The Emperor of Arcadia

Autorstwa Darkdecade97

90.3K 1.8K 3.8K

Jaune, is a "normal" student in Beacon, known as the Leader of Team JNPR to his friends and in Beacon, he is... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

5.1K 106 215
Autorstwa Darkdecade97

Jaune: I'm not ready for this.

Right now, Jaune is in his room in the Royal Arcadian Cruiser as he is getting ready for the Beacon Dance. His sisters and childhood friend, Lily are there to help him look good for his date.

Saphron: Don't be such a baby. If you're not ready for a simple night out to a Dance, then I can't imagine what you will be like in your wedding.

Violet A: Saph's right you know, if you're freaking out here, chances are you are going to freak out more in your wedding day.

Jaune: Shut up! I won't freak out during my wedding! If I did, Violet will kill me!!

Lily: But we all know you're going to cry like a little bitch when you see her walking down the aisle.

Jaune: That I will.

Everyone: 'He didn't deny it one bit'

Jaune: Also, is this all really necessary? I have a shit ton of suits back home. Why can't I just use those instead of you guys making me a new one?

Aqua: It's because you are the Emperor of Arcadia, Jaune. You need to look presentable in front of everyone and you can't just use a suit you have in your closet.

Jaune: But all of my suits already look good. There's no point in giving me a new one.

Saphorn: Oh, we know Jaune. It's Mom and Grandma's request that you look handsome in the pictures, especially with Violet.

Jaune: Of course they would want that, typical of them.

They hear a knock on the door as Rosemary went to answer it and saw Violet, along with Lena. They step inside as Jaune sees his beautiful fiancé in a nice white and blue dress, he can even see some small gold jewelry etched in the dress as well.

Jaune: Hello Violet, you look as beautiful as the day I first laid my eyes on you.

Lily: Oh brother, not this again.

As Lily rolls her eyes and the same goes for the Arc Sisters at the couple's flirting.

Violet: I believe the same thing can be said for you Jaune, you look devilishly handsome as usual.

Jaune: It's part of my charm.

Lily: At least you're lucky Jaune that Violet doesn't look like a Whale in that dress.

Lily was met with a punch to the gut, courtesy of Violet E. Lily falls to the floor in pain.

Violet E: Shut up. Don't piss me off.

Bianca goes up to Olivia and whispers to her.

Bianca: Pregnant mood swings, no doubt.

Olivia: Yup.

Lean: So, did Ozpin made sure the Beacon Dance is fit to your highness' standards?

Bianca: Of course, we even had our guys help set up the Ballroom just for this one big event, can't have Jaune over here be bored out of his mind.

Aqua: Is security ramped up in the Academy as well?

Lily: Yup, an entire Battalion of Royal Guards will be in the Ballroom watching every move. We even have a Legion of Arcadian Shock Troopers patrolling the halls of Beacon.

Lena: And the same can be said for the Crocea Mors Legion.

Aqua: Good, can't have anyone pulling something.

Jaune: And the only thing that has to happen is the infiltration with Cinder and Alistair. We can not have anyone else interfere or even jeopardize this mission, this is our only shot in capturing them.

Saphorn: Don't worry, Jaune. We'll get them, I just wish we can catch that scumbag we call a Father and end this once and for all.

Bianca: We can't do anything right now as intel stated he left Vale and is probably somewhere in the 4 Kingdoms. Even if he's gone, we need to remain vigilant, who knows what he'll do.

Jaune: Yup, for as long as we all stick together, we can get through this. Right, girls?

Everyone: Right!!


It is now the Beacon Dance as an Arcadian Royal Ship began making it's landing in the Beacon Landing Pad. Once it lands, a squad of around 12 Royal Guards, 6 from each side. Step out and lined up in formation, as Jaune steps out and helps Violet out of the Ship, with Lily, Lena, Himeko, and Kafka behind them, who are serving as their bodyguard. Lily refused to wear a dress and opted to wear her gear, unlike the rest of the girls who chose to wear a nice and beautiful dress.

Once they were all set, Lena gave the order as the minute Jaune and Violet start heading for the Ballroom, the Royal Guards follow them in a defensive formation.

Himeko: I do hope the Dance will be entertaining to us, if it isn't. I plan to leave after 15 minutes.

Lena: The same can be said for me, if you remember our old parties. They used to be fun and very lively.

Jaune: Well, considering majority of the people that attended there are our friends. Of course it will be lively.

Violet: Are we still going to have that reunion? We made a promise to celebrate once you became Emperor, Jaune.

Jaune: Of course we will. But not right now, I rather finish things up here in Vale then we'll call for a celebration.

