Growing Up With Hunters (A Su...

By normalsxboring

57.3K 1.5K 245

Violet has always had a hard life. Whether it's the constant torture of knowing that she will probably be kil... More

A Woman In White
Asylum; part 1
Asylum; part 2
What the Hell is a Ghostfacer?
Bring it.
The Yellow Eyed Demon
Oh shit!
Hospitals, Ghosts, and a Reaper
Alone at last
Update on the story.
Violet, I love you.
Dresses and Jealousy.
I'm grounded.
Fighting is their Happiness.
The Truth is what kills us.
Finally hunting again
Not So Serious After All..
I Hate You; I Love You Too Princess.
Q&A/this shit just got real.
Alive but not well.
Could it get any worse?
Christmas Presents.
Sounds Like You're Avoiding Me..
I'm the Man that has Your Girl
How Long Are You Going to Take?
No Way Out.

Love and Destruction.

759 21 7
By normalsxboring

This chapter is dedicated to @hey_people4 and @BlackVeil_ThugPug thank you for encouraging me to keep going. You  all are amazing. Thanks for feedback from everyone, I needed it. You guys are the best, truly perfect. 

Violet's POV:

"Dean, don't please. We had the chance, it went to hell."

"No, Sam did. And i'm about to. All I want for one of my last wishes is you."

"Dean. Stop."

"I'm seriou- hsssss." I didn't realize I was pushing on the wound.

"I'm sorry." I put my head down, and tried my hardest to finish quicky. His stare was burning the side of my face. There was one problem, I couldn't be around him right now. "Nancy. Come here. Can you badage the rest of this for me? Make sure it's tight. We're in for a long night." I said handing her the gause and walking away.

I didn't want to do it, but it was coming eventually. I'm in love with Adam. I hope this doesnt hurt their relationship.

*A couple minutes later*

"What else do we need then?" The officer argued.

"Salt for one."


"Is there an echo in here? Yes, salt."

Dean and the officer were arguing.

"There's rock salt in the storage closet down the hall." Nancy sweetly chimed in.

"Perfect, line every window and door. Oh, wheres my car?"

"Impound lot out back. Why? You aren't planning on going out there are you?"

"Yah. I am, I need to get something important." Dean said, grabbing an empty duffle.

"Adam." I whispered, grabbing his arm.

"Yah baby?" I closed my eyes and smiled at the nickname he'd given me.

"Go with him."

"Okay?" He walked over and I assumed explained to Dean why he was coming. Dean looked over at me and smirked, he knew exactly why Adam was coming. I rolled my eyes a bit, and barely held back a huge grin.

I turned, attempting to find Sam. I walked and roamed the halls for a little bit, after only finding little, old Nancy walking by a window with the salt.

"Need some help?" I walked over next to her. She was struggling a bit with the huge bag of salt.

"I've got this." She whispered.

"Okay, do you mind if I stay? Help if you need it."

"Sure." She sweetly chirped back to me.

I watched her try to open the bag, when I got tired of her completely failing. I rushed up to her, and grabbed the bag, tearing the top of it open.

"Sorry, it was bothering me."

"It's fine, thanks." She paused for a little bit. "Why do you hate me?" She questioned, sounding although she was hoping I wouldn't kill her for asking. I started laughing sweetly at her.

"I don't hate you, you've done nothing. I'll only hate you if you betray me, hurt me, are a monster/demon, or do something seriously horrible. You've done of those things, that I know of.."

"You just acted like-"

"A bitch." Her eyes went wide. "Don't worry, it's okay. I know, I was rude. I'm not exactly the happiest person in the world. So much shit is happening at the moment..."

"Its Dean and Adam." She said/asked at the same time. "It's pretty obvious to me.."


"Yes. I'm guessing you are in love with both of them, and don't know who to choose." She smiled, spreading the salt across another windowsill. I smiled right back.


"Adam is in love with you. I can tell by the way he looks at you. So many women in this world want a man to look at them the way he does you.. But the only problem is that Dean is kinda the same. He just looks sad when he looks at you, almost as though he made a mistake."


"Like he's done something to y-."

"No, how do you know these things???"

"Like I said, every woman wants a guy to look at her the way they do you."

Suddenly, I heard a lot of yelling, and Dean and Adam came running in. Adam came straight for me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Baby, what happened?!" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck, he squeezed me. "Baby, you're scaring me."

