Dragon heart

By Wintershadowassassin

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The dragons spoke of a day when they would be free. Free of the chains that bound them to obey the will of t... More



1K 118 22
By Wintershadowassassin

(Chapter 23)


'Normal' - Human tongue
'Dragonese' - Dragon tongue


Author POV

Jimin ruffled his hair, trying to get it into a semi neat style. Today was a big day. He was finally turning 18 and could take the trials required to become a dragon rider. 

He had grown much in the 2 and a bit years. Taehyung had grown significantly, finally gaining the height and strength of a full grown dragon. His fully shifted form had grown too, he was now easily bigger than most dragons in the pit.

Taehyung stood his tail swaying side to side gently as he walked till he encased Jimin in a back hug. Jimin was used to it, not even flinching at the pure body heat that radiated from the dragon. It was cool, the autumn months finally closing in towards the season of winter. In fact the heat was a welcomed addition, Jimin found himself leaning back into Taehyung's chest chasing the heat till it was completely flushed against his back.

"We will perform as we always have" Taehyung stated in confirmation of the thoughts that Jimin had within his mind but has not voice. The dragon knew him well enough that he could often figure out what was on the human's mind. 

Jimin felt like he didn't need to voice a response, merely making eye contact with Taehyung in the small mirror. 


They left the room together, Taehyung trailing behind Jimin as always, he liked to be able to scan all his surroundings and ensure he was always able to watch the human's back in case of an unexpected attack. 

"Big day" Cadel remarked more as a statement than anything.

"Yeah" Jimin took his seat at the table, Taehyung dropped down to sit on the floor by his side. He preferred it, the chairs weren't really designed for dragons and their tails, plus it is what he normally did at home in the colonies. 

There was a larger quantity of food on the table than normal, Jimin was quick to load a plate of meat for Taehyung, a stark change to when he used to sneak it to him when they first met. Or when Taehyung would steal the sausages of Cadel's plate.

"Eat well, you don't want to be hungry later" Cadel told him as he placed the final dish on the table, it contained some steamed vegetables within broth. Hearty and filling, but light on the stomach. Exactly what Jimin needed right now.

He ladled some into his bowl and chose some of the fresh bread to dip into the broth. Breakfast was a quiet affair after that, Cadel sensing that Jimin didn't want to talk, had too much on his mind. Worried about passing the test to become a dragon rider in training. 

Eventually it was time to pack away all of the dishes and head out to the site where the test would take place. Jimin grabbed the satchel filled with his flying gear that he had hung on the peg by the front door. 

Taehyung followed him out after Cadel had pulled him into a hug. Whispering a 'Do your normal', not a 'good luck' he knew Jimin's skills he had no need for luck. He merely need to perform as he always did and he would succeed, Aife had said so herself.


"There are a lot of people" Jimin remarked, making sure he kept to the human tongue just in case.

"Yes, Aife said there would be many. But not many are chosen" Taehyung stated, remembering their last meeting with the Dragon Rider Captain.

They made their way across the field to the table. They were there to record all of the entrees. 

"Hi" Jimin shot them a smile.

"You on the list, or want to sign up?" the man asked, looking up.

"I'm on the list, Jimin Park." Jimin informed them.

"Recommended by Aife Halder and Cadel Nuemann, you must be good" the man let out a short whistle in awe.

"Name of your dragon?" the man asked, holding a quill poised to write.

"Taehyung" Jimin smiled.

"Just sign your name here, to say you approve of all the trials" Jimin was glad Cadel taught him to write and read to a better level. The sheet had the basics, we won't apologise if you die during the trials you signed up, it was to be expected. Jimin signed his name.

"Just go and join the rest, the announcements should start soon" the man gestured to the rest of the people milling about the field waiting for the test to start.

Jimin walked to go an join the crowd, Taehyung sticking close to him. Other dragons must recognise Taehyung because their eyes linger upon the chosen dragons form. But they make sure that it isn't completely obvious, just like they are sizing up the competition on of the new candidate.  

Jimin notices a nervous looking candidate near a angry looking dragon. They appear to be trying to calm down the dragon. 

"Xayze please stop" the man begs.

"What's the matter?" Jimin approaches, he couldn't not help. He liked helping others when he could, he was empathetic like that. 

"Xayze is my families dragon, they want me to become a dragon rider but I have no control over him. Only my father does, he scares him so he doesn't lash out." the candidate tells him.

Taehyung growls low in his throat a warning to Xayze. The other dragon stops his growling immediately, Jimin vaguely hears the word 'King' in the dragon tongue. 

"Sorry" Jimin makes it look like he is scolding Taehyung for 'bad behaviour' he had to maintain the façade that he was 'controlling' Taehyung not that they saw each other as equals. 

"I'm Auden, Auden Bannermane." Auden stretches out a lanky limb to Jimin. Jimin marvels that he too had look similar to Auden when he first arrived in the capital. All skinny until he gained a proper diet and 3 solid meals and age that allowed him to now hold a lithe muscular form. 

Jimin shook the hand offered, "Jimin Park and this is Taehyung" He gestured to the purple scaled dragon.

But soon the sound of a booming voice was heard across the field the words were simple:

"The test has begun" 


Jimin's test to become a dragon rider has begun.

I hope you liked the chapter.




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