DBZ: The Princess Saga (Veget...

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Status: COMPLETED This DBZ x Reader takes place in a time line where planet Vegeta was never destroyed! A... Daha Fazla

Ch. 1: And So it Begins
Ch. 2: The Dance
Ch. 3: That Could Have Gone Better
Ch. 4: Meeting the Roommates
Ch. 5: Mission Day
Ch. 6: A Small Surprise
Ch. 7: Payback
Ch. 8: The Dinner
Ch. 9: Late Night Talking
Ch. 10: Unexpected Wake-Up Call
Ch. 11: A Stroll Through the City
Ch. 12: Thinking Out-Loud
Ch. 13: The Tournament Begins
Ch. 14: The First Few Rounds
Ch. 15: The Final Round
Ch. 16: The Reward
Ch. 17: A Late Night Visitor
Ch. 18: The Question Game
Ch. 19: Meeting the Parents
Ch. 20: Utter Embarrassment
Ch. 21: The Big Day
Ch. 22: Important Questions
Ch. 23: Heading Over
Ch. 24: It's Time
Ch. 25: A Final Dance
Ch. 26: Family Dinner
Ch. 28: D.O.A.
Ch. 29: Preparing the Ship
Ch. 30: Learning to Live Again
Ch. 31: The Snake
Ch. 32: A Year Apart
Ch. 33: The Beach
Ch. 34: Home

Ch. 27: An Important Question

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    After dinner you all walked into a much larger banquet hall than the first; there were no thrones or tables, just a large open floor with a beautiful glass roof that let in the light from the setting sun. The pinks and golds in the sky matched the golden décor and reflected nicely off the marble columns, and the walls were lined with intricately cut, stained glass designs. The floor was scattered with lights coming from all around the room, mixing nicely with the brightly colored suits and dresses of the saiyans that stood upon it.

"It's beautiful, is it not?" The prince asked, walking with you inside. His arms were taut behind his back as he stood up straight. "It's why I picked it, after all."

"Vegeta, it's gorgeous." You stared up at the sky, watching as the clouds passed while he admired you under the light from above. "I didn't even know this room existed."

"Mm, well it's not used for much besides this ceremony," the prince replied, stepping farther in. He placed a hand on your arm and continued to guide you through, his fingers grazing the gems that dangled there. "Even then, it's not always the one chosen for courtship."

"Well that's a bit ridiculous, isn't it?" You sighed. "You should use it for more banquets and things like that. It's just so... beautiful."

He began to chuckle before replying, "I suppose I could. It wouldn't be a good place for war meetings though."

You smiled back before your eyes flickered to the windows once more, looking at the depictions of the phases of the moon or the giant, ancestral Oozarus. "I guess not. It's not very... secure."

He watched as you spun in a circle, marveling at the architecture and glass ceiling. You looked like a kid in a candy store, and he felt the tips of his ears flush as his tail flicked about.

He tapped your shoulder lightly, and you gave a quiet "hmm?" In response, looking back at him and tilting your head slightly. He seemed nervous, which caused you to shoot him a worried glance. His eyes softened at your gaze and he squeezed your shoulder before drawing his hand away.

"I'm okay; just wait right here, I'll be back." With that he quickly made his way through the crowd of people before disappearing out of your sight. You looked around, smiling at Raditz as he stood and talked with some saiyan woman. He shot you a gentle nod before your eyes moved to Goku, who was chatting with Nappa about something or other. You began to wave to them before you heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming up behind you.

"He's quite fond of you, you know." The king said as he stepped up beside you. You quickly bowed to him before he chuckled, "please, I told you we're well past that."

You felt your cheeks flush at what he had said moments before, the words finally registering in your mind before you glanced away from him.

"Come now, there's no need to be shy," he replied, setting a hand on your shoulder that was closest to him. "I'd like to apologize for.... Hitting you the other night."

You were shocked that the king of all people was apologizing to you, but you didn't show it. "Please sire, there's no need to apologize. I spoke out of turn."

He shook his head dismissively, "and I was too worked up to read the situation clearly." You both stood in silence for a moment after that before he spoke again. "You're a great warrior and an even better friend to my son. Thank you." With that, he walked away, making his way through the crowd as people bowed to him and offered him various things. Your tail whipped about anxiously, hating the feeling of being alone in a room full of so many saiyans. The pit of unease in your stomach was back as well as you watched the higher society mingle amongst themselves so casually; you felt out of place.

