Game on! (Edser One Shots or...

By lisa_dec

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This will be a series of one shots based on reader suggestions. I'll try to tag all the readers who have made... More

A Forever Kind of Love
London Calling
To Italy with Love
Conception Deception
Hide and Seek
Class Dismissed
The Trouble with Babies
Planting the Seeds
The Italian Job
Silence is Golden
Hypnotize My Love
My Fairy Girl and a Sprite
To Ferit out the Truth
Tell Me No Lies
Movie Night - Intermission
That Can be Arranged
What Happens in London
The Graduate
Behind Closed Doors
Lose Something?
Pirouettes and Pencils
An Eye for an Eye
Ghosts of the Past, Present and Future
The Bridesmaid
The Birthday Wish
The Devil Doesn't Always Wear Red
Music for the Soul
Fashion Isn't Just for Show
The Way We Were
This is How the Story Ends
Sorry Wrong Number
It Started With a Weekend
Man's Best Friend
The Day the Earth Moved
Reading Between the Lines
Baby You Can Drive my Car
Broken Vows
Knock Out
The Firecracker and The Match
Drive Me Insane
Something Worth Fighting For
Upstairs Downstairs
Crash Into Me
Til Death Do Us Part
Mine by Design
One Kiss is All it Takes
Once is All it Takes
She Wore Blue Velvet
She Wore Blue Velvet - Part 2
Under Contract
Tattoo on My Heart
Queen of the Castle
Chef's Kiss
Erdem's Angels
The Birthday Gift
Dance With Me
The Red Rose
It's Raining Men
The Pregnant Pause
The Christmas Market
All I Want For Christmas is You
What Happens in Antalya . . . . .
Auld Anxiety or Ringing in the New Year
Carved into the Heart
The Girl Next Door
The Sacrifice
Cabin Fever
I Think I Wanna Marry You
Who Do You Love?
Getting Schooled
Truth or Dare
Take a Chance on Me
To Catch a Thief
In the Shadows
I Object
Grandmother Knows Best
Trading Places
Best Kept Secrets
The Power of Love
The Waiting Room
Catch Me, I'll Wait
Take a Hike

Mustang Sally

4.7K 132 32
By lisa_dec

@elbader suggested that maybe I do something on the Eda/Aydan relationship which could have been so much more fun both pre/post-amnesia. Let's do pre-amnesia!

A mother who loves her son very much and the daughter that he brings her.

And of course Mature between the **** so skip if you don't want to read


It was a beautiful night but she didn't even notice, her mind was in such turmoil. Sitting on the edge of the pool Aydan thought back to when she knew that Serkan was in love with Eda, it was that silly first engagement. No, even before that, the day he first introduced her. Serkan sat and watched Eda with such a mixture of pride and longing that it scared her. It set her world on end. She had Selin picked out as his wife, the perfect daughter. Only Serkan wanted to pick out his own wife. Sweet Eda, playing the game with Serkan breaking her own heart along the way.

She watched as the two girls tried on wedding dresses, Eda looking stunning in every one of them. And Serkan, he couldn't stay away. Aydan watched from the window, he was drawn to Eda, standing behind her in the mirror like her groom that he wanted to be. But she had coached Eda on what to say to Selin, she had told Eda that she had to let Selin know that Serkan still thought of her and Aydan knew it was a lie.

Her final blow to Eda was when Serkan became ill at the thought of her leaving. He begged Eda to stay, but she knew better. Aydan sat at the pool edge, her feel dangling in the water, she knew better. She sent Eda away and lied to Serkan. Neither of them wanted to let go but she had gotten out her scissors and cut that red thread that tied them together. Until Serkan ran after Eda and tied that thread back together, he loved her too much to lose her.

There is such a fine line between love and hate and Aydan was afraid that they had crossed it. Ever since Eda held her hand and walked her out of the gate blindfolded she had been thinking of nothing other than leaving the house again, being free. But Aptekin had done something terrible. He had interfered in Serkan and Eda's lives in a way she never saw coming. He was responsible for the death of Eda's parents and he refused to accept responsibility. He threw it all on Serkan and her poor boy who was just learning to love and trust again because of Eda gave her up to save her pain. 

Eda had looked at her with tears streaming down her face asking her how she could have raised such a cruel son. Serkan wasn't heartless, he was wounded, probably worse than Eda because now he was alone. He loved Eda so deeply and he couldn't tell her the terrible truth. Serkan didn't know how to give her the pain.  It wasn't his responsibility to tell her it was Aptekin's but the coward refused. Not only had he refused but he hammered into Serkan how he too was responsible for the accident by association. Aptekin had been destroying Serkan emotionally for years and now he took him out with a final blow.

The two children were miserable and she was miserable because she had finally learned to trust Eda. To love Eda. Aydan knew that she was her key to freedom just like she was Serkan's key to love and happiness. How to fix it? She kept dangling her feet in the pool deep in thought as if the answers to her problems could be found in the water. Aydan didn't even hear Serkan until he was right next to her taking off his shoes and socks.

"What are you doing Serkan?"

"I thought that I would come talk to you. Seyfi showed me your video. I'm so proud of you anne, so very proud."

Aydan gave him a rather sad smile, "It was Eda, she was my strength just like she was yours and now she's gone because of your father."

"I don't want to talk about Eda anne I want to talk about you."

"Serkan we have to talk about Eda, you're miserable without her."

He shook his head, "What can I do anne? Nothing is going to change the fact that my father was involved in the death of her parents. Every time she looks at me she's going to associate me with their death. It's better to let Eda go, she'll find someone else. She's already working with Efe and he's all over her so it's just a matter of time."

"Oh Serkan you know that isn't true, Eda loves you."

Serkan continued to shake his head, "Anne let's talk about you. You went outside."

"I did, Eda took me. That girl is something else."

"Would you like to try now with me? I would hold your hand and walk with you," Serkan stepped off the pool ledge and held his hand out to his mother. Aydan put her hand in his willing to try.

Serkan held her hands tightly in his and willed her to be able to step outside but as much as he wished it he couldn't get her to move. He pulled her into a tight hug, "It's okay anne, maybe now you're ready to try therapy again." Aydan nodded, she would try.

Aydan did try but the therapy just wasn't working until her therapist suggested that she call Eda and ask for her help. She hesitated but she knew that she needed the help, Aydan dialed, "Eda?"

"Aydan hanim what can I do for you?" it still hurt to talk to her. Anything related to Serkan hurt. Watching him every day hurt. It wasn't like she could flip a switch and stop loving him and she knew that he still loved her she would catch him watching her and their eyes would meet both sets reflected the same pain.

"Eda I've started therapy again and the psychologist thinks that it might be beneficial for me to talk to you since I've only been successful in leaving the house with you."

That made Eda a bit sad, "Have you tried with no one else?"

"I did, I tried with Serkan. He was so patient but I couldn't Eda. Something about you made it work. I understand if it's too much to see me. I shouldn't have called you. I'm sorry," Aydan started to hang up.

"Wait Aydan hanim, I promised you that I would hold your hand when you were ready. I'll come and talk to you. This is a promise that I made to you and no one else."

Eda was leaving early for class so she decided to stop and see Aydan first. Serkan watched her every move. It was torture to have her so close and not be able to touch her. They had driven out to a job site today and he did his best to keep his distance emotionally and physically but the pain was always there. He watched her leave thinking that maybe he could work but instead of working he stared at her empty space.

Aydan was sitting down by the river when Eda came, "Eda you came. Thank you so much."

"A promise is a promise Aydan hanim. At least it is when I make it. I can't say the same for others."

Aydan closed her eyes as Eda said that, she knew she was referring to Serkan, she had to do something to help these two, "Thank you Eda. It means so very much to me."

Eda and Aydan talked over tea for another hour before Eda needed to leave to go get ready for class. "I have to go for now but tomorrow I want to bring something special for you okay?"

Aydan smiled at her, "Are you going to tell me what it is?"

She smiled back at her, "No, it's a surprise but I think that you'll like it," Eda picked up her purse not realizing that her keys had dropped.

Almost to her car Eda came face to face with Serkan, she put her head down and ignored him, "Eda?"

"What Serkan? What else do you have to say to me? Did you forget some other hateful thing? Another promise made that should be broken? Oh wait I forgot, you already broke your promises to me. So what do you want?"

He bowed his head against her pain and anger, he deserved it, he had broken his promises to her, "I was just going to say that you don't need to come here. My anne can go through therapy."

Eda got closer to him, he could smell her delicate floral fragrance like a lash against his heart, "I keep my promises and this is a promise I made to Aydan hanim not you. Of course I never broke my promises to you either but that doesn't matter." She turned and fled to her car only to find that she had no keys, now she would have to go back and get them.

She was coming around the corner when she heard Serkan talking to Aydan, "Anne don't interfere. I won't tell Eda the reason for the break up please just let it be."

"But Serkan she deserves to know. The two of you are so unhappy and shouldn't be. You love Eda."

"It doesn't matter anne, what's done is done."

Eda heard his footsteps walking away so she hurried down to the dock to get her keys. Serkan saw the flash of green, Eda. Had she heard their conversation? Did it matter. It always mattered, she mattered.

Serkan followed her, "Eda what you heard . . . . ."

She turned her tear streaked face to him, "What's done is done Serkan. It doesn't matter if you love me, I'm not enough for you." Eda got in her car and slammed the door.

"No, Eda, that isn't it."

But she wasn't listening to him, she was already leaving. He had hurt her again. Serkan looked around, he couldn't stay here any longer, he needed to move. He knew that he was running but he couldn't stay here any longer if Eda was going to come to see his mother. Serkan thought to move his office back upstairs at ArtLife but then everyone would know what a coward he was. It wasn't like they didn't already suspect.

Aydan's shock and joy was heartwarming to Eda when she explained what they were going to do that morning. "Aydan hanim you and I are going to take a virtual reality tour of places that you've been outside of these gates. Come, sit, I'll show you."

Serkan stayed away from the office as long as he could the next morning thinking to avoid Eda but there she and his mother were on the dock again. She pulled him to her like a magnet.

"What are you two doing?" Serkan asked although he knew what Eda had done. She and her creative mind were taking his mother outside from the safety of her own home.

"Go away Serkan, Aydan hanim and I are busy. Don't you have somewhere else you need to be?" Eda could smell Serkan before she heard him, would she ever forget his scent? The sound of his voice? She had to be harsh to protect herself, to build the walls around her heart like he had.

The bitterness in Eda's voice drove him away without a word. He didn't see Eda wipe the tears from under the Virtual Reality headset. Eda felt Aydan's hand grip hers hard, the woman knew. Eda wanted to ask Aydan hanim why Serkan had broken up with her if he loved her but she knew that the woman wouldn't tell. Her loyalties were with her son.

"Eda look! London oh London I have missed you so," Aydan enthused over the sights. Eda was caught up in her joy and focused her attention on the streets of London.

The two women sat and talked for another hour after the glasses had come off. Eda needed to get to work still but being with Aydan was important. Efe had allowed her to have flexible hours as long as she got her work done. She stayed up late the night before to get ahead allowing herself the time with Aydan.

"This has been a most precious gift Eda, thank you. Even though I never left my home I feel just a little bit freer."

"I'll come back again in a couple of days and we'll do another exercise. I feel like you are so close and then you will have the best reward in your freedom."

Aydan watched Eda leave. Eda was giving her this gift and she needed to do something for her in return. Aydan knew exactly what it was that she could do, she could reunite Eda and Serkan. She heard Eda's harsh words to Serkan but she also heard her sniffles as the tears flowed when he left. Aydan was more determined than ever to succeed. If she didn't she would be alone.

That night Eda donned the blue dress that Serkan had bought her. Hala thought that it would be a knife in Serkan's back. Eda knew that it was really just a knife in her heart. She saw the dress and remembered their shared joy that day. Eda sat to do her hair. That night they had gone to the movies and she knew something was wrong with Serkan. He spent more time watching her than the movie, he had said he wanted to talk but it was as if he couldn't find the words. Was what he wanted to talk about the thing that broke them apart?

