Azur Lane reacts to Movies, V...

By Ninsor

581K 6.1K 15.8K

The Kansens (shipgirls) from all factions/nations are transported into a theater, where they will watch poss... More

Characters invited
Where are we?
Midway 2019 (Part 1)
Midway 2019 (Part 2)
Midway 2019 (Part 3)
Midway 2019 (Part 4)
Midway 2019 (Final part)
Future plans and next reaction (Please read)
More characters in the future? (Please read)
The next generation of warships (Part 1)
The next generation of warships (Part 2)
The next generation of warships (Final part)
Epilogue surprise/Future reaction plans (Please read)
The ship that would not die
Battle of Tsushima
OUR granny Avrora
Young granny Mikasa
Contain the Bismarck
The Falklands Oversimplified
Devotion (Part 1)
Devotion (Part 2)
Devotion (Part 3)
Devotion (Part 4)/Small Update
Devotion (Final Part)/Future Plans?
Epilogue reflections/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 1)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - First half)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
How to Atago (#BigSisterEnergy)
WW1 Oversimplified
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 1
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 2
Genshin Impact
Greyhound Battles
Tank Fish: Dead Ahead
Bismarck Sabaton (I have announcement)
Success or Failure? Germany's Navy in WW2
Battleship Final Battle
The New Order
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 1)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 2)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 3)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 4)
The Great War of Archimedes (Final Part)/Future Plans
Epilogue of thoughts/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 1)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 2)
Tank Fish: American Blitz
The Chaos Legion of Tank Fish
The Fallen of WW2
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Command and Conquer: Tiberium
Kantai Collection (Part 1)
Kantai Collection (Part 2)/Message
Kantai Collection (Final Part)
How to Hood/The Kaga Experience
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - Second Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
The World of Kaiserreich
Kamen Rider and some trolling
"I am a Pole" The Legend of Piorun
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 1-2)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 3-4)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Part 5)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 1)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 2)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 3)
Future/Modern Warships (Final Part)
Therapy Time with Texas (Special)
How Nuclear Power Works
High Free Spirit/Voting
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 1)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 3)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 4)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Final)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 1)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 2)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 3)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 4)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Final)
Epilogue (Update)
Tank Fish: Da Hood
Halo (Part 1 / Update)
Halo (Part 2)
Halo (Final)
The Story of Desmond Doss (Simple History)
OC Gangsta (Part 1)
OC Gangsta (Part 2)
Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Lunch, Drama, Gaming (Special)
Genshin Impact (My Money is Gone)
Red Baron & Ghost Division (Sabaton)
SCP-3000: Anantashesha
The Pig War - Oversimplified (First Half)
The Pig War - Oversimplified (Second Half)
WEEB POWER | MUSASHI / How to Tirpitz
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Parts 1 and 2)
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Part 3 and Finale)
Tank Fish: Trenches
What sunk the Moskva (First Half)
What sunk the Moskva (Second Half)
Alter-Versions and QnA (Special)
HMS Formidable Launched Herself
Naval Legends: USS Texas / Voting
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 1)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 2)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 3)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 4)
The Angry Birds Movie (Final)
Transformers 2007 (Part 1)
Transformers 2007 (Part 2)
Transformers 2007 (Part 3)
Transformers 2007 (Part 4)
Transformers 2007 (Final - First Half)
Transformers 2007 (Final - Second Half)
Epilogue: Review, short Beach Episode, etc.
Tank Fish: Space Wars (First Half)
Tank Fish: Space Wars (Second Half)
Life Update and my own Middle-Earth
February the 14th of 2024
Glory 1989 (Part 1)
Azur Lane Cheers
Update w/ Nevada
Tank Fish: Roblox REQUIEM (GONE WRONG)

All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 2)

2.5K 43 166
By Ninsor

Reactions before/after Epilogue: Requests list

(I will be doing alternate history/versions for some of these)

- How to Hood, WEEB POWER | MUSASHI, The Weaboo Fantasy 2, PORK KNUCKLES | H-CLASS BB, BONGO BONGO KONGO, WORLD OF TORPEDOOS #3 and #4, How to Scharnhorst, How to Tirpitz (Revi-Sequel), How to Warspite, How to Dunkerque, SPACEBEAT, NTRprise!

- All Quiet on the Western Front (Current reaction)

- Star Azur Wars (A New Hope, after All Quiet on the Western Front)

- Battle of Jutland, Taranto, Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Samar (Task Force Taffy 3)

- HMS Dreadnought

- Britain's Triumph: The Surrender of the German High Seas Fleet

- Naval Legends: USS Texas

- Tank Fish (Hail our Lord and Savior. Videos will be Trench Warfare, Beach Episode, Napoleonic Wars The Fall of Fort Tillbury, Rise of Nations series, Da Hood, Anime Fighting Simulator or Apeirophobia, SharkBite, Combat Warriors, Build a Boat, Criminality)

- The Fighting Lady

- Naval Legends: Georgios Averof

- Hacksaw Ridge (Desmond Doss) Yarnhub or Simple History

- Best US Military Unit in WW2 and 'White Feather' Marine Sniper by Simple History

- The Pig War, Russian Revolution, American Civil War (Oversimplified)

- What if USA joined Axis instead of the Allies

- Bismarck, Akagi, Tirpiz, Prinz Eugen documentaries, USS Eldridge (all by animarchy)

