Hizzie Fanfiction One Shots

By read_user07

2.4K 57 22

One Shots Hizzie. More

Dark Magic
How can we only be like this when we're high?
Some fluff
Keeping sectes only brings trouble


247 7 1
By read_user07

"Can you help us Klaus or not" Caroline asked and looked at him.

The hybrid was silent for a while, "okay"

Caroline exhaled in relief, "thank you"

"What happened?" Hayley asked.

"Lizzie had an episode and ran into the woods shortly after she was gone," Josie explained to the Mikaelsons.

Hayley seemed to be thinking, "It's a full moon today, there's a good chance she got caught by a wolf."

At that moment Hope came around the corner and when she saw some of the Salvatore students she was surprised.

"Oh Hope come here" Hayley said.

Hope gave them a puzzled look, "what's up" she asked.

"Lizzie has disappeared" explained Mg, "in your forest" added Josie.

"What's with that undertone?" Jed added.

"We don't have time for that children, Lizzie could be in danger," Klaus explained.

"I'm not so sure about that," Caroline mumbled.

"What was that?" asked Klaus.

Josie shared a look with her mum, "when Lizzie has one of her episodes she's pretty much powerless as to what happens"

"She can easily lose control and is quite difficult to calm her down at the moment," added Penelope.

Klaus, Hayley and Hope rounded up the core of their school.

Meanwhile, Caroline, Mg, Josie and Penelope were waiting for them.

After a while Klaus, Hayley, Hope, Jed and Raphael joined them.

"The rest of the wolves are out," Hope explained.

"If you find Lizzie," said Josie, "you've got to be careful-"

"Don't scare her, don't make her angry, don't look crazy, don't chase her" explained Penelope, Lizzie's best friends, "and trust me break one of those rules and you'll regret it"

The others just nodded and started walking.

Raphael, Jed and Hope walked north.

"She's just a siphon she can't be that dangerous-" he stopped when he saw a tree torn from its roots.

"Oh" whispered Hope.

"That's harmless," Penelope came out from behind them again, followed by the others.

"Aren't we going to split up?" Jed asked.

"Well, she's obviously headed that way, you quick-head," Penelope spat.

"What did you say?" Jed asked.

Hope took his arm and pushed him back.

"Go on then," she said to Penelope, who disappeared with Josie and Mg.

Klaus, Hayley and Caroline walked in the same direction.

After a few minutes they saw something new.

"Mom" yelled Josie, "here's blood" cried the brown haired twin.

Caroline kissed Josie's hairline, "I'm sure she's okay"

Hope saw how the black-haired one, who was so quick-witted earlier, tapped back and forth nervously on her feet.

Mg gave Penelope an encouraging smile.

"This is where we part ways," Klaus explained.

"Jed, Raphael go left Hope go right and you three keep going straight" he added.

"We'll go back and see if we can find her there"

The others nodded, Klaus knew he could leave his daughter alone unlike the others.

Jed and Raphael had no luck finding another lead, same with Mg, Josie and Penelope.

However, Hope found a trail of blood and a piece of cloth, which only made her suspect that a wolf had found her.

Hope heard a small whimper and remembered the rules, don't scare, don't anger, don't look crazy, don't chase.

The tribrid followed the slight sniffles and saw a blond girl pressed against a tree, two wolves in front of her.

Hope saw that one of them was limping and if the blonde had anything to do with it, she's in big trouble.

The tribrid emerged from hiding and whistled once loudly.

Her eyes flashed gold, "go back to school" she said.

The wolves growled.

"That wasn't a question," she said again, now standing next to Lizzie, which scared her.

Shit thought Hope, don't be alarmed.

She heard the blonde's heart leap and start beating much faster.

The wolves left their prey again willingly, much to the relief of Hope, who now gave the blonde her full attention.

She took a few steps towards her and inspected her arm, definitely a wolf bite.

Lizzie's hands started glowing red and a few seconds later Hope was thrown against a tree.

"Don't  scare her," Hope murmured.

The Tribrid got back to her feet and stared at the girl who was definitely scared.

"I won't hurt you okay, your friends and mom are here too, we're looking for you" Hope explained.

Lizzie bit her lip as her arm let out a sharp pain.

Hope took a few steps towards her.

"Can I see that?" asked Hope.

Lizzie hesitated and looked around for her options.

"Can I" asked Hope again, this time Lizzie nodded.

Hope held out her hand and Lizzie carefully rested her arm on it.

Hope rolled up the sweater sleeve.

Hope eyed the wound, Lizzie winced as she touched it.

"I'm Hope," she tried to start small talk.

The blonde stared at her, "Lizzie" she murmured.

Hope smiled, "well then Lizzie we have to take care of that but I don't have anything with me here so let's go back to school where your friends are already waiting" Hope explained softly and stroked a strand of hair behind Lizzie's ear.

Lizzie watched Hope closely and nodded.

They were just about to start running when Lizzie looked around in panic.

"My chain" she said in panic.