Eda knew that Serkan loved her, he would never have chased her down and stopped her from going to Italy if he didn't love her. He was such a private man that to express his love to her like that meant he was truly and deeply in love with her. So why the breakup? It wasn't work. If anything he was working harder than before. This party tonight was work, he was courting bigger business so he did something small as a goodwill gesture.

Serkan watched Eda in the blue dress, the dress he had bought her on their last day of love. The day before he ruined their relationship. That wasn't true, his father had done that years ago. He hated that he could always feel tears pooling in his eyes when he remembered how he hurt Eda but it was better that she hate him. He looked away quickly but not before catching her eye.

Why did he insist on torturing the two of them Eda asked herself over and over again. She could see the sheen of tears in his eyes as he watched her and then quickly looked away. He had followed her to the balcony earlier but she told him to stay away from her. He thought that she wore the dress to taunt him. In a way she had but it was also for her because it was a gift from him.

When the roof collapsed Serkan's first thought was of Eda. Where was she? Was she safe? Once he saw her he could begin to try and figure out what happened. How could such an error have happened? He never made mistakes like this. The couple was livid, their child was asleep upstairs, he could have been injured or worse killed. Serkan's life began spinning out of control, he had no idea how this could happen, he was always so careful.

Eda watched Serkan pacing on the road outside of the house. She knew that his brain had to be in turmoil. This was unthinkable. Eda listened to everyone and they were all placing the blame squarely on Serkan's shoulders even Engin and Pyril weren't defending him. How was that possible? Serkan would never make a mistake like this and they were all ready to throw him away.

She walked close to him, "Do you want me to stay with you?"

Serkan could barely speak so he just shook his head. He had already lost his love and now he might lose his career, "No Eda just go home."

Eda reached out to touch him but her hand dropped, his tone was flat and lifeless. She knew that he was in pain but he had shut himself away from her.

He stood in the office the next morning already at work, he had been there since five looking at all the blueprints. "Anne it's for the best, I'll try to come have breakfast with you tomorrow but until this situation is sorted out I'll be busy."

Aydan gripped the phone hard, "Serkan there has to be another reason why this collapse happened."

Serkan shook his head, "This is my error, I have to fix it otherwise my whole career will be ruined. Right now it's the only thing that I have. Seyfi will make sure that all of my things are moved over. I'll call you later anne."

He was gone. Aydan stood in Serkan's apartment full of boxes more determined than ever to leave this prison and more determined than ever to help him win back Eda. Aptekin wandered into the apartment.

"Do you still blame me for this Aydan?"

She turned to face Aptekin, "For Serkan moving? No. For destroying his relationship with Eda? Yes. You had a responsibility to the girl and her family Aptekin. You had a responsibility to Serkan as his father. What you did, throwing the information in Serkan's lap? Making it seem like he should be tarred by the same brush that you are is despicable. You have failed him again and taken the one good thing in his life away from him."

Aptekin turned cold, "So this is all my fault Aydan? I bear all responsibility?"

Aydan faced off with him, something she should have done years ago, "For not dealing with Eda and her family? Yes. For me being stuck here? No, this is my problem and I will conquer it. But you continue to run and leave Serkan to deal with your issues, you threw the holding at him you've given him all your responsibilities and he deserved none of it."

"You think you have all the answers Aydan, you don't know how hard Serkan is."

She laughed at him, "How hard Serkan is? All he ever wanted was to be loved and that was too much for you so don't stand there like a concerned parent now. You did your damage and once again you run and leave someone else to fix the mess."

Aydan couldn't stand to look at him any longer, she walked back to the main house still trying to figure out how to help Eda and Serkan.

Eda walked into the office, everyone was staring at Serkan. He was still pacing. Eda took off her jacket, was no one helping him? Why had they all abandoned him? She needed to help him if she could.

"Serkan listen to me . . . . " she began.

"Leave Eda, leave. I have to figure this mess out. I have to figure out how I screwed up so badly."

"No, there has to be some kind of mistake, you would never do this. You are too good to make a mistake like this."

He picked up the blueprints and showed them to her before throwing them to the side, "This? This is how good I am? To have made such a stupid and critical error?"

Eda couldn't take it anymore, she got close to him and held his face to her, "I believe in you Serkan Bolat. You are one of the best architects in the world. There has to be an explanation."

Serkan blinked at her all he wanted to do was hold her close and draw strength from her, "Why Eda? Why believe in me?"

She stroked her thumbs on his cheeks, "Because I know you and I believe in you. I will find out what happened Serkan. I will help you. Trust me."

He gave a slight nod, "I've always trusted you."

Eda dropped her hands and backed away before she did something stupid like kiss him, "I'm getting copies of everything, I'll be back."

Serkan watched her go. Her trust in him calmed him and allowed him to focus his energies on a solution. He called a meeting with Engin, Pyril and Efe and pitched a solution. Once accepted they got down to implementing it, he was working on fixing the problem when a knock sounded.

"What do you want?" he asked Aptekin.

"I thought that I would see how you are doing. I didn't know if you needed advice in how to deal with such a catastrophe. How to get past it without tarnishing your reputation."

Serkan looked at his father, "Do you mean sweep it under the carpet like you did? If I have made a mistake then I will admit responsibility and correct it. I won't run from it. I won't make it someone else's problem and I certainly am not worried about tarnishing my reputation. If I have erred I will fix it and be out in the open like an ethical businessman."

Aptekin was taken aback, "But the damage to the business. . . . "

Serkan cut him off, "It's called ethics Aptekin. I run an ethical business. If I made a mistake I will own it and fix it. I won't hide it like you do. What? Did you think because I made an error we were equals? Not hardly, no one died and I'm accepting responsibility. If you have nothing else you can leave."

His father left, he had nothing to offer to Serkan. No words of wisdom. Serkan was a better businessman than he was any day of the week. Aptekin was only now realizing that.

People came and went in Serkan's office. Selin was working on some PR fixes she had already taken thirty minutes of his time, "Just five more minutes Serkan?"

"Selin I don't have five minutes, I have to get this solved." He looked up at Eda's knock.

"Serkan could I get ten minutes of your time? I need you to look at something," Eda asked. Selin stared at Serkan, surely he would say no he had just told her no.

"Certainly Eda, ten minutes," Selin silently fumed. Of course he could give Eda time, he could always give her time even when they weren't together

Serkan shot down all of her ideas, "One more thing Serkan and then I'll leave you. Can we check the original on your laptop?" she got up and sat in his chair, "Could I have the password?"

Serkan colored as he gave Eda the coordinates to her star. She smiled secretly, she knew that he loved her still. Eda focused on the numbers and looked back at the blueprint, "Serkan these numbers are different. What you have on the original and what is being printed is different."

He leaned over her and inhaled her fragrance for just a moment before looking where Eda pointed, "The numbers are different. Something must have happened at the printer."

Eda pushed back, he was surrounding her with his scent and all she wanted to do was hold him, "So you made no error. The only people printing were Efe and Selin. Therefore it was Selin."

Serkan sighed, "It was Efe, Selin has no reason to harm me."

"Of course not Serkan, Selin could never do anything wrong in your eyes, it's only me who errs. Why would Efe harm the client he brought? I'll figure it out."

"Stubborn as always Eda," Serkan said as he watched her leave. He couldn't control his jealousy over Efe and why did Eda even think of Selin, she knew that Selin meant nothing.

Eda put her findings together, she couldn't believe that Efe would harm his own client to hurt Serkan but she knew that Selin would. She had done it in the past. When Selin confronted Eda the final straw was Serkan supporting Selin and humiliating her in front of the office. Even Ferit supported Selin and he knew how treacherous she could be.

She tapped her fingers on the coffee maker waiting for it to brew, "Eda can we talk a minute?"

"About what Serkan? About how perfect Selin is? About how your ideal woman could never have done anything to harm you?"

"Eda I have never loved Selin. I don't love Selin. There has only been one woman that I have ever loved."

"And yet you cast her away like garbage and continue to put Selin on a pedestal."

"Do you know how hard it is for me to see you every day? To not be close to you?"

"Do you want me to quit Serkan? Leave here? Just say it."

He couldn't let her leave, as much as it pained him to have her near without being able to touch her he couldn't let her go. Eda brushed past him, even the slightest touch of her arm on his pained him. He had to fix this, he had to tell her and let her decide whether he was worthy of her love or not. Serkan couldn't have Eda thinking that he didn't value her, he did above everything else.

Serkan knew that Eda had a night class and so he waited for her hoping to talk with her. The small gift that he bought her sat in his pocket. He watched as she sat in the library soaking in being able to see her, he felt like a stalker but couldn't help himself. When Eda got up to move to the stacks Serkan followed.

Eda slipped a book from the shelf, Serkan, "What are you doing here?" she hissed at him.

"Looking for a book, I don't have any in my new apartment and I need to have a book."

When had he moved? "You moved? How has no one said anything about this?"

Serkan smiled internally, Eda was always so curious, "Leyla and Pyril knew."

He came around the stacks pretending to look for modern architecture but really just wanting to be close, Eda ignored him, "I came tonight so that you and I could talk quietly Eda. Things didn't end well today."

"Things ended over two weeks ago Serkan, you ended them or have you forgotten?" Eda tried to move past him but he blocked her.

"Can we talk Eda?"

Eda's temper, already on edge from earlier today let loose, "Talk? You want to talk now? No Serkan you are positively unbalanced. You break up with me, you tell me I interfere with work, you follow me, you've done nothing but humiliate me Serkan."

She didn't realize how loud she had gotten but he really had pushed her over the edge. Unfortunately it got them kicked out of the library on her first night there.

Serkan stayed by her side, "Will you walk with me a bit Eda?"

Because she was a fool she did. When he handed her the drafting pencil as a gift she was struck by how sweet the gesture was. This was the man that she loved, why could she not have him back?

"If we work on the project together we can finish it that much sooner. My new apartment is very close Eda, would you like to see it? We can work there and finish?"

Eda knew it wasn't the smartest idea but she just wanted to be close to him so they walked side by side and talked like they had on so many other occasions. Serkan opened the door for her, this was the first time he had actually been in the apartment.

"What do you think Eda?"

"It's like you."

He snorted, "Cold? Hard? Silent?"

What she meant was sophisticated and elegant, lonely, "I see you have all your books, there was no need to come to the library Serkan."

She walked over to the bookshelf as Serkan went to the kitchen for drinks. Eda pulled out their favorite 'Madonna in the Fur Coat', their engagement picture slid from the pages. Hearing Serkan come back she slid it quickly back into place.

They were able to work calmly, closely and were drawing together until the moment was broken by Eda's aunt. She declined his offer of a ride home. Serkan sat alone with Sirius, he should have told her tonight but he couldn't. They had rebuilt a fragile truce and he didn't want to destroy it so soon. And now his home smelled of her, his scarf smelled of her. Eda brought light and warmth to this cold apartment.

Eda was sharing with her hala the difficulty she was having with Aydan when Ayfer struck on the idea of a relaxation tea, "You know Eda, the special Mardin tea. You just need a pinch in a cup, that should help Aydan relax enough. Try it."

Melo was snickering, "And if that doesn't work put a whole handful in, she'll get real loose!"

The three of them burst out in laughter at Melo's suggestion, Eda was gasping, "No, really, I'm trying to help Aydan hanim. The woman has been trapped in that house for twenty years. It's time that she was free. I made a promise to her and I mean to keep it."

Aydan knew that Eda was coming this morning and she planned on having her and Serkan together and forcing them to talk, "Anne, I can't make it. With the rework on the roof I am just overrun. I'm sorry I'll try to get there tomorrow."

She deflated, "Oh Seyfi, how am I supposed to reconcile them if I can't even get them in the same room?"

Seyfi was leaning against the counter, "I don't know Aydan hanim. Maybe you need to drop the truth in front of Eda and Serkan. She needs to know and she needs to know soon. A secret like this is bound to come out. Didn't Aptekin say that someone was already digging into it?"