- Naval Legends: Yamato, Yamato (2005) scenes

- What sunk the Moskva

- Halo Battle of Earth, Human-Covenant War, The Flood, Infinity Class Supercarrier/Phoenix Class Support Vessel ship breakdown, Templin Institute: Covenant and UNSC

- SCP 3000

- Steven HE

- nerf BISMARCK pls (both parts), nerf KREMLIN pls

- Attack on Pearl Harbor (Crimson Axis history)

- What your favorite warships says about you Pt 1-3

- What your favorite Azur Lane Waifu says about you and Azur Lane Slow Ahead Crack by OC Gangsta

- Venator Class Star Destroyer

- USS William D. Porter

- Naval Legends: Iowa and/or Naval Legends: Missouri

- Sinking of Blucher (Drobak Sound)

- Space Battleship Yamato 2202 with ship breakdown

- Drachinifel (Tillman, The Great White Fleet, Typhoon Cobra)

- Operation Crossroads

- World of Warthunder


- Pokemon (maybe to be accepted)

- TF2 meet them all (maybe to be accepted)

- Max0r Genshin Impact review, An Incorrect Summary of Ace Combat (0 and 7), and Project Wingman review

- Battle of Midway by Montemayor (maybe), Battle of Coral Sea by Montemayor

- The Italian Navy Massacre at the Battle of Cape Matapan (Dark Seas)

- The Sinking of Repulse and Prince of Wales by Historigraph

- Arpeggio of Blue Steel

- BikMCTH (maybe to be accepted)

- Battle of Kure (Japanese Pearl Harbor) and/or Indian Ocean Raid 1942 (Britain Pearl Harbor)

- Channel Dash; Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Run the British Blockade

- Spartan761 Aircraft Carrier Stuff series and Operation Crossroads

- Hoi4: The New Order Lore and/or What if Germany WW2? New Order, Last Days of Europe lore

- Binkov's Battlegrounds USS Iowa vs IJN Yamato

- 2003 Invasion of Iraq by The Armchair Historian (maybe to be accepted)

- HMS Formidable Launched Herself by History in the Dark

- Squire (War Thunder vs World of Warships, Hunt for the Red Oktoberfest, A Steaming Pile of Ship)

- Midway's Forgotten Heroes

- Operation Squabble, Uncommon Chivalry, BF-109 spared B-17, Lawrence of Arabia (all by Yarnhub)

- Saving Private Ryan Omaha scene

- The REAL story: Kamchatka

- Why History Overlooks How Much the Japanese Actually Feared the Americans in WW2 (maybe to be accepted)

- More Sabaton (Christmas Truce, Ghost Division, Coat of Arms, Red Baron, Unkillable Soldier)

- AlternateHistoryHub (Election that Ruined Everything, History of Fallout)

- Climbing the ranks (War Thunder planes)

- Azur Lane META versions

- Azur Lane: Royal Navy bombards Berlin as Celebration for New HMS Event

- The Greatest Naval Speedrun in History

- Azur Lane: America

- Joshdub: Storming Area 51

- Denarmo World of Warships (FDR, Shikishima, Audacious)

- Shin Godzilla (maybe to be accepted)

- USS Florida: World of Warships

- Main Battle Tanks (Maybe to be accepted)

New characters (you can request):

U-556 to be maybe added in Bismarck animarchy

Ulrich Von Hutten and Admiral Scheer are a maybe

USS Wisconsin is a maybe

South Dakota-class maybe

Chapter starts:

The scene changes to the woods again, the river continues running

The scene changes again to a person writing


The shipgirls blink in surprise

"Big time skip" Formidable says

"Albrect, Karl. Diepholz. 14th September 1898"

We see multiple dog tags

A person picks a dog tag up

"Blumenthal, Samuel. Dresden, 6th November 1900. It was his birthday yesterday" An officer says as he tosses the dog tag to another pile

"Just a few days longer... then it will all be over.." Lutzow says

"Ended at 11am, 11th day, 11th month. Imagine if they made the war end at 11:11 am instead of just 11 so that it would be 11/11/11/11..." Nagato says

"Nope, stop it. I don't think we even want to think about that" Musashi says

"Von Gallwitz, Gustav. Osnabrück, 20th June '99. Götz Lüttwitz..." The officer tries to read out

"That's enough" Alfred von Oberndorff says as he collects a file

Alfred walks through a hallway with the file as officers pass by


(German High Command)

7, November 1918'

Alfred von Oberndorff continues walking until he finally meets up with Matthias Erzeberger who is looking through a window

Alfred fake coughs

"Mr. Erzberger" Alfred says as he gives the file

"May God be with us" Erzberger says as he reads the file

"Again more than 40,000 dead in the last weeks alone. That should convince the general staff" Alfred says

"I think the gentlemen know it's over. We all know" Erzberger says

Some shipgirls take a deep breath

"The more war goes on, it gets worse nya.." Akashi says

"Innocent men who had families, friends, and possibly lovers are now dead" August Von Parseval says

A soldier interrupts the conversation

"The Field Marshal" An officer says

Erzberger nods as he enters a room full of generals, etc.

