Par Amour [Taekook ff]

By AfroArmyGirl

137K 6.1K 1.9K

TYPE: πŸ”² General Fiction | βœ”οΈ Taekook ff | πŸ”² Non-Fiction Date Started: 04.30.2023 Date Finished:... More

i | intro
ii | character descriptions
iii | Par Amour Playlist
1 | The Proposition
2 | The Documents
3 | When Do We Start?
4 | Playing With Fire
5 | Rescue A Prince
6 | Christmas Candy
7 | White Wedding Cake
8 | A Day To Remember
9 | His Favorite Par Amour
10 | Happy New Year
11 | Moth to a Flame
12 | Friend and Friend
13 | Taken to Bed
14 | Is It Working?
15 | Collect Your Man
16 | Not of This World
17 | Total Bliss
18 | Now It's Over
19 | Clientele
20 | Taught Him to Love
21 | Screaming His Name
22 | The Real Deal
24 | Join Me
25 | Valentine's Day
26 | Together-Together
27 | Shacking Up
28 | Too Good To Be True
29 | Tears of Worry
30 | One of Her Shooters
31 | Room 128
32 | Time To Come Clean
33 | He Left
34 | Someone I'd Like You To Meet
35 | I Want You To Go
36 | March Has Come
37 | Good Night, Baby πŸ‘…
38 | A Little Baby Girl
39 | I Hate You Too, Baby
40 | Par Amour
iv | Final Author's Note
v | Character's Q & A
vii | Playlist Narrative

23 | A New Friendship

2.2K 117 28
By AfroArmyGirl

Why look for a copy if you can have the real deal?

Jungkook rehearsed this question in his mind.


"I'm scared, Taehyung."

"I know. But love is worth it, to try it."

"How are you so fucking insightful at 22 years old? Like, you are always spitting out deep shit." He chuckled. He still had a light buzz.

"Well as you said, I'm unique. They don't make many men like me. Men like me are made by mamas with southern hospitality and wisdom and the best sweet tea you've ever tasted." Tae laughed. Jungkook did too. That's what Tae liked to see. The happy Jungkook. It took his breath away.

"Jungkook. Why did you send me away?" He asked softly.

"I told you. I felt I couldn't give you what you needed. You're so young and now you're out there as a model. I thought you might want to try to date someone else. Someone like Jennie. I didn't think I could've given you the romance that you're after."

"First of all, I wasn't after romance. I was after you. So you gave me up to be fair to me, you say?"


"But you still want me, especially sexually?" Tae asked.

Silence and intense browns.

"Yes," Jungkook finally admitted.

"And you think you're being selfish by wanting me in the way you want me?"

"Yes," Jungkook answered. He wouldn't feel right holding this beautiful soul hostage to his depraved ways. He wasn't the gatekeeper that Jimin accused him of being.

"Well, no matter what, I'd like to be friends, ok?" At this point, Tae would take whatever relationship he could have with him. Fuck trying to stay away. It wasn't working.

Taehyung just stared at his face. Letting his fingers weave through his hair, he ran his fingers softly down his cheek and down to his chest. His hands slowed down at Kook's pecs.


But he wouldn't go any further. He considered the fact that Jungkook was here in bed with him, that he was betraying Jennie. So he decided to not go for what he wanted. He wanted to make love to him. And then fuck his brains out. And he knew Jungkook would let him. This effect they still had on each other was still strong.

Jungkook started to fall asleep as Taehyung was caressing his back.

Watching him, Tae began to wonder about the two of them and the nature of their relationship. Why had he always been so drawn to Jungkook? Truth be told, Kook was like a sexy goddess. But Tae saw those types of men and women all the time and yet he wasn't physically or emotionally drawn to them. There was something in Jungkook that called to something inside of him. Was it just sexual chemistry?

Could it be that Jungkook was the sun and Taehyung had traveled too close to it? Or however, the saying goes? He didn't want to spend too much time on getting the quote right but knew he was on to something.

This flying too close to the sun seemed picturesque of what his attraction to Jungkook was like. He got close and got burned. He probably had wounds on his heart to prove it.

Then again, could Jungkook actually be a sex goddess reincarnated? He laughed at this notion but still humored himself and gave it some thought. Like, maybe Jungkook was the resurrected version of the chic that was the female leader of the island Lesbos during ancient times. This island, supposedly, was filled with women only. It had been said that even though the women were all probably lesbians on the island, they would still lure men to Lesbos or capture them at sea and make them their sex slaves.

