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Taylor leaned against the door frame and watched Elizabeth pack her suitcase for her flight out tomorrow. "Do you have to leave?" Taylor asked. "I have work and I have to be there to look after my dad. As much as I would love to hang around longer I have a life to get back to." Elizabeth sighed.

Taylor felt hurt by her comment. She knew Elizabeth wouldn't mean it that way but it was just another reminder she wasn't a part of her life. She may have been in her life again, but she wasn't a part of it.

"When can I see you again?"Taylor asked. "I told you...whenever you feel like coming back to visit." Elizabeth smiled and zipped up her suitcase. "I can't believe you're leaving so soon." Taylor frowned. "You're leaving too, you have a tour to finish." Elizabeth set aside her suitcase. Taylor stood arms crossed and silent. Elizabeth walked over and slipped her arms around Taylor's waist. Taylor grew tense and nervous at her touch.

Elizabeth rested her head on Taylor's should and embraced her, "I'll miss you." She whispered. Taylor returned the embrace and held her. It felt nice to hold her. Elizabeth slightly pulled away and smiled up at Taylor. They stared at each other in silence. Taylor let go of all sense of control and pressed her lips to Elizabeth's. Elizabeth was hesitant at first before slightly giving in and returning the kiss. It felt different.

Elizabeth thought back to the first time they kissed. It didn't feel like this. They were kids, kissing seemed icky to her. Kissing Alex wasn't that much different, it felt like something you had to do in a relationship. This felt like something she wanted to do. Taylor desperately clung to Elizabeth's lips. The same flutter and spark she once felt when they first kissed all those years ago was still there. Her hands lightly gripped her and held her closer.

Realization set in and Elizabeth quickly pulled away. Taylor looked at her confused. "I-I have to go..."Elizabeth stuttered and quickly gathered her things. "Betty..." Taylor said trying to stop her from leaving. "I have to go, Taylor." Elizabeth quickly brushed past her and made her way toward the front door.

"Betty!" Taylor shouted and ran after her. "I'm sorry I have to go." Elizabeth's replied. "Betty...don't go. Can we talk about this?" Taylor asked. "It was nothing okay?" Elizabeth replied. "How many times are you going to keep saying this is nothing?" Taylor questioned. "Because it is!" Elizabeth shouted.

"If it's nothing then why did you kiss back? and why didn't you tell me about your boyfriend when we were catching up?" Taylor asked. Elizabeth stayed silent and looked away. "Betty...please..." Taylor begged.

"I don't...I'm not..." Elizabeth struggled to say what was on her mind, "I'm not like that okay? I have a boyfriend, and I'm happy. I...I..."

"I don't think you are." Taylor replied.

Elizabeth glared, "And how would you know?"

"Because I know when you're not happy, Betty. I've been around a hell of a lot longer than he has to know that." Taylor argued.

"Oh yeah and where the hell were you all those years when I needed you? You didn't even say goodbye."

Taylor stood silent and looked away. "I had to leave Betty."

"You didn't have to! you left me because you wanted to!" Elizabeth shouted, her eyes growing watery as tears formed, "Now you think you know everything about me? You think you have the right to judge my relationships and tell me what I am or what I'm not? At least Alex didn't abandon me for years and leave me wondering why he left me."

Taylor stared at her shocked. She was speechless. It seemed like there was something deeper to Elizabeth's anger, "Betty I..." Taylor struggled to find a way to properly respond.

"I don't want to hear it." Elizabeth replied and stormed out of the apartment.

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