The Undead Paladin of Vox Mac...

By NewEnglandFella

14.7K 309 95

Undead Paladin brought back to fight again. Male reader Oc Paladin in the amazing Vox Machina show credit to... More

The Nameless Knight
The Terror of Tal'Dorei - Part 1
The Terror of Tal'Dorei - Part 2
The Feasts of Realms - Part 1
The Feasts of Realms - Part 2
Shadows at the Gates - Part 1
Shadows at the Gates - Part 2
Shadows at the Gates - Part 3
Voting results

The Feasts of Realms - Part 3

726 22 4
By NewEnglandFella

*5 minutes earlier* 

Vax is looting I mean searching through the Briarwood's chambers searching draws before coming to their chest at the foot of the bed. Vax Unlocks it and throws out the neatly folded clothes only to see the empty chest vax notices two buttons on the inside of the chest pressing it the chest shifts as the top half slits in two reviling some occult notes and a book.

*scene change* 

Sylas: Interestingly enough, we're not originally from Whitestone.

Percy: Of course, you're not. 

Deliliah: Tell me, have you heard how we became caretakers of Whitestone? The Official story is that the city was administered by the De Rolo Family. Until they succumbed to a rare disease. But I'm afraid the truth is, we connoted that tale. to protect their legacy. The sad reality is that the De Relos abdicated. They grew bored of ruling, and after their children raided the treasury, they abandoned their people to rot.

Percy fully fuming fucking launches himself out of his chair

Percy: LIARS!

the guests at the table all gasp at the sudden rage.

Sylas: Thank you, Sovereign Uriel, but I think we will retire for the night. 

Deliliah: It was a lovely dinner. We especially enjoyed the company... So refined.

Vex: Excuse us for a moment 

Vox gather outside the dinning room 

Vex: Percival, darling, what did we say about emotions?

Percy: You don't understand.

Pike: Then help us understand.

Percy: The Briarwoods... they murdered my entire family. 

*scene change* 

Vax is still looking through the Briarwoods' journal. 

but outside the Briarwoods' are making their way down the hall

Sylas: Uriel was more pliant than even I anticipated.


Vax: The Whispered One?


Deliliah: But finding the boy and the Knight was unexpected. Our circumstances have changed.

Vax hears this last part but as he closes the chest and puts the book in his coat a gust of wind blows through blowing out the glowing flames of the fireplace.

Vax turns to the fire or lack thereof but the fire screams back to life and the Briarwoods appear behind him in an instant. 

Vax: Oh, uh, beg your pardon. Just turning down your bed. Forgot those little... pillow mints.

Vax is being pushed back toward the fireplace as the power couple approach him.

Vax: Um.. Oh, gosh, you're a handsome couple lost my train of thought. Be right back. 

Vax tries to run past them but key word tries and Sylas being the raid boss that he is grabs him by the neck and uses a manipulation spell causing his eyes to glow yellow.

*scene change* 

Keyleth: Percy, why didn't you tell? 

Percy: I've tried to tell many over the years. No one's ever believed me.

Pike: Wait. Vax is up there. What if he needs help?

Grog: Plus, he's got the squirts!

Scallan: Okay, I'll distract, you go... quietly. 

Scanlan hops onto the table as the rest of Vox make their way out 

Scanlan: Ladies and lords, allow Scanlan Shorthalt to delight you with an after-dinner song I like to call "Pull My Beads of Love." A-two, three, four!

(I'm not writing this scene sorry go pull it up on youtube or watch the show) 

*Scene change* 

Back to Vax who is still charmed and is breathing quite heavily. as Sylas walks around him

Sylas: You are a curious one. And you look delicious. 

Sylas digs his two fangs into Vax neck and Vax is broken from the manulation spell

Vax stumbles his way over to a nearby window 

Sylas: Come now. Let's get this over with. 

Vax Jumps onto a coffee table and leaps through the window and on his way down 4 stories and hitting a flagpole and falling into a reflecting pool. 

Y/n: VAX!

Vax: *Weakly* Chenga...

Y/n: SYLAS! DELILIAH! Y/n Says with smoke bellowing out of his eyes and he raises his hands and a wave of fire shoots out.

*scene change* 

Vex: Vax. We have to move

Pike: We lost the ticket? Screw it. Grog

Grog: Come here fuck-stick!

Grog grabs guard in charge of keeping the weapons and yanks him over the counter. and everyone vaults over and grabs their arsenal.