"He did, oh Seyfi, what should I do? I hate seeing them so sad. They both love each other."

"It's about time you finally realized it Aydan hanim."

"Pfft, I knew it when you did. I was just a stubborn old fool. I owe Eda so much and Serkan too. I will fix this for them."

Eda knocked on the doorway, "Fix what for whom Aydan hanim?"

"Oh Eda I was just a bit sad because Serkan canceled on me for breakfast. He said that the roof project is taking quite a bit of his time."

"It is Aydan hanim but now that we know it wasn't his fault hopefully things will get better."

Aydan took Eda's hands in hers, "And you found that for him didn't you? Serkan told me that you found that the original drawings were correct. You did that for him even with all that is going on. Eda you are a very sweet girl."

Eda gave Aydan a little half smile, a bit embarrassed, she didn't know that Serkan had shared with Aydan that she found the problem, "I knew that Serkan couldn't have made an error. He is too fine of an architect to do that. Whatever happened between us I couldn't see him in such pain doubting himself."

She pulled Eda in for a hug looking at Seyfi over Eda's shoulder, "It's because you still love him. You don't turn that off like a light switch. Same with Serkan."

Aydan set her back, "Since you're here you'll have breakfast with Seyfi and I!"

"Oh no Aydan, I've had breakfast. . . . well maybe some fruit," when she saw Aydan's face fall.

Eda went into the kitchen, "Seyfi, I want you to put a scoop of this in a three cups of water and brew some tea for Aydan hanim."

Seyfi nodded, "Three in tea, right."

She was sipping her own tea when Aydan started playing with her hair, "You know Edacim, I wanted to change you but you know what? You're perfect the way that you are. Look at this beauty Seyfi. No wonder Serkan loves you so much. So beautiful, kind and sweet. Aren't I beautiful?"

Aydan stared rather owlishly at Eda. She turned and whispered to Seyfi, "How many scoops did you put in?"

"Three scoops in one cup of water like you told me."

Eda groaned, "No Seyfi, it was one scoop in three cups of water. Aydan hanim is stoned now. We may as well go for a drive right?"

"Aydan hanim let's go for a drive."

"Oh Edacim, let's go for a drive. We can take my car. Yoohoo Seyfi, my car, she sang as she wove her way towards the door." Eda and Seyfi ran behind her to make sure she didn't hurt herself.

"Seyfi Serkan will kill us if he finds out."

"Eda hanim what can I say I'm bad at math," Eda glared at him, he was such a liar.

Aydan hit the button for the garage and the door slid open revealing a classic white mustang convertible, "Aydan hanim this is your car?"

"This is my beauty. Just like you Edacim. My beauty. Serkan's beauty. Let's go for a ride," she dangled the keys and Eda snatched them from her hands. No way was Aydan driving.

"I'll drive Aydan hanim, Seyfi get her in the car."

The older model had no seatbelts so Seyfi was responsible for holding Aydan in place after her fourth 'WooHoo I'm Free' in traffic. Eda drove towards town because Aydan wanted to see the sights, she exclaimed at all that she had missed or not seen years. What Eda didn't know was how long the tea lasted. What Aydan knew was that she was free. She didn't remember how Eda had gotten her out of the house but she was out and she was free.

"Eda do you know where I really would like to go? I'd like to see Serkan's new home."

"He's probably busy Aydan hanim, maybe another day," she really didn't want to bring Aydan to Serkan in this state.

Aydan turned to Seyfi and winked, Seyfi rolled his eyes. She had obviously worn off her high and was now playing Eda, he would go along with her plan. Aydan started to tear up, "I understand Eda, I've been a burden to you for too long. You set me free, you can take me home."

Eda looked over at a dejected Aydan who had been so happy moments ago, "We can go to visit Serkan Aydan hanim, but not for too long, he's busy." She missed the small high five that passed between Seyfi and Aydan behind her. Serkan may not have come to breakfast but she was going to make sure that he saw Eda.

Her act went back into place, Aydan swam up the stairs and started knocking on the glass door.

Serkan got up from the table to see who was knocking, "Anne? How did you get here?"

Aydan saw the puzzled look on his face as he took her in, she pulled Eda forward, "This beauty freed me."

He had no idea what was going on but he was always going to want to see her, "Eda?" she gave him a funny little smile. What had his love done?

Aydan wasn't done, "We should hug," she pulled Eda and Serkan in tight forcing them together. Their cheeks meeting, Serkan let out a soft sigh of 'Eda,'. Ugh, thought Aydan, not good enough, they needed to kiss, "Oh, we forgot Seyfi. Let's hug again."

She pulled them in tight again this time Seyfi helped and turned Eda slightly so that she couldn't avoid Serkan and Aydan turned Serkan. Eda had heard his sigh of her name and she had melted a little bit, when Aydan moved them in for another hug Eda found her hand at Serkan's waist and her lips under his. Serkan's hand slid into Eda's hair, his hand naturally cupped the back of her head like he had so many times before. He wasn't sure if it was an accident or not but he couldn't stop for the world because these were Eda's lips, her soft, delicious lips, and she was kissing him back.

Seyfi slipped from the group hug first followed carefully by Aydan. The two co-conspirators watched as Serkan and Eda loved each other again. Eda's hand that wasn't at his waist was on his cheek, stroking and Serkan's other hand had stolen around her back to pull her closer.

Their kiss slowed and they broke apart, Serkan rested their foreheads together but neither let go, "Forgive me Eda."

She continued to stroke his cheek, "For what Serkan?"

Eda could feel his head shaking against hers, "For everything. For hurting you, for breaking up with you, for not being honest with you, for making you doubt how much I love you. For all of it. I should have told you the night at the movies but I've been so afraid of losing you and that's what I ended up doing anyways."

"Tell me Serkan. What could be so horrible?"

"What I have to tell you is horrible but you have a right to know. The accident that killed your parents eighteen years ago? My father told me after you and I committed ourselves that his company was responsible for it. He hired the subcontractor, he never checked his work, he never checked anything. I demanded that he tell you but he refused, he turned all the holding business over to me, made it my problem. I went to tell you after the breakfast but I heard you and Ceren talking. I heard you say that you couldn't forgive the person who was responsible."

"Oh Serkan you really shouldn't eavesdrop. We were talking about my grandmother and her role in the accident and her behavior before and after. Ceren asked about the person responsible for the accident Serkan, that wasn't you. You were a small child, not an adult like your father. You should have talked to me, we could deal with this together."

He brought his hand up to cover hers on his cheek, "Can we still deal with it together or have I broken your trust?"

"It's bruised not broken. I have your mother to deal with over there, we can talk later okay?" Eda placed another soft kiss on his lips before stepping back, Serkan kept hold of her hand though unwilling to let go just yet and Eda was fine with that.

Seyfi and Aydan were busily making coffee trying not to eavesdrop on Serkan and Eda, "Aydan hanim, how long ago did the tea wear off?"

"Tea? Was that what you gave me? Probably after the fifth woohoo, I couldn't imagine why I was saying that but I was just so happy. Our Edacim is so clever. Look, here they come Seyfi should I still be under the influence?"

He shook his head, "You've done enough."

"Anne, I don't understand how you got here," said Serkan perplexed.

Eda squeezed his hand, "Um, maybe I helped her to relax a little bit with some herbal tea."

Serkan started to laugh, "Eda you got my anne high?"

She blushed and tried to pull her hand from his, "Maybe but someone didn't do the right math so it was too much."

Aydan handed cups of coffee across to Eda and Serkan, "It worked and look, I'm free."

They all heard the scrape of a key in the lock and turned to see Selin opening the door, "Oh I didn't expect you here I thought just Serkan . . . . . "

Hearing Selin's voice Aydan came out of the kitchen, "Aydan hanim, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing Selin. Why do you have a key to my son's apartment?"

Serkan wondered the same thing, "I didn't know that Serkan had moved in yet and I had a pipe burst in my house so I thought that I would stay here for a few days. Serkan, it's a big place, I could stay downstairs."

Eda had enough of Selin and Serkan allowing her to do whatever she wanted, "Aydan hanim we need to leave, I have to take you back home before work so I can get my car."

Serkan knew that Eda was angry and he wasn't going to mess things up again, he stopped her by simply wrapping his arm around her stomach and pulling her back, "Actually Selin you know that I like my privacy so I don't believe that it's possible. You might want to check into a hotel until your house is repaired or another ArtLife property. I am sure that you were told that this one was already taken."

Selin colored slightly, "I wasn't aware that you had moved yet Serkan."

He felt Eda relax against him but didn't feel the need to move his arm yet, as long as Selin was here she was a flight risk. She patted his hand, "Serkan we all need to get to work, I have to drive back with your mother so I can get my car. I'm having dinner with Efe tonight so I need it."

"Excuse me anne, Seyfi. Selin we'll see you in the office. Eda I need to talk to you in the kitchen," Serkan fairly dragged her into the kitchen.

"Why are you going to dinner with Efe?"

"I told you we still need to figure out who set you up. If it isn't St. Selin over there then it has to be Efe and he's more likely to confess to me then to you." Serkan had to concede Eda that point.

"I don't like it Eda, I don't like the way he looks at you."

She narrowed her eyes, "Are you jealous Serkan?"

"Do you like that I am?"

Eda played with his tie, "Yes. I like it even more that you finally admit it.

Serkan tipped her chin up, "Are you jealous of Selin?"

"Yes and you know it."

"You know there was never any reason to be jealous. I want to be there listening in to your conversation not because I don't trust you but because I don't trust him."

"We can talk in the office. I have to go," Eda reached up to give him a kiss.

"Come home with me after dinner?"

"Maybe," at his pained look Eda relented, "If you behave I will now let me go."

"Never Eda."

"I should have said let me go to work," said Eda with a chuckle. Serkan gave her a pat on the bottom and followed her back to the others.

"Aydan hanim, Seyfi, let's go. Serkan I'll see you back at the office." Eda herded her charges out of the apartment and back to the Mustang.

"So Aydan hanim, very tricky on your part. Just when did the tea wear off?"

"Eda don't be mad at me. You and Serkan have been so miserable without each other. I knew that if you could just talk then you would figure it out."

She started laughing, "The two of you are simply awful but I can't be mad at either one of you. Seyfi and Aydan hanim, your literal pushing made Serkan and I start to talk which is what we should have done a couple of weeks ago it would have saved us both a lot of pain. I'm assuming that you both know the whole story?"

Aydan rested her hand on Eda's shoulder, "I did Edacim. I wanted to tell you and the other night I begged Serkan to tell you. I think that your support of him on the roof collapse, believing in him when no one else did, made him realize how important that it was to talk to you. So where will you two go from here?"

"Nosy, nosy Aydan hanim. Serkan and I will figure it out. First we need to find out who set him up and then we can go from there. Now that you're free from the house what are you going to do? Any ideas? Anywhere you want to go?"

"I have been thinking about it Eda, I've been thinking about it a lot especially when Aptekin told Serkan about your parents. I think it's time that I looked in the mirror and faced some facts. While I've been trapped inside this house Aptekin has gone on and lived his life without a care for mine. His treatment of Serkan has shown that he never had a care for him. How he treated you and your family was shameful. I won't live with a man like that any longer."

Eda was alarmed, "But Aydan what will you do? How will you live?"

Aydan and Seyfi both laughed, "Ah Eda, the Bolat name is mine. Aptekin took my name when we married because of the ancient lineage. The land, the money? All from my family. Aptekin has no claim on it. He will have to live off of his savings and anything that he earns from the holding."

"I had no idea Aydan hanim. Have you talked to Serkan about this yet?"

"No dear though when Aptekin told him about your family he asked how I could stay with such a man. It turns out that I can't. Besides, he's had one affair too many and I find that I'm tired of the humiliation."

Eda glanced at her, "I didn't know that Aydan hanim. I'm very sorry to hear that. So what will you do with your free time?"