Suddenly, you heard the clicks and whirs of metal gears before looking back up to see that the sky light was opening, letting in a cool breeze from the outside air. The sky was even more beautiful now, and you could clearly make out small stars in the pink sky that shone like gemstones. In a few hours the moons would be full in the sky, and you wished you could bask in their glow. People gasped and clapped at the display, eyes being drawn upwards to take it all in.

"Well, what do you think?" The prince smirked, stepping up behind you quietly. Your tail puffed up, the only tell-tale sign he had gotten the jump on you.

Your eyes were wide, sparkling under the setting sun, your lips parted ever so slightly as you smiled. "Vegeta I- I don't even know what to say."

The prince held out a hand, looking into your eyes and blushing slightly. "Will you dance with me?"

You raised an eyebrow and laughed lightly, "to what music?"

He raised a finger and paused, and as you listened closely, music began to play. He glanced back at you, setting his other hand behind his back while the first remained stretched out to you.

"Okay Veggie, I'll bite," you laughed, taking his hand as the rest of the elites began to partner up.

He didn't comment on what you called him, more so enraptured by your smiling face under the colorful light of the sky. You looked beautiful to him, prettier than anything he had ever seen before. He set his hands on your hips while you wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled you in close, and you could feel the warmth coming off of his body as the two of you began to waltz.

"I'd say tonight has been going pretty well so far," he whispered to you, his voice deep and rumbling. Your chest was practically pressed against his, and a shiver ran up your spine from the vibrations.

"Yes, it has," you giggled. "I'm surprised you've been so happy though. I seem to recall you being pretty against all of this a few days back."

He raised an eyebrow as he smirked, "and what exactly did I say to give you that impression?"

You pressed a finger to your chin as you pretended to think. "Hmm, something about how you don't need a princess? That you needed more time to train? And that the ancestors were stupid."

He rolled his eyes and shook his head as you laughed. He raised an arm above your hand and spun you slowly, watching as your cape fanned out around you and the jewels along you're forehead swayed with your hair. "Well, I did some thinking and I talked with Nappa. He gave me some advice, then I of course talked to my father."

You raised an eyebrow as he chuckled, "talked about what?"

His tail flicked around excitedly, giving away his emotions as he tried to keep a straight face while the two of you waltzed. He leaned in close, his breath ticking the skin around your ear and sending goosebumps running up along your skin. "You."

You felt your face flush as he leaned away, grinning with that underused smile of his.

"What exactly did you need to talk about involving me?" Your heart was racing, practically beating out of your chest at this point as you looked up into his eyes, searching for any tell-tale sign this was all a prank.

"I didn't want to go through this whole damn thing because of you," he chuckled. "Originally I was just going to call it off, but Nappa said to talk to my father, and so I did."

You froze in your tracks, staring at him as your mind struggled to process his words. He quickly pulled you towards him before another group could bump into you. "Are you serious?"

"Would I lie to you?" He brushed a hand across your cheek, pushing your hair back and out of the way.

"But Vegeta-"

"I asked my father and your parents. It's why I was so insistent on going yesterday." You couldn't believe this was actually happening right now as he held your waist and guided you across the dance floor. "Woman, I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with someone that wasn't you. To wake up every morning and look over at a form that wasn't yours or kiss a woman who didn't taste how you did. You are the only thing in this world that makes me happy; the only person who understands me. You're the one I'm choosing tonight; not the suitors, not anyone else. You."

You felt your tail shoot out straight behind you as it smacked into your cape. All the odd comments from the guys, the way the king spoke to you, the food at the dinner and the choice of music for the first song. All of it had been planned around you. Why he had been so happy all night, why you weren't allowed to see him until the banquet, the fancy armor; you had all the pieces to put this together and just never had. Hell, even Cucumbe must have been in on the whole thing!

"Woman?" The prince asked nervously, shaking your shoulders slightly. "Is that... is that okay? You're not as excited as I had hoped-"

You wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him tightly, pressing your armored body to his. He froze for a moment before hugging you back, tail wagging all the while.

"So, is that a yes to being my mate?" He laughed. You rolled your eyes and hugged him tighter.

"Of course it's a yes, dumbass."

