By aquassb

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5 years later... Thin line Sequal More

Missing You🥀
I Care🥀
Heard It All Before🥀
All the Way Home🥀
4 page letter🥀
You're Makin Me High🥀
Easy on Me🥀
Breakin' My Heart🥀
Stranger in my house🥀
Love Drought🥀
Be without you🥀
Sweet thing🥀
In Pieces🥀
Pray You Catch Me🥀
My life🥀
Forgive Me🥀
Never Too Much🥀
Dance for you🥀
The Kids Are Alright🥀
Always Be My Baby🥀
New book


408 22 11
By aquassb

Monica's pov

"How long until I can take this blindfold off?"

"Not much longer." She responded and continued to guide me by my hips toward lord knows where.

I knew that we were still outside, but she made me wear a blindfold the entire car ride. Which made it hard for me to distinguish where we could be. 

I then felt myself walking through a door followed by the feeling of cool air. The next thing I knew the blindfold was removed from my eyes and I blinked a couple times in confusion as the room came into focus.

The walls were covered in graffiti, there were broken pieces of furniture, shattered glass, and a bunch of mallets strategically placed in the center of the room on a table.

"What the hell kind of date is this?" I asked clutching my purse to my chest.

"It's a rage room..." She said in 'duh' like tone as if I was supposed to know that. My eyes popped out of my head as I scanned the room and she walked around me with a soft chuckle.

She grabbed two of the mallets and held one out for me to take. "Here give me your purse."

Reluctantly, I handed it over to her and she sat it down onto the table and I grabbed the mallet from her hand. I took one more glance around the room before I jumped at the sound of shattered glass.

"Shit! Oh, yeah this is going to be fun.." She giggled.

"May I ask the point of this?"

"I thought this would be a good way to release some pent up emotions.." She answered before swinging her mallet into the broken tv in front of us.

"So, I thought we could think about what are the things in our relationship that we need to work on as we hit these object.." She shrugged.

A smile spread across my face against my better judgment as I nodded at her idea. She was perfect, how could I think anything less.

"I like that idea.."

"Good, so—" she cut herself off by swinging her mallet once more.

"I think we need to work on not being petty. We have tendency to try to get back at one another in a way that I don't think is healthy.." She swung the mallet into the picture frame and we watched as it cracked.

"Weak ass swing.." I laughed and she shoved my shoulder.

"Go ahead you try... but you have to say something first.."

I nodded, taking a deep breath thinking of what I wanted to say. "Well first I'll say I agree with you. We can both be very petty and as funny as it is we're too grown to be doing that.. especially knowing it's not helping."

I watched as she nodded and I continued to think about what I should say.

"...I think that we, but especially me, should watch the way we speak to each other." I finally spoke up before hitting the already broken shelf and watching as it fell to the ground.

"Damn!" Brandy jumped back.

"Oh shit! That was fun... wait I wanna do it again!" I yelled before hitting another shelf. I then moved onto the closest thing to me which happened to be the table.

I lifted the mallet towards it about to smash it down before Brandy started yelling.

"Wait! The table isn't for smashing purposes! Oh my Gosh!?" She yelled, holding her hand out in front of me.

"Oh— well you should've said that.." I laughed as she took the mallet out of my hands.

"I don't think you would do all that but anyway... I like what you said, but I think it's just natural for us to talk shit to each other. I never take it personal.."

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure. I know you love me so nothing else matters.."

That sentence rang in my head for the rest of day. Was it really that simple? I couldn't understand how it could be so simple for her to grasp.

Was knowing deep down that someone loved you enough to not question every little thing. Maybe it was an insecurity thing or maybe I just needed to get out of my head.

The day went by beautifully and I loved every second. In that moment love was enough. I was sure of that.

After we left the rage room and we went to get something to eat, but the entire time that swirled around in my head. I couldn't get it out of my head.

"Brandy?" She looked up and arched her eyebrow in question.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" She said as looked up at me with furrowed brows.

"Making you feel like you had to do all of these things to make me believe you cared when I honestly knew that you did.."

"I didn't do this because of that though. Nothing I do for you is out of some obligation... you know that. You have nothing to be sorry for.."