Himeko: And I'll make sure to bring the beer.

Jaune just rolls his eyes at this.

Jaune: Of course you will. Why doesn't that surprise me.

Himeko: You know me too well, Jaune.

The group continues to make their way to the Ballroom as Jaune and his friends continue to see multiple Squads of Arcadian Shock Troopers and Crocea Mors Soldiers patrolling the halls of Beacon.

Jaune: I take it no activity as of now?

Himeko: Nope, area's been quiet for some time now. No signs of Nicolas or any of the Black Arms forces around the City.

Lena: But we have reports that Cinder and her associates have already made entry into Beacon and as you said, are posing as Haven Students.

Jaune: Keep on the look out if Cinder or Alistair leave the Dance. The area is to hot for them to even try anything and with cameras all around, they can't risk it.

Everyone: Roger that.

As they continue to make their way to the Ballroom. Inside, all the Students are having a leisurely time in the Dance. But we're suddenly interrupted when the doors were opened, they all turned to see multiple Royal Guards enter in formation. A Royal Guard Captain enters the room as the doors were closed, they watch as he observes the entire room for a few seconds. Once that was done, the Captain nods as another steps forward and began shouting an announcement to all of the occupants of the room.

Royal Guard: Presenting his Majesty, Emperor Jaune Arc and the Emperor's Consort, Empress Violet Evergarden! 

The doors were opened as Jaune steps inside the Ballroom with Violet. Everyone all had their eyes on the couple, with some them having shocked faces that Jaune is able to have a beauty as his date/girlfriend.

Meanwhile with Pyrrha......

Pyrrha: 'Who-who is she? Don't tell me that woman is Jaune's girlfriend'

Then, there were morons that decided to voice out their complaints to the lovely couple.

Beacon Student: BOO!!!!!

Beacon Student: Get out of here! You're not welcomed here!!!

Beacon Student: You're going to cost us our careers!! Get the hell out of Beacon!!

Beacon Student: Yeah, get the hell out of here you Arcadians!!

More Students began booing them as Jaune's friends entered the room.

Lily: Makes sense that these idiots hate you Jaune. With what we have planned, they won't like it.

Kafka: Does it really matter? This profession is nothing compared to what we have in Arcadia, their pride and egos will disappear the minute they join the Arcadian Army and they don't want that disappearing anytime soon.

Himeko: Indeed, but I have no pity towards these Huntsmen. They don't deserve anything we are offering them if they have these kinds of attitudes.

Violet: Yeah, we don't tolerate this. But they'll never learn.

Jaune: Yup. Come on, Ozpin set us a table. Let's have some fun while we still can.

They all nod as the Royal Guards lead them to their table. A few Students tried to block their path and were met with a shove to the ground.

Jaune: Looks like Ozpin went all out with this.

They all looked to their table and saw it was very decorated, compared to the other tables which look basic as hell. This one is fit for royalty.

Himeko: Well, you are the Emperor. So you get the nicest table of them all.

Lily: I just hope the food is good, I rather go back to the Mess Hall in the Ship then eat the cafeteria food they served here. The boys told me it tastes like garbage.

Jaune: Trust me, it does.  

The Dance has started as all the Students are doing their usual thing. Jaune and his friends are doing the same and having a good time. Lily on the otherhand, continues to patrol around the room, she spots Alistair with Pyrrha and made sure to keep an eye on them, she even saw Emerald looking around. Emerald avoids eye contact whenever a Royal Guard or Lily looks at her direction.

Lily: (Sighs) I just want this shit to be over, I hate parties like this.

???: Well, hello there.

She looks to her right and sees the same blue boy that she heard was with Team RWBY during the White Fang Raid incident. She recalled his name is Neptune. Lily just rolls her eyes at another attempt of boys trying to flirt with her.

Lily: Great, just what I needed. Fucking hell.

All of a sudden, everyone heard a ruckus and looked to see Neptune on the ground knocked out, with Lily looking very annoyed. 

Violet: Looks like someone tried flirting with Lily again.

Jaune: And got punched in the face in the process, plus it seems it's that blue haired boy I saw in the raid.

Lena: I recall Ch'en stating that this guy tried asking you to introduce him to our friends.

Himeko: Good thing he didn't try it with us right now or else there will be nothing left of him.

Kafka: Indeed.

Violet: Jaune, heads up. You have unwanted guests.

He looks to where Violet is pointing at and sees Team RWBY walking up to them. When they were about to reach Jaune's table, they were stopped when the Royal Guards use their spears to block their way.

Lena: Can we help you with anything? If not, then please leave.