"Well, I don't see why we would delay it any longer, then." You laughed at how excited he was and stepped away from him. The angry, cold saiyan prince, wagging his tail like a puppy and smiling like crazy in a room full of elites that he despised on what he had said would be the worst night of his life. You were the reason he was smiling like that, and returned the expression as you blushed.

"Isn't that cute?" Your smile immediately faltered as you heard the annoying, high pitched voice of lord Frieza. "The monkeys have gotten their happy ending after all." The crowd parted as he stepped towards the two of you. He wasn't in his little flying paladin; he was walking. That wasn't a good sign.

Vegeta stepped in front of you, pushing you to the side a bit so if something were to happen he could protect you. "What do you want, Frieza?"

"My my my, not even using the proper honorifics, are we?" He laughed. "Someone seems to be on their high horse!"

"What do you want?" The prince repeated, tone darkening. Murmurs spread through the crowd but Frieza simply ignored them, licking his lips as he smirked. You wanted to gag at the display.

"Now, I may not be one for monkey politics, but doesn't that seem a bit wrong?" The murmurs stopped as Frieza glanced around at the elites in the room. He tapped his chin curiously, tail flicking around before thumping onto the floor. Nappa looked ready to jump the dictator at a moment's notice while Raditz and Goku spread out through the crowd to surround him. "How do your people feel about this, hm?"

Vegeta narrowed his eyes at him, "it's none of their concern."

"Little monkeys, did you know your prince was planning on breeding with the guard?" A gasp fell across the room and you felt all eyes land on you. Unlike the tournament, it wasn't out of pride or entertainment; they were stares of disgust, of hate. You wanted to shrink away from their eyes but instead stood tall and held your ground. "That's right, a runt born from no social standing whatsoever, taking the rightful place of one of your daughters!"

"Frieza, this doesn't concern you." The king said, stepping up to the horned freak. "My son's decision is his and his al-"

A loud smack! Sent the king flying across the room and into one of the pillars where he slumped over against the floor. He had hit him so quickly your eyes hadn't even caught it. Frieza tutted quietly as he lowered his arm, eyes shifting from the king to the prince. Vegeta felt his heart begin to race and widened his stance as Frieza smirked sadly at him.

"I hardly think you're in any position to make this call, Vegeta." He shook his head sadly, enjoying being the center of attention; his act proved it. "You're too attached to think clearly."

"You need to leave, lord Frieza," the prince spat.

"Or what, Vegeta? Are you standing up to me?" He smirked, red eyes looking the prince over. "I hope that's not the case."

"I'm not scared of you, Frieza." The Prince's tone was harsh as he clenched his fists at his side. "You will leave. Now."

Frieza sighed, shaking his head sadly. "It's a shame you know, Vegeta. I didn't want to have to kill you; you're like a pet to me!" He laughed at that while Vegeta braced himself into his fighting stance, readying his arms and raising his energy. "I suppose it's time to put old Fido down."

**Frieza lifted a finger, aiming it at the prince slowly. The two didn't move for a moment, staring each other down as the entire room became silent. No one said a word, watching what would happen between the two as they began their standoff. In the crowd somewhere, someone shifted, their shoes squeaking on the marble floor as the sound reverberated around the room. Vegeta began to move, and that's when Frieza fired a beam from the tip of his finger. It glowed bright red, making a whizzing sound as it cut through the air. It shot past the prince, who turned to watch in surprise as it passed him by, only to stare in horror as he realized who it was actually for.

"Oopsies. It seems as though I missed," Frieza laughed, covering his mouth with his hand as it echoed around the room.

The shock hit you first as you glanced down at the hole in your chest; the red beam had gone clean through your armor, your body, and straight through your heart. Then, the pain hit, and you sank to your knees as your vision swam. It was unbearable, and you felt yourself cough up blood before beginning to fall over. You could barely make out Vegeta's form as he stared back at you in terror, unable to move as his breathing began to pick up speed. You felt someone catch you before your body could hit the floor and saw the blurred mass of what looked like Goku's hair hover over you.

"Y/N! Y/N! Are you okay? You're gonna be fine, you're fine!" You couldn't make out what he was saying. The ringing in your ears was so much louder than anything else. It hurt to breathe; were you even breathing? Everything just hurt.

Vegeta watched as you bled out, unable to move and dripping blood all over the floor of the room he had chosen for you. In the outfit he had chosen for you. In the middle of the ceremony he was conducting for you.

