up as well. "If you break her heart, I will... Find a way to break your face. Possibly by setting Devon and maybe your own roommate on you. And that won't be the only thing."

     He nodded solemnly. "I understand." I felt pretty proud of myself, since he actually looked a bit scared there. Yeah, I know, you shouldn't be proud of scaring someone, but considering the fact that Blake was probably almost a foot taller than me and fifty pounds heavier, him taking my threat seriously was an accomplishment.

     Just then Bells walked out. "What's going on?" she asked, sounding more amused than curious as she took in Blake's expression.

     "Nothing, just, you know, issuing a warning so he makes good choices," I replied, leaning back.

     "Hey, you look beautiful," Blake said, his eyes trained on Bells.

     Well this is awkward, I thought, heading back to Bells bedroom. Devon was lying on her bed, flipping through the magazine. It was silent until we heard the door shut.

     Devon shot up. "So, explanation, please?"

     "Met Blake that summer. He participated in the challenge a bit. Fell in love with Bells. Who had been with Clark at the time. He's still at least somewhat in love with her so he's taking her out," I said, leaving out Blake's connection to Jared. I'll tell Devon someday. Just not now, since, well, if he knew Blake wouldn't have to break Bells' heart to have a broken face.

     "Huh. Did you give him the talk?" he asked, putting down the magazine.

     I nodded. "Yup. Took it seriously too."

     "I trained you well," he said in a mock affectionate voice. I rolled my eyes. "Shoot! It's seven forty. I gotta go meet Shawn. Sorry, Raine!" He jumped up and speedily walked towards out the door, leaving his magazine behind.

     "Bye Devon!" I called, laughing slightly. I heard a muffled goodbye from him before the sound of a door opening and closing. I scooped up Devon's magazine and made my way into the living room.

     Friday night and I'm spending it alone. Like a loser. I sat down on the couch with Devon's magazine and flipped to the page with the article. Before I could even finish the first sentence, a knock sounded at the door. Probably Devon forgetting his magazine.

     I got up again and walked to the door. "Devon, I don't think you need a magazine for- You're not Devon. Well, this is kind of awkward. Hi Clark," I corrected, blushing slightly.

     He shot me an amused grin. "Hey Raine."

     "How'd you find out where I live? No offense, if this is offensive, but you don't seem like a door to door advertisement person," I said slowly, my mind still registering the fact that it was Clark at the door. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, it's just we had never really been really close. Which most likely meant he was here for Bells. Oh god, I hope he didn't seem them leaving. That would've been awkward.

     "Contact info on the applications," he admitted sheepishly. "Is, uh, Belle here?"

     "No, she's actually out." With Blake. But Clark didn't need to know that.

     "Oh, th- She's with Blake?" What? Okay, screw the idea of me making money off reading people's minds, Clark obviously deserves that job. Then I realized he was staring at something over my shoulder.

     Word of advice to anyone who might possibly end up in my situations: Don’t put the calendar in a place where you can see it from the front door. It leads to bad things. Like your best friend’s ex finding out that your best friend is on a date with a guy who tried to kidnap you. Also, don’t write the full name of the guy, especially if said ex knew that the guy tried to kidnap you.

     There should be a TV show based off my life with all the things that happen, I swear.

     “Are you crazy? He could be kidnapping her! Or worse!” Clark exclaimed.

     I groaned quietly. “You better come in.”

     “Where are they, Raine?” he asked, stepping in just enough for me to close the door. I wasn’t sure if it would do much, the walls weren’t thick, but it would be better than having a shouting match in the hallway, if things came to that.

     “Calm down, Clark. Blake’s Devon’s potential boyfriend’s roommate,” I told him.

     “How does that make things better?” His expressions changed so much that I had a hard time keeping up. Anger. Fear. Confusion. Sadness. Frustration. Hate. Love. And back to anger.

     “They go to John Jay, College of Criminal Justice.” Never had I ever been more thankful of Devon’s habit of giving a biography on people he might date. “He’s over that now.” Or at least, he should be. From what Devon told me about what Shawn told him about Blake, it would make more sense if he was than if he was planning some kind of revenge thing. Though, I don’t really know what he would be avenging.

     “How do you know?”

     “They’re training to be cops. Blake wouldn’t risk that to kidnap her,” I replied, taking a breath to calm myself, because honestly, Clark was starting to scare me. “Why do you care anyway?”

     I thought the question would just make him more mad, but instead, it almost seemed to calm him down. It definitely made him more sad, though. “Why wouldn’t I?”

     “You broke her heart,” I reminded him.