He looked at Jungkook and laughed as he had fallen asleep. He snickered because he knew he would tell him that he found out he was a sex goddess from the island of Lesbos. Taehyung knew he'd think the reference to him would be hilarious. Jungkook would probably bald his little fist up and punch him for insinuating that he was a female.

Ok, so yeah, it started with sexual chemistry between the two. That premise is valid. Taehyung remembered all the times they made love. When their bodies were pressed together, he would hold him so tight. He felt he couldn't get close enough to him. The way he possessed his body and it melted into his, he thought that they were becoming one. No doubt, the sex was a factor.

But now, the relationship had turned into something else. It had grown into something with depth, for him anyways. He started by liking Jungkook a lot. But after their vacation with his family, he learned that his feelings changed and grew even more into something momentous. Love. He now knew he was in love with Jungkook.

So, should he stop dating Jennie? Probably. And why did Jungkook push him toward Jennie? Was Jungkook one of those outwardly confident men, but on the inside they can't handle rejection? So they sabotage relationships so they won't risk getting rejected? So cliche. But this could be the problem.

Either way, their situationship turned into something more than sex. Taehyung loved taking care of Jungkook. He loved washing him up when he or they bathed or showered. Taehyung loved catering to his every need, and not just in the bedroom. By natural instincts, Tae never let him pour his own wine or even cut up his own meat when they shared a meal. He never planned in doing these things, but the actions came naturally.

Is that what Jimin meant when he said "Tae you are a king that serves 10/10?" Maybe that Taehyung just had a serving heart? Probably not. He never understood what Jimin was saying half the time. But he did love taking care of Jungkook and being the servant king toward him.

He smiled when he thought about the time they argued on the street because Jungkook opened his own car door. Tae always did that for him when they were together, and he told him that he ought to have known better. Jungkook had said he felt like he was scolding him as if he were a child.

He thought, what a stupid argument to have.

Jungkook had made the observation several times that Taehyung was too intense. But when he was around Kook, he couldn't help but give him all of his attention. He low-key just loved to behold his natural beauty. And at that moment, he turned back facing him to look at his beautiful face.

He had those full cheeks. His nose was a perfectly proportionate size for his face. His eyes were a rich dark brown-blackish. Sometimes his pupils overshadowed the little whites of his eyes. They drew Tae to him somehow. He loved looking into them. There he could read his soul. However, these eyes could get seductive. With those eyes, he could eyefuck Taehyung and he'd definitely get off on it.

But his favorite feature was his enticing lips. They were full and soft and really cute when they were in a pout. Kook had a tongue ring which made his mouth even sexier. Taehyung would spend time massaging his mouth with his own tongue and lips and was always hungry for more. He loved all of his face.

He got closer and gave him a swift peck on the lips. He wanted to do more. He needed more. He wanted to feel all of him. But he wouldn't let himself at that moment. He didn't want to sleep with Jungkook without breaking things off with Jennie. At the very least, he wanted to be friends with Jungkook. Even if they didn't sleep together, he still wanted him in his life. Jennie wouldn't go for that. Yeah, he would eventually have to end things with her.

They slept well. Jungkook woke up in the arms of a personal he had fired. He remembered the events from the night before. He thought about how he came over to Tae's place drunk and was immediately embarrassed that he had made the confessions that he did.

He tried to remove himself from Taehyung's grasp so he could get dressed and sneak out. But as soon as he made it off the bed, Taehyung woke up. He sat up on his elbows, looking like a Greek god with the most beautiful bed hair.

"Good morning, Jungkook," he said as he squinted to keep the morning sun out.

"Morning," he responded. "You know, you don't have to get up. I'll just get dressed and head out. I'm sure my morning detail is out there and the driver. So, no need for you to have to get up."

"Well, first of all, I gotta pee," Tae said chuckling.

"Fuck, Taehyung. You still have to announce your bathroom activities?" He asked jokingly. Tae had a way of jumping up and announcing he had to go to the bathroom along with telling how he had to go, #1 or #2.

"Sorry, another bad habit," he said as he got out of bed and headed for the restroom. Jungkook also needed to go, so he went to the half-bath that was off the kitchen.

He had just now noticed that he had only his Calvin Klein boxers on and no pants. He remembered that Tae undressed him. Usually, Taehyung couldn't keep his hands off of him when he only had on underwear. But, now things had changed. Jungkook sighed as he headed toward the kitchen.

He doesn't even find me sexy anymore.

"Hey, I'm gonna have an omelet if you want one. I can cook while you freshen up if you want. You still have clothes here," Tae offered as he q have to do that," he said while pulling down the white t-shirt he was wearing.

Tae couldn't help but look at Kook's beautiful legs and he hurriedly looked away.