"Nothing is going to hurt you, I promise.." He squeezed, "You aren't leaving my side tonight."

"Baby." He turned away for a second, until I pulled him to face me. "Adam, baby, what happened out there."

"You're going to see in a minute." The room quickly went black, and the building started shaking. My eyes went wide, it was so many demons. Adam's arm snaked around my waist swiftly. "Nothing is going to hurt you, you understand me?" I nodded into him.

The blackness soon disappeared, and everyone split up after Dean gave them anti-demon possesion necklaces. Everyone was quiet, not making much sounds. Dean was loading his gun with more rounds, Sam and one of the officers were talking, Nancy was sitting on her own at her desk holding her cross, Hendrickson was walking over to talk to Dean, and Adam and I were sitting together, he was playing with my hair.

Although we were practically going through hell, i'll admit, I kinda liked it.

"How are you doing?" He let a soft, sweet kiss on my cheek.

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm with you, i'm perfect." I smiled at him, tilting my head back so I could see his face. He set a sloppy, wet kiss on my lips. Everything was fine 'til there was a crash in the storage room. Adam grasped my arm when I stood up, as I was giving questioning looks to Sam and Dean. He pulled me back, and went first. Sam and Dean had their guns out, they were leading, followed by me and Adam, then Hendrickson, Nancy, and the only officer left.

We walked to the storage room, and there she was, Ruby. 

The demon bitch, practically pushing Sam and Dean apart. Dean rolled his eyes and walked out, Sam obviously aggrivated with the fact that Dean left because it was her.

"Someone going to let me out?" Sam walked up to the devil's trap with a knife.

"Hey! NO, SHES A DEMON!!" Adam pulled out his demon killing knife.

"Finally someone agrees with me." Dean sarcastically remarked, throwing his hand up into the air.

"Shut up." Sam says looking at Dean, "She can be trusted." He says comfortably to Adam.

Adam didn't relax one bit, it was a demon, at least he knows who to trust. "Says you."

"Adam. I swear, you can trust her. We've been doing it for a while now." Sam quickly says back.

"You've what?!"

"Adam." I said, setting my hand on his arm.

"No! Shes a demon, she leaves, or I do." He threw my hand off, and walked out.

"Baby." I sympathetically said, reaching out.

"I'm serious." He replied, turning around, my hand now resting on the front of his chest.

"I'm okay with it, just as long as i'm the one who kills her." Dean remarked, pulling out a knife. Sam gave a concerned look.

"This is the shittiest family reunion ever." Ruby butted in.

"Hey, shut it bitch! I'll kill you myself." I said looking her dead in the eyes.

"Ouch, didn't realize you got balls too."

"That's it." I walked over to her, and punched her square in the nose. I went for another punch when I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. Adam.

Oh my god, he just watched that happen.. He's going to hate me now. He knows i'm not the sweet and kind person I usually am. What if he doesn't like me anymore?

"You just wait 'til I get outta here, i'll skin you alive." She says, Adam tightened his grip around me.

"Don't make me kill you right here, right now." I said, smiling at the blood now dripping down her face. 

"Hey!! This is done. Ruby, you and Violet need to get along right freaking now. Okay?" Sam said through clenched teeth.

"Look at her not me, shes the one who threw the punch."

"Enough." Sam said.

"Anyone touches Violet, i'll torture you to the point from which you wish you were dead, then leave you there to bleed out." Adam chimes in, holding on to me for dear life.

"It's okay baby. This is done. Sam you make the decision. She's had her warning." 

With that we all walked out into the middle of the station. Ruby and Sam joined about a minute later. Adam pulled his knife out of his belt loop, Sam gave me a look of despair, I touched Adam's arm, lowering it.

"Don't." I whispered.

Dean was clenched up, pissed about the fact she was here. I gave him a look to stand down, he relaxed a bit. Sam gave me a look of relief and a small smile that read 'thank you.' I gave him a pitiful smile back.

"She lays one finger on you, all hell is going to break loose." He sets his hands in my back pockets, squeezing my butt a bit, whispering into my ear from behind.

"She's not stupid enough to make a move." I replied.

"You definitely aren't leaving my side now."

"Why would I want to?" I inquired. His smile was piercing the back of my head. Damn he was cute even when I couldn't see him.