The scene changes


Besetztes Gebiet'

"Of course its occupied territory in France, those baguette people can't do anything" Admiral Hipper says as FDG slaps the back of her head

"Quiet down and keep watching my little sister~" Prinz Eugen says

"But I'm older baka!" Admiral Hipper yells

"Huh? Really? But you act like a child..." Prinz Eugen says

"HUH?!" Admiral Hipper yells

"See that's exactly what a mean... what makes it better is that you have a flat chest~ Like a child~" Prinz Eugen says

"Vuck off! Hmph!" Admiral Hipper yells while crossing her arms and turning her head away

Prinz Eugen simply giggles from this

(These two... I swear...) Blucher thought while pouting

(How am I friends with Eugen again? Eh, now is not the time) Prince of Wales thought

An ammo truck is heading for the front. Spent cartridges move around the cargo bed. Paul dangles his legs off the back of the truck. Paul's gaze and stare has hardened. Katczinsky leans against the cab.

"Well he has certainly aged, and went through a lot" Intrepid says

The driver brakes and the two soldiers jump out of the back

"Danke (Thank you)" Kat says

"Jawohl (Yes, sir)" The driver says

The truck then drives off

"If we keep up this pace, Paul, we'll have conquered France in 180 years" Kat says

"Interesting math, how did he even calculate that" Algerie says

"It's a joke you cat lover" Dunkerque says

"Yes I know, donut lover" Algerie says

"And we know that it's a joke and you love either cats or donuts. End of Story" Jean Bart says

"If we divide 180 by 90 then that's good chances. Maybe. Maybe not." Blucher says out of nowhere

"Hush you blonde kraut" Jean Bart, Dunkerque, and Algerie say

Richelieu headbonks all three of them

"Apologies" Richelieu says

"Accepted" Bismarck says back

(Unforgivable!) Prinz Eugen and Admiral Hipper thought

"I worked it out" Kat says

"Don't get caught, Kat" Paul says as they laugh

"Never" Kat says back

"Well they got along well" U-47 says

"That tends to happen in war between soldiers, and it's been 18 months since they first met so what did you expect?" Texas says

Scene changes to a farmyard

Kat stops at a gate

There are soft clucking noises nearby

"Oh I see what they're doing, getting REAL and ACTUAL food" Texas says as she glares at Enterprise

(I thought we all agreed not to talk about this anymore...) Enterprise thought

"Enterprise..." Essex says

"What?" Enterprise asks

"Are rations the secret to how you're so strong?" Essex asks

Enterprise is silent

Then she puts a hand on Essex's shoulder

"One. No, they're just easy to eat. Two. Don't be like me, my past self anyway" Enterprise says

"Is there a three?" Essex asks

"Hey" Enterprise says

"Wha-" Essex tries to say but she gets blasted away

The other shipgirls are silent

"Listen. What do you think Paul? Is it worth dying for?" Kat asks

"It is when you're hungry" Paul replies

Paul nearly squats down and extends his clasped hands to Kat. Kat sticks his foot in his cradle and deftly climbs over the wall

"Sneak 100" Denver says

Paul stays behind and alone as he waits. Birds are chirping in the distance

A goose honks like an alarm and a dog barks soon after. Sounds of banging are heard... then Paul hears a man swear in French

Paul listens up and peaks through the gate, he sees the dog run by and a boy no older than 10 along with it

"And the stealth is no more" Sheffield says

"I honestly expected that" Kaga says

"Give Kat some slack.." Graf Spee says

Paul goes to another side of the yard

"Kat? Kat?!" Paul yells

Kat suddenly breaks out of the stable door

"Run!" Katczinsky yells

"Stealth was no more... but they got the meal, so that's a win..?" Arizona asks

"I call that a supreme victory" Hornet replies

"Hey! Dirty Kraut!" The French man yells

The Farmer curses in French again as Paul runs with Kat while panting


The farmer shoots twice but misses both shots

The two soldiers laugh

Kat tosses the goose to Paul like they're playing a game. The two buddies flee over the field while laughing

Some of the shipgirls laugh

"Fun" Akagi says

"Poor birb" Zuikaku and Shoukaku say

(Birb was intentional, didn't mistype it)

"Don't act like you Turkey's feel any sympathy for it. And I think Kat already snapped its neck" Taihou says

"W-we're not turkeys!" Zuikaku yells

"You're a turkey as well if I recall, Taihou" Akagi says back

Taihou pops a vein

The scene changes to a Shed

Through a window, we see the gang: Paul, Kropp, Franz, and Tjaden going inside

"Men, you're heroes" Tjaden says

"Shut the door or the others will smell it" Kat says

Kat is already cooking the goose

"At least all of them are still alive... well.. except one but..." Takao says

"Best to not talk about it right now" Junyou says

Tjaden shuts the door. They all take plates

"Password?" Kat asks

"I don't know. I've forgotten everything" Tjaden replies

"Bruh" The shipgirls say

"Just give them the deserved meal" Vestal says

"Good meal in war needs a password even if it doesn't make sense and just bruh" King George V says in a deadpan tone

"Say that to the old men aka the politicians" Mikasa says

"Use your Prussian brain" Kat says

"Here. Eyes wide, long fingers" Tjaden says

"Exactly" Kat says

"Mouth open, goose in" Kropp says

They all laugh

"A piece of goose from the goose. From Franz to Franz" Kat says as he gives a large piece to Tjaden