Ruby: We just want to have a talk with Jaune.

Himeko: Oh really now.

As Himeko stands up from her seat and goes beside Lena, arms crossed.

Himeko: If I recall, the last time you wanted to talk with us. Your sister over here, tried to start a fight and let us not forget the incident with the White Fang raid. Do not give us this nonsense you built up in your mind, just because you are the daughter of the former leader of the White Fang, doesn't mean you know everything about them. Things change and you refuse to accept it.

Weiss: Look we are not here to fight or argue. Ruby wanted to talk with Jaune and I came here to make sure these two don't do anything stupid.

She gestures to Yang and Blake, obviously.

Jaune: Ruby, where's Pyrrha?

Ruby: Uhmmm, she went out with Alistair, said that the Dance was boring and decided to head out.

Jaune: I see.

Jaune made a subtle glance at Kafka as she contacts the Team that the target already went out.

Jaune: Anyways, I will give you 5 minutes to talk as in a matter if moments I will have to leave to deal with important matters. So talk.

Ruby: Well Jaune, I or we, just wanted to know who your friends are?

Weiss: And who she is basically?

As Weiss is referring to Violet.

Jaune: Considering you didn't hear the introductions, this here is Violet Evergarden, my fiancée.

Everyone: Fiancée?!

Yang: Wait, since when did you have a fiancée?! And how come you never mentioned it at all?! We saw how you flirt with Weiss, you are horrible at it!! How did you even get a girlfriend?!

Jaune: I have my ways.

Blake: Then why did you try flirting with Weiss if you have a fiancée? Mind you, you did it very poorly.

Everyone: It was a request by her sister.

Weiss: Wait, you mean Winter?

Himeko: No, that would be Bleiss. Don't worry, you'll see her soon and she is not too pleased in that upcoming meeting.

Weiss hesitantly nods and will ask Winter about who this Bleiss is.

Ruby: Also, why does your fiancée look like she has a big lump on her stomach?

Weiss: Ruby, that's rude to ask!!

Violet: Don't worry, it's fine. Well, just to give a short explanation. I'm pregnant with Jaune's child.

RWBY: ..............

Jaune noticed the silence and immediately switched the conversation.

Jaune: Anyways, going back to introductions. These 3 beautiful ladies are part of my Team. Before I went to Beacon, I was part of the Arcadian Army and led a battalion during my service. These 3 alongside my fiancée served under me, first we have Vladilena Milizé, she is my second in command in the Battalion besides Violet.

Lena: And please refer to me as Vladilena, only my friends and allies call me Lena.

Jaune: Then we have Murata Himeko, who is the next in line of command if the 3 of us aren't present. Next we have Kafka, one of our many members in the unit, and the one you saw who punched that blue haired boy in the face is Lily Ironblooded, my childhood friend.

Blake: I take it those girls we saw during that White Fang raid are part of your unit as well?

Jaune: Yes, not Adam though. He was part of another unit.

Himeko: And don't ask us about him, he will tell you everything in due time. Just be patient, if you even have it.

Blake just nods.

Ruby: So Jaune-

Jaune: If you're asking if we are still going to be friends again. My answer is going to be no.

Ruby: But......why?

Jaune: It's the same thing that Nora said to Pyrrha. You all just left me for someone you only knew for a couple of weeks, where I along with Lie and Nora, you have known since the beginning and yet this guy just came in and now you are all buddy buddy so fast.

Weiss: He contributed more than what you could ever do.

Violet and Lena just snorts at what Weiss just said, they only know the weak Jaune, not the Jaune they have known their entire lives.

Violet: Trust me on this Ice Queen. Jaune can give you more than what Alistair has.

Kafka: Indeed, Alistair is nothing. Why do you think Jaune was made a leader of our Unit and how all of us ended up where we are now. Our leader over here, had a helping hand to it.

Himeko: Yup, Jaune helped us out throughout it all. Even Lie and Nora can give them same speech as well.

Ruby: But I still don't understand why you didn't tell us, Jaune!? I'm your first friend in Beacon!

Jaune: I could have told you, but for some reason trouble always has a way to find you, all four of you and I didn't want to deal with that mess.

Yang: And what do you mean by that?

They give Yang a deadpan look, while Blake already got what Jaune was talking about and went up to Yang to prevent her from doing something stupid.

Blake: Just let it go, Yang. Jaune's right about this, considering what we have been doing.....I believe he made the right decision in not telling us.

Yang: .....Fine.

Weiss: Where are Valkyrie and Ren? I haven't seen them since the Dance started.