Sylas is holding Vax in one hand and Y/n in the other 

Sylas: There's no way out tonight, my friends 

Keyleth swoops in as an eagle and Sylas drops the two as Y/n picks up his sword and Vax and drags him out of the pool to the approaching Vox Machina

Keyleth is hit with a blast from Deliliah and is knocked out of her eagle form 


Percy fires of 3 round at Deliliah but they faze right through her

Deliliah: Would you look at that, dear? It's the pup who survived all grown up.

Vex shoots of an arrow at Deliliah but she cuts it down with magic

Grog and Y/n charge Sylas 

Grog: No one kills Vax, but me!

Pike runs to Vax trying to heal him 

Vax: Thanks, Pickle. Had him right where I wanted him.

Y/n and Grog charge Sylas, 

Sylas: This is Amon's "Protectors of the realm." 

Sylas punches Grog stunning him Y/n manages to get a blow in his great sword and drive his sword through Sylas' shoulder leaving a massive hole that heals almost instantly.   

Pike: Oh, shit. That ain't good.

Sylas summons a dark blade from his back out of nothing

Sylas: My Blade thirsts.

Sylas disarms Y/n of his blade as Grog pins Sylas' blade with his axe

Grog: You got a sword. Oh that's cute.

Sylas outmaneuvers Grog's slow and choppy movements and slices him across his chest and the blood taken is absorbed by Sylas' blade making it larger and him stronger 

Sylas: You were saying?

Y/n gets his blade and cuts Sylas across his tendons in his legs making him fall as Y/n just beats the shit out of him with his gauntlets until Sylas catches his punch and rises over Y/n and breaks his left arm making him scream out in agony.

Keyleth, Vex, and Percy are fighting Deliliah as they are launched by another blast 

Keyleth: So, we're not doing terrible, right?

Vex: No, this is terrible.

Grog and Y/n and still at it with Sylas and Y/n is trying his dammist to keep up with his faster enemy having been put on the defensive by Sylas 

Pike: Hold On!

Pike blesses their weapons, making them glow with the power of the Everlight

Y/n and Grog are able to damage Sylas now putting him on the defensive.

Deliliah teleports behind pike  

Deliliah: This little one is entirely too much trouble. 

Deliliah shoots out a massive wake of energy impaling pike on it and shattering her neckless charm thing

Sylas cuts down Y/n and Grog and dislocates Y/n his knee and Sylas makes his way to Pike

Sylas: Your gods can't help you now.

Keyleth: Oh, no, no, no! Pike!

Keyleth summons a massive wall of vines cutting Pike off from Sylas

The guards decide now is the best time to show up 

Guard1: What's going on? Go get the captain!

Guard2: There they are in the courtyard

Guard3: Over there!

Deliliah: Desmond!

Desmond the briarwoods servant comes around with their wagon. 

Desmond: Lady Briarwood, I did as you ordered. Your belonging are here...

Sylas grabs Desmond by the collar and throws him off the buggy 

Sylas: I'll drive, thank you.

Percy/Y/n: STOP THEM! 

Percy tries shooting the vines and Y/n tries to stand using his sword to support his weight as he tries clawing apart the vines

Deliliah: Come visit us sometime, Percival, Arthur You're always welcome back home.

Percy and Y/n make a hole big enough to make it through but its to late their gone.


Keyleth: I-I didn't...

Percy and Y/n turn to desmond: "You..." Percy reloads his gun and Y/n sets his knee on his back in place

Percy: Start talking. Why were the Briarwoods here? What where they are after.

Desmond: Uh, they were invited like you. By Sovereign Uriel 

Y/n: Sylas and Delilah have never left the confines of Whitestone before. Why here? Why now?

Percy clocks his gun and y/n draws his sword as smoke begins to seep from the cracks of their clothing y/n looking like fire coming from the inside of his gauntlets and a glow illuminating from his chest. and Percy puts on his Plague mask and Y/n's very skull from his head begins to burn away leaving nothing but a smoking skull.

Vax: What the actual fuck?

Vex: Holy shit, Y/n what are you doing?

Desmond: Please I'm-I'm only a servant. They-they don't tell me anything. Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me!

Percy puts on his plague mask and  shoots his left hand off as Desmond tries to drag himself away as Y/n approaches.  

Y/n: Your soul is forfeit.

Y/n steps over Desmond and drives his sword straight through his chest. 

Uriel: Halt right their what is the meaning of this Guard arrest Vox Machina.

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