He watched as Kakarot held your limp form, watched as the saiyan began to unravel and sob as he tried to get you to hold on. Then Raditz was beside him, yelling at him to get you to a doctor, yet no one moved. It was as if time had stopped for the prince, and all he could focus on was your blood soaked clothes and pained face as you struggled to breathe or meet his eyes. It was as if he was living through his nightmares again, except this time there would be no waking up from them to find you sleeping next to him or laying on his couch perfectly fine and untouched.

"What.... Did you do?" The prince said softly. He felt his eyes well up with tears as he continued to stare at you, full of disbelief that this was actually happening. Kakarot lifted you up gently with the help of Raditz, who was trying to keep his younger brother under control. Kakarot was a complete and utter wreck, crying out as he clutched you tightly in his arms.

"What was that Vegeta? I couldn't hear you over the sobs of your friend!" Frieza hollered, laughing once more.

"What... Did yOU DO?" Vegeta screamed, clutching at his hair. Frieza's eyes widened, startled by the Prince's screams. "THAT'S MY Y/N!" A golden light enveloped the Prince's body as he screamed, his hair turning a bright blonde as he launched himself at the lizard freak, the ground below him rippling and cracking from the force of his power. "YOU'RE DEAD!"

Frieza braced himself, but this would be child's play for the prince while Frieza was in his first form. The crowd quickly began to scream and run, while a few watched in awe of what had become of the prince. He had become the all powerful, legendary super saiyan.

Vegeta didn't know what was happening, his blind rage giving him almost no control over his body as he beat the daylights out of Frieza. Tears streamed down his face but he didn't even seem to notice, his mind focused on one thing and one thing only. He grabbed the alien by his horns, slamming his face down into his knee over and over again as Frieza screamed and gasped in pain.

"You... bitch!" Frieza cried out, spinning and kicking Vegeta in the face. The prince simply turned into the kick, the attack having done nothing to him, his bright blue eyes boring into Frieza's. Vegeta grabbed his tail and began to spin him before slamming him into the floor, sending up shards of marble and rubble from the impact. This wasn't a nightmare, this was real. He could fight, and he would until his last ragged breath. Frieza would pay.


"GOKU!" Raditz yelled, trying to get his brother's attention over the roar of the crowd and the rumbling of the building as Frieza and Vegeta fought.

"Huh?" Goku asked, blinking a few times and turning to face his brother as he inhaled the snot back into his nose. At the sound of his human name coming from his brother's lips he had been snapped awake from the sort of trance he was in. "Why did you call me-"

"You idiot, you need to do the teleporty thingie and get her out of here! Dude she's dying!" Raditz screamed.

"R-right!" In an instant Goku was gone with your body, appearing in the doctors living quarters. He had been lounging in his recliner and reading a book when the guard and your limp form suddenly appeared before him.

"WH- WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?" He screamed, falling out of his chair.

"PLEASE, PLEASE YOU HAVE TO HELP HER," Goku sobbed, holding your body in his arms. "FRIEZA SHOT HER, PLEASE!"

The doctor turned pale at the sight of your unconscious and bloody body. He dropped the book he was reading and jumped up, fixing his glasses as he ran to the door. "Follow me. Now."

The three of you rushed out of the room and down the hall, the gaping hole in your chest spilling blood with every step Goku took.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry I should have hit him or redirected the beam or anything I-"

"I'm... fine," you gagged, choking on your own blood as you spat up more. It was quieter here, and yet the ringing in your ears was getting so much louder.

"You gotta hold on! Please! You can do this, you'll be fine! I can't lose you. Please, I have lost so many people I can't lose you too. You're my best friend, please!" His sobs racked his body and your own as he held you in his arms, running to the Royal healing chambers with the doctor in tow. His words were rushed, a jumbled mess that you couldn't even comprehend. His tears smacked against your chestplate and you watched him cry with half lidded eyes, unable to focus on his features.

"Did you... see Vegeta?" You smiled, laughing slightly before coughing. It hurt to speak; it hurt to breathe. Everything hurt so badly, so much worse than anything you had experienced before.

"Huh? Wha-" Goku sniffled again, staring at you wide eyed. "That's not important right now! Are you okay? Am I hurting you?"