Lena: Lie is out in the Royal Cruiser finishing up our plans for Mistral. Nora on the otherhand is out patrolling with her squad, the Valkyries.

Blake: So you're heading to Mistral next?

Jaune: No we are headed to Menagerie, and no Blake you are not coming.

Blake: I didn't even say anything.

Jaune: But you we're gonna. I already informed Ozpin about this and he'll make sure you and your team stay. We can't have you interfere in our operations knowing what happened last time.

Blake: I....I understand.

They were interrupted when they saw Lily walk up to them as she began whispering in Jaune's ear.

Jaune: I see. Very well then.

As everyone on the table began to stand up, Jaune had to help Violet up for obvious reasons.

Jaune: It seems we have to end this little gathering a bit early as duty calls. Lena, please take Violet back to the ship. The rest of you with me, we'll meet the rest of the Unit outside.

They all nod as Lena and Violet left with a squad of Royal Guards, but before Jaune left, he took one last glance at Team RWBY.

Jaune: Don't try anything, you are still on thin ice after the last incident. Do not interfere.

His group began heading for the door, Jaune glances and sees Emerald by one of the tables. Jaune heads over to the Royal Guard Captain to give him his orders.

Jaune: Have Mercury be the one to capture that woman over there, and keep an eye on things around here. Make sure no one leaves this Ballroom.

Royal Guard Captain: Understood, your highness.

They make their way to the hallways, where Jaune was able to meet up with Nora and her Squad.

Jaune: Report.

Nora: Security Cams and Drones reported sightings of Cinder and Alistair. We already have Neo with us

Jaune: And Pyrrha?

Nora just gestures to her left as Jaune sees 2 Royal Guards escorting Pyrrha back to the Ballroom.

They continue on to main Control Center in the Security Building where numerous Arcadian Technicians are monitoring all systems in the entire area. He can see in the middle, where a console is located, the Officer in charge of overseeing everything and beside him, Neo is seated in one of the chairs.

Jaune: Neo, I take it Cinder and Alistair are on the move?

Neo: Yup, she just contacted me saying she is outside the compound. Alistair is the same boat as well.

Jaune: Good.

Outside, Beacon. Just a few blocks away from the Academy is the Facility where the new communication and security network for Vale is located. A large compound was built along with numerous towers all placed around the land, if one were to be destroyed, the system won't shut down and instead will be rerouted to a Tower that is deactivated. They also serve as communication networks for each facility in Vale, each of them are designated in for a certain spot in the City.

Just outside the compound, Cinder can be seen using her binoculars to get a good view of the area. She looks behind her to see Alistair has finally arrived.

Cinder: Took you long enough.

Alistair: It's already difficult getting here due to the amount of security in the area. Almost got caught a few times.

Cinder: And who's fault do you think that is, Alistair?

Alistair: Tch! Let's get this over with.

As Alistair brought out his Datapad and activated it. From there, a full on map of the compound is shown with all the security details on it.

Cinder: I take it Neo is seeing the same thing you're seeing?

Alistair: Indeed. We'll coordinate the hack and relay information to each other. We need to make sure to have two different sources, if Neo keeps interfering with the system. They'll trace the source back to her.

Cinder nods as the two proceed to the entrance of the compound. They were able to sneak past through the patrols and security drones all around the area due to the trees and bushes, but once they head inside, that would be extremely difficult.

Alistair: Hold it. Those sensors can detect any possible movement if we scale the walls, I'll have Neo disrupt the feed, but we only have a short amount of time before it reactivates. We need to be quick about this.

As Alistair sends a message to Neo, back in the Control Center, Neo looks at her Datapad and saw the details that Alistair sent her, she showed it to Jaune as he looks to the Lieutenant and he nods. Back outside, the sensors were disrupted as the two infiltrators brought out their grapples and began scaling the walls, making their way inside the compound.

Arcadian Technician: Sir, they made it inside the Compound walls.

Jaune: Lieutenant, have all patrols and drones avoid all areas those two are. Neo, relay to us all messages Alistair sends you.

She nods as they continue to watch the two infiltrators through the security cams, as Alistair kept disrupting the feed on cams that are close to their vicinity. The two reached one of the entry points as Alistair began work on opening the door.

Alistair: Give me a few minutes and I can bypass the lock.

Cinder: Make it quick, I see a patrol heading in to our position.

He continues working on the datapad and after a few more seconds, they were in. The two quickly went inside as the patrol walks past them.

Alistair: That was close, almost got caught there.

Cinder: Enough chatter, you know your part of the plan. I'll head to the Server Room and download the data, while you'll head to the Central Hub and cause a distraction.