"I've been thinking about that too. Remember when I tried to scare you when you and Serkan were first together a couple of weeks ago telling you that you would have to be my representative at my women's group?"

She didn't like where this was going, "Yeeesss?"

"Well I think that it's time that I rejoin society and go back to the group and as my future daughter-in-law you should accompany me."

"Aydan hanim, you're rushing a bit with the future daughter-in-law part and why do I have to go? Can't Seyfi go?"

"It's a women's group Eda hanim, I can't go," Seyfi was highly thankful too.

"Am I rushing Eda? You and Serkan were all set to leave for Italy together just a few weeks ago so don't tell me I'm rushing. We saw you two earlier, a piece of paper wouldn't have fit between you two."

Eda rolled her eyes very thankful that she was at the farm, "I could always break up with Serkan again."

"E-da, you wouldn't!"

"As much as I want to get out of going with you, no I wouldn't. Thank you for today Aydan hanim, Seyfi. Call me later and let me know when my punishment takes place," Eda called to Aydan as she hurried to her car.

Aydan yelled after her, "Daughter you need to work on your attitude, we'll have fun!"

Eda waved as she shook her head at Aydan while backing down the drive. She did owe Aydan and Seyfi, their pushing had gotten Serkan to talk. She would really like to talk to Aptekin and get the details from him, maybe Serkan already had that information. Aydan was right, Aptekin was a terrible father to Serkan and he sounded like a terrible husband to her. He owed her an explanation and she would get it.

Selin knocked on Serkan office before entering, "So what was earlier about Serkan? I don't see what the big deal was if I stayed with you a few days."

He looked up from his work, "Answer this question Selin, did you really not know that I had moved? I would swear that Pyril had told you."

"Yes I knew."

Serkan just stared at her, "So you got a key to my apartment and just thought that you would make yourself at home?"

"Eda lived with you, I don't see why you would have an issue if I stayed a few days."

He couldn't believe his ears, "The difference Selin is that Eda is my fiancée and you are not. Eda has always been welcome to come and go at my apartment and you have not. If you still have that key I want it now."

Selin reached into her purse and slapped it onto the table, "Eda isn't your fiancée, the two of you are broken up or don't you remember that?"

Eda heard most of the conversation and her heart sang with Serkan sticking up for her and yelling at Selin for once. She gave a single knock and came into the office, "Selin, I thought I heard your voice in here. Hi honey," she walked over to Serkan and he drew her close to kiss her cheek.

"I didn't want to interrupt but wanted to let you know that I got your mother back home and I have the finished design for the exterior of the house when you need it. I'll let you two get back to your conversation." Eda gave Serkan a kiss on his cheek before leaving the office.

Serkan knew what the minx was up to, she was claiming her territory and he loved it. "Actually Selin, Eda and I have been working out our differences over the past couple of days. You were the impetus the other day to get us talking again."

"Is she still going to talk to you when she finds out about her parents Serkan?"

He had been wondering who had been digging into the details of the holding, Serkan knew that it was more than one person, "What would you be doing snooping in holding business Selin? You aren't a shareholder."

"As the PR representative I have a right . . . . . ."

"I'll stop you right there, you are our PR representative. You operate at our convenience. You had no business digging into any details of the holding for anything other than personal gain or potential harm. As far as what will Eda do? She knows already. I told her myself."

Selin curled her upper lip, "I don't believe you."

"You don't have to believe me. The only person that has to believe me is Eda but she does know. She also knows that it is the reason that we broke up in the first place because I didn't want to tell her about Aptekin's involvement and have her associate it with me. She doesn't, it wasn't my fault, it is however Aptekin's fault."

"You really told her and she forgave you?"

"Yes Selin, when you love someone you do that. I'm not saying that she was happy that I didn't tell her a couple of weeks ago but I told her why. Was there anything else Selin?"

"Does she still think that I juggled the numbers?"

"Did you Selin?"

How dare he, "No I did not!"

"That was what I told Eda."

"Oh, well thank you," Selin turned and left his office. She would never understand what Eda had that she didn't, never. And now Eda and Aydan seemed to be the best of friends. Just how had Eda managed to get her out of the house?

Eda watched Selin leave and waited for a moment before going into Serkan's office, he was waiting for her right behind the door and caught her around the waist bringing her into the room and closing the door, "So honey," he said against her lips, "Did we stake our claim?"

Serkan could feel Eda's smile, "Maybe I did, do you have a problem with that?"

"Not if you give me a real kiss and not one of those cheek things," Eda was still smiling against his lips and then he felt her tongue lick across his top lip. Serkan's mouth welcomed her, his tongue played with hers. Eda's low hum of pleasure went straight down his spine.

He kissed his way across her cheek to under her ear, "Are you coming home with me tonight after dinner?" his mouth moved back to cover hers swallowing her moan.

Eda's head fell back as Serkan's hands molded her breasts pinching the nipples through her shirt and bra, "Do I get dessert Serkan?"

He whispered into her ear, "We both do. I'll get you chocolate ice cream and then I'll lick it off of you."

She cupped his erection, "Dinner? Who needs dinner? You make me want you so badly Serkan. Why did we start this here?"

"Should we go upstairs?"

Eda let out a frustrated little moan, "No, we have work to do. Yes I'll come home with you." They both started to gentle their touches. Serkan held her close for a little bit to calm their racing hearts.

"Come, sit next to me, let's finish the exterior."

They were quietly working on the exterior drawings when a knock sounded on the door and Efe walked in, "Eda, I didn't know that you were in here. What are you doing?"

"We're just finishing up the exteriors and landscaping. Did you need me? Oh, you were probably here for Serkan. We're done, I can send this by messenger to them for approval if you want."

"Please, thank you Eda. Efe did you need something?"

He waited for Eda to leave, "I'm glad that you were able to work together like adults. It's a nice change. Anyways they've agreed not to sue. I just got off the phone with their attorney though the stadium deal in London may be in jeopardy."

"I see. Well we'll have to wait until the work is completed on the house this week and re-evaluate though I think that once he hears that I was sabotaged he'll think differently."

Efe paled, "Sabotaged? What are you saying Serkan? Are you trying to say that someone did this to you on purpose?"

Serkan leaned back in his chair, "That's exactly what I'm saying. We're in the process of recovering the printer memory and should have the information in the morning. Between that and coordinating with the videos I'll know who set me up."

"Rather harsh words don't you think?"

"This is my professional reputation Efe so no I don't think that those are harsh words. Was there anything else that you needed?"

Efe turned and walked out the door, he was screwed. Once Serkan repaired the memory he would know that he was behind the printer change. He stepped outside to call his partner only to be told to deal with it. Deal with it? It was going to be his reputation that was in tatters now and for what? "Calm down Efe I'll be there in a week, we can deal with Serkan Bolat then."

Eda was shutting down her computer when her phone rang, "Aydan hanim, didn't I just see you earlier today? Do you miss me already?"

Aydan chuckled into the phone, "I do adore you Eda but that isn't why I called. Before I make a move with Aptekin I think you deserve the opportunity to talk to him. Once I file he's going to leave to who knows where. Do you want to talk to him?"

"How did you know?"

"I'm getting to know you pretty well my dear. Will tomorrow morning work? Bring Serkan for breakfast. I'll see you then and I'll make sure that Aptekin is available."

Eda got up from her desk and saw that Efe was still on a call, she slipped into Serkan's office, "I'm going to be leaving in a few minutes. I'll have my phone on speaker so you can listen in okay?"

"I can come get you at the restaurant, take Efe's car there. I'll wait outside in the parking lot," he was running his hand up and down her leg giving her shivers.

"Got it. I should go," Eda leaned over and gave him a kiss, slipping her tongue between his lips as his hand coasted up under her skirt.

Eda stepped back, "Serkan, you can wait a couple of hours."

"One hour for dinner, no more. Remember dessert is at home," Eda winked at him and left the office.

Dinner with Efe was fairly enjoyable if you didn't mind eating with a rat Eda thought. Efe wanted to ask Eda questions about Serkan, why had they broken up, how had she managed to go out with him in the first place because they were so different.

"Actually Efe Serkan and I aren't that different when you think about it. We're both very loyal, honest people who love our families and friends. You might think that Serkan had it easy growing up but he didn't. Just because you have money doesn't mean your life is easy. Serkan and I are both stubborn and have many similar tastes but in the end work became more important."

Efe started to laugh, "He gave you up for work? What an idiot."

Eda would have kicked him if she could, "Serkan has worked hard to make ArtLife the top firm in the country Efe. Why do you think that this roof issue has hit him so hard? He had never been hit with an accusation like this before. Serkan checks and triple checks his work. If he says that he was sabotaged then he was and if he says that he'll find who set him up he will."

"And what would Serkan do then once he found this person?"

"I don't know Efe. I can only tell you what he did to Kaan Karadag when he stole a design from him. He ruined him. Kaan deserved all that and more."

"If I didn't know better Eda I would say that you admire Serkan even though you aren't together."

"You have to appreciate the fact that Serkan is a brilliant businessman Efe. I do admire that. I also admire his work ethic. I don't particularly love that it created the break in our relationship but I respect his drive. You should too, you benefit from it by being a partner of his."

Serkan sat in his car and listened to Eda defending him. He really had gotten lucky with her. She was the most amazing woman. Eda was all the things that she said about them but more, she was loving and had the kindest heart, the most pure soul, she was funny and a little bit wicked. Look what she had done for his mother. Serkan chuckled at that. Seyfi and Eda got anne stoned and took her out in her Mustang. He knew that there was more to the story and he was sure that he would hear about it most likely from Seyfi.

He looked down at his phone, why was Efe trying to call him? He heard Eda saying that he was likely on another call and then she hung up. Well how was he supposed to know when she was done?

Efe disconnected, "He isn't answering."

"He's probably on another call. He's a workaholic and does a lot of international calls in the evenings because of the time differences. Are you ready to go? We can split the check."

"I insist Eda, let me get the check," he turned to flag down the server and Eda sent a quick text to Serkan, 'paying.'

Serkan read the message, they were getting the check now. He got out of the car and headed into the restaurant running into them just as they were coming out, "Serkan what are you doing here?" asked Efe.

"I actually came for Eda, I needed to talk to her and was hoping that I could do so over coffee."

Eda rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "That's fine."

Efe knew he had to come clean, he had already sent the emails, "I called you earlier Serkan but you didn't answer. I wanted to tell you that the roof collapse was my fault, I had an issue printing and wasn't aware that I had changed the settings until after the accident."

Serkan knew Efe was lying, "And you decided to tell me this now why? Because you knew I would find out the truth?"

"I wanted the problem to be corrected and it was."

"By me and my team. It had nothing to do with you other than the work that Eda did."

Efe knew Serkan didn't believe him, "I've already sent an explanatory email to you and the client, it's in your inbox. We can discuss this more tomorrow if you wish. Good evening."

"No need to say I told you so Serkan."

He held out his hand for hers, "I wasn't going to say that. I was just going to ask if you were ready for dessert. He can wait until tomorrow."

Eda followed him out of the restaurant and to his car, once seated Serkan leaned across the console to kiss Eda, "Thank you for doing that."

"Of course, no one should be allowed to mess with your career. You've worked too hard. Now let's go home."


Serkan backed Eda up against the door while he tried to unlock it but he had no focus with Eda sucking on his neck and unbuttoning his shirt. He finally got the door undone throwing the keys in the direction of the table before closing the door and locking it. Eda's little skirt had been driving him crazy all day. He skimmed his hands up to her thong and gave it a yank breaking it before pulling it down and away from her legs. Eda freed Serkan's cock from his pants, her eyes closed at the feel of him in her hand again. Serkan tested Eda's readiness thrusting two fingers deep in her sex, her wet heat swallowed him. Eda started bucking against his fingers, he used his thumb against her clit rubbing in a fast circle as Eda rode his hand. Serkan sucked on the tendon at the base of her neck, Eda always loved that feeling. With a low groan Eda stared orgasming on his fingers, she was still clenching on them when he took his fingers out and replaced them with his cock driving deep in Eda.

