
By meredithsderek1

1K 110 244

Meredith and Derek meet in college. Are they destined to be? Or are they too young to young to handle the tro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4 (updated version)
Chapter 5 (updated version)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3 (updated version)

53 6 10
By meredithsderek1

I accidentally posted the wrong chapters so these are the right ones. 

Cristina woke up the next morning with a major headache. She honestly didn't know if she could drag herself out of bed today.

"Oh god! Was I whacked across the head last night?" She sat up seeing Meredith buried in her books.

"No but that would've been funnier than drunk Cristina singing all the way to our dorm," Meredith smirked.

"I do that when I'm drunk... I don't know why," Cristina started rubbing her temple. Meredith just laughed and went to grab her some aspirin and a water bottle.

"Here," she handed it over to her.

"Shh keep your voice down woman! I'm right here," Cristina nicked it out of her hand. Meredith just laughed to herself and went to sit back down on her bed.

"Where did you disappear to last night?" Cristina asked as she swallowed the pill.

"Derek looked upset so I went to check on him," she told her.

"Who's Derek?" Cristina looked at her confused. She stared at her for a minute until she realised, "Oh McDreamy has a name? And it's Derek?" She looked disgusted.

"What's wrong with Derek?" Meredith asked.

"It doesn't suit him. I think I'll continue to call him McDreamy for both of our sake," Cristina slammed herself back on the bed. "So why did you check on him? You don't even like him or?" She turned to face her.

"No. He's touchy and nosy and way out of my league," Meredith told her frankly. Except Derek kept her up all night. Not in a way you might think but she couldn't stop thinking about him. It wasn't that she was attracted to him or liked him in that way but there was something more to that man and she needed to know what.

"I don't know why I followed him. He just-, he looked like he needed someone to talk to that wasn't McSteamy or a girl that was drooling over him," Meredith shrugged her shoulders and buried her face back into her books avoiding eye contact with Cristina.

"Was he a good kisser?" Cristina blurted out of nowhere.

"We didn't kiss," Meredith chuckled.

"Then what did you do?"

"We talked."

"You talked,"

"We talked,"

"No kissing?"

"No kissing,"


"Why what?"

"Why not kissing,"

"Because not everything is about orgasms,"

"Everything is about orgasms!"

"No, it's not!"

"Yes, it is!"

"No, it's not!"








"No! Not everything is about orgasms. Geez how did you graduate! With a dick up your ass?" Meredith stopped their childish bickering.

"I much rather have it up my vagina but hey who am I to judge," Cristina teased her. Meredith just rolled her eyes at her.

"Is he at least interesting? Or smart? Or is it all just a pretty face with a rich family background!" Cristina gave up on changing her mind.

"There's more to him then he lets us see," Meredith thought about their deep conversation from last night. Ignoring her momentary freak out, it was a pleasant conversation. He was kind to her, not pushy at all. She didn't know guys like that existed. Guys who didn't want to get into her pants every chance they got. Or force themselves on you.

"You like him," Cristina gasped.

"I do not," Meredith blushed.

"Oh, you so do!" Cristina laughed.

"I don't have time for boy drama," she stated.

"Hey we don't choose who we fall for," Cristina put her hands up.

"I don't like him!" Meredith protested.

"Whatever you say," Cristina remained calm.

"I hate you!" Meredith slammed her hands on her bed. Cristina just laughed hysterically, instantly regretting it as the hangover went to her head.

"See, karma," Meredith smirked.

"Shut up," Cristina rubbed her temples in pain.


Derek woke up bright and early. He had a huge smile on his face that Mark hasn't seen for ages.

"Who has you all bright and shiny? Did you finally get laid?" he asked in hope.

"No, I did not get laid," Derek rolled his eyes.

"Then what's with that huge grin on your face?" he sipped his coffee.

"I don't have a huge grin on my face. This is just my face," Derek told him frankly.

"Dude I haven't seen that smile since the last time you got laid. Which was what two years ago? Are you sure everything is still working?" Mark started to make fun of him.

"First of all, I get laid, you're just too busy trying to get your own to even notice," Derek snapped, his smile slowly fading away.

"I haven't seen you get a girl in here since we moved in,"

"That's because I always got to their place," Derek explained. But Mark being the pain that he his wouldn't believe him.

"Suuure Derek, that's what we'd all say."

"Don't you think I'd be moody and cranky all the time if I didn't have sex?" Derek was losing his patience with him. There was no way of talking to him like a normal person. That guy was basically a condom ad.

"But you are cranky and moody," Mark snickered.

"And you're an asshole," he walked up to the fridge and grabbed himself a yoghurt, slamming the door harder than intended.

"So, who's the mystery woman?" he asked calming down a bit.

"There's no mystery woman!" Derek tried to hide his smile.

"You can't even keep a straight face!" Mark pointed at him.

"If you must know it's, Meredith," he finally gave in. He wasn't going to but he's his best friend and they live together. He would've found out sooner or later.

"Who the fuck is Meredith?" Mark looked at him questionably.

"You know, the girl who wore the oversized sweats and hoodie."

"Er- sorry man I have no idea who you're talking about."

"The girl with the face and the glasses."

"Ohhhh, the hottie? She has you all high and mighty?" Mark now looked like the disappointed one. Derek just shrugged his shoulders. "Was she good?" he asked with a smirk.

"We didn't have sex," Derek told him simply.

