A twisted oz

By authorbree21

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Dorothy Gale is originally from the land of Oz? Follow the journey of a girl named Dorothy Gale, while she di... More

The Human world
Hurricane to Oz
Welcome to Oz Ms. Gale
The scattered Tin man and the lost scarecrow
Dorothy meeting Prince Hayden
Is Michael's plan working?
Sisters face to face
It can't be.. Dorothy?
The spell on Dorothy
Pre Wedding Preparation
Wedding Preparations
The night before & The morning of
The wedding
One panic father and one concerned mother

Hours before the I do's

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By authorbree21

Chapter 13,

Dorothy and her family walked through the door. There were guards lined up. The king and queen of Oz approached Dorothy and her family. King Axel says Hendrick my dear friend. Hendrick smiles and says King Axel. King Axel says Hen you know you can just says Axel just like your family. He sees Mackenzie and says Oh my goodness it's Kenzie. Mackenzie smiles and says Hi Axel. Axel gives her a hug. Queen May says My turn. She gives Mackenzie a hug and says Hi Kenny. Mackenzie says Hi May. Both Axel and May looked at the girls Axel says Wow they look so alike that I can't tell them apart. May says I think I can. She looks at Freya and says I know Freya any day. Freya smiles and says Hi May. They give each other a hug. Axel gives Freya a hug as well. Both Axel and May look at Dorothy. May says And you must be Dorothy our son has told us so much about you.

Dorothy bows and says Your Majesty. Axel says Oh Dorothy honey you don't have to bow. Dorothy says Oh I am sorry. May says It's okay dear. Welcome back to our castle and to Oz. I haven't seen you since you were a baby. Dorothy says I've been here before. Mackenzie says When and Freya were first born we were always here. You don't remember. Dorothy says No I don't. Michael says She doesn't remember much about her life in Oz Mackenzie. They see Michael and his sister Brittani at the door. Everyone greets them. Prue lets everyone know it's time for them to get ready for the wedding. Prue shows Dorothy to the room Prince Hayden arranged for her. A couple hand maidens came in and helped Dorothy get into her dress. After her dress was on Derek and Erik walked into the room and asked for some privacy. The Hand maidens walked out of the room.

Dorothy says Umm hi. Derek says Don't be scared we are Hayden's friends. Erik says He meant best friends. Dorothy says Oh Hi. Sorry I was just confused on who you to were and thought something bad was going to happen. Derek says Oh no we are so sorry for scaring you. We just wanted to introduce ourselves and also Hayden wanted us to give you a gift from him since he can't see you before the wedding. Dorothy says Of course. Erik says My name is Erik and this is Derek. Dorothy says It is very nice to meet you both. I'm Dorothy. Derek says We know who you are. Erik says We will let you finish getting ready. Dorothy says Thank you. As Derek and Erik walked out the hand maidens walked back in and helped Dorothy finish getting ready for the wedding. In a room on the other side of the castle Prince Hayden was getting ready for the wedding he took one look at his suit and stared at himself in the mirror in shocked he was really doing it. He was so happy though cause he fell fast for Dorothy.

Derek and Erik walked in so they can get ready with Prince Hayden. Hayden who was looking at the mirror turned to his best friends and says Did you do it? Erik says Yes we did. Dorothy was for the most part dressed and ready to go. She asked to be alone. One of the hand maiden says If you need anything let us know miss Dorothy. Dorothy smiles and says Thank you. Once she was alone she sat down and opened the gift Prince Hayden gave her. It was a necklace and a pair of matching earrings. She was amazed on how beautiful they were. A knock was at the door. Dorothy says Come in. Hendrick walks in looks at his daughter then says You look just like your mother. Dorothy smiles and says Thanks. Hendrick says What's that in your hand. Dorothy says Oh Hayden got me a necklace and earring to wear for the wedding. Hendrick says I know we keep asking you this but I want to ask one last time Do you really want to get married? Dorothy says Yes I do. I care about Hayden.

Hendrick says Alright well now that I know you want to do this I have one more question for you? Dorothy says What's that? Hendrick says Can I walk you down the aisle? Dorothy stands up gives her father a hug and says I would be honored if you walked me down the aisle. Hendrick kisses his daughter on the head and says Thank you especially since I know Freya may never get married. Dorothy says Maybe you and mom might give marriage another go. Hendrick says Yeah someday we might. Let me know when you are ready. Dorothy says I will. Hendrick went to go get ready himself. Axel and May were talking about how they loved Mackenzie was back and hoping she decides to stay in Oz the for good. Prue let everyone know that everything was set up and that guest were beginning to arrive. Gil wanted to speak to both Prince Hayden and Dorothy in private. He spoke to Prince Hayden first then to Dorothy. He asked them both about if the two were going to say vows or not.