"I'll have a wing" Franz says

"Do I have to share? I'll have the rest" Tjaden says as Kropp takes a chair

"Well in with it" Kat says

"Come here, you blind hen. Wide-mouthed frog" Kat says

"May we rest in piece under the barrage" Kropp says

"Oh God" Tjaden says while laughing

Tjaden takes a look and sniffs his meal

"Hey boys, I'll never forget this" Tjaden says

"It's a memory to hold on too... enjoy it while you still can... ESPECIALLY the food.." Shinano says

(Since when was she awake?) Most shipgirls thought

Paul chuckles. They all begin to start eating. Their teeth gnash, and chew their meat with satisfaction. Katczinsky with the help of his trench knife, eats his share of the goose

"Taste good?" Kat asks

"Mmmh. Yes" They all say

"Must've been a while since they ate real food.." Cleveland says

"After all they went through, the taste must be beyond imagination" Howe says

"It's well deserved for fighting for so long~ but I feel this scene is... the calm before the storm.." Atago says

Some shipgirls nod

"One of the reasons why I say to enjoy your food, who knows, each one might be your last. You should be thankful if you have many joyful moments in your life" Texas says

"And you?"

"Yes, good" Kat replies

The soldiers laugh

"Good, Paul?" Katczinsky asks

"Good, Kat" Paul replies as he takes another bite from his share

"Life is short" Kat says

"Where's Emil when you need him? Emil, bring over the coffee and caviar!" Tjaden yells

"Yes, and run a foot bath. I need a foot bath" Franz says

Some of the shipgirls laugh

Paul laughs

"Kat?" Tjaden asks

"What is it?" Kat asks back

"You stole the goose. Give it back!"  Tjaden sings as the other men laugh and join in

"Give it back! Or the hunter will get you..."

"The farmer, the farmer!" Tjaden yells

"The farmer! Yes!" Paul yells

"Or the farmer will get you with his rifle (2x)!" The men sing as they produce the beats with their feet and play around

Some of the shipgirls laugh

"Sitting in a circle with your friends in war while eating real meat in months... maybe even more than a year.. what could be a better moment in war? And don't you guys dare reply 'When the war ends is a better moment'." Tirpitz says

More shipgirls laugh

(I mean its true but we're not talking about that right now) Some shipgirls thought

Scene changes

The sun is low in the sky. More scenes of the peaceful and silent woods show

Scene cuts to the gang and Kat telling a story:

"Tjaden sits very quietly and says,

'All I ever hear about is crosses. My father was Captain of Nazareth'

'Captain of Nazareth?' asks the teacher

'Never heard of it, Tjaden, go home and ask again, okay?'

The next morning Tjaden rushes into the classroom and says,

'I'm so sorry, my father wasn't Captain of Nazareth. My father had the clap in a lazaret'." Katczinsky says as the men laugh while peeling potatoes

Some of the shipgirls laugh as well

"Uhh... what's a lazaret?" Javelin asks

"A lazaret is basically a hospital for people who have infectious diseases. You can figure out what 'the clap' is though" Vestal replies while laughing

"The clap is Gonorrhea if I know my medical stuff correctly" Akagi says

Vestal stops laughing and looks at Akagi

"How do you know that?" Vestal asks

"I study and I'm Asian" Akagi replies

"Fair enough. But is there more to the story?" Vestal asks

"I also have some... medical experience with.. certain patients" Akagi says

"What experience?" Vestal asks

Akagi grins as she looks to Shoukaku who nearly sh*ts herself

(I hate needles... Akagi-senpai giving them makes it worse...) Shoukaku thought

"Tjaden didn't even go to school"

Paul then looks in the distance and notices something

"Look!" Paul yells

The men stop laughing

By the edge of the woods, three girls pass by with an ox cart

Kropp looks at them, Franz combs his hair

"Oh ma gah, are those women?" Hornet says in a 'male' like tone

Enterprise does a dramatic gasp

"Woah, women!" Enterprise yells

Some of the shipgirls laugh

"Good grief.." Yorktown says while giggling at her little sisters

"Hey! Hello!" Kropp yells in French

"Venez-ici (Come here)! Fresh baguette! For you!" Paul yells in french

"I get that they're French, but not everything is baguette" Richelieu says as Jean Bart raises her eyebrow

"Now I'm hungry" Algerie says

"I can cook le poisson later" Saint Louis says

(You can expect a musical number for that song in a future chapter)

"Can you cook Albacore?" Taihou asks

Albacore shivers

The shipgirls look at Taihou, some are scared

"N-no! I would never!" Saint Louis yells

"But Albacore is a fish, so why can't you cook it?" Taihou asks

The shipgirls are silent

"Taihou. There's a fine line between a fish and a human submarine. Add more context. Are you talking about the fish or the kansen over here?" AL Amagi asks

"Both? It's a smart idea in my book" Taihou replies

"Girl, you're not even worth a brain cell" Akagi says as Albacore laughs

"She got you there my friend~" Albacore says

Taihou pops a vein

"WHY YOU LITTLE...!" Taihou yells

"Now now, let's be friends here" AL Amagi says

"Shut up you scrapped battlecruiser with COVID, whatever that is" Taihou says back

Everyone is silent

Akagi and Kaga salute Taihou

(May she rest in peace) Kaga thought

(May she die in pieces) Akagi thought

AL Amagi smiles

(I f*cked up didn't I?) Taihou thought

A few minutes later after Amagi headbonk and b*tch slap Taihou

Taihou: T^T

"May this serve as a lesson when to shut your stupid face" Texas says

Back to reacting

"Liver wurst! Amour (Love)! Beaucoup d'amour (Lots of love)!" Kropp yells

Some of the girls laugh

"Rudimentary, but not bad when speaking. The charms however... well.. they could use a lot of work" Dunkerque says while laughing

The girls however are not persuaded by Paul and Kropp's awkward charming attempt. They just keep going.