A while passed, there was arguing about killing a virgin, and lots more. We had a plan to fight now. Adam and I took one door, Sam on another, Hendrickson on his own, Dean on his own, and Nancy and the other officer at another door. I mean I was going to branch off and make sure no salt lineswere broken, making it an even more fair fight, but Adam refused to let me leave him. God I loved him, and his sercurity over me.

It was sweet, it wasn't pity. I loved that. Hell, I loved him.

Adam and I were waiting for the go, and we would kick the salt line and open the door, we decided that was best, no opening the window, that wouldn't end well if they came from each direction. 

"Now!" Dean yelled. I kicked the salt line, and Adam shoved open the door, but nothing came..

"I love you." He said slowly, obviously concerned about the fact that no one was coming in, and that was strange.

"I love you too."

Just then the demons came in, Adam was stabbing them, whereas I was punching and shooting them until they got into Adam's range so he could knife them. What can I say, we make the perfect team.

2 demons had cornered me, Adam ran over, taking my leg and hoisting me in the air so I could kick the demons and knock them down for a minute.  Adam set me down, and stabbed both of them. Dozens more were walking through the door. We were backing into the main part/lobby of the station, so that we could finish the plan. I locked the doors behind us, and soon after an exorcism was being read through the loud speakers.

Each person/demon was screaming, clutching their hands to their ears. Hendrickson, the officer, and Nancy stand dumb founded at the sight that just unraveled in front of their eyes. I mean they were just introduced into to this stuff a couple hours ago, I didnt grasp the concept for a while either..

*Skip to this/it being over*

I'll admit, it felt nice to have a room alone with Adam with no handcuffs on... 

I mean i'll take it that way anyday, if you know what I mean. 

Damn it Violet, don't think about that shit, like eww. 

You know its true though.

I hate it when you are right Violet.

Adam was over with the boys, and I had just gotten  out of the shower when I sat on the bed, and flipped on the television. The news was on, I was about to change it when I saw a very familiar face pop up on the screen..

"The FBI officer, Mr. Hendrickson, and 4 others were reportedly dead, burned alive." Nancy, Hendrickson, the sheriff, etc. face's were plastered on the screen. I let a tear slip down my   cheeks, I wonder if the boys know.

I picked up my phone, and clicked on Adam's contact, tears still coming out.

"Hey Violet, whats up."

"Baby." I choked out.

"Vi, baby whats wrong?!" He said concerned into the phone.

"Is she okay?" Sam was muffled in the backround.

"Is she hurt?!" Dean says, louder than Sam.

"Did you see the news?" I asked, just above a whisper.

"Baby, i'm so sorry. We saw. I thought you were asleep."

"They are dead because of us Adam!" anger started penetrating my body, I was tired of innocent people dying for/because of us.

"Babe, please calm down. I'll be over in a minute." He said into the phone and I hung up.

They really were dead... It was our fault. What have we done?

Lilith had burned them alive, now i'm going to do the same to her. I heard the door creak open, Adam walked in the room. I had mascara on my cheeks, barely.

"Oh princess, i'm so sorry." He ran one hand through my hair, and let the other cup my cheek. "Lets get you cleaned up."

"Scotch." I demanded.


"Or whiskey, either is fine."

"Violet you are not drinking. Not because of this."

"You always drink after you hunt, why can't I after this?" I asked.

"I do it cause it's a great way to end the day. Not because I want to drink myself to forget."

I huffed at his resonable explanation.He had a small smirk, and went to the bathroom to arrive a minute later with a wet wash cloth.

"Come here." He rubbed the mascara off my cheeks. I smiled, looking into his eyes. God I cry too much.

"I'm a mess." I said bluntly.

"No, we are a mess." he repeats. I smiled at him, and let a soft peck on his lips.

"I like it."

"You like what?" He asked, obviously confused.

"Princess." I replied. He let out a very small, sudden chuckle.

"Okay." He said, and kissed my forehead.


With that I fell asleep.

Hey guys, thanks so much for the feedback again. It's really helpful. 

I think I am going to make each chapter have a song that "represents" it.

This chapters song~I of the Storm~ by Of Monsters and Men.

I love you guys, keep up all the support.. Comment, vote, and share. Haha, love you guys.

Feel free to follow me on social media:

Instagram;  normalsxboring

Twitter; normalsxboring

See y'all next chapter, thanks again. Oh and if you havent checked out my best friend Riley's new story, you have to.. Her name is be_amazingly_unique.. Awesome see y'all soon. <3

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