     “That doesn’t stop me from caring. You and Kaden broke each other’s hearts, you guys obviously still care, though.” My hands clenched at that reminder, and my heart, being the traitor it was, clenched along with my hands, but instead at the thought of him still caring. Lies. He doesn’t. Maybe that was a lie, but it was the only way I could force myself to move on.

     Devon was right. There was no way we could try again. Not only was it the third try, but also, the world was watching, and the tabloids would be looking for a way to twist it into drama. It wouldn’t be worth it. Lie. Lie. Lie. The less reasonable part of me whispered.

     I shook my head, both to deny Clark’s statement and to clear my head. “Don’t go there. You broke up with her for no reason,” I said, hoping to force him back to the original subject.

     It worked. “Who said I didn’t have a reason?”

     “So you had one?” I didn’t really doubt that he did, Clark wasn’t the kind to break up with someone without a reason. Not to mention he had been completely in love with Bells.

     He nodded.

     I stepped back and walked to the living room, beckoning for him to follow. “Okay, let’s hear it,” I said once we were seated.

     Clark sighed. "During Kaden's first movie, we met this guy. He was an actor turned manager, and he was about our age at the time. He said he had been in the industry for a year or so. Somehow we got on the topic of relationships, and when I mentioned I was doing long distance, he winced."


     "I asked him that and he said that when he first moved to LA he was in a long distance relationship. Needless to say, it didn't turn out well. Tabloids put up some cheating scandal with him and he said his girlfriend at the time had believed it and slept with a dozen guys before trying to kill herself."

     "Ouch." That was pretty brutal. I mean, sleeping with a dozen guys and then attempting suicide? But it was also worst case scenario. Not all couples who tried long distance ended up like that, right?

     "Yeah... And they had dated for almost four years. I guess that scared me. I didn't even want to think of something like that happening."

     I raised an eyebrow. I get that it would be scary, but had that really been enough to make him break up with her? A horror love story? "Did you really think Bells would do something like that, though? She's not like that."

     "I know, but you still get scared. Maybe it wouldn't be that severe, but it's still hard. It still hurts. And there's still that chance,” he said, avoiding my eyes. He looked around the room, then stopped at the photo on the wall.

     "You can't always compare your relationship to a broken one, Clark. Not all couples who try long distance end up that way."

     "I know. I know. But I still do it. It's hard not to. Everyone does. You still compare your relationship with Kaden to your parents don't you?" he asked, taking his eyes off the picture for a moment to look at me.

     This time I looked away. "That's different."

     "How so?"

     "It just is. Besides this isn't about me and Kaden, this is about you and Bells. You can’t compare us. Me and Kaden were a dysfunctional disaster just waiting to happen.” There, I admitted it. It took eight years to realize that Kaden and I would never work out. A part of me, the stupid part, still didn’t believe it though. It was still the naïve little fifteen year old who believed that there was a chance, even though we argues like my parents always had.

     I pushed those thoughts from my mind and went back to Bells and Clark. “You guys were voted most likely couple to get married and last forever. You guys dated for six years. Seven, if you count holding hands down the hallway in sixth grade.”

     "So? They dated for four years and still look what happened."

     "Every couple is different. You and Bells... You guys were the perfect couple. You knew pretty much everything about each other. When you guys fought, it never lasted over three days. Heck, you guys had even done the 'You-hang-up-no-you-hang-up thing. If anyone could've done it, it would've been you guys." It was true. Bells and Clark were the best couple I had ever known. Better than most married couples twice their age. They just… Worked. I didn’t really believe in soul mates, but I swear, back then, they had seemed like they were made for each other.

     He didn't respond.

     "And if you guys didn't make it," I said bitterly, staring at the photo on the wall. "What hope do any of us have?"


WHOA. This got intense fast. Not intentional, really. Or maybe I'm the only one who thinks it's intense...
Haven't really looked over this yet, I'll do it tomorrow since I'm running out of time. If you see any mistakes, feel free to point them out. :3

Vote, if you think Bells+Blake's date will be fun.
Comment, if you understand Clark a bit better now and pretty please comment your opinion on his reasons?
Fan, if you love Devon<3 ;3

Teaser: Poof... You guys are no longer single... Who am I talking about? Blake+Bells? Xavier+Raine? Nadia+Brett (WTF did that come from? 0.o)? Or two completely different people? You shall see... *evil laugh*
Update: Friday, probably. I might feel more inclined to update if you guys comment more... Hint, hint, nudge, nudge, wink, wink. I'm shameless, really.
Question: Does Clark deserve another hands with Bells?

~JJ :)

PS. Did the Author's note at 12 in the morning after a sleepover while hyped up on chocolate. That's why I probably sound really weird and hyper...

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