Franz in the meanwhile, picks up some courage, wears his cap and coat, then walks over to the girls

"He's really going for it huh" Graf Zeppelin says

"I mean, he's German. And we're German. So... yeah.. kinda expected that!" Blucher says while smiling and giving a thumbs up

(Cute) Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eugen thought

"This is kinda making me sad..." Lutzow says

"Hey, Franz, where are you going? Take me with you!" Kropp yells

"Come on then!" Franz yells

The gang watch their buddy Franz approach the girls.

"Look! Now he's making a fool of himself. Oh la la! Vous-êtes très belles (You're very beautiful my love)." Kropp says while laughing

We see Franz doing a little jig for the girls; spinning around with his coat

Most of the girls laugh and giggle

"I have to admit, it's kinda funny" Texas says

The gang are laughing as well

"Franz! The skinny dark-haired one is mine!" Kropp yells

Franz doesn't hear Kropp. The girls laugh and talk to him. He then takes one of the girls' burlap bags and continues talking. Kropp's freezes

"Where's he going now? Franz?!" Kropp yells

"Okay, now this is getting sad" Littorio says

"Like everytime an Illustrious-class reje-" Vittorio Veneto tries to whisper but Roma keeps her mouth shut

The gang stops laughing, they continue peeling potatoes

"Goodbye! Goodbye my friends!" Franz yells jokingly

Kropp stares longingly, then he heads back to continue peeling potatoes

"Is Franz leaving?" Z23 asks

"I think he's just going to slack off for a good while with the ladies.. three of them..." Littorio replies

"That man has accomplished more than yo-" Vittorio Veneto tries to say but Roma shuts her mouth again

"I actually feel bad for Kropp, the poor guy.." KC Amagi says

"Life tends to do that... happy moments then can get depressing real quick.." Kaga says

Kropp sits back down in his area

"Damn. If it was all over now, you know what I'd do?" Kropp asks

"There's no peace. It's not over" Kat replies

"But if it was. Bloody hell, there'd be girls again" Kropp says

"Hey, that's our word" The Royal Navy shipgirls say

"Bloody hell, it can be anyone's word" Agir says back

Kat guides a beetle with his knife

"Yes, indeed" Paul says

"I wouldn't wear any trousers for a week" Kropp says

The kansens are silent

"Geez this man has balls" Scharnhorst says

"All men have-" Gneisenau tries to say

"Learn to take a joke" Scharnhorst says

"I should smack your arses for bringing that up" Kat says while guiding a beetle with his knife

"More like cla-" Ark Royal tries to say but Hood slaps the back of her head

A certain shipgirl comes

"Yes officer, this one right here" Hood says

"Caught again red-handed" Enterprise says

"Bruh" Ark Royal says

"What about you, Paul?" Kropp asks

"No idea. Can't think of anything" Paul replies

"I'd stay with the Prussians" Tjaden says

"You're crazy Tjaden" Kropp says

"Have you ever dug peat? Try it one day" Tjaden says back

"Can't be worse than digging trenches" Kropp says

"It can be worse" Agincourt says

"How do you know?" Warspite asks

"Learn gardening, then you'll know or just ask the Warspite from my world but she's not here" Agincourt replies

"Takes longer than digging trenches. And you can't slack off either. In the army during peacetime, you have no worries. Food's there every morning or raise a stink. Then you've got your nice bed, fresh sheets every week. And then... then you make NCO. Imagine that. I'll be a police ranger" Tjaden says

Kat guides the beetle into a matchpack

"Peacetime is good, too bad conflicts rise whenever something dumb happens" Cleveland says

"Like that one time the Union here shot a pig?" Hood asks

Almost every Eagle Union shipgirl looks at her

(Ain't that ironic, talking about peacetime being good, but there's about to be a conflict right now because something dumb somehow happened) Texas thought

"Listen here you stupid tea-addicting fragile Scottish grann-" Pennsylvania tries to say but Arizona closes her mouth

"S-sorry" Arizona says

Hood scoffs after a while

"You're so pathetic" Hood says

Pennsylvania breaks free from Arizona

"Oh that's it, you're getting it now!" Pennsylvania yells

"You wanna 'ave a fight ye fookin piss poor battleship?!" Hood yells back

"Darn tootin' you pathetic battlecruiser!" Pennsylvania says

Texas wipes a tear of her face

(I'm so proud) Texas thought

"After I beat you, Arizona is next!" Hood yells

Everyone is silent

(Welp, good luck surviving Penny in her overprotective mode) Texas thought

Pennsylvania summons a M1911 pistol

"So you want to hurt my little sis?" Pennsylvania says as she points the gun to Hood

A few minutes later

Hood got absolutely wrecked, even in her Scottish mode

(RIP) Some shipgirls thought

(Well this got historically accurate, US winning over the British. If I was in Pennsylvania's place then it would've been more accurate) Bismarck thought

"A cognac here, a pint there. Everyone wants to be friends with a ranger. Everyone" Tjaden says, finishing his sentence

