Wrongfully Claimed

Por DarkFortresszn

14.5K 373 129

Featured on @NA in It's Always the Butler|| Mystery + Thriller + Horror Wattpad's official reading list.✨ Fea... Más

A warning to readers
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty- Six
Chapter Twenty - Seven
Chapter Twenty -Eight
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty - One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty - Three
Chapter Thirty - Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

225 6 3
Por DarkFortresszn

Warning: Highly explicit content in this chapter. Please read with caution.

While Aurora sat there steeling herself for what Christian was about to tell her, she couldn't help but notice what Ryder was doing out of her peripheral vision.

He was loosening the thick rope bound to his wrists, but he was doing it in such a way nobody would have been able to notice, because of the way he sat in the corner with his shoulders hunched over, skillfully undoing the ropes.

She could tell by how fast, he was undoing them with such great efficiency that he had gotten out of situations like this before and that it wasn't going to be long until he would be free and all hell would break loose.

Ryder was a pure psychopath and neither of these men, including Christian knew what they were getting themselves into.

Everything he did was always calculating, carefully timed and meticulously planned. She knew he already had a plan set in motion before he even stepped foot in those gates today and he knew exactly what he was getting himself into.

A mixture of relief and terror washed over Aurora and it made her reconsider, if she wanted her freedom back or just wait it out until they all eventually raped and killed her.

She should have been pleased Ryder was going to save her from her psychotic ex-boyfriend, but she knew if Ryder did break free and get her out of this mess, what would become of her if they managed to get away and escape these men?

He would just take her back to the house and then she would be forced to relive all the terrible things he did to her all over again.

Raping her whenever he wanted, beating the hell out of her when she disobeyed him, and trying to control every aspect of her life. It would have meant all of this would have been for nothing. To her, there was no end to this unless she hatched a plan of her own.

Watching Christian grab a chair that was stacked up against the wall in an upright position, he unfolded it and let it collapse to the floor.

The men all stood behind him, arms folded, guarding the door, her only means of escaping them as their menacing eyes were glued to Christian while occasionally passing fleeting glances at Aurora.

She knew they were just waiting to make their move on her. She could tell by the way they looked at her; especially the guy with the terrifying blue eyes and long, stringy almond blonde hair.

He would always look her way every now and then while licking his lips as an indication that he was going to enjoy every minute of what he had planned for her.

Christian then brushed away some of the dust and debris that had accumulated on the top of the seat from being left in storage for so long with the back of his hand and sat down.

He had a smug grin on his face while he turned and faced both Ryder and Aurora with his legs lazily sprawled across the table. She could tell he was enjoying every minute of this.

Sucking in the air, Aurora took in a deep breath and waited for Christian to start talking. Once he did, Aurora could do nothing but sit there in complete shock and stupefaction.

"A couple of weeks after you and I broke up, I started looking for a job after I got laid off from my old one and heard there was a new club that opened looking for barmen, "Christian began to tell her, his hands excessively fidgeting with his perfectly styled black hair. "He was working behind the bar like me at this popular joint and we hit it off immediately. He was well known there and he was always such a hit with the ladies, so it came as a surprise to me when I discovered the truth about what kind of a monster he really was."

Ryder mumbled something under his breath that instantly warranted a huge blow to the face by the much bigger man in the group whose name was still unknown to Aurora.

"Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit! Ain't nobody said you could speak, did they?" the stocky man screamed in Ryder's face, right before punching him hard in the face.

Christian intervened and told him to lay off after the third hard blow. Aurora could see the ropes around Ryder's wrists were getting looser, the longer he tore and ripped at them with the greatest of ease. She knew it wasn't going to be long before he would be out of them and then they would all be sorry.

"All in good time," Christian advised the oversized man, who wouldn't stop clenching and unclenching his fist, determined to slam his fist into Ryder's face for his insolent remark.

She could see Christian wasn't the only one in this room who despised Ryder and they wouldn't have hesitated to snap his neck in a heartbeat if he so much as spoke out of turn.

"He still needs to be coherent when he gets to witness his precious little Aurora get split in two just now. It won't be any fun if he's knocked out unconscious, will it now?"

Aurora, swallowed hard by her ex-boyfriend's baleful threat. She noticed Christian falter all of a sudden as he peered out at the window, something dark and amiss in her ex-boyfriend's eyes now.

"Anyway, as I was saying I have known Ryder for a long time and he and I go way back," he explained to Aurora, folding his arms across his chest as he began to open up to her. "Until one day, after I introduced my little sister Nikki to him, she just suddenly disappeared without a trace. At first, I thought maybe, she ran away with one of her crackhead boyfriends, but I knew she wouldn't just up and leave without saying anything, so I went to the police and when they couldn't help me, I began digging deep and that's when I found out what Ryder had done to her."