Alistair: Just make it quick Cinder, the only weapons we have right now is this pistol. Even if it's Aura-Piercing, their armor is tough and it will take a lot more to take them down.

Cinder: Then improvise.

Cinder began walking away from Alistair and heads to the Server Room. All that he could do at that moment is sigh in annoyance as he began making his way to the Central Hub. In the Hallways of the Compound, small squads of Crocea Mors Legion Soldiers continue their patrols, Alistair sneaks past them and glances at his datapad to spot any cameras near his vicinity.

Alistair: Neo, shut down the camera in sector 4-6

He takes a glance and saw the camera has been shut down and continues to make his way to the Central Hub. Cinder does the same for the Server Room as she sneaks past many Guards, she continues her route until she reaches the elevators to the Server Room.

Cinder: Alistair, the Elevator needs a Code Cylinder.

Alistair: Use the Dummy Cylinder I gave you, place it on the console and it should do it's work.

Cinder quickly brought out a Dummy Cylinder and places it in the console for the elevator as the Cylinder began to spin and the screen began working the hack.

Cinder: Neo, keep tabs on patrols. Inform me if any get close.

Neo just messaged a thumbs up as the Datapad shows numerous blue dots around the map. The Arcadians have a system where each soldier is registered in the security network. Multiple Military Bases and Facilities have this system to allow them to monitor all soldiers and to detect if there are any disturbances in the map.

Jaune: Neo, where is Alistair now?

Neo: It says here, he's made his way to the Central Hub. 

The doors to the Central Hub open as Alistair quickly hid behind one of the large consoles in the room. The Central Hub is one of the main key areas of the Compound as this serves as the main area where all Arcadian Security and Communications is monitored, each console is designated to one facility and where they can monitor every security camera in the area as well as monitor calls and communications across Vale. Alistair quickly saw an opportunity for a distraction and went to it.

What he saw was a console that connects to a squad of around 6 BRD-01 Automated Infantry or how the Arcadians refer to them, "Spectres"

Alistair: Damn, if it was the other Military variants my Father told me about, then this distraction would be easy.

He looks around to make sure no one spotted him and began using the Data Knife by stabbing it in the console as it began doing it's work. He can see the Spectres beginning to activate.

Back at the Control Center, besides the Control Hub. The Security Building also monitors everything that is going on and checks for inconsistencies in the Central Hub that they didn't see. One of the Arcadian Technicians looks at the screen on his console and sees one of the Spectres was activated.

Arcadian Technician: Sir, we have multiple unauthorized Spectre activation on the Central Hub.

Jaune: So that must be Alistair's plan, huh.

Jaune nods to the Lieutenant.

Arcadian Lieutenant: Send an alert to all available squads that we have a possible breach on the Central Hub. Force a deactivation of the Spectres and initiate a full restart on their systems.  

The alarms can be heard around parts of the Compound as a patrol that was making it's way towards Cinder, quickly left to head to the Central Hub. She took this opportunity to head to the elevator once it opened as it began taking her down to the Server Room. As she is going down, she got a message from Neo.

NEO - You got a whole party of guards waiting for you down at the Server Room. Put on that gear that Alistair provided you. 

Seeing that she is close to the Server Room, Cinder quickly put on the gear that Alistair provided her, it was a Cloaking Suit.

Once the elevator doors open, the two Crocea Mors Soldiers looked to the elevator and saw it was empty. They went inside with their guns drawn to inspect the situation, unknown to them, Cinder already slipped past the elevator undetected due to her Cloaking gear.

Crocea Mors Soldier: Be advised, run a maintenance check on the Server Room Elevator.

Arcadian Technician: Copy that.

Cinder continues heading to the Server Room as she sees the area is crawling with Guards.

Cinder: 'If this we're an Atlas Facility, there would barely be any guards here at all. These Arcadians know what they are doing'

She makes it to the center console where two Arcadian Soldiers are monitoring the entire Server Room. A squad of Crocea Mors Soldiers are also in the area, Cinder gets into a hiding position and waits for the doors to open. Unknown to her, she can easily be seen in the camera through thermal vision, so having a Cloaking suit is absolutely useless.

Neo: Seriously though, your security system is overkill. You basically have everything that will make even a simple heist impossible.

Jaune: Funny enough, we didn't have these kinds of security systems back in the day. A lot of infiltrations and attacks happened in Arcadia and we have to always adapt to counter the threat and make sure said incidents will never happen again. The enemy will always grow stronger and we must do the same as well.

Neo: Atlas should take notes of all of this, maybe if they did, then people can actually take them seriously.

Jaune: You read my mind.