She sighed in pleasure, "I've missed you, the way you feel in me."

Serkan groaned in response, "So tight and wet Eda, just for me."

He pumped his hips hard, his fingers gripping Eda's ass. She would have bruises in the morning but she didn't care, Serkan would kiss them better and they would start all over again. He lightly bit the tendon on her neck as he drove into her. Eda couldn't hold off her second orgasm as she shouted her release. Serkan thrust faster until he stiffened, he was as deep as he could go when he released, his climax chased down his spine as he gave her everything he had.

Serkan leaned against Eda pressing her deep into the wall, "My dreams didn't compare to the reality of you baby. I want to stay like this all night."

"Against the wall honey?"

"No baby, buried deep in you though I like the wall. Let me carry you upstairs. Push my pants down so I don't fall on my ass please?"

Eda helped him to get rid of his pants and his jacket and shirt while she was at it. He pulled Eda away from the wall and peeled away her jacket, Eda stripped her top and bra off before Serkan unzipped her skirt and she took that off over her head. "Do you want you dessert now?"

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, "Not yet, I need more of you first."

He carried her upstairs and laid her on the bed. Serkan flexed his hips deep into her, "Like this Eda?"

Her feet were planted on either side of his hips as Eda pushed to meet his, "Yes, just like this."

They loved slowly until both needed the extra friction to reach their climax and Serkan levered up onto his arms for the final thrusts, he came first but his triggered Eda's. He lay down on top of her, her legs still cradling him.

"How did I think that I was going to make it without you Eda? I missed everything about you. I walked in the park every night hoping to see you again but I never did."

"I stayed away from the park. The office was bad enough. Your insistence on working in the drafting room all the time instead of your office? You were killing me."

"I couldn't stay away, I couldn't leave you alone. And then there you were always bumping into me, I wanted to drag you into my office and I had to pretend to ignore it. Or when you drank too much at Pyril's birthday and we danced. You wouldn't let me take you home."

"No Serkan because we would have ended up in bed, I was weak and so were you. You needed to tell me the truth first. We needed the push from your mother and Seyfi today. They literally pushed us Serkan."

He chuckled, "And we took advantage of it. I love you Eda and I'm not letting you go again."

"That had better be a promise that you keep Serkan."

"I swear to keep this promise, I will love you until my last day on earth and then into the next life. And you, do you still love me?"

Eda's hands pulled his face to hers for a tender kiss, "I love you Serkan. You broke my heart but you kept the pieces safe and put it back together. You have to keep it whole this time."

"I will. Do you think you can move your ring back to the right finger Eda?"

She slipped it off her middle finger and put it back on her ring finger, "Happy now?"

"Almost. I'll be happier when we pick a date, the sooner the better in my mind."

Serkan shifted his weight to the side and Eda rolled with him, "Why so soon?"

"Because I know what it's like to lose you and besides anne keeps calling you daughter so we can't make a liar out of her."

Eda snickered, "Right, like she and Seyfi didn't play me today. She's even suckered me into going to her women's group again. Oh and Serkan we're going there for breakfast tomorrow. Your mother is going to make sure your father is there so I can talk to him and after I talk to him she's filing for divorce. Are you okay with that?"

"As long as I don't have to go to women's group sure. . . . I'm kidding. I told my anne weeks ago to divorce him and as far as breakfast, yes you need to talk to him and I'll be by your side if you want me there. He came to the office yesterday and wanted to bond because I had made a mistake he thought we were equals."

"Oh baby that isn't true, you are so much better. You act with integrity even when you're taking an opponent down like you did with Kaan, you made the trap and he walked into it."

"Do you want some ice cream Eda?"

"Are you changing the subject?"

"A bit but I also have been thinking about it for hours now." They cleaned up a little bit and Serkan went down to get a small bowl of ice cream and one spoon. He fed Eda and then dipped the spoon in some of the melted cream and drizzled it on her breast. He licked and sucked it clean, the taste was Eda plus chocolate. Eda returned the favor dripping it on his small flat nipples before licking and nibbling them clean. They had chocolate ice cream everywhere, Serkan had dripped it down Eda's sex to clean up and she had spread it all over his cock. It was mutually enjoyable and messy, they showered and changed the sheets before falling back into bed to sleep.


In the morning Serkan and Eda went to the farm for breakfast, neither were sure how Aydan was going to get Aptekin there but if she said he would be there it would happen. The look on Aptekin's face as Eda rounded the corner of the house with Serkan was priceless thought Aydan. It was simple bribery that had gotten him to the table, that and a small white lie. She had no intention of investing with him or getting any investment advice from him but he didn't need to know that. This morning was for Eda and Serkan. Her future daughter-in-law deserved the opportunity to confront the man responsible for the loss of her parents.

Aptekin looked at Aydan knowing that he had been set up, "What's the meaning of this Aydan?"

Aydan calmly picked up her coffee cup, "The meaning of what Aptekin? Breakfast? Or Serkan and Eda being back together in spite of your cowardice? Or that Eda has a right to speak to you? You have the option of talking to her here or you may do it privately. The choice is Eda's not yours Aptekin."

Eda put her hand on Aydan shoulder and gave it a squeeze of thanks, Aydan covered her hand returning the squeeze, "I'd like to speak to Aptekin privately. Serkan do you want to come with me?"

"Always honey."

A resigned Aptekin got up from his chair and walked back into the house followed by Eda and Serkan. Aydan and Seyfi watched them leave.

"Aydan hanim, I will say that this new version of you is impressive. You are going to do good things in the future," said Seyfi toasting her with his coffee cup.

She smiled back at him, "Honestly Seyfi it feels as though a weight has been lifted from my back. I know that I screamed it at the top of my lungs yesterday but I feel free for the first time in many years. I know that Eda and you may have tricked me a bit but it was so worth it. Even before that spending time with Eda just made me feel better, that young woman is special. You were wise seeing that in her from the beginning Seyfi."

"Eda has her faults but she was just what this family needed. Serkan bey was never going to want Selin hanim. You saw them together. The poor man looked in pain when he was with her or as if he was in a business meeting. How did he look the first time we saw him with Eda hanim? Free, the same way you feel. The two of them are very happy together you could see how they looked when they walked in. If I'm not mistaken we'll be talking about a wedding over breakfast."

"I would call Ayfer but I think that Eda should be the one to tell her not me."

Ayfer rounded the corner, "Tell me what Aydan?"

"Ayfer, good morning, come sit have coffee. We're waiting on Eda and Serkan to come back from talking to Aptekin."

"No, I have a few things to say to him too. I talked with Eda this morning already so I know why they're talking. I'll be back shortly," Ayfer swept into the house.

Aydan gave a little snort, "Good luck to Aptekin. Two angry Yildiz women."

Eda squared off with Aptekin, "I would ask that you explain yourself. How could you just allow someone else take the blame for your mistakes? Not just the construction error that killed my parents but then telling me about it? It was never Serkan's responsibility to tell me only yours, he has no role in this only you."

Aptekin folded into the chair, "I got careless. I was more concerned with making money and growing the business than quality. I should never have been in construction, I don't have that skillset but I lied to myself that I could do it. I was wrong. I didn't check anything because I didn't know what to check and was careless. I just wanted everything to be done and the deal finished. When I read about the building collapse I tried to distance myself as much as possible from the contractor I hired and buried the holding's connection to it. I did try to find you so that I could compensate you but you were gone. Over the years I thought I escaped and then someone started digging and you came along and I found out that you were the little girl. I thought that Serkan brought you into the family that he should be the one to manage it."

She was livid, "You are a coward. As long as you thought you could keep your hands clean you didn't care how many people you destroyed. Are you trying to say that because Serkan and I fell in love he should bear the burden of your mistake? You arrogant jackass. It wasn't enough to torment him through his childhood you had to keep going while he was an adult. It was not his responsibility to tell me about my parents Aptekin it was yours. From the moment you found out it was yours."

Serkan laid a hand on Eda's back rubbing in slow circles. He didn't need her to fight his battles but she was just so angry that it spilled out. She turned back to him, "Sorry."

Aptekin sneered at both of them, "So now you have another woman fighting your battles, first your mother and now this one."

Serkan stared back at him coldly, "Neither need to fight for me, I am more than capable of dealing with you Aptekin. Neither are fighting my battles they are only stating the obvious. Eda is right, you are a coward but I believe I said that very thing to your face when you dumped all of this on me weeks ago. You purposely tried to ruin my relationship with my fiancée and I almost let you succeed but I knew that Eda deserved the truth. Something that you aren't too fond of. The only true thing that you've said this whole time is that you were careless. You knew what the job was, you had worked in the construction industry for years so you knew that your contractors were shoddy. You were greedy and didn't care. I doubt that you even looked for Eda after the accident. If Eda decides to go forward with charges I'll help her however I can."

Serkan noticed that Ayfer was in the room with them, "Ayfer hanim do you want to add anything?"

"No, Serkan, you and Eda have said it all, thank you."

He turned back to Aptekin, "Anything else to say? Maybe try a heartfelt apology?"

"I never meant to harm anyone. I'm sorry Eda, Ayfer, so very sorry for what I've done," he turned and walked out of the room.

Ayfer walked up to hug Eda, "Not the apology that we wanted but I think that it's all the we're going to get. Thank you Serkan for standing up for our family."

Eda was talking into Ayfer's shoulder, "What did you say Eda?"

"I said Serkan is family, he's our family, my family. The accident was why we broke up, he was afraid that I would associate my parents death with him."

"Serkan, you had nothing to do with that. We don't hold you responsible. And what do you mean my family Eda?"

She moved over to Serkan's embrace, "We've decided to go ahead and set a date to get married. We thought that we could talk about it with Aydan hanim over breakfast."

Ayfer moved her mouth but no sound came out. Serkan rescued her, "Come have coffee Ayfer hanim if all else fails Seyfi might have some Mardin tea left."

Eda burst out laughing. For once Serkan had actually made a joke that was funny, "Serkan that was actually funny, you're getting better."

He just raised his eyebrow and showed Eda and Ayfer back out to the patio. Aydan and Seyfi were eagerly waiting, "How did it go?"

Serkan held Ayfer's chair for her and then got Eda's, she said, "About like you could imagine Aydan hanim. Let's not talk about him anymore please."

"Eda do you want to talk about my woman's club meeting tonight?" Serkan patted her on the back as she choked on her coffee.

"So soon? I thought I would have more time."

Aydan smiled at her, "We're striking while the iron is hot. If you come over at seven we can go together. We can take the Mustang again."

Ayfer looked at Aydan, "So you're leaving the house now?"

"Thanks to your tea, yes. We had a lovely morning yesterday Eda, Seyfi and I. We went into the city and I got to see all the places that I had been missing and then I saw Serkan's new apartment. It's near the University, I'm sure he selected it with Eda in mind so that she could have it convenient to her for classes."

"I did anne. Actually Eda and I would like to set a date to get married. We don't want a large wedding and I know that breaks your heart but it isn't what we want." Eda gripped his hand under the table.

"Something small and soon."

Ayfer and Aydan both looked at them, "Soon? Is there a rush to have it soon? Is there something that you aren't telling us?"

"No anne, Ayfer hanim we just don't want to wait."

"How soon are we talking about?"

Eda and Serkan looked at each other, Eda answered Ayfer, "A week. We'd like to have it right here if that works Aydan hanim."

They discussed details until Serkan pushed back his chair claiming that he and Eda needed to get to the office. He still had the issue of Efe to deal with and he had an idea for that. Serkan shared his idea with Eda, "It will put me out of a job Serkan."

"You can come back to work for ArtLife Eda. As my wife you would work for the company anyway wouldn't you?"

"I suppose that I could do that. I might have to negotiate a raise with the boss though," Eda said coyly.

"What's mine is yours Eda but you'll earn the same thing that Efe was paying you and then when you graduate we'll re-evaluate and put you on the same pay structure that the other architects are on which is a base salary plus a percentage of the projects that they bring in."