Aurora knew exactly where this conversation was heading and felt her chest grow heavy in her chest. It was obvious his little sister had too suffered the same fate as she did.

"He butchered her and raped her, but the worst part is the cops to this day still can't prove he killed her, but I can because I saw him do it with my own eyes. "

Aurora noticed Ryder look away for a moment, not wanting to respond, confirming that he was, in fact, responsible for all the ugly things he had been accused of.

"Now after all these years, he's been hiding out here in Tennessee, and still to this day the cops have done nothing but turn a blind eye while he just keeps on trolling the web, pretending to be his famous brother Bobby, and luring girls in, so he can rape and torture them."

"He did the same to me," she sputtered in a quivering voice, not even bothered that Ryder could hear all of this. "Can't you see that I am just as much a victim here as she was? He locked me up in his house for months and raped and beat me daily. He took my virginity against my will."

Aurora had to pause for a second, because of how cracked her voice had become from sobbing so much.

"Please, Christian, I am begging you. Please let me go. We can go to the police and both get our justice served on him. We can have our revenge on this monster once and for all. Don't you want to see him put behind bars for what he's done to us?"

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong," Christian announced, something cold and sinister in the way he was looking at the both of them now."For some reason, you mean so much more to him than his other victims, because if you didn't you wouldn't still be here, would you? So I reckon by taking what is most precious to him would be a far more fitting punishment than getting locked up, don't you think?"

Aurora knew all hope was lost once she heard the men laugh in the background, sending a chill of terror up her spine, and eliciting a new wave of fear in her.

"I knew as soon as I read that message on your computer that day I came down to see you that it was Ryder because he sent the exact same message to my sister," Christan told her, making her cringe when she was reminded of that day that changed her life forever, remembering it as if it were yesterday.

"So I followed you and when I first saw you at Ryder's house, I watched and I waited until the time was right and here we are and now that I have the both of you here, I am going to make sure you both pay for what you did to me."

Aurora felt the walls closing in on her the longer she sat there listening to Christian go on and on.

"He took what was close to me and now I am going to do the same to him by making him watch his most prized possession get ripped to pieces in front of him. Call it poetic justice."

Before Aurora could burst into hysterical tears and beg them not to do this, the group of men started to converge on her like a pack of wolves. All she could do was pray for Ryder to save her before it was too late.

Christian was the first to step in and moved toward her at an expeditious pace, but Vinnie boldly stepped forward and started to oppose to Christian being the first to make his move on her and objected right away.

"Hey, man, we had a deal," he snapped back at him, taking another step closer, fists clenched at his sides like he was getting ready to strike. "We should have a right to choose who gets to go first, not just you!"

Aurora couldn't believe what she was hearing. They were all fighting over her and debating on who was going to be the one who got first dibs in violating her body like she was some prize to be won.

"And you will get what is owed to you," Christian promised him, making Aurora's heart soar in her chest, the longer they stood there, arguing over her ."Now back the fuck away, because I have a score to settle with this fuckin' bitch and you are only here for the ride!"

Aurora felt all the blood being drained from her cheeks when Christian moved toward her, but instead crouched down and unexpectedly smacked Ryder straight across the face.

"You know, I was gonna wait until I was finished fuckin' the shit out of Aurora, "Christian stated, peering into Ryder's eyes as he took his gun out of his holster.

Terror sucked the very breath from Aurora's mouth after hearing Christian say that confirming what they had set out to do to her today had come true.

She sat there, feeling her heart freeze in her chest while she watched Christian point his gun at Ryder's temple now, certain, he was going to blow his brains out.

"But you know what? Fuck it. I can't wait."

Upon Christian saying that, Aurora jumped when she heard a loud noise; like a cracking sound erupting in her ears when the back end of Christian's gun connected with Ryder's face.

Aurora was convinced the cartilage of his nose had been busted wide open because there was so much blood gushing from Ryder's nose as he howled out in agony when Christian whipped him in the face for the second time.

More blood started seeping from his nose due to the impact of the blow.

Christian then began to spread his blood all over the rest of Ryder's face, before smearing it on his cheeks, his lips, his nose, and his eyes, as if he were branding Ryder with his own blood.

Christian bent over, leaning forward while he studied a bloodied face, Ryder, and grinned victoriously. Ryder's face was barely unrecognizable at this point.

"Not so pretty anymore are you," Christian said, snickering as he took a step back and admired his own handiwork.

Ryder's whole face was covered in blood and his eyes kept closing and opening, the more he slipped in and out of consciousness. Aurora didn't know how much longer Ryder had left.

She was certain, Ryder would eventually pass out or die and then what would she do? How would she get out of this?

"Are you ready to watch your little bitch get her pussy ripped apart now?" Christian grinned, looking directly into Ryder's eyes when he said that.
"Because I would hate for you to miss this."