"There's just one catch, Tjaden" Kat says

"What's that?" Tjaden asks

"You'll never make NCO" Kat replies

Tjaden looks at him, stricken

"And there we go, reality making life disappointing again.." Hiryu says

"Reality is often disappointing, sister" Soryu says

"You always ask such nonsense questions. It won't change anything" Tjaden says to Kropp

Scene changes

A mail truck is driving by

A driver unload delivers a bag of mail from the back of the truck and carries them into an office. The soldiers all around are trying to get their mail. Katczinsky is fighting his way to the table. Tjaden is finding mail on the other side of the table

"Letters from their families and maybe friends nya. Either good news or bad news nya" Akashi says

"Kat! Kat!" Tjaden yells as he gives Katczinsky his letter

Katczinsky gets the letter and sees who its from, he then leaves

Scene changes to another area in the field

A dogfight is happening in the sky plus a distant battle, as Kat goes to a latrine

Paul is sitting in the latrine while writing his diary. Kat sits down on the latrine while having a cigarette in his mouth

"Imagine even mail gets somehow advanced in the future" Mikasa says

Kat hands Paul his letter as he lights his cigar after

Paul then begins to read the letter

"My dumpling. You asked for a food parcel. Four helpings of wurst and lard are on their way, a few cakes, sauerkraut and bockwurst, and... Hing.. Hingfong essence with sugar cubes, some eggs and a jar of plum jar. Make it last, because I don't want to have to send another too soon. Better not share it with your comrades" Paul reads a portion of the letter

"Dang" Some shipgirls say

"My dear dumpling, I have another question for you. How much money have you saved
so far? Can you maybe send some home? They say that the war will be over soon, so it would be good to have some left over. Now you'll think, listen to the old lady, how cheeky! But no offense. You know me, I can't get enough. Give me and inch and I'll take a mile. So don't keel over on the home stretch. Karl Lemmer is already in a field hospital in the East. Something to do with his stomach. He was hardly there for three weeks. Can't you get off too, with your rheumatism? You've done your bit" Paul reads

"Trying to keep young men alive is his bit..." Texas says

"If only she could see you now, sitting here with your cigar" Paul says to Kat

Paul continues reading the letter

"On Sunday, I'm visiting..." Paul says, but there was hesitation as he reads

Paul looks at Kat and he nods

"On Sunday, I'm visiting our little boy's grave" Paul reads

The shipgirls are shocked

"F*ck me..." FDG says as she covers her face and Z46 hugs her

Unicorn does the same to Illustrious

Paul is hesitating to continue reading

"I'm going to read to him. He always liked that so much. Next year, we'll go together and celebrate his tenth birthday. Well, that's all I had to say. Kisses from your wife. Goodbye" Paul says as he finishes reading the letter and Kat sniffs

"Hard to hear... and heavy to read.." Deutschland says

"I didn't know" Paul says as he gives back the letter

"Oh Paul. What's gonna happen now? Going home someday... going back to our old lives. And all they'll want to know is if we fought in close combat" Kat says

"That's absolutely true... people are always going to want to know what happened.." Georgios Averof says

"It's usually what they ask about.." Queen Elizabeth says

"We'll walk around kike travelers in a landscape from the past. I ask myself... if I wouldn't just rather sit around a campfire with you and Tjaden and Kropp and Müller... and eat fried potatoes. With the skin on" Kat says while chuckling

Paul chuckles a bit as well

"Yeah..." Paul says

"I'm bored. How long until we get going again?" Kat says while getting up

"How long until we get going again!" Kat yells as a plane passes by

Scene changes

Night has fallen. A single soldier returns to camp... Franz Müller

"Well he definitely had fun" Essex says

(Since when did she come back after Enterprise's 'Hey'?) Some shipgirls thought

"I wonder what kinds of fun~" Ticonderoga says as Intrepid headbonks

In the barracks, the men lie in their bunks, asleep. Paul opens his eyes, as Franz quietly gets undressed

"Franz?" Paul whispers

"Yeah?" Franz asks

"We have to leave at six tomorrow. To look for some kids" Paul whispers

"What kids?" Ark Royal asks

"Don't get the wrong ideas now missy" Texas says while glaring

"O-of course, I'm not.." Ark Royal says

"What happened?" Franz asks

"They should have arrived today. An entire company" Paul says

"They got lost?" Javelin asks

"Maybe" Prince of Wales replies

"OR they all-" Sheffield tries to say but Belfast slaps the back of her head

Paul can't hold back his curiosity

"How was it?" Paul asks

"Nice" Franz replies

"What kind of nice?" Columbia asks as Bunker Hill slaps the back of her head

"Yeah?" Paul says

"Yeah. Here, smell" Franz says as he hands him a scarf that was around his neck

Paul takes it and sniffs

"Must be heavenly~" Akagi says as Kaga slaps the back of her head

"You should be disgusted" Kaga says

"What's her name?" Paul asks

"Eloise" Franz replies

"'Eloise.." Paul says as he sniffs again

"Her skin was as white as milk" Franz says

"That's really pale... are you sure she isn't sick you perv-" Hammann tries to say Hornet slaps the back of her head

"Next thing you know, one of those boys might find someone who is as white as the moon" Sovetskaya Rossiya says