They thought about it for a second then said they can try to come up with some before the wedding. Chris talked to Dorothy and Prince Hayden about all the deserts and food he made and the elephant in the room of if they actually told Gil about why they were really getting married. Prince Hayden and Dorothy told him to keep his voice down. Chris could tell they didn't. Chris at this time was talking to Dorothy. Chris says Gil is going to find out Dorothy. Dorothy says I know I feel bad and I wish were able to tell him the truth but if we don't break the spell by tomorrow I'll die. Chris says He's a very good Christian man I think he'll understand why you need to be married. You know he considers you and Prince Hayden his friends. Dorothy says Chris believe me if there was another way I would do it but sadly there isn't. Chris says I understand, I am going to go make sure everything is okay with the food. Dorothy says Okay thank you for making everything. Chris says Of course. He left to go find the twins Michael and Brittani. He came across Michael first. He asked Michael if they can talk.

Michael says Yeah sure let's go into Hayden's study. Chris and Michael head to the study for some privacy. After getting to the study and making sure they were alone, Michael says Chris what's going on? Chris says Michael how do you feel about Gil not knowing the real reason why Dorothy and the Prince are getting married? Michael says I honestly don't agree with it but Chris one we don't have a say in this and also they really don't have a choice believe me if me, Britt, Hendrick or Freya were able to take the spell off this wedding wouldn't be happening today but it is. Chris says Is there really nothing you or Britt can do? Michael says If there was we would of done it yesterday. Chris says Okay I just wanted to make sure. Michael says I'm sure once the spell is broken they will sit Gil down and tell him the truth. I know it will hurt him and he will be upset but they had no other choice in the matter.

Freya went to go check on Prince Hayden. Hayden says Come in. Freya walked in and says Hey Hayd, Hayden says Hey Frey. Wow you look amazing. Freya says Thanks so do you. Hayden says Thanks. Freya says I can't believe you're getting married!! How you feeling about that? Hayden says Oh I know and to your twin sister that's crazy cause of how you are like my sister and I'm about to be married to someone who looks just like you. As for how I am feeling, I feel great a bit nervous but excited I really care about your sister. Freya smiles and says She cares about you to. Oh I know that's crazy but as long as you are happy and she's happy I am happy for the both of you. Hayden says You know Chris is extremely worried about Gil finding out? Freya says Oh I bet. Gil is going to be upset because he always asks to be left out of the magic stuff. Hayden says You going to be okay with him being here? Freya says Yeah I'm fine with him being here. Why wouldn't I be? Hayden says Because I remember how upset you were when he told you he didn't want to speak to you again when he found out you were a witch. Freya says Yeah it hurt back then but it's been a couple years since then I got past it.

Hayden says I am glad of that. It's one less thing to feel guilty about today. Freya says Hayd it's your wedding day what do you feel guilty about? Hayden says A lot of things. Freya says Like what? Hayden says For one the fact I didn't even get to ask your parents for permission to marry Dorothy, two for having to lie to Gil about why me and Dorothy are getting married, three making Chris and all his workers work all day and night so they can prepare the food is such short notice and three just that your sister was placed under the spell and me feeling like it's my fault. Freya says Hayd it is not your fault that The wicked bitches did what they did to my sister. They did that cause my sister is another person that will stand up to them and will not back down. For my dad and my bio mom's permission I think you had my dad's permission since we were kids. They both laughed a bit. Freya continues to say I know Gil will be mad but once he sees there was no other way he'll get over it after he gets over himself and stops trying to force his values on to other people. Hayden says I thought you were over what happened? Freya says I am over it why do you think I am not?

Hayden says Because of what you just said. You know he doesn't force his values on to people. Freya says I know I just had to make one jab at him since I haven't after all these years. Hayden says Maybe today you two can talk things out. Freya says I wish we can Hayd but you know he won't go for it since I am still a witch. Hayden says Hold on. Freya looked and confused and says Hayd What are you doing? Hayden opens the door tells one of the guards to get Gil that he would like to speak to him. The guard says Yes your majesty. The guard outside of the door tells a guard passing by to get Gil. After a few moments he came in and says You sent for me your majesty? Hayden says I did and Gil you can call me Hayden after all you have known me since we were kids. Gil says Of course, Is everything oaky? Freya says Yeah everything is fine he wanted you here so we can talk. Gil says Oh Freya I am so sorry I did not know you were here or I would of said hi to you when I said something to Hayden.

Hayden says I will leave you two alone. Prince Hayden walked out of the room. Things were awkward for Gil and Freya. After a moment of silence Gil asked Freya what was going on? Freya begins to explain that Hayden was hoping she and Gil would get passed what happened between those two years before. Gil tells Freya it's not that he hates her but that he feel that he can not be around her since she was a witch. Freya understood where Gil was coming from but she was also saying about how this was her life and she was hurt about how he just cut her off after finding out. She felt like they had a conversation about everything they could of still been friends and she could of still been doing her magic. Gil understood what she was saying but disagreed with her about how they could of had a talk about Freya being a witch. They both had different options about it.

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