She was shocked, "Serkan is that how you're paid?"

"No, as an owner what I bring in goes to a general fund. I don't draw a salary though Engin and Pyril do."

Eda covered her ears, "I don't want to know Serkan, I'm not an owner, I don't need to know."

Efe didn't see Eda and Serkan come in together so he wasn't aware that they were back together. When Serkan requested that Efe share with the team that he was behind the roof collapse he balked.

"That's fine Efe, I can just forward the letter that you sent me. The same results will happen."

He knew that he was cornered so he made his apology. Eda had stood to the side away from Efe and away from Serkan, she already knew Serkan's plans and wanted to give nothing away. Efe stalked out of the drafting room, "Eda may I speak with you?"

She followed him to the small conference room, "You know that I won't be able to continue to work here. I'll most likely be going back to Italy within the next couple of weeks. I'd like for you to come with me. I think that we could continue working together, you could continue with school and maybe down the road maybe we could consider something more than a business relationship."

"I'm already enrolled in University here Efe and don't want to disrupt my education, if need be I can work with Idil hanim or stay here at ArtLife. As far as a relationship between us I don't think that is ever going to be possible."

"How can you possibly want to stay here and work with someone like Serkan Bolat?"

"Efe you almost ruined his reputation. Do you know how hard he's worked for that? Serkan has every right to be angry. He has every right to ask for you to make a statement."

"And here I thought that you would be on my side Eda with all that you've been through at the hands of Serkan."

She couldn't believe his words, "It's his professional reputation Efe. You don't ever mess with that. Regardless of the state of Serkan and my relationship I would never condone ruining someone's credibility unless they had deliberately set out to cause harm. You didn't did you Efe? I know you said that you changed it by accident but it's a very large mistake."

He looked at her, he knew that she suspected that he did it on purpose. His only mistake was that he made a bigger error on the calculation. He didn't intend for the roof to actually collapse the way that it did, "Rather suspicious Eda aren't you? I didn't intend to change the printer numbers to the ones that were on the blueprint if that's what you're asking."

Eda crossed her arms, "It wasn't what I asked but you gave me your answer. I can't believe you Efe, you changed those numbers on purpose. It wasn't a mistake. How could you do such a thing?"

"Keep your voice down Eda. You don't know what you're talking about."

"Have it your way Efe. I have work to do," she avoided him the remainder of the day. Serkan managed to get him to broadcast a message accepting the responsibility in lieu of a lawsuit. What Efe didn't know was that the broadcast made its way to Italy so the business community was aware of his perfidy. Selin was managing the statement but had no idea the wide range of markets that Serkan had it released to. Efe would find the business climate in Italy very uncomfortable when he went home.

Serkan drove Eda to Ayfer's so that she could change for the woman's club meeting, "I can come get you if you like Eda."

"And I love that you want to do that Serkan but I can't leave your mother on her own just yet. What you can do is pick me up from the farm when we're done. Will that work?"

"If that's all I can get then yes that will work, do you want me to take some clothes to the apartment for tomorrow?"

"I'll bring a bag down with me, do you want to come in and wait?"

Serkan weighted his options, "I think I'm good here. I can do a little work while I wait."


"Not a chicken, practical. The more I get done now the more time we have when you get home."

On the drive to his mother's house Eda filled Serkan in on her conversation with Efe and that she believed that he had made the changes on purpose. Serkan agreed with her which is why he made a point of having his statement broadcast in Italy as well as Turkey.

"Serkan, you didn't!" she knew he was brilliant but not sneaky at least not like this. In the bedroom was totally different.

"Do you know me at all Eda?"

"I know you very well Serkan. I just thought that you saved that sneaky stuff for me."

He gave a small laugh, "There's business sneaky and then there's you sneaky and it's not sneaky Eda. I just can't get enough of you. Maybe when were old and gray but I doubt it. Besides, you're pretty sneaky too or do I need to remind you?"

Eda was starting to get very warm, "Oh I remember very well Serkan, very well. We should stop this otherwise your mother's woman's club meeting is going to be very uncomfortable."

He pulled into the drive but Eda didn't want him to come into the house since she and Aydan were leaving right away. Serkan held her face to his as he kissed her, "Make sure she behaves sweetheart."

She really should have listened to Serkan. Aydan was determined to drive tonight, "But Aydan hanim, you haven't driven in twenty years. And there aren't seatbelts."

Aydan waved Eda to the car, "You worry too much Eda."

Eda didn't think so. She said a small prayer as Aydan pulled out of the garage. At least they weren't speeding she thought as Aydan moved at a snail's pace down the road. Eda thought she might be able to run faster than Aydan was driving, "You're doing good Aydan hanim but maybe a tiny bit faster?"

It only took them thirty minutes to make the ten minute drive to the meeting hall, no wonder Aydan wanted to leave early. She pulled into the parking spaces and left the car on a diagonal taking up more than her fair share. Eda handed the keys to the valet, "Please I beg of you repark that car and back it in? I don't think she knows how to go in reverse," before running after Aydan.

She grabbed onto Eda's arm, "I admit Eda that I'm nervous. I haven't seen some of these women in years. Most of them stopped visiting me."

Eda patted her hand, "Their loss not yours. It will be fine and I'm here."

Aydan walked in the door with Eda, "Hello ladies. It's good to see you all."

"Aydan Bolat is that you? Since when did you start coming to meetings? And who do you have with you?"

She took her chair with Eda next to her, "I decided it was time to come in person and this is my future daughter-in-law Eda."

One sour woman looked at Eda and then spied her ring, "I had heard that you were broken up."

Eda simply smiled at her and Aydan interjected, "Just a rumor made by a jealous person. Eda and Serkan actually have a date selected already. So what's tonight's order of business?"

Most of the women were very nice Eda thought but there were three of them directly across from her that were simply dreadful. The old cats had very biting tongues but Aydan was up for the challenge, she whispered behind her hand to Eda, "Feel free to insult them they can't tell the difference. The one in the middle is Ferit's aunt, she's the ringleader."

They were discussing a charity project that Eda found interesting when Ferit's aunt called out, "Why Serkan Bolat, what brings you here?"

Eda watched Serkan walking towards them, "My apologies ladies but I had urgent business that I needed to talk to my fiancée about."

"Serkan we're in the middle of the meeting can it wait until I get home?"

He looked rather cross when he said, "No. Excuse us for just a moment ladies," he offered his hand to Eda and took her to a room upstairs for a bit more privacy.

As soon as the door was closed he turned on her, "Have you lost your mind Eda? You let her drive? She could kill both of you."

He was afraid for her, "Honey, it took us thirty minutes to get here she drove so slow. Your mother has to practice. Granted I wasn't expecting her to want to practice tonight but it was okay, she got better towards the end. Were you worried about me?"

"Of course I was. What if something happened to you?" he had her forearms in a tight grip.

"Nothing happened baby. We were passed by a few butterflies but otherwise it was okay. I promise that I'll drive home. How did you even find out or did Seyfi rat us out?"

"He was concerned. I'll have him drive with her during the day. He's going to love that."

Eda slid her arms around his waist, "Give me a kiss and let me get back to the ladies."

Serkan fit his lips to hers, the light suction just perfect and yet not enough, "Come home with me Eda, I'll send Seyfi back."

"Love, I'll text you when I'm leaving so you can pick me up, you can wait that long. Walk me downstairs and say goodbye."

He reluctantly turned her back over to his mother and said his goodnights. Ferit's aunt asked Eda with a false sweetness, "Did you get everything straightened out dear?"

"Yes, it was just a small work issue."

"You work with Serkan? We all thought that you were a model."

Aydan broke in at that statement, "Eda is a very talented Landscape Architect. She is more than a beautiful face, she is smart and talented. Let's continue with our meeting. Eda do you think that Serkan will sponsor the charity again this year?"

She caught the slight wink from Aydan, "If he's done it in the past there's no reason for him not to continue. I can talk to him about it later or you can come to the office Aydan Hanim."

"I would love to do that then you and I can go out to lunch. Maybe Serkan could join us."

Eda and Aydan tolerated the not so subtle digs from Ferit's aunt for another hour but also had a good session planning out their charity venture. When it was time to leave Eda managed to snag the keys from the valet before Aydan could get them.

"It's late Aydan hanim, I have to work tomorrow so we need to get home at a reasonable hour. You and Seyfi can practice during the daytime tomorrow. It's easier to get back into driving during the day, you'll have more confidence." Before she started the car she texted Serkan that they were 'OTW' so that he could meet her.

Eda continued to work with Efe though things were rather tense in the office now that everyone knew that he was responsible for the roof collapse. No one actually believed that it was an accident. The wedding plans were kept very quiet with only a select few in the office knowing about them. Eda and Serkan debated telling Engin because he couldn't keep a secret and Pyril because she was so close to Selin. In the end they swore them both to secrecy.

Pyril sighed, "I'll make sure Engin keeps his mouth shut and I promise that I will say nothing to Selin. You can trust us on this I promise. I take it this is being kept from Efe too?"

Serkan looked at Eda who nodded, "Especially him. None of us trust him. He had told Eda that he would go back to Italy and yet he's still here. Maybe he's waiting for that silent partner to come."

"Silent partner? What are you talking about Serkan," asked Eda.

"I forgot that you didn't know. When Ferit told us that Efe bought in to the holding he said he did it as proxy for someone but he didn't know who it was. Efe wouldn't tell Ferit when he asked him."

"That is so odd, he has never said anything to me. He told me he was going back to Italy and asked me to come with. Not as if I would go but he mentioned no partner. Should I try to find out who it is?"

All three said at the same time, "No!"

"I was just asking, don't be upset."

Engin shook his head, "We aren't upset Eda we just don't want to tip him off while we're still investigating him."

Eda agreed to keep quiet and not talk to Efe. Because they were doing a small wedding, Eda and Serkan didn't do the dowry or the henna night and much to Engin's dismay there was no bachelor party either, "We can do one for yours Engin," promised Serkan.

On Saturday, the morning of the wedding the day was sunny and clear. Eda had spent the evening with Aydan, hala and all the girls. They did their own karaoke party in the salon. Eda was looking through the selections when she came across a song from a movie that she had seen, she knew it was a remake but she loved the song and knew that she had to do it with the girls.

"Pyril can you come here, I have a song for you to sing. It's a bit different but I think you're going to love it. It's for Aydan hanim, the girls and I will sing backup," Eda showed Pyril the song and she started to laugh.

"Let's do it!"

The opening bars of the music sounded and Pyril belted out, "Mustang Sally, guess you better slow your Mustang down. Oh, what I said now. Mustang Sally, now baby, oh no. Guess you better slow your Mustang down, huh oh yeah. . Oh, I guess I'll have to put your flat feet on the ground, huh. What I said now. Listen, all you want to do is ride around Sally."

Eda, Leyla and Fifi chimed in, "Ride, Sally ride."

Ceren had taken a video of them performing the song, her camera jiggling because they were all laughing so hard. Aydan went up and joined in the chorus of, "Ride, Sally ride," but they had changed to it Aydan and were now calling her Mustang Aydan.

Aydan loved it so much that she had Ceren send a copy of the video to her but Ceren didn't stop there she sent it to Ferit too who shared it with Serkan and Seyfi.

Seyfi blanched, "None of you have had to drive with Mustang Aydan yet. Just you wait!"

Eda came and sat next to Aydan, "Did you love your surprise?"

She hugged Eda hard, "Oh I did! I haven't laughed that hard or had this much fun in I don't know how long. I love you my sweet girl and I am so happy that tomorrow I will call you daughter for real."

"I know it's been a hard week on you Aydan hanim. . . . ."

"No more Aydan hanim. Aydan anne or just anne. If you don't want to do that then Aydan, we're family now."

Eda smiled at her, "Okay, we're family. I was just saying that I know that this week has been hard on you with the divorce and I wanted to see you smile."

"Ah Eda I have smiled so much in the past week. Ayfer and I went for lunch, you and I did coffee and we all went dress shopping. It has been a wonderful week and Serkan has been happy," Aydan sighed a very happy sigh.