Hope looked at her in surprise, "we can get it later"

"No" Tears streamed from Lizzie's eyes as she felt the floor.

"No no no no" she murmured, digging her fingernails into her skin.

Hope knew she was having a panic attack so she did the next thing that came to her mind.

She pulled the blonde's face towards her and stared into her eyes.

The blonde's desperate eyes merged with hopes, encouraging.

Hope would never normally do such a thing, but she pulled the blonde into a hug.

Hope's hands went to Lizzie's back and Lizzie accepted the hug after a few seconds and let her sink in a bit.

"We'll find your necklace and then we have to get to school before you pass out, that's just the adrenaline," Hope explained, breaking away from the hug and smiling at her.

Lizzie smiled back slightly.

"How does the necklace look?" asked Hope.

"S-she's silver and has a little diamond in the middle," Lizzie explained.

Hope smiled at the blonde finally starting to speak in sentences.

"Is she important to you?" asked Hope.

"Yes very much," Lizzie said, patting the ground with one arm.

Hope saw something flash out of the corner and found the necklace.

"Here," she held them out to Lizzie.

The blonde grabbed the chain, turned it around and Hope watched as a piece of red magic shot out of Lizzie's hands and was drawn into the chain.

Lizzie let out a relieved breath.

"Thank you" she whispered exhausted.

"Sure," Hope answered more like a question.

Lizzie now turned fully to the tribrid, "I'm sorry that I threw you against the tree by the way" Lizzie murmured somewhat embarrassed.

"It's okay" smiled Hope, "but now to school"

Lizzie nodded and they started walking together, after a few seconds Hope noticed that Lizzie slowed down a bit.

"I think that's it for your adrenaline" said Hope.

"Hm" Lizzie answered and just wanted to sleep, she closed her eyes and leaned against a tree.

"How do I fix that now?" Hope asked herself.

Lizzie held a hand to the chain, "Taurus" she whispered and the red magic flowed through her body again, Hope heard Lizzie's heart beating faster again.

"I see," the tribrid murmured.

"It won't last long as I've already used up my magic but it will last a little longer" Lizzie explained.

Hope nodded and wasted no time, she pulled Lizzie behind her and was now in the clearing where they split up, now it's a few minutes to school.

Lizzie grabbed Hope's hand, "hm, that's it," the blond girl whispered.

Hope bit her lip and thought, "I can't believe I'm doing this now" she murmured.

"What do you mean?" Lizzie asked.

Hope pinned Lizzie against a tree, and crashed her lips into Lizzie's.

The blonde's heart leapt, and Hope didn't go unnoticed.

She kissed her back though and Hope took the opportunity to bring her hands to Lizzie's cheek.

Hope pulled away after a while and smiled at the now out of breath blonde.

Her pupils were dilated and the adrenaline was high again.

"So that's settled," she said, taking Lizzie's hand.

Hope could feel her wrist pulse, "who would have thought that I would have such an effect on you, if I had known that I would have kissed you much earlier"

Lizzie flashed a smile, "You should warn a girl next time you kiss her," she retorted.

Hope raised an eyebrow and stopped.

"Not that anyone else gets a heart attack from all that adrenaline," she added, walking past Hope.

The tribrid smirked, she would never admit it but that was the best kiss she ever had, same as Lizzie.

She ran after the taller girl.

And when she reached her she took her hand, "not that you knock me over"

"From all the adrenaline?" Lizzie asked provocatively.

Hope chuckle and then they were already standing in front of a small group.

"Lizzie" shouted Josie and Penelope.

The blonde was pulled into a hug which she gave back exhaustedly, Caroline pulled her into a hug as well.

"Did you just chuckle" Jed asked the tribrid, who was staring at her parents and friends.

"Maybe" said Hope only.

Lizzie was now being treated in one of the hospital beds at Mikaelsson School.

She got some painkillers and a bandage, now she lay in one of the hospital beds and dozed.

"Still so much adrenaline" asked Hope and sat down on the empty chair next to Lizzie's bed.

Lizzie smirked, "don't get too big on that, I already forgot what that kiss was like"

Hope played along and put a hand on her heart, "Elizabeth how can you" she said indignantly.

Lizzie chuckle.

"But we don't want you to run out of adrenaline," breathed Hope and stood up, bending over Lizzie's face, "right" she asked.

Lizzie pulled Hope into a kiss and attacked the tribrid with her lips.

Hope smiled into the kiss and the blonde ran her tongue over hope's bottom lip.

The tribrid granted her entry immediately and their tongues pressed together.

Lizzie made the first move and got to her feet without breaking the kiss, she was now sitting on the edge of the bed and hope was between her legs.

Lizzie's hand went to Hope's waist and pulled her closer.

Hope's tongue slid into Lizzie's mouth again, causing her to sigh slightly.

Both girls were so busy that they didn't notice each other's presences.

They only stopped when they heard a clear throat.

Hope turned to the door and saw her father and the Salvatore students there.

Lizzie took her hand off hopes ass and blushed deeply, just like hope.

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