What I Should Have Said

By Midnighthaze21

151K 5.5K 653

"What I should have said was...I love you." -------- Elizabeth Hayes never expected her childhood best friend... More

Author's note


4.3K 179 55
By Midnighthaze21

Elizabeth got back home and for once...the house was silent. No bickering from her parents. Just silence. She didn't know if she should be worried or relieved. "Mom? Dad?" She called out as she walked through. She saw her dad sitting on the couch watching some sports game she didn't care for. "Dad?" She asked. He glanced over and noticed her, "Hey kiddo." He greeted her and went back to viewing his game. "Where's mom?" She asked. He shrugged, "Don't know, she said something about going out to run errands. Why?" He asked.

"Taylor was going to ask her parents if I could spend the night at her house, and I wanted to ask if I could go?" She asked. He thought about it for a moment, "Sure."

Elizabeth smiled, "Really?"

"Yeah, why not? it's not a school night and you're across the street." He shrugged and sipped his beer. "What about Mom?" she asked. "Like I said...you're across the street. Who cares?" He replied. "Thanks dad." Elizabeth smiled and ran off to her room to pack her things.


Taylor excitedly waited by the window for Elizabeth to arrive. "Taylor, did you make sure your room was clean?" Her mother asked. "Yes, mom." She replied and continued to stare out the window. "Will you stop that?" Andrea asked. "Stop what?" She asked. "Stop staring out the window, she'll be here soon." Her mother slightly scolded.

"I'm sorry, I'm just excited. I only have Austin around and I like having my real friends around." Taylor pouted. Andrea smiled to herself. Seeing Taylor have at least one real and good friend made her happy. It wasn't always easy for her to make friends with the other girls and after the stunt, some so-called 'friends' pulled on her, she just wanted her to have at least one good friend and she was happy Elizabeth was the one.

The doorbell went off and a slight knock was heard at the door. Taylor quickly shot up from the couch and ran to answer the door. "It's her!" She shouted and quickly opened the door. Elizabeth stood with a small overnight bag and smiled. "Hi."

"Hi." Taylor smiled.

Andrea approached from around the corner and smiled. "Elizabeth come in honey." She motioned for her to enter. Elizabeth entered and was met with a brief hug from Taylor's mother. "Thanks for letting me stay Mrs. Swift." Elizabeth smiled. "Of course honey, you're welcome anytime." Andrea nodded.

"Come on let's go to my room I want to show you the song I told you about!" Taylor excitedly interrupted and dragged her friend along with her. "Bye, Mrs. Swift!" Elizabeth shouted as Taylor dragged her away.


"This is pretty good." Elizabeth smiled and read through the sample lyrics Taylor had written in her journal. "I'm telling you, Betty. I'm going to do it. I'll be in Nashville and I'm going to be this big star!" Taylor smiled. "I believe in you." Elizabeth nodded. She set aside Taylor's journal and looked around her room. "So what do we do?" Elizabeth asked. Taylor shrugged, "I don't know what do you want to do?" Taylor asked.

"What can we do?" Elizabeth asked. Taylor gasped as a big smile formed on her face. "What?" Elizabeth asked.

"Let's play dress up." Taylor smiled.

"Okay, where's the clothes?" Elizabeth asked.

"The attic." Taylor replied.

"The attic? Are we allowed up there?" Elizabeth questioned.

"Yeah come on." Taylor smiled and led the way out and toward the attic. The two made their way up the ladder and into the attic. It was filled with boxes of random mementos and old clothes. Elizabeth looked around and saw a small table with a hot glue gun and popsicle sticks scattered on it. "What's that?" She asked. Taylor awkwardly stared at the table and struggled to find the words to explain. "Don't worry about it." She replied and looked through the boxes. Elizabeth laughed and searched through boxes with Taylor.

"So what should we do?" Elizabeth asked.

"hmm..." Taylor sifted through old clothing and came across one of her father's old suit jackets. "Hey, I know what we could do!"

"Dress like boring businessmen like our dads?" Elizabeth joked.

Taylor rolled her eyes, "No. We can play Prince and Princesses." She smiled.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'll be the prince and you can be the princess." Taylor explained, "Here." Taylor smiled and handed Elizabeth an oversized dress that was in the box.

"How come you get to be the prince?" Elizabeth asked.

Taylor put on the oversized blazer and posed, "Because I look good in a suit." She joked. Elizabeth laughed, "Okay." Elizabeth gave in and put on the oversized dress.

"Shall we go on an adventure into an enchanted forest together fair maiden?" Taylor bowed and held out her hand. "We shall." Elizabeth curtsied and took Taylor's hand. The two wandered around the attic as if they were in some magical place, almost as if they had stumbled into Wonderland together. "What is this strange place?" Elizabeth asked. "I am not sure, but isn't it beautiful?" Taylor asked. "Beautiful but strange, In a beautiful way." Elizabeth agreed as the two laughed.

"Shall we dance?" Taylor asked. Elizabeth nodded and took Taylor by the hand. Taylor smiled as she spun her around, the oversized dress spinning along with her. Elizabeth faced her and the two stared at one another in silence and swayed. "You're not that bad of a dancer, fair prince." Elizabeth laughed.

Taylor smiled to herself as they continued to sway around. "Unfortunately, I have a secret."

Elizabeth curiously raised an eyebrow, "And what is that?"

"I have a curse on me that will turn me into a frog at midnight."

"A frog?" Elizabeth laughed.

"Sadly." Taylor frowned.

"What can we do to help?" Elizabeth asked.

Taylor hesitated. She knew what she wanted but she was too afraid to say it. "Prince?" Elizabeth asked waiting for a response.

"The curse says I need a...Kiss."

"Okay, just one?" Elizabeth asked. Taylor nodded. "Okay." Elizabeth nodded. She slowly leaned in. Taylor felt every last bit of air she had, escape her lungs at that moment. Elizabeth softly pressed her lips to Taylor's. Taylor felt a flutter in her stomach. Elizabeth quickly pulled away, "Ew." She laughed. Taylor stared at her, partially upset she stopped, and partially upset Elizabeth seemed disgusted.

"Kissing is so icky." Elizabeth laughed. Taylor's cheeks flushed red as she sheepishly looked away. "Yeah...Icky." She lied, afraid to admit she actually enjoyed it. She wanted to do it again. But she knew it probably wasn't the best idea.

"Taylor are you girls up there!?" Andrea shouted. Taylor's eyes slightly widened in worry and fear. "Uhh...yes." She replied. "Time for bed! you shouldn't be playing up there!" She shouted. "Okay!" Taylor replied. "Time for bed?" Elizabeth whispered and laughed. "Afraid so." Taylor playfully frowned.


The two shared Taylor's bed. They lay in silence unable to sleep. "You asleep?" Elizabeth whispered. "No." Taylor whispered. "I feel so tired but I can't sleep." Elizabeth sighed. "Have you tried counting? sometimes that helps me." Taylor suggested. " Maybe." Elizabeth shrugged. She moved around trying to find a comfortable position and ended up on her side soundly asleep. Taylor peeked over to check if she had fallen asleep and she did. She cautiously reached her arm over to cuddle up to her friend. She expected her to negatively react but she didn't. Instead, she snuggled back against Taylor's embrace and continued sleeping soundly. Taylor smiled to herself and enjoyed the moment for what it was.

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