Naruto: Forgotten Power: Male...

By WalaNaPar

73.8K 1.9K 755

Being born in a family of shinobi's Y/N was always expected to join the Shinobi ranks, but Y/N was different... More

We... Passed?
On the way to wave and the Demon brothers
Demon of the mist
Zabuza+1 vs Team7
Y/N's unknown Dojutsu
The Forest Of Death
Naruko, Mito and Satsuki art work
The forest of Death part 2
I guess fem Orochimaru it is
family picture ( not a chapter )
Conclusion of Preliminary
Drawings for the previous chapter
Shackled from the start.
Former Siblings
A date? and The fight. (Edited)
Satsuki Flee's for Power.
This might be The End.
Naruto Shippuden Fanfic out now

Anger and Seal Removal.

1.6K 61 30
By WalaNaPar

???: Kanna, that is enough!

They were all surprised by the new voice, they all look to where the figure stood and the three sisters quickly made their way the her side.

Kanna/Mai/Sheena: Mother, what are you doing here?
Mother/Rei: I thought that I had told you to bring your brother to me? I did not tell you to start a fight.

She said looking at Kanna who seems to be in an angered state while she was looking down at the ground. Kanna quickly looked towards her mother and spoke.

Kanna: But mother-

She was cut off with her mother's slightly angered gaze.

Rei: I told you to come to me if he decides not to come with you, and what did you do? You start a fight and almost injure the daughters of the Hokage and the daughter of the Yamanaka clan head.

Kanna again set her sight to the ground. Y/N was surprised, "Why is mother here? Doesn't she hate me?" He thought to himself. Rei then looked at him and he slightly moved back a bit.

Rei: Y/N dear, I apologize for their stupidity, please forgive them, they were not thinking clearly.

Rei said calmly and bowed. Y/N didn't know how to react to this.

Ino: Hey Y/N, who are these people?

Ino asked wanting to know who these people were. From what she could see they seem to know who Y/N is.

Y/N: They... They are my former family...

Ino and the twins eyes widen, these were his family? Why would those three attack him if that was the case!?

Naruko: You're his mother!?

Rei: Yes-

Y/N: No! She is not my mother!

Rei: Y/N, please.

Y/N: You are not my mother, you made that very clear when you disowned me and purposely left this cursed seal!

Y/N opened his top to see the Clan insignia placed on his chest.

Rei looked at the seal and noticed a scar on his chest near the seal. This sight widened her eyes and the girls behind him also saw a similar scar on his back.

Rei: What happened, why do you have a scar?

The others thought the same as they were shocked on where the scar was. It was near where his heart should be.

Y/N: This! This was caused by your damn seal! It made my body move on its own to block the sword aiming for the third Hokage.

Mai: Why do you have that seal?

Mai and sisters were shocked, he should have this seal, only those who are not part of the main family should have this seal.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Y/N was confused, he thought that everyone on the clan had this seal.

Sheena: Mother, what is this? Why does he have that seal?

All eyes were on Rei as they waited for an answer.

Y/N: Explain! Why is this a shock to you three? What is going on!?

Mai: Y/N, that seal should not be placed on you. Only the branch family has that seal placed on them.

Mai sadly explained to her former brother. Y/N was shocked and confused. Rei stood there with an unreadable expression as she looked at the seal. She then started to speak.

Rei: That seal appears only when the Hokage former or present, are in a battle. The seal will activate when you are near the Hokage and take control of your body and force you to protect them.

Rei explained to them.

Y/N: But that doesn't answer my question! Mai said only the branch family is only marked with this seal, so why do I have it!?

Rei sighed and looked him in the eyes.

Rei: Your father and I had known of you not wanting to be a Shinobi for a long time, and after a few talks we decided to have the seal placed on you. We did try to change your mind before but clearly that didn't happen.

Y/N's eyes widen. He was shocked that they knew, he thought he had hidden it well. But after that thought his shock quickly turned to anger.

Y/N: ...You.... You dare....

Y/N looked at his mother, his eyes full of anger.