Arcadian Lieutenant: Your highness, she made entry to the Server Room.

They looked through the cams and see Cinder heading in the Server Room, she walks to get in once she saw a Crocea Mors Soldier step out of it. Once she's inside, Cinder saw a lot of terminals in the Server Room, and in the center of it all, is the Main Power Source.

Cinder: Neo, send me the details of the terminal that Alistair provided you with.

She waits for a few minutes as Neo sends the details of which terminal to hack into as it's displayed on the map. But she sent Cinder one message.

NEO - Be, advised. The minute you hacked into that terminal. The Arcadians will know of a breach in their security. So you better make it quick.

Cinder looks at this and just groans in annoyance and began replying back to Neo.

CINDER - How much time do I have?

NEO - Not much.

Cinder: Tch, then I need to make this quick.

She went around the Server Room to find the terminal and found it. She kneels down and brought out the USB Drive that Nicolas provided her with and began plugging it into the terminal. Once that happens, the system began detecting an unknown entry. The system started to remove said threat, but the USB was able to bypass the firewall, it took around 5-10 minutes and then she was in. Cinder started the download and inserted a hard drive as she began gathering all the intel she can acquire.

Meanwhile, outside the Server Room, in the Console area, the Arcadian Officer heads over to the Soldier manning the console as the screens shows an unauthorized access in one of the terminals in the Server Room.

Crocea Mors Solider: The system detected an unauthorized breach in terminal 7-25.

The Officer began addressing the Crocea Mors Soldiers in the Server Room and contacts Command.

Crocea Mors Officer: We have a possible security breach. All Squads to terminal 7-25. All available personnel, report to the Server Room.

Arcadian Technician: Your highness, they called it in.

Jaune: Lock down the entire compound and secure the Academy.

The alarms can be heard around the Facility and even in the Academy. Outside the Facility, numerous squads of Crocea Mors Legion Soldiers began heading in the building, in Beacon, all the Arcadian Shock Troopers head inside the Ballroom and told all staff and students to head to the designated evacuation building immediately.

But they made sure to keep an eye on Emerald as the Royal Guards watch her close by.

Outside the facility, Alistair was able to make it out, due to the Spectres malfunctioning, he was able to slip past them as he watches all the Arcadian Soldiers secure the area as he contacts Cinder.

Alistair: Cinder, you're going to have some company.

Cinder: Yes, thank you for pointing out the obvious Alistair.

She quickly head to the door and began shooting it with her pistol, destroying the console. A Crocea Mors Soldier heads up to the console and tries to open the door but fails.

Crocea Mors Soldier: Controls are out of commission

He looks to the Arcadian Officer as he turns to the Soldier on the main console.

Crocea Mors Officer: Override them.

The Soldier began getting to work on it as the doors to the Server Room open for a small second. Cinder gets into position as she sees the download is at 69%.

The doors opened as all of the Crocea Mors Soldiers began firing their weapons at Cinder. All she could do is shoot them back with her pistol. She can't use her Maiden powers due to their weaponry as their weapons can pierce through her Aura easily and she ain't risking that.

Crocea Mors Soldier: We have a confirmed Hostile in the Server Room.

Outside, the alarms continue to sound off all around the compound as numerous squads of Crocea Mors Soldiers continue to patrol the area. Alistair is still on overwatch keeping an eye on things and will relay them to Cinder if he finds anything of interest. When all of sudden, something grabbed him by the arm and threw him around like a rag doll. He got a grenade and stuck it to whatever was biting him. It let go of him once the grenade exploded, Alistiar got up and cane to face to face to what got him.

Alistiar: Tch. A Deathless Grimm.

As he stares at the Deathless Grimm, it began roaring at him.

???: My, oh my, what do we have here. Seems to me we found someone that doesn't belong here.

???: Yup, and I'll be happy to escort you out.

Alistair looks to the sound of the voices and prepares his weapon as he comes face to face with two Arcadian Soldiers. But these two aren't regular Arcadian Soldiers. No, they are known as the Shadows, the Emperor's hidden Quick Reaction Force or QRF, and personal Assassination Squad. These members are the eyes and ears of the Emperor, they keep tabs on his highness's targets of interest. They are the best of the best and can get the job done, guaranteed.

The first Shadow that Alistair is facing is one Rias Gremory, callsign: Shadow-4.

The other, his real name is unknown, perhaps even classified. But he was once called TB by his friends and allies, he decided to stick with a nickname called Oryx. His callsign is Shadow-2.

Rias: And if you try to even escape, my little companion here, Krueger, will make sure you stay.

As the creature, which is a Deathless Grimm named Kruger, began roaring at Alistair, intimidating him.