"No problem at all. We're back friends, right? Stay and have breakfast with me."

"Oh. Ok." Jungkook agreed to the shower and breakfast but didn't like the fact that he said they were friends. He wanted to be more. Whatever "more" meant.

After showering, he came out to a well-groomed and refreshed Taehyung. He must've changed clothes while he was in the bathroom. He was dressed like he was going out somewhere.

"Hey, come sit," Tae said pointing at the bar stool.

"Smells great in here," he said as he sat. "And I hope you don't mind, but I gathered all my things I left in your room. I'll just take them home with me. I wasn't trying to snoop, but just wanted to get my stuff out of your way."

"No prob." He said as he made him a mimosa.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your night last night and for being drunk," Jungkook said barely looking up.

"It's ok. But now you know you can talk to me anytime. I hate to think that you had to be drunk to come and see me."

"I didn't plan it."

"I know."

An awkward silence filled the room.

"Ok, so the food is ready. Here's your egg white omelet. I know this is how you always ordered them. With veggies and no cheese with buttered toast." He passed him the plate and added "Happy Valentine's Day, Jungkook."

Jungkook widened his eyes. "Holy fuck. Today is Valentine's Day! I'm so sorry. Shouldn't you be having brunch with Jennie?"

"No, she's with friends. They are having a late Galentine's Day since we were busy yesterday." He took a bite of his omelet. "So don't worry. Eat up."

"Oh. Well, thanks. I mean for the omelet. You have a great memory." Jungkook was happy that Taehyung remembered how he ordered his omelets on Sundays.

"It's not great. I just remember what's important to me," Tae replied.

"The way I eat my omelets is important to you?" Jungkook asked taking another bite.

"Everything about you is important to me...friend." He laughed.

"Friends. Hey! We are now friends without benefits!" Jungkook laughed to keep from crying.

Taehyung smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Wow, I just remembered that we were supposed to be in the Hamptons this weekend. I forgot to call and let the staff know we weren't going to make it," Jungkook said.

"Oh yeah. I was rather looking forward to that trip. I had some stuff planned." Tae winked at him.

"What kind of stuff?"

"I'm a gentleman and I shall never speak of certain things at the breakfast table," he said with a light chortle.

"Wow. That kind of weekend, huh?" Jungkook had all of a sudden gotten shy. He had once hired this man for sex and was now getting embarrassed at the mention of the very word.

"Not to change the subject, but since we are friends now, can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot. You can always ask me anything you want, bab- um Jungkook." He had called him baby so much that it was hard to stop.

"How do you like hanging out with Jennie?"

"It's alright. She's a nice girl. You and Jennie are night and day, that's for sure. So it's different. But, it's ok. I'm not sure if I like every date being posted to IG and Twitter, but other than that, I guess it's all fine."

"How's everything with you and Reed?" To say his name out loud, it took great determination.

"I fired him."

"Oh, really?" He laughed.

"There was no way he and I would've made it. Before I could sign the contract, I got rid of him. Jimin is conducting interviews for me," he said as he looked down at his half-empty plate.

Taehyung's heart dropped to the floor, felt like.

"Well, I could help with interviews and screening. I mean I know exactly what you're looking for in a personal," he said with a crooked smile trying to lighten the mood.

"I bet you could." He smiled and took a drink.

"This is slightly off-topic again, but I hear that congratulations are in order."

Jungkook looked confused.

"For what?"

"Congrats on Trial Date's official debut and two of their songs being added to the Top 100." Tae raised his glass as if he had made a toast.

"Oh, thanks. But, they should take all the credit. They are a brave team. A mixed race and mixed gender band is one of the things needed in the world. They have talent and great chemistry. They are already starting their USA tour and then worldwide in a few months," Jungkook explained.

"You did great work with them, Jungkook. You bring out the best in people, you know that?"

"Wow. I've never gotten that compliment. But thanks. And also thanks for cooking for me and taking care of the drunk me." He started to get up from the bar.

Tae didn't want him to go.

"Well, I hate to eat and leave but I'm gonna get going. I want to get home. The true crime content I have saved is not going to watch itself." Jungkook grabbed his jacket and his belongings from Taehyung's room and headed for the front door.

"Jungkook," Tae called out to him.

"Yes," he said, turning around and hoping he would ask him to stay.

"Don't be a stranger. If you need to talk or whatever, always feel free to drop by, call, or text ok?" Tae reached out and grabbed him by the waist and kissed his forehead.

Jungkook wanted to cry.

Taehyung let him go and Jungkook left having gained a new friendship.

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