Some of the shipgirls laugh

"And her breasts..." Franz says as the two men chuckle

"I wonder how the men will react if they see me and my che-" Prinz Eugen tries to say as Bismarck slaps the back of her head

"Hey. I want a turn" Kropp whispers

"Oh gods, not him too" Mutsu says

"Next thing you know, Tjaden is gonna join in" Tallinn says

Paul passes the scarf to Kropp who takes it and sniffs

"Albert (2x)" Franz says

"Kropp. Let me have it" Tjaden says as he leans over

"OH COME ON" Tallinn yells

"We're really good at predicting certain stuff" Minsk says

"Here" Kropp says as he hands it to Tjaden next

"Oh my!" Tjaden says

"Ara ara~" Atago says

"And sayonara" Musashi says as she headbonks Atago

"Tjaden" Franz says, wishing the scarf back

"A girl like that never has dirty fingernails. At most, a bit of sand from the beach" Tjaden says as he sniffs again

"Tjaden" Franz says

"Men..." Texas says as the grannies nod

"Come on, give it to me" Franz says

"I'm sure she has a bath twice a day" Tjaden says

Franz has had enough. He walks over to Tjaden

"Please. It's mine" Franz says as Tjaden tries to keep it for himself

"Tjaden!" Franz says

"No, it's mine now" Tjaden says

Franz eventually yanks it away from Tjaden

"And he shall wear it all the time from now on" Victorious says

Some of the shipgirls laugh

"It's not even about winning the war for them, just surviving. I think" Zuikaku says

Scene changes to a limousine (?) car

A convoy of three cars pass by with little flags flapping on the fenders

Another area shows coffins being carried by tired soldiers

One of the cars has Matthias Erzberger in it. Up front sits General Friedrichs

"He kinda looks like Eggman from the sonic games" Z23 says, referring to General Friedrichs

Ayanami, Laffey, Javelin, and more chuckle

Scene changes to the gang with their uniforms and rifles

"That was one hell of a blast" A soldier says

"Trench mortar. It blasted him out of his uniform" Kat says

We see a dead body on a tree

"Is he one of the guys we're looking for?"

"No, they've only been missing since yesterday. He's been up there a while" Kat replies

"Not funny"

"Don't start getting soft men" Kat says

A dead body dangles in the branches, mostly naked, only his underwear and only one leg. Both his arms are missing, but his head intact

The scene becomes censored for the children but not for the adults

Some of the shipgirls look away from the sight

"Holy hell... I might puke.." Kirov says

"Men just die miserably in the wars caused by old people" Avrora says

"How many are we looking for?" Franz asks

"Sixty young recruits" Kat replies

Scene changes to a Train Yard/Station

The squad walks along the railroad, some tracks are bent up

Tjaden spits on the ground before getting turnip bread out of his knapsack

"Turnip bread for breakfast. Turnip bread for lunch. Turnip bread all the time. I've had enough. Tell me when you've found them. I'm not taking another step" Tjaden says

Katczinsky along with Paul look around. However, Katczinsky notices something is wrong. Empty shells on the ground and fog in the area. Silence

"Gas. There was gas here" Kat says

"Oh no.." Edinburgh says

(Good job Sheffield, another thing possibly predicted...) Belfast thought

Tjaden and Franz join them

Scene cuts to a train station hall

Kat pushes open a gate. Light enters the dark area. Many shells are stored nearby. The men split up and spread out. Paul is alone

The scene goes back to the train yard

The rest of the squad is there, Kropp refills his empty canteen bottle with a pump nearby. He drinks while refilling. Suddenly he looks up, then he goes to a poster nearby

"Bonjour madam. I'm Kropp. And you? Do you... do you want to come with me? Not a problem" Kropp says to a poster

The poster shows a girl in a bright summer dress and a red lacquer belt with a gentleman beside her

So much beauty and so much happiness in the poster, like in peacetime

He draws his knife and cuts the poster with only the lady. He folds up the picture and puts it in his pocket

"It's his now and nobody else can have it" Hood says as some of the shipgirls laugh for no reason at all

"I hate my sense of humor.." Columbia says

"Don't hate it, and the men need something to keep their hopes up somehow" Texas says

"Can you blame the commoner?" Queen Elizabeth asks

"Yes I can, but I don't want to since I have no reason, which doesn't make sense as to why I said 'Yes I can' in the first place" Texas says

The shipgirls are silent

"I think it's kinda adorable, he probably might even je-" Junyou tries to say but she gets headbonked

Scene changes to another area

Paul enters as he continue walking down the hall. He reaches a door. Flies are heard buzzing around

The shipgirls tense

Blurred dead bodies are seen all around. Paul stares... his shakened breath in the air

"Kat... Kat! Kat!" Paul yells

Most of the shipgirls look down

Kat hears this through the echoes and goes up to Paul, Franz follows. They arrive a moment later

"Sh*t" Franz says

Kat makes a face (showing disgust, disgust, or other negative emotions)

Sixty recruits lay on the floor before them, all dead. Blue faces, black lips, frozen in place, rifles all over. They were all dead. None older than 18

"Bloody kids" Kat says

"Yeah. They took their masks off too soon" Paul says

"Soon, Germany will be empty" Kat says

The shipgirls are silent, some of them even clench their fists

Scene changes to night time as a train roars through the rails


8, November 1918'

Erzeberger is seen on a bed, he then walks out of his bed then begins to write something as he looks at a young man in a frame: his son