Alistair: 'Dammit, I didn't think he would send the Shadows. We're screwed, I have no choice but to abandon the mission and Cinder'

Onyx: And don't worry about your friend. She's already being taken care off.

Inside the Server Room, Cinder kept running as fast as she can while firing large fireballs at her pursuers but they are not the Crocea Mors Soldiers. No, they are a small swarm of Arachnids

Around 12 of them are chasing after Cinder, she tried firing her pistol at the Arachnids, but it only resulted with taking out a small part of it's claws. The only thing that can work is burn them to a crisp, unfortunately, she takes out one, more come in it's wake.

In the Server Room entrance, the Crocea Mors Soldiers are all surrounding the perimeter and preventing Cinder from going to the only exit in the room. Joining them are the two remaining Shadows.

The first is a man named Bell Crannel, callsign: Shadow-1. He is wearing his gear and mask.

And the other person with him is known as Shadow-3. She is Makima.

???: Bell, Makima, should we end this? By now, the Arachnids may swarm her and eat her guts out.

Bell: It doesn't matter, Jaune told us if she dies, the Fall Maiden's powers go back to the girl.

Bell looks to his Deathless Grimm companion, named Zarros.

Makima: Don't worry Zarros, my pets can hold back. If these were the regular Arachnids, they would chew her to bits, but these are my pets and will obey my command.

Bell: And if she wants to escape, she has no choice but to go here and by my calculations. She should be here right about-

They looked to the center and see Cinder jumping to the ground in exhaustion. Blood is covered all around her body and her outfit has a few cuts in it. The Arachnids went to surround her but we're suddenly turned into marbles as Makima summoned them back.

Bell: Now.

Cinder sees the Arcadians blocking her exit and then looks up at the ceiling but Bell realizes what her plan is.

Bell: Don't try it. Even if you blast your way out through the ceiling, me and my friend over here would have already taken you down.

Zarros: And don't think you can escape my grasp, human. Salem thinks she has the upper hand, but soon. Everything she has built will finally crumble and she will finally face the wrath of the Grimm Elders.

Cinder just stares at the Deathless Grimm, she feels an enormous amount of power in him, almost like he is more powerful than Salem.

Makima: I see you're afraid of Zarros over here. Then maybe you'll fear my friend as well. Kairos be a dear and show yourself to our guest.

Kairos: Of course, boss.

As Kairos appears before Cinder and she remained on guard. These Grimm are nothing like the ones she has seen in the Land of Darkness.

Bell: Jaune wants this done. Makima, if you would do the honors.

Makima: Of course. Kairos, deal with the insect.

Kairos: As you wish.

The red light on his eye began to light up as Kairos fires off a large laser headed straight for Cinder. She sees this and immediately jumps out of the area as a small explosion occurs. Suddenly, Bell speeds to Cinder and delivers a kick, sending her to the ground. She quickly brought out her glass swords as Bell shoots them precisely, using his customized Glock 19. Bell brought out multiple short swords and got ready.

Bell: Let's get this party started.

Meanwhile, Alistair is having a hard time on his end as Onxy fires off multiple rockets and bullets at him. Onyx has an ability in his armor that allows him to materialize weapons he has on his database, and right now he materialized a rocket launcher and minigun on his shoulder.

Then Rias appears, armed with her Gravity Mace, causing the ground to break into multiple pieces. She quickly used her magic as every single debris caused an explosion that sent Alistair flying to the air. Rias saw this opportunity and boosted up towards him and used her Mace to hit him in the chest, sending him crashing to the ground.

He slowly gets up and clutches his head in pain. He used a Stim that he packed with him to heal up, but was immediately met with fists punching him in the face, chest, and stomach. Onyx rushes in and gave Alistair a massive beatdown. Seeing this situation is turning bad for him, Alistair brought out a grenade and threw it to the ground, both of them moved away from the grenade as it explodes.

Alistair used this opportunity and quickly sprinted out of there. But was met with multiple rockets, he looks and sees an Apathy Grimm, another Deathless Grimm belonging to the Shadows, specifically Onyx. His name is Krieg.

Alistair: Tch. These Shadows are becoming a pain in the ass.

He quickly used his pistol to try to even do damage towards it, but is failing. Seeing no other option, he retreats. But was met with a punch to the gut and to the face that sent him to the ground. He looks up and sees Lily revealing herself as used her Cloaking abilities.

Lily: Don't try anything. Unlike my teammates, I'm not one to play nice.