You felt tears well up in your eyes as you looked at Goku, squinting to try and see him better. "He... did it. I'm so... proud. Tell him for me, okay... Goku? Promise."

He nodded quickly, "I-I promise but you can do that yourself! You can tell him! You're gonna be his princess just like I always teased you about! You're fine! You'll be fine!"

You nodded, unable to speak anymore. With that, you felt the pain in your chest begin to numb, your heart rate slowing as the rising and fall of your chest came to a halt.

"Y/N? Y/N! NO! PLEASE! DOCTOR, WE GOTTA GO NOW!" As your world faded to black, Goku grabbed the doctor by his hand and took off down the corridors, knocking over whoever he had to in order to get you to that chamber.


Vegeta's blue eyes stared down at Frieza, who had managed to power up into his third form. It didn't matter to him what size or power level the idiot charged up into, he was going to make him suffer. As Frieza lay on the floor, Vegeta stared at him, eyes blazing brightly with a hatred for the creature unlike anything the universe had ever seen.

He slammed his foot down into his arm, hearing the bones snap as Frieza screamed in pain. Vegeta smiled wickedly as he floated up and slammed down on his other arm, once again watching as Frieza's eyes widened and spit flew from his mouth.

"How dare you come here," the prince spat, kicking Frieza in the gut and sending him flying across the room. Frieza slammed into the wall, body cracking the stone there and leaving a crater as he slumped against it.

"How dare you ruin my ceremony," Vegeta walked over to him, watching as the dictator struggled to prop himself up. "How dare you enslave my people. My race." He grabbed him by the horns, watching as Frieza's knees propped himself up before Vegeta, kneeling just as the prince had done for all those years. Frieza stood suddenly, but not before Vegeta kicked him in the face, pressing his feet as hard as he could into Frieza's skull. He gripped the horns tightly, knuckles white beneath the gloves as he kept his body parallel with the ground as he ripped Frieza's horns out of his head.

Blood sprayed out and dripped down his face as Frieza screamed and clutched the spots where they had been just moments ago. Using the last of his remaining energy, he powered up into his final form, white skin shining brightly under the still setting sun.

"YOU IMPUDENT LITTLE PEST!" He spat, launching himself at the prince fist first.

Vegeta grabbed his hand and stopped it, flipping Frieza over and slamming him into the ground much like you had during your time in the arena. Spit and blood flew from Frieza's mouth as he howled in pain, his eyes flashing white and back arching as it bounced off the ground.

"And how dare you hurt her." Vegeta raised his fists above his head and swung them down in a hammer like motion, cracking Frieza's ribs. Frieza gasped in pain as the prince then held his palm out flat to him, his bloodied, gloved hand glowing golden with ki as his hair billowed above him in the same light. The blast from it disintegrated the lower half of Frieza's body, along with half of his left arm.

"Fuck you, you lizard freak." Vegeta spat, punching his fist into Frieza's nose. Then again, and again, and again.

Frieza screamed with each hit before Nappa grabbed Vegeta by the shoulder and ripped the prince away. "VEGETA ENOUGH!" He braced his arms in front of him as Vegeta went to launch his friend across the room, rage making him blind to who was grabbing at him. At the last moment he realized what was happening and stopped himself, arm faltering and falling by his side as his golden glow began to fade.

"Nappa I- what happened?" His eyes and hair returned to their blackened state as he turned to Frieza's bleeding out form. He looked down at his hands, covered in the tyrant's blood, then back at Nappa. "I... I did it. Didn't I?"

Nappa nodded eagerly, smiling as wide as he possibly could. "Vegeta, you've done it!" He kneeled to the prince, resting a knee on the floor along with his fist. "ALL HAIL THE LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN!"

The elites remaining in the room did the same, repeating Nappa's words as the prince stood in shock, a smile slowly lighting up his features. He had finally done it. He had done what he had tried to do for so long. He had gone beyond, and became what Frieza feared most; the all powerful, legendary super saiyan. And he had used it to beat the enslaver of his race.

"I can't believe it!" He cried out, tossing his head back and laughing. "I did it! I finally did it!"

Amidst the cheers, someone began to laugh. The room quieted as it got louder, and Vegeta glanced down to see Frieza laughing as he lay bleeding out on the ground, blood running down his chin into a pool beside his head.