Ryder's face contorted in pain and he spat out some of the blood from his mouth, showing visible signs of life again.

However, he was fading fast and Aurora knew even someone like Ryder could only endure so much before he would inevitably succumb to his own fate.

He was wheezing and coughing so much that Aurora was certain he was going to choke to death on his own blood

"Leave her alone!" Ryder groaned retching and coughing out more blood, barely coherent to open his eyes, let alone speak. "She don't deserve this. She don't deserve any of this and you fuckin' know it. This is between you and me. Let her go and take me instead."

Christian stood back and looked obtusely at Ryder for an unnerving second, his pupils dark, vacant, and soulless, and then back at Aurora and blinked.

"Wow, she really has got to you hasn't she?" Christan sneered with a snide grin, his cold hard stare prominently focused on Aurora now ." You never gave a shit about my sister and those other girls, so why her?"

Ryder stared intently at Aurora for a moment, making her uncomfortable with his predatory gaze fixated on her and nothing but her.

"Let her go," he insisted, his eyes not straying from her once."Do what you want with me, but just please let her go."

Christian nodded and grunted under his breath, seemingly displeased by his emotional outburst as if it wasn't the answer he was hoping to hear from Ryder.

"Man, I honestly never expected this, "he said, his eyes wandering back to Aurora again." You are in love with her, aren't you?"

Ryder's gaze averted from Christian and returned to Aurora. The look on his face had said it all.

She could see the unfathomable emotion and longing in his brown eyes, tears brimming his irises the longer he just sat there staring at her -- a clear indication that everything Christian just asked him was true.

She squeezed her eyes shut, as she was reminded of what the man sitting in front of her had done to her.

How he beat her for speaking out of turn for not complying with his every demand. How he forced himself in her life, in her heart, and inside of her all those times he violated her body, never caring about how much he hurt her and pushed away those feelings of commiseration for him.

She didn't care how he felt about her. She didn't give a damn about him. He was and would always be a fucking monster in her eyes. But as much as it pained her heart to say this and as much as she didn't want to accept it, she needed him right now. He was the only hope she had left to cling to.

"Just please let her go," Ryder continued to plead with Christian, his voice shaking and barely comprehensible. "Just set her free and take me."

Christian contemptuously dismissed his pleas and clapped his hands together, startling Aurora."Wow never in a million years would I have ever imagined a fucking psycho like you to have the capability of loving someone, much less be willing to sacrifice your life for her. I mean at the club you didn't give a fuck about all those other bitches you used to sleep with and you certainly didn't give a shit about my sister after you raped her and left her to die in your back garden, after weeks of keeping her prisoner in your home with her eyes gouged out of her skull. You sick motherfucking piece of shit!"

"I am sorry for what I did to Nikki," Ryder protested, something sincere in his words. His face was so open and guileless at this moment that Aurora almost believed what he was saying to be true. " I never meant for that to happen, but Aurora don't deserve to be brought into this. Please just let her go. Do what you want with me, but Jesus Christ, just let her go."

Aurora watched on in horror as her ex-boyfriend's chiselled features grew dark in an instant. "You will never be sorry for what you did to my little sister, just like I will never be sorry for what I am about to Aurora right now."

All Aurora could do was stifle a scream once she watched Christian begin to unbuckle his jeans and her heart plummeted at the sight of his partly erect cock hanging out on display for her to see.

He wasn't as well hung as Ryder, but the thought of being raped again, by another man, made her break out into mad hysteria. The whole room began to spin in front of her, the closer Christan lurched towards her, getting ready to execute his evil plan.

"Please," she whimpered, her voice low and pitiful, praying Ryder would break free from those ropes and save her. "Please don't do this to me. Have mercy on me, please."

Christian demurred Aurora's last and final attempt to save herself and shook his head, confirming that his mind was already made up and there was no hope left for her.

"Sorry, bitch, but I am all outta mercy."

Aurora felt the floor beneath her cave when Christian stood over her, with his veiny, throbbing cock in hand, jerking himself off.

Lying there immobilized and unable to move, Christian sprawled on top of her within seconds and pinned her hands above her head, pushing her down against the concrete floor.

He grabbed her by the neck, which led to Aurora screaming blue murder the longer he held her down before shoving both fingers deep inside her.

He let out a long, low whistle." Damn, what a tight little cunt, you have there."

After pumping in and out of her with brutal force he then brought both fingers to his lips and greedily put them in his mouth all at once.

"I can see why Ryder can't get enough of you, "he commented licking his lips once more as if he couldn't get enough of the taste of her in his mouth." You have an amazing fuckin' pussy, Aurora."

Aurora's mind ran wild, once she realized there was no way out of this.

She was going get to raped all over again and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

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