"Then what did you do? You were gone half the night."

"We talked,"

"You talked,"

"We talked," Derek nodded.


"No kissing," he shook his head.

"No kissing," Mark repeated him to make sure he heard him correctly

"No kissing,"

"And she has you head over heels for her just from talking," Mark made sure he was clear on everything.

"I'm not hea- you know what. I'm done talking to you. Goodbye," he started walking away.

"Hey where are you going?" he shouted after him, "Parties don't start until six."

"I'm going somewhere very, very far away from you." Derek walked into his room.

"You're going to go see the Mary chick aren't you." Derek could just feel Mark's grin on his face.

"It's Meredith!" Derek corrected him.

"Whatever," Mark chuckled and finished his coffee. Few minutes later Derek came out of his room with books and a bag.

"What the hell are you planning on doing with those?" Mark asked confused.

"Oh, just going over some stuff to prepare myself for this year," Derek acted like it was the most normal thing to do.

"What the hell did that woman say to you?" Mark looked at him questionably as Derek shut the door.

Derek walked into the building to the library. That place was always quiet, and he needed peace to think. For an odd reason he just couldn't get her out of his mind. He didn't want anything to do with her. She had every quality he didn't want in a girl, except she's everything he needed to keep him line. He walked in and immediately spotted Meredith in the middle of the long table that was right in front of the large bookcases. He thought about going over to her but that seemed too desperate. Instead, he walked to another table and sat down. Out of his eyeshot and out of hers. He didn't want to look like a stalker. He wasn't really that desperate. What he knew for sure is that he didn't want to get emotionally involved with anyone. Just a fling here and there and probably break up once he left college. He had to focus on his studies if he wanted to make it as a surgeon. And it seemed like that's all Meredith wanted too. Last night was amazing. He never connected with someone so emotionally. It wasn't romantic. She made fun of him every chance she got but it didn't bother him. He thought it was cute. Especially her giggle. He shook out of his trance and opened his book. He needed to focus. He couldn't get hung up on a girl. There was no time for that. Maybe they could be friends? Derek started to daydream again. No! They couldn't be. He's a year older and their status is totally different.

"Are you stalking me?" The soft gentle voice could be heard from behind him. He recognised that voice. He loved that voice. It made him feel things he never knew was possible. He scoffed to himself and turned around.

"Don't flatter yourself," he stood up making him taller than her.

"What are you doing here? School doesn't start till Monday. And it's a Saturday," she questioned him. Was she interested? He didn't go up to her when he saw her. She exchanged first words.

"I could I ask you the same thing," he smirked at her putting his hands behind his back.

"I'm preparing myself for the semester. It's a new thing I've been doing the last three years,"

"And you think you're the only one?" he asked but it sounded more like a statement.

"Are you trying to tell me you would rather spend your Saturdays in a library studying than go out and get laid... by multiple women." Derek's eyes grew wide. He didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Not cry literally but it hurt to know that she thought of him that way.

"Is that what you see? A guy who only thinks about getting laid?" He asked stepping back a bit.

"Yeah!" she replied rather quickly.

His eyes narrowed when the word left Meredith's mouth, "You're a bitch. A real fucking bitch." Derek snapped at her. He couldn't take it anymore. He has felt unappreciated so many times in his life. For once in his life, he wanted to be known for his brain and intelligence and not for his looks and size. Oh yes, the word had gotten around. That is what he was known for. Mostly. He was also kind and caring; everyone knew that. But when girls drooled over him, that's not what they wanted; they wanted his body. The guy who leaves girls weak in the legs for days. It made him sick just thinking about it. Men had feelings too. They weren't sex toys, which is what he's been feeling like lately.

"Oh, come on," Meredith rolled her eyes.

"No, you come on. I had enough of you and your snarky little comments. You're just a bitch who thinks the world revolves around them. You act all innocent and nice when in reality you judge everyone that shows any sign of confidence. How about you take a look in the mirror for once in your life and realise you're not all that perfect," Derek took a deep breath continuing his blind rage, "And while we're at the topic, how about you get laid or how about you dress in something appropriate for college," he finished, shocking even himself at words he said.

Never in his life has he spoken to a woman in this manner. But he was just so mad at her. All he did was be nice to her, and what does he get in return? A fucking asshole of a woman who doesn't know her right and wrongs. Is it really that hard to filter? Derek was soon rewarded by a slap across his face.

"It is one thing to bitch about the way I act and how I treat you but it's another to tell me to go fuck someone because I don't match your ideal girl. If I hear you telling me how to dress one last time, I'll make sure you never use that dick of yours. Don't fucking test me!" she put her finger down. She turned back around her hair brushing against his face and leaving him humiliated in front of everybody. Now he despised her more than ever. He knew she was fucked up but this, this was another level. He almost felt sorry for her. He laughed to himself and sat back down.

Bless the soul who falls for her. She's a handful and probably a psychopath. Two things which he does not need right now. As he sat there, face buried in his book reading the line over and over again because he kept losing focus, he realised he needed to say sorry. Whatever problems she had, however bad she had hurt him, there's no excuse to call a woman a bitch and tell them to fuck a person because they needed to calm down. But right now, he didn't care. He was mad at her. Plus, the chances of meeting her again are slim to none. She'll get over it. He's sure he's not the only one who talked back to her. Even if he was, it was about time. Someone needs to knock her off her high horse.

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