They went to bed tired but happy having all enjoyed good company. They hadn't missed a henna party, tonight was much more fun.

Seyfi was overseeing all the final arrangements on the outdoor settings, a large tent has been erected to protect from the slight chill in the air. The inside was perfumed with flowers and chandeliers were hanging from the ceiling. It was a beautiful sight.

Eda was putting the final touches on her makeup before she stepped into her gown. The lightweight silk gown molded to her body. It was a very simple design, form fitted with a delicate floral patterned lace overlay, hundreds of tiny crystals at the center of the flowers caught the light when she moved. The high neck was modest but the low back added a touch of sexiness and elegance to the look. Eda had selected a snowy white as Serkan always loved when she wore white. She wore her hair in a low bun at the base of her neck and long diamond drop earrings gifted to her by Aydan. An orchid blossom was fixed into the bun by Ayfer and Eda was declared ready.

Serkan was nervous but excited. He stood at the tent entrance waiting for Eda to appear. One by one the women filtered into the tent from the house to join the men already in the tent. The last to appear was Eda. She took his breath away with her beauty and elegance.

He stepped up to her, "Are you ready my love?"

Eda looked at Serkan, so very handsome in his tux, "I am very ready to be your wife." She laid her hand on his as he led her up to the table where Engin and Melo waited for them. Their two oldest friends would be their witnesses today.

The traditional ceremony to unite Eda and Serkan was short but tender and a tiny bit funny when Eda had to be reminded to say yes. She had been looking into Serkan's eyes, memorizing them and taking in every inch of his face, her happy, "Yes," was met with chuckles. Serkan was much more focused. Looking into Eda's eyes he gave his own, "Yes." That left Engin and Melo to provide their agreement, which they did with great joy. The officiant pronounced them husband and wife.

Serkan cradled Eda's face in his hands, "I love you Eda, so very much," he said softly before kissing Eda tenderly.

Eda placed her hands on his cheeks, "And I love you so very much Serkan," kissing him again.

Afraid that they would go back and forth all evening, Engin and Melo started clapping for them. Serkan just hugged Eda to him. Pyril took the microphone from the DJ and proceeded to sing a song for their first dance. They were lost in their own world of love.

After the first dance everyone sat to have dinner. Seyfi had outdone himself with the caterer. There was champagne to toast, Serkan noticed that Eda was taking very tiny sips or just pretending to sip. He drew her to the side.

"Is there something that you need to tell me Eda? Are we going to be parents after all?"

Her bottom lip pouted, "Will you be terribly upset?"

A huge smile split his face, "Never. It's too soon from our reconciliation are you telling me that you were pregnant on that crazy day a few weeks ago?"

Eda nodded, "But I didn't know Serkan. I thought that I had missed my period because of everything that we had gone through but I missed my second one so I took a test this week. I didn't know how to tell you. I know we didn't plan this."

Serkan lifted her and slowly spun her around before letting her slide down in the circle of his arms, nose to nose with her he said, "I get to love you and our baby. What more could I ask for? Are you okay with it, I should ask you too."

"Of course I am. A family with you is my dream. I'll be able to finish school, love you and have a baby. How could I not be happy?"

"We need to go to the doctor to get everything confirmed but let's not tell anyone. How do you feel?"

"Good, a little tired but good. Let's go back to our guests I don't want anyone asking questions just yet."

Serkan was never a big drinker of wine or champagne so when he asked for sparkling water for himself and Eda Seyfi thought nothing of it. The wedding guests danced and talked for hours until Serkan saw Eda starting to nod off.

He walked over and scooped her up out of the chair, "Thank you all but I think it's time for Eda and I to say goodnight."

Eda waved over Serkan's shoulder, "Good night, thank you! We love you all! Keep having fun!"

Ayfer and Aydan stood with their arms around each other's waist, "We did good Ayfer, our children are happy."

"They are Aydan, very happy."

Eda fell asleep on the way back to the apartment. Serkan wasn't upset, he just picked her up and carried her upstairs, setting her on her feet to unlock the door before sweeping her up in his arms again to carry over the threshold.


Eda hand was playing with the shell of his ear, "I'm awake Serkan, I just needed a small nap to recharge."

"I don't mind carrying you upstairs," he said as he proceeded to do just that setting her on her feet at the end of the bed. Eda untied his bow tie and tossed it in the direction of the chair. She helped Serkan to release his cufflinks and attacked all the buttons on his shirt.

"Serkan why do you have so many clothes on," Eda exclaimed.

He ran his fingers up her spine, "You don't?"

"Nope, just unzip me," he released the small zipper at her low back and Eda gave a small shrug of her shoulders to drop her dress. She was left in front of Serkan in a tiny lace thong.

Serkan's mouth went dry, "I only had this between us tonight Eda? That's kind of mean."

She reached over and removed his shirt, vest and jacket as she placed sucking kisses on his neck, "Not mean, expedient. I knew what I wanted."

He reached up and cupped her breasts, "I should have known you were pregnant. Your breasts are more sensitive and bigger. I thought I was imagining it though."

Eda covered his hand with hers and had him pinching the nipple, "Not imagining. My bras aren't fitting that well anymore."

Unzipping his pants while Serkan toed off his shoes Eda reached in for his erection, closing her fingers around the shaft as he pushed his pants and boxers down his legs. Serkan kicked his pants away and reached for Eda's thong sliding it down for her to kick away with her shoes. He brought his hands down her body and rested them on her abdomen for a minute before dipping his hand down into her sex. Eda was wet for him already. "On the bed honey," they climbed into bed, Serkan between her legs, his cock nudging at her sex.

Serkan kissed Eda, his tongue tracing her lips waiting for her to open. She licked his tongue delicately with hers, tickling at the corners of his mouth before Serkan followed her to stroke her tongue. Eda coasted her hands down his back to his muscled buttocks, her fingers in the cleft of his ass as Eda pulled him to her. Serkan flexed his hips and thrust deep as Eda pulled, "There baby, right there," Eda sighed.

Her walls were already contracting around his shaft as Serkan withdrew almost all the way out before driving in hard again, Eda's groans fueled the fire in Serkan as he pulled out and thrust back in. Eda's climax crested as Serkan began his own she felt too good to stop as he continued to rock into her through his release.

Eda could feel Serkan spasming in her and whispered, "Honey we can't get me more pregnant. You're outdoing yourself and I love it."

Serkan groaned with a final push into her, "Maybe it's you being pregnant my love."

She stroked her hands down his back, "I love whatever it is."

"I just can't believe that we're going to have a baby. So when I thought you were pregnant that day we worked together you actually were you just didn't know it yet?" Serkan rolled to his side and pulled Eda close to him.


"Yes but that day I just had a stomach bug it was nothing else. I haven't had morning sickness or anything else. I'm just tired a little more than before."

He pulled her hips closer to his, "Soon we'll have your baby belly between us."

"Hmmm, will you mind?"

"If I'm holding you I never mind." Eda kissed him, falling asleep mid-kiss leaving her lips on his. Serkan kissed her back leaving their lips touching as he fell asleep.

They didn't take a honeymoon nor did they announce their marriage in the office. Eda and Serkan came back to work on Monday like it was any other work day. They had no idea of the storm that was brewing.

Efe was fidgety all morning, "Are you all right Efe, you seem agitated."

He looked at Eda, "Who me? Yes I'm fine," but he wasn't fine his silent partner was set to arrive and throw a bomb into ArtLife and the holding and only he knew about it.

Ferit practically ran into Serkan's office followed by Engin, they closed the doors, "We know who his silent partner is. Engin got a tip and I tracked it down. Semiha Yildrim. Eda's. . . . . . "

"Grandmother. She despises the woman and has no idea that she coming here? Do we know when she's coming?"

Engin looked at Ferit, "We think today."

"Damn, and she's a sitting duck in there with Efe right now. We have to get her out of there." Serkan sent her a quick text, 'office asap,' hopefully she could get away.

Eda felt the buzz of a text, she reached over and read it wondering why Serkan needed her in the office now, "I'll be right back Efe," Eda said picking up her phone and heading in the direction of the ladies room. She circled around and went to Serkan's office.

"What's wrong?"

Serkan drew her into the office, "We think that Efe's partner is coming today. Ferit and Engin finally tracked the person down. Eda, the silent partner is your grandmother."

She drew back and looked at Serkan, then at Ferit and Engin, "You're joking. Please tell me that you're joking?"

Ferit shook his head sadly, "Sorry Eda, Engin and I were thorough. They hid it pretty well but it's her."

"Serkan get Efe in here now, make him tell you what that witch is up to, it can't be anything good. I'm not a part of ArtLife or the holding so this has to be about you."

"We figured that out already Eda, that's part of how Ferit and Engin found her. She was digging into the holding, she knows about my father's part in your parents death. The only reason to buy into the holding is to come after me."

Eda was beginning to panic and Serkan was worried for her, he didn't need her to pass out and they had to be careful with the baby. He leaned in to whisper, "Breathe baby, we're ready. I have reinforcements coming in."

She looked at him rather stunned, "Reinforcements?"

"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you."

Eda pushed back, "Not me Serkan. You! She wants to hurt you!"

"I'm aware of that Eda. That's why I called in reinforcements. Engin, Ferit? Do we want to call Efe in here to have a little chat? Eda do you want to go upstairs to my old office? Pyril said she would work up there with you for a bit until it's time to come down."

"I can do that. But don't do anything stupid Serkan." She leaned in to say softly, "I need you sweetheart and so does your baby."

Serkan smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek, he followed her to the door. The team was used to seeing him pine after Eda since they had broken up and none were aware that they were back together or married other than a small select few.

Eda made her way to Serkan's old office followed by Pyril, Selin ran into them in the hall, "What are you doing in Serkan's office Eda? You aren't an ArtLife employee."

Pyril interrupted her, "Eda and a I are working on a project together Selin we have Serkan's approval, we don't need yours. Come on Eda, we have a deadline." She practically pushed Eda into the office and closed the door in Selin's face.

"I can't believe that you did that," whispered Eda.

"Why are you whispering Eda?"

"Because I'm sure she's still outside the door, go check." It was Eda's turn to push Pyril.

She opened the door quickly pretending to say to Eda, "I can go get another . . . . .Selin did you need something? Why are you still out here?"

Selin sputtered, "Oh, I was just checking a file. I was headed downstairs to see if Serkan wanted to go get lunch," she threw that in for Eda's benefit.

"I doubt it Selin, he's in a meeting with Ferit, Engin and Efe and doesn't want to be disturbed."

Selin just scoffed at Pyril, "He always has time for me."

Pyril shut the door saying, "Your funeral," before turning to Eda, "Has she always been that unsufferable?"

"You're asking me Pyril? You already know the answer, of course she has. Let's see if we can get a view of what's going on down below."

They sat on the sofa with their heads peeking over the back. Eda and Pyril saw Selin striding towards Serkan's office. Eda started a countdown, "In 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and there she is again. A bit red in the face isn't she for someone that my husband will see all the time. Did she even notice that my ring isn't on my right hand anymore? Or did she just think that I took it off?"

Pyril started to laugh and Eda joined in, they both had to control themselves because Selin was stomping back up the stairs.

"Oh no," exclaimed Eda, "Why are Aydan and hala here?"

Popping up like a meerkat Pyril watched as Betul led them into Serkan's office and came back without them. "Well that was odd."

Eda clutched Pyril's arm, "Get ready, that's Semiha Yildrim, my very unwelcome grandmother and Efe's silent partner."

"Oh My God Eda, what are they doing in there?"

"I wish I knew Pyril I wish I knew."

His mother may have been a shut in for twenty years but she knew everyone and when Serkan said everyone he meant it. From government to industry and everything in between. His ten minute call to her had the desired effect because Aydan was ready for Semiha Yildrim and who better to bring along then her own daughter. Aydan explained to Ayfer on the way to the office just what was happening and Ayfer jumped on board ready to assist. She had been protecting Eda for eighteen year. Just because she married Serkan it didn't mean that she would stop now.