"HE'S A LEFTY LIKE ME" Bismarck yells, feeling happy

The shipgirls are greatly surprised, even some Iron Blood kansens

(Good to know) Some shipgirls thought

(Yep, that's my schwester) Tirpitz thought

"I think he's working on something for negotiations with France, to end the war" Roma says

"Ironic isn't it, the war that may be called 'The War to End All Wars' ended nothing, yet changed everything. The end of it was the spark that started WWII a mere 20 years later" Enterprise says

Scene changes to a limousine pulling up to a mansion

General Friedrichs is seen walking with a dog. Then he is seen walking through a hallway

The dog sits down by a fireplace

Major Sebastian Von Brixdorf comes in the room and salutes the general

"Sir" Sebastian says

Friedrichs salutes back as he takes off his cap

"My gods, he's even bald like Eggman..." Ayanami says as some shipgirls laugh again

"Well Brixdorf, what's new?" Friedrichs asks

"The French are putting the pressure on. Early this morning, our scouts intercepted orders summoning entire divisions to Latierre. A fleet of tanks is still stuck in Fernancourt. We need to prepare for an attack" Sebastian replies

"The Social Democrats will be the end of mankind, Brixdorf" Friedrichs says

"Lexington and the North-Carolina sisters would be offended by that" Yorktown says as Texas laughs

"...? General..?" Sebastian asks

Friedrichs gets a cigarette and lights it

"I just put the German delegation on the train to Compiègne to negotiate an armistice. These people, Brixdorf, are selling off our fatherland. My order is war. And before anyone tells me otherwise, I will continue to fight for every meter" Friedrichs states

"And more young men are going to die damn it..." FDG says

"We have to hold firm and wait for fresh troops. New recruits are due in a few months. The French are trying to force their shitty terms on us. I will never surrender" Friedrichs states

"I agree they are horrible terms... but the people are clearly tired.. they can't continue much longer.." Illustrious says while she is hugging Unicorn

"We have to strike now with all our might" Friedrichs says

The Major salutes

"Sir" Sebastian says as he leaves

Scene changes back to the train

Erzberger walks out of his room, he then goes into the restroom

He opens the toilet lid and he quietly whispers to himself as he rehearses a part

"In our part, I have to insist... we have to insist..." Erzberger whispers as the train suddenly jerks in its tracks and he misses the toilet

"For God's sake!" Erzberger curses softly as he wipes his shoe

The train jerks again as its stops in its tracks

Erzberger looks outside

A second train but its the French

Erzberger looks at himself in the mirror

"The weight on him must be heavy..." Atago says

"Yeah no sh*t you dog" Deutschland says

Scene changes

Lieutenant Hoppe marches over to the barracks

He enters

"Soldiers! Pack your bags, roll up your bedding, and wash ou mess kits! The entire regiment is being sent to the front line. We're taking anyone who can stand on two legs" Hoppe states

"Thanks General Baldy..." Laffey says

The soldiers sit up in bed

Hoppe loses his temper

"Line up damn it! You think the French will wait for you to comb your pubes? Move it!" Hoppe yells

"No need to be sus now" Richelieu says

The soldiers leap out of their beds

"Here we go" Kat says

"Where to?" Franz asks

Most shipgirls facepalm

"Where to? To battle" Kat replies

Scene changes to the road

The convoy of trucks slowly drive through the night. They then turn off the lights, now it is dark. The silence filled with only the sounds of engines. One after another, they drive through the dark night on the way to the trench

Scene changes to Latierre, the sun is beginning to show

The air is filled with smoke and fog, the soldiers march through. The battlefield is quiet, for now

Scene changes to the train, early morning

Erzberger is continuing writing as Alfred von Oberndorff is eating breakfast. Foods of croissants, eggs, cheese, and fruit. The sounds of munching and sipping fill the room. Erzberger tries to concentrate but he can't

"Relatable, REALLY relatable" Prince of Wales says as she looks to Queen Elizabeth

The Queen is silent as some kansens laugh

"Nice breakfast" The Iris Libre shipgirls say

"It's too luxurious and fancy for me" Hammann says

"I understand, I mean what they get compared to the troops.." Helena says

A French Interpreter enters as the other representatives look at him

"Monsieur le Maréchal will see you now" He says

The scene changes again

French guardsmen with guns slung over their shoulders, escort the German Delegation to the train of the Allied Powers

Back to the Trench

The soldiers are silently waiting, guns at the ready. It's foggy at the front. A dead horse rots on teh battlefield. A young recruit vomits. It's too quiet. Paul is beside his friends.

Kropp takes out the poster he took, he stretches it out and kisses the girl

"I'll be back soon" Kropp says as he pins it to the trench wall

"He's so romantic" Howe says while giggling

He looks at Paul

"Jealous, huh?" Kropp asks

Paul doesn't react

Some shipgirls sigh

"They were once sooo enthusiastic about the war..." Zara  says

"They seem cool at first, but the moment you get in reality... you think the exact opposite" King George V says

"Trauma is the key to having a backbone" Enterprise says

The shipgirls look at her

"Even after all that therapy you went through Enterprise-chan.." Yorktown says

Enterprise turns red at the other nickname Yorktown uses

"D-don't call me t-that!" Enterprise yells

Most of the shipgirls chuckle

Have a meme: French drip

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