"What could you possibly find funny, you bastard." Vegeta spat, sneering over the man that had ruined his childhood and belittled his people. Vegeta placed his boot down into Freiza's chest as the bloodied white beast hissed in pain but continued to cackle.

"In all your boasting," Frieza wheezed between laughs, "you forgot what caused it!"

Vegeta looked at him, sneering at his disheveled form before his eyes widened and he realized you were nowhere to be seen. The events leading up to his transformation rushed back to him, and his eyes stared wildly around the room, trying to find where you had gone. Your pool of blood remained on the floor, the only sign you had been there at all.

"Her power... has already faded!" Frieza cackled. "My guards have been... watching her! She's gone!" Vegeta felt the color drain from his face as he looked to Nappa, who looked just as ghostly pale. The two took off through the corridors, leaving Frieza laying on the floor, his laughter echoing around the palace as the Royal guards swarmed him.

"Raditz said they took her to the Royal tanks!" Nappa yelled over the wind rushing past them, removing a finger from his scouter. He was barely able to keep up with the prince and was quickly losing his spot. "But Vegeta they said it's not-"

The prince shot off faster, leaving Nappa completely in the dust. Nothing else mattered to him at this point; he just wanted you to be there smiling at him, rolling your eyes at him as you stepped into the pod. "I'm fine, Veggie. Why are you so worked up?" That's what you would say to him. "It would take more than a few holes to kill me," just like yesterday. You would be fine and the two of you would be happy. You'd finish the ceremony with him and say the vows and the entire planet would rejoice over the fact that the two of you were mates and the bloodline would continue. He would tell you how much he loved you, and the two of you would lead the Saiyans into a new era, one without Frieza being an ever looming threat to them.

He touched down outside the chambers, a place he had only been to once after Frieza chose to make an example of him. Raditz was leaning against the wall outside the door, arms crossed and looking at the floor. When he heard Vegeta's boots touch down, he looked up, the two making eye contact for a split second. In that moment Vegeta knew you would not be standing there, waiting for him.

"Vegeta-" Raditz held out a hand, his eyes watering as they met the prince's. Vegeta shoved his hands away and pushed past him and into the room. There you were, laying suspended in the tank, your hair floating around you as the water cycled in and out. They hadn't even managed to take off your ceremonial suit; the cords and stickers placed under your bodysuit and chestplate. There were no bubbles, no annoying beeps from the heart monitor. You were silent, the only noises in the room being the whirring of the machine as it continued to pump fluids in and out and Goku, who sat sobbing in a chair, head in his hands.

He looked up as Vegeta entered, his face red and blotchy from crying so much. As soon as he saw the prince he got worse, his wails mirroring the raw emotions he was feeling. "I DIDN'T GET HERE FAST ENOUGH," he sobbed. "I TRIED VEGETA, I TRIED SO HARD! IF I HAD GONE FASTER I COULD HAVE MADE IT BUT I DIDN'T WANT TO HURT HER! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!"

Vegeta wasn't even listening. His future with you shattered into a million pieces right in front of him the moment he stepped through the door. It was as if time was standing still and he was trapped in a never ending hell. No pain he had ever experienced hurt him more than seeing you floating there, lifeless in the darkened chamber. He studied your face, no longer smiling at him or blushing under his gaze. He was waiting for you to open one eye and wink at him, telling him this was all a prank. But it never happened. It would never happen. You were gone.

Vegeta turned on heel and left. He couldn't stand one more second of seeing you like that. Raditz went to say something to him but he flew off before he could get a word out. He needed to be alone, away from all of this. He flew through corridors, in and out of dining halls and rooms, past guards and servants, until finally, he slammed the door to his bedroom shut. He made his way to his bed and fell face first into it, holding his pillow tightly and letting his mind fade in and out.

He wasn't thinking of anything, or more so refusing to. His mind was silent, and he had now idea how much time had passed since he had shut the door. He didn't hear his door open and close quietly, or the sounds of heavy footsteps making their way to his bed. He didn't feel the weight as someone sat on the edge of it, making the mattress shift just ever so slightly. He did, however, feel Nappa's hand place itself against his back, and felt as Nappa began rubbing softly against the armor.

"I'm sorry, Vegeta. I'm so sorry."

And then, Vegeta began to cry. Quietly at first, then louder as he clutched the pillow in his hands and held it to his chest. Nappa stayed there all the while, rubbing the prince's back gently as he himself held back tears.

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