Serkan, Engin and Ferit made sure that Efe didn't call to warn Semiha of the new arrivals. They didn't even allow him to call her to tell them that they knew she was the silent partner. Efe seemed rather relieved.

"I know that she's your mother Ayfer hanim but Semiha hanim is not a nice person. Serkan is right to be concerned that she is coming after him. You too Aydan hanim, she won't be satisfied with Aptekin."

Aydan chortled, "She can have Aptekin. He deserves whatever he gets but Serkan and I are blameless in this tragedy. She might try to rain down terror on my family but we're ready for her."

Betul knocked on the office door to show Semiha Yildrim in, the cold woman surveyed the room. Her eyes stopped on Ayfer and then continued to move, "So who do we have here Efe?"

Serkan did the honors, "Serkan Bolat, to my left you have Ferit Simsek and to my right you have Engin Sezgin. Next to Engin is my anne Aydan Bolat. And you are familiar with your daughter Ayfer Yildiz I believe?"

"So you know who I am. Efe? I thought that we had an agreement."

Ferit interrupted her taking some of the heat from Serkan and Efe, "We figured it out on our own. You aren't as clever as you think you are Semiha hanim. So we would ask you your purpose in buying into the holding company."

"There is one person missing from here, where is my granddaughter? I want to meet her."

All Serkan said was, "Why?"

That took Semiha by surprise, "Why? Why shouldn't I meet her? She's my son's flesh and blood."

"Why now? Why eighteen years later. Ayfer hanim has been very clear you knew exactly where Eda has been the whole time so I'll ask again. Why now?"

Semiha sneered at him, "What business of yours is it?"

Serkan looked at her calmly, "I prefer not to have my wife upset and you Semiha hanim upset her just by mentioning your name. So I'll ask you once again why are you here?"

Efe and Semiha stared at him, "Your wife? You lie!" she spat at him.

Aydan turned towards the older woman, "Are you calling my son a liar? Because I assure you that they are married, my daughter would be grievously unhappy to hear you call her husband such things. Everyone in this room with the exception of Efe and you were there to witness the engagement and the marriage. Ayfer am I telling any untruths?"

"No Aydan, those are the truest of words. So why are you here? Why did you buy into this company Semiha hanim? Do you think to wreak havoc on Serkan and Aydan's lives for what Aptekin has done to our family? Yes Eda and I are aware of his involvement, Serkan told us himself. Serkan has also said that if Eda decides to proceed legally against Aptekin he will support her."

"Don't make me laugh Ayfer, he would never turn his father over like that."

Serkan had watched the exchange, "I can and I will. If you came to exact some kind of revenge on my father have at it. You are welcome to Aptekin but if you think to touch my anne, myself or my wife you are mistaken."

She was turning red from anger, "You think that you can threaten me?"

"I'm not threatening you I am simply stating facts. I'm unsure what your relationship with Efe is or what part you had in the roof collapse. My guess is that you ordered Efe to change the numbers. Is that what happened with your son years ago? Was Aptekin not the only guilty party in the death of your son and daughter-in-law?"

Everyone could see that Serkan had struck a nerve with the last comment. Ayfer looked at Semiha, "What did you do Semiha hanim? I know that look, you were involved, just what did you do?"

"You know nothing Ayfer. Where is Aptekin?"

Ayden looked to Serkan, he gave her a nod, "He left. I believe that he might be in the Bahamas or Bermuda. Possibly Bora Bora, one of the B islands."

Engin choked covering a laugh, if there was one thing Aydan was it wasn't flighty. She knew exactly where Aptekin was.

Serkan continued watching Semiha knowing just what his mother was up to, "So would you like to discuss business Semiha hanim or maybe you'd like to discuss selling your shares. I would be more than happy to purchase them at fair market value."

Semiha turned to leave the room, "I'll be back tomorrow and I expect to talk to my granddaughter."

"And I believe that I mentioned before Semiha hanim, Eda wants nothing to do with you."

"Then I will hear it from her own mouth."

Eda stood in the doorway, "Hear what? That I think you're a despicable human being?" she walked over to Serkan and put her arm around his waist. Serkan drew her closer still, "I can tell you that I want nothing to do with you all day long. With the exception of Efe this is my family. Is that what you wanted to hear? I have a life that I love and a husband that means everything to me. I'm unsure of why you needed to meet me? I'm nothing to you and haven't been for eighteen years."

Aydan got up and gave Eda a hug and a kiss on the cheek and whispered in her ear, "Let me handle this."

She walked over and took Semiha's arm, "Walk with me for a bit if you would."

Almost dragging the woman from the room Aydan got Semiha to the front of the building before facing her, the gloves were off. "You might think that I'm a useless piece of fluff but you'd be wrong. I don't know why you came to town. To punish Aptekin? You've had eighteen years to do that. To harm Serkan or myself? Try. You might be a big deal in Mardin but in Istanbul and in most of Turkey the Bolat name carries a lot of clout so if you think to damage Serkan. Think again."

"You Bolat's you think you know everything and rule the country. We Yildrim's are powerful in our own right."

"So give it the best that you have Semiha I can guarantee that it won't be enough. You can do that or you can sell me your shares. Like Serkan said I would be happy to purchase them at fair market value, they would make a lovely wedding gift for my daughter. You see she is my daughter, I love that sweet girl and will protect her just like Ayfer does. You have twenty-four hours to decide. I'll be waiting for your answer."

Aydan turned on her heel and strode back into the building. She knew that Semiha was beat, Aydan would call in every last favor that she had if the woman put up a fight. If Semiha wanted Aptekin she could have him but vigilante justice wasn't Aydan's style. No, she thought that Aptekin should have his day in court and let them decide his punishment which was why he was currently sitting in jail because he was determined to be a flight risk. Serkan was well aware of where Aptekin was and had no problem with the decision that she had made.

Strolling back into the conference room Aydan encountered raised voices, just what was Selin doing in there she wondered.

"Why have I been excluded from this meeting Serkan? If there is a PR crisis I should be included. You let her be in the meeting and Pyril so why not me?"

"For the simple reason that it doesn't involve you Selin. This is a family matter."

Selin sneered, "A family matter? Engin, Pyril, Ferit, Ayfer and Eda aren't family."

"That's where you're wrong Selin. Engin and Pyril are ArtLife family they have been for years. They are my closest friends. Ferit is holding family, Eda is my family as is Ayfer. When Eda and I got married Ayfer became my family. It's all very simple Selin."

"You're married?" she screeched. Engin and Ferit both winced at the sound.

Aydan closed the door, "Yes Selin they're married but then you already knew that they were together you saw them when you barged into Serkan's apartment almost two weeks ago. They been engaged for a while so I'm not sure where the surprise is."

Selin just opened and closed her mouth because she had no argument on than and then focused on Efe, "Well why is he here?"

Engin was really very tired of Selin, "Before you stuck your nose in here we were trying to figure that out. So if you'll leave the partners will continue to figure it out."

Aydan stepped to the side so Selin wouldn't trample her, "Ayfer, I think that you and I are done for today. Serkan I gave her twenty-four hours to make a decision. I think we'll hear from her sooner though," she linked arms with Ayfer and they left the room.

Efe knew that the time for the truth had come, "She's been funding my businesses for years always asking for small favors, nothing big. I never meant the roof collapse to be as big as it was. I changed the numbers too much. You were right Eda I did do it on purpose. Semiha hanim made the request of me. I'm in deep to her and she reminds me all the time. I'd like to head back to Italy and try to rebuild without her but if you need me to face punishment here then I will. It's what I deserve."

Serkan was tipping his pen end over end on the table as Efe spoke, ArtLife had been damaged by Efe but they would recover. They were well on their way to recovery having secured the stadium deal in London in spite of Efe's machinations. "If Engin and Pyril agree I'd like for you to leave. I don't ever want to be associated with you again. Engin? Pyril? What do you want?"

Pyril answered for both of them, "I think that we want to move forward Serkan. We're good enough that we can weather the storm but we need him gone and away from here. I know he's technically with the holding but he's been working on projects and we need to remove that aspect."

"Today is your lucky day then Efe. I say with all sincerity that I hope to never lay eyes on you again," said Serkan.

Efe pushed back his chair, "I do apologize for everything. It's time I stood on my own two feet in the business world. Thank you for giving me that opportunity. Eda, I'm sorry, I do hope that you and Serkan will be happy."

They all watched him leave. Eda turned to Serkan, "He has no idea of what is waiting for him back in Italy does he?"

Serkan shook his head, "I sincerely doubt it. He made his bed. . . . . . Will you be able to pick up all the projects that he was working on Eda?"

"Just who do you think was doing the work in the first place Serkan? Of course I can. I still have school but I can manage it."

Engin had been thinking about the islands for a while now, "So what island is Aptekin on Serkan? You never said."

He chuckled, "We didn't did we? Because he isn't on one, Ferit knows because he helped Ceren with the paperwork. Aptekin is sitting in jail without bond because he's a flight risk. Eda we're going to let the courts decide his punishment not Semiha hanim if that's all right with you."

"That's fine. As long as I don't have to talk to him and he gets a fair trial what the courts decide is good. I take it that Aydan knows this already?"

"Really Eda, who do you think told the police where they could find him? Of course she knows."

Now that the news of Eda and Serkan's marriage was common knowledge it made more sense to the team members in the drafting room as to why he followed her. They were just relieved that Eda was staying and working with them and that Serkan would be happy again.

Semiha came to the farm early the next morning to meet with Aydan, "I should call your bluff and push but I find that I don't have desire to do so."

"There was no bluffing Semiha, I meant every last word."

"You're different from what I expected. I had heard that you were a shut in."

"Things change," said Aydan, "Are you ready to sell?"

"Yes, I had the papers drawn up last night. My attorney will deliver them to yours and if you agree with the terms them the sale will be completed."

"I will work with my attorney then. You know Semiha you could have had your son and daughter-in-law alive if you had just learned to accept their relationship. Eda and I weren't always close but I saw how Serkan loved her and I got out of their way. It isn't about us but you didn't learn that. You lost out on both your daughter and granddaughter, which is a pity."

Semiha got up to leave, "I don't need lectures from you Aydan Bolat."

"You don't but I have people who love me and that's something that I am grateful for. What do you have?" Aydan never got an answer, Semiha left. She was just as disagreeable going as she was coming.

Aydan drove to ArtLife after meeting with her attorney later that morning, "I'll see myself in Betul, don't get up."

She strode into Serkan's office gathering Eda along the way, "I thought that you would want to know that it's done and she's gone back to Mardin. I was at the attorney's office this morning signing all the papers," she handed an envelope to Eda.

"What's this?"

"My wedding gift to you. Now you and Serkan can be partners in the holding as well as in life."

Eda handed them back, "I can't take this Aydan anne, this is too much."

"Pfft, Serkan was going to do the same thing and he knows it."

She swatted Serkan, "What do I need with this Serkan?"

"It's for our future Eda. You might find it fun and if you don't then Ferit and I will continue to work the holding like we have been. Just say thank you honey."

Eda turned back to Aydan, "Thank you. This is a most generous gift. We'll use this for our children. We can split the holding shares with them so that they're always a part of the company and they can learn from their father."

Aydan smiled, "I would like that and I think that Serkan will be an excellent teacher. Now I'm off to my women's group. We still have plenty of work to do on the charity drive."

Serkan and Eda got up to hug her, "You go get 'em Mustang Aydan."

"Oh Eda, they won't know what hit them. I'll see you for dinner soon. Love you!"

They watched as Aydan walked out to the front tying a scarf around her hair. It was chilly but she still had the top down and her radio blaring. She must have gotten an upgrade on that because as she pulled away they heard Mustang Sally blasting from the speakers.

Eda turned into Serkan's arms, "I've created a monster," she chuckled.

He kissed her forehead before holding her tight, "But a very happy monster. A very happy monster indeed."

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