Her words were sincere but they were wrong. I had a lot to be sorry for. I began to have an intense feeling of guilt. If she was able to use the love she had for me to get through anything, why couldn't I do the same?

How could I let my temporary anger make me feel like it was okay to even entertain whatever those interactions were?

I still wasn't sure what to call them, but I knew now more than ever that I was wrong. Why was it so easy for me to just put the blame on her? I was wrong. Very wrong.

Suddenly I didn't have an appetite or more like I felt like throwing up.

"Baby? You okay?"

"No I don't feel good..."

"Okay, I'll get the check and some boxes but just go sit in the car.." She handed me her car keys and I got up swiftly walking towards the car.

I made it inside and took a deep breath as I waited for her. This sudden realization hit me like a truck.

I felt sick, sad, and guilty all in one that I let some unknown factor dictate the I treat someone I love. How could I do that?


I blinked a couple of times to realize Brandy was already in the car.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah just ready to go home.." She nodded and pulled out of the parking lot. The drive went by fast and the next thing I knew I was in bed while Brandy rubbed my back from behind me.

Again, I felt guilty. Here I was in the wrong yet she was comforting me and I couldn't find the courage to even tell her why I felt so sick.

"I gotta go pick up the kids are you going to be okay by yourself?" She asked and I nodded into the pillow. She kissed my forehead and walked out the room.

I need to get my shit together.

Brandy's pov

"Try to be quiet y'all. I don't know if mommy went to sleep.." I warned the kids as I led them to Monica and I's bedroom.

They were begging to see her and I informed them she wasn't feeling well, but they insisted seeing her.

I slowly cracked open and my warning went completely out the window as the ran straight in jumping on the bed. I shook my head and followed them inside to find Monica sitting up in bed looking way better than she did when I left.

"I thought I said to walk in quietly.." I glared at them before cracking and letting out a laugh.

They giggled before saying sorry and continuing to lay with Monica. We decided to watch a movie together and of course the kids didn't last for too long as the all went to sleep ten minutes into the movie.

I found myself staring at my wife after we put the kids to bed. There was something off with her. Before I left she looked sick to her stomach and now she acted as if nothing was wrong.

I continued to watch her as she climbed back into bed and got into the covers. She never looked up at me once as she kept her gaze focused on the tv.

I grabbed the remote and turned it off leaving her to stare at a now dark screen. I sighed laying down next to her, hooking my finger under her chin, and turning her face toward mine.

"Did I do something?" She shook her head almost instantly before moving closer to me and resting her head against my chest.

"Then what's wrong?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Just want to be close to you.." She mumbled against me.

"Why are you lying?"


"You must think I don't know you... just say you don't want to tell me and we can move on." I held onto her tighter so she knew it wasn't me being dismissive.

I knew there was something wrong, but I also knew she'd tell me eventually. My mind kept wandering to what it could even be. As if I was in her mind I felt her thoughts racing.

She was obviously thinking of the best response, but it never came. Instead I was met with silence as she held onto me tighter.

Eventually she sighed loudly breaking me out of my train of thought before I was flipped over onto my back. She hovered over top of me and placed a soft, quick kiss onto my lips.

"Are you still holding out or can I.." She paused leaving the question within her eyes. As much as I wanted to protest, my body spoke for me in that moment.

"You can..." My nails moved up her back before pulling her into my chest. Our lips crashed together and we moaned into each others mouths as we prepared to release all of our frustrations.

As worried as I was about what was going on in her head I couldn't deny my body of this feeling. I needed her and I knew she needed me just as bad.

Her arms looped around my neck as I flipped us over never breaking the kiss. Her back hit the bed as we began to tug on each others clothing, until we were both naked.

We never stopped to ask the other what they wanted or needed. It was as if we just knew. I lined our centers up, while never breaking the kiss we shared, and began to grind on top of her.

We moaned into each others mouths once again as her hands slid down my back to grip my ass. The grip she had on my ass tightened as she began to control my movements.

I finally pulled back from the kiss and sat up as I threw my head back in pleasure. I could hear her low whimpers beneath me, only adding to my pleasure.

I lowered my body once again making sure to look directly at her until we locked eyes. I shyly smirked at her before taking one of her nipples into my mouth.