Rei: Y/N you must understand-


Y/N's eyes went haywire as it rapidly changed back and forth between his Dojutsu and his copied bloodlines started to show. From his brown eyes to the golden glow and black sclera, to the Sharingan. This sight shocked everyone as the girls behind him jumped back as chains from his back came out and started to run wild, destroying the ground and trees nearby.

Rei: So that's what the Hokage was talking about... Such power.

Y/N's rage kept going as the nearby river began to freeze. Soon the Hokage and a few anbu appeared. Minato then jumped in front of his daughters and Ino and deflected a chain that was headed towards them.

Minato: What the hell is going on!?

Seeing the sight of the an angered Y/N, he looked to where the anger was directed to and saw the Kisaragi Clan head.

Minato: Kisaragi-san, what happened? What's wrong with L/N-san?

Mai: Hokage-sama, Y/N is in a rage after being informed of the seal mother secretly placed on him.

Minato: Seal? Wasn't he a apart of the main branch? *Sees the seal* Why does he have a seal? *Deflects another chain* Answer that later, we need to get him to calm down!

Minato prepared his three pronged kunai and waited for an opening, as soon as he saw an opportunity he tossed the kunai at Y/N and quickly teleported to him and gave him a chop to the neck, knocking him out.

Timeskip: Hokage office.

When Y/N woke up, he got up and saw that he was inside the Hokage's office and with him was the 4th and his former family. They seemed to be talking. Mai then spotted him.

Mai: Y/N, you're awake! Are you okay?

Y/N: Umm, yes I'm ok...

Minato: Y/N, I have been informed of what happened and I would like the side of your story.

Y/N nodded and told the Hokage of his side of the story and it matched what the Kisaragi's told him.

Minato: Anyway Y/N, since we're all here. Rei, please remove the seal put on Y/N.

Rei: I refuse, this is a clan matter and as the law states, no one's is allowed to meddle in clan business, even the Hokage himself.

Minato: But he isn't part of your clan anymore, therefore it's my business. Remove the seal, that's an order from your Hokage.

Rei clicked her tongue and replied.

Rei: I plan on allowing Y/N to be taken back into the clan.

Rei informed shocking Y/N. Minato smiled and said.

Minato: As per my knowledge, once a clansmen of the Kisaragi Clan is banished, they shall never be taken back in, no matter what.

Rei narrowed her eyes and cursed the founder on making that law in the clan. Rei quickly made her way to Y/N and suddenly opened his shirt and smeared blood on the seal.

Rei: Kisaragi Guardian Seal: Release!

The seal glowed a bright red and disappeared into red particles.

Rei turned and walked out of the door. The three sisters followed their mother but was stopped by Y/N when they made it out the office.

Y/N: Wait, Mai, Sheena.

The three turned to their brother as he charged to Mai and Sheena enveloping them in a hug. (A/N: They're outside the office lol)

Y/N: You two really seemed to want me back.

Mai and Sheena looked at each other and hugged him back.

Mai: Of course we did.

Sheena: You're our little brother and we love you very much.

Y/N: I thought you all had hated me but I was wrong.

Kanna looked at this and looked down sadly as she was left out.

Y/N: But it seemed like Big sis Kanna hated me. She looked mad when she saw me.

Kanna's heart dropped, she didn't mean for it to look like that, she was just mad at her mother, not at Y/N.

Mai: Silly, Kanna loves you very much, more than both me and Sheena combined. It's kinda dangerous actually.

Y/N looked at Kanna only to see her saddened face. She turned away and started walking but before she could get far she was quickly tackled by Y/N.

Kanna: Y..Y/N?

Y/N: I love you too big sis. I'm glad you don't hate me.

Kanna teary eyed hugged her brother tightly. After a while she started breather hard.

Y/N: Uhh, big sis, what's wrong?

Kanna: Haa, Haa.... Mine~

Y/N: Huh?

Kanna: Mine! With great speed Kanna ran out of the building Y/N I'm hand.

Mai/Sheena: Hey Kanna no fair! / Get back here!!!
To be continued.

Is this good? Hahah idk I hadn't slept for 27 hours when I wrote this.

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