"Ooo fuck!" She moaned as her grip on my ass loosened. She started to lose control letting me know she was close.

I moved over to her other nipple and rolled the previous one in between my fingers. Still my eyes never left her face even as her head began to fall back against the bed.

At this point the grip she held on my ass was completely gone leaving me to take over. I rolled my hips into hers using the same rhythm she used previously.

My tongue rolled over nipples at the same as  our clits roll over each other. She was left with nothing to do but succumb to the pleasure.

I watched as her face contorted in pleasure and she tried her hardest to not scream out letting me know everything I needed to know.

"You coming, baby?" I mumbled against her nipple as her eyes rolled to thee back of her head giving me my answer.

Her body shook against mine and the sheer visual of her orgasming sent me over the edge right with her.

I don't remember what happened after because I think my old ass fell asleep on top of her.

1 week later...


I jumped out of my sleep immediately grabbing onto the script that rested in my lap.

"Huh?!" I yelled in confusion as I looked up to see Lauren who had a large grin present on her face.

"Enjoying being home much..." she laughed.

"Of course.." I laughed followed by a yawn.

She's never been more right about anything. Ever since that night after our date all we did was have sex everywhere. And everywhere was not an exaggeration either.

Not that I was complaining because it was worth every second w spent tiring each other out. Even though it caused me to be sleepy at work I just couldn't resist it. After weeks of nothing this felt amazing.

"I can tell, tired ass."

"Whatever, I ain't say shit to you when you came in practically skipping this morning... who knew you had dick appointments all the way out here.." I faked a gag and she playfully pushed my shoulder.

"Who said anything about dick?"

"Oop— do tell!" I leaned close to her only for her to pluck my forehead.

"Don't be in my business.."

I laughed in shrugged it off. I'll find out what she's doing eventually or should I say who.

The rest of the day went by smoothly and I left in time to pick up the twins from school. Once I picked them up, I drove straight home, and I helped them with their homework.

Monica's pov

"Oh my God! Is that one of my favorite nephews!" Toya yelled as I put Benji down and he ran towards her.

She picked him up and a started to tickle him. I watched, laughing as I finally caught up to where he ran.

Toya asked me could I come to her store and share my opinion on her new display that she was working on.

"Hey, girl.." I said to her and she side eyed me before speaking back.

"I- why would you ask me to come help you if you were going to act like that?"

"I'm not acting like anything, but come on let me show you this display.." She led the way towards the back of her shop where her office was.

She pulled out the blueprints she drew up and I looked them over. She asked me to pick which one I liked the most before I settled on this one that showcased her new denim line.

"So what's wrong with you?" She asked after I handed her the blueprints.

"Why you think it's something wrong with me? You the one with the attitude.."

"I don't have an attitude. I only asked because you look like you want to say something... never known you to bite your tongue."

I shrugged before explaining everything I've been feeling lately. I felt lighter letting some of those unprocessed emotions go. Yet I still felt guilty that I couldn't do the same with Brandy.

"Well it's honestly not that bad... I think you're overthinking it." She said sitting the chair next to me.

She put Benji down and he went straight for the toys that she kept there for when her daughter was with her.

"Now it's not that bad but a couple days ago I was a borderline cheater."

"Well clearly if it struck a nerve then there was some truth to it. There are other ways to cheat that doesn't include physical things. Y'all only talked twice and you gave him your number that sounds like an emotional connection.." she shrugged.

"But it's not—"

"—Then why did you give him your number?"

"He wanted to set up a play date. I thought the twins would like another friend especially since they liked playing with his daughter."

"The twins have enough friends and honestly I'm sure you could tell he wanted a play date with you more than he wanted one for the kids."

"I wasn't thinking about it that way.."

"Mmhm just let it go and stop beating yourself up about it. It's not like you like him or something.." She paused to squint her eyes at me. I guess she was trying to see if I actually did like him, but of course that was not the case at all.

"I don't."

"I believe you but ima still call you a cheater every now and than as a little joke.." She laughed and I rolled me eyes.

"As long as you don't say that around Brandy we good!" I laughed as I patted her on the shoulder.

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