Alistair didn't listen and tried to make a break for it and was met with a plasma cannon to the arm, his right arm exploding into bits. Then he was also met with a stab from Lily's wrist blades in the dick. All that she hears is Alistair's screams in pain.

Lily: Oh shut up will you.

She just kicks him in the head and knocks him out. Lily looks and sees Rias and Onyx running up to her.

Rias: Looks like you got this handled, Lily.

Lily: Yup, have the boys secure this asshole and what is the status on Cinder?

Onyx: Makima called in and said they're finishing her off.

Cinder got sent flying in the air as Zarros appears in front of her and delivers a slash to her left eye, she screams in pain and releases a torrent of flames. But Zarros blocked it and retaliated back by punching her in the face. The punch sending her rolling to the floor.

She stands up while clutching her left eye. She looks to the exit, seeing the multiple Soldiers blocking the way and with no other options left, she makes a break for it. But was immediately grabbed in the arm by one of Makima's creatures, a Hopper Bug

It uses it's claws to slice off Cinder's right arm as she screams in pain. Both Bell and Makima used this opportunity to take her down and sprinted towards her. Bell brought out more of his short swords, while Makima brings out her long sword that she uses in close combat situations.

Cinder sees them heading in and tries to use the Maiden powers to stop their advance, but Makima brings out her MAC-10 and fires off rounds at the floor, distracting Cinder. As Bell throws a short sword right past Cinder and immediately dashes to it, from her perspective it looked like he teleported. But no, Bell is just fast. As he went in for the attack and same goes for Makima, she deployed a flashbang to stun her as the two stab Cinder in the shoulder and back. Makima immediately kicks her in the knee bringing Cinder to her knees, with Bell grabbing her by the neck and slamming her to the floor.

Cinder tries to get up, but due to the extent of her injuries. She passes out on the floor.

Bell: Shadow-1 to Command. Target is neutralized.

Jaune: Copy that, secure the targets and have Lily inform Ozpin of the situation. Oh, and have Mercury apprehend Emerald.

Bell: Roger that, your highness.

In the Evacuation Center in Beacon, all the Staff and Students are all waiting there until the Arcadian Shock Troopers give the all clear. Ozpin and Ironwood are busy talking with the Arcadians while Team RWBY and Pyrrha are having their own conversation right now.

Yang: Seriously when can we even get out of here?! It's been an hour since we arrived here!

Weiss: Yang, it has only been 30 minutes and who knows, this could be another attack from the Black Arms.

Blake: Or that operation Jaune said.

Pyrrha: Wait, what are you talking about Blake?

Blake: Before Jaune left, he told us not to interfere with an operation happening right now. Maybe that is the reason why we are all here.

Yang: And probably why he brought his pregnant fiancée somewhere safe.

Weiss: I still can't believe a woman like her can actually love him. What did she see in him?

Pyrrha: ................

Ruby: Hey Pyrrha, you alright?

Pyrrha: Oh! Uhhh, yeah! All fine.

Suddenly, they hear the doors open and looked to see a squad of Arcadian Shock Troopers and with them is a man in very advanced armor.

On instinct, both Weiss and Yang went up to Ruby and held her from even sprinting to the Solider and asking to look at his armor.

Blake: What do you think this is about?

Weiss: Who knows, but it appears they are talking with the Headmaster.

They see the Arcadians talking with Ozpin as the man in the armor looks around, it seems he is trying find a Student amongst the crowd. He immediately stops when he found his target, he immediately zooms towards them, leaving behind a trail of light which is blue. All the Students look to see the armored man kicking a Student in the gut and smashing their head on his knees. The "Student" is Emerald.

She falls to the floor as the armored man presses a button on his helmet, it retracts, revealing his face to her. Emerald's eyes widen when she saw who it was, Mercury.

Mercury: Sup Em.

Emerald: Mercury!? You're working with them?!

Mercury: Of course! After all, the Arcs are my family as my name is Mercury Arc. I hated using my Father's last name anyway.

Emerald's eyes widen when he heard the information. So the reason why the Arcadians knew their plans was because of Mercury, then that means Cinder's plan is-she needed to get out of here. But Mercury was quick and immediately knocked her out.

Mercury: Boys take her away, we're done here.

The Arcadian Shock Troopers began to place Emerald in cuffs and carried her out of the Evacuation Area. From there, Ozpin began to address the Students.

Ozpin: May I have everyone's attention. Now that the threat has been dealt with, please exit the Evacuation Center in an orderly fashion and return to your dorms. The Academy is still on high alert, so any Student seen in the Halls at this time will be detained. Thank you.

Ozpin had the Beacon Staff escort the Students back to the Academy with the Arcadian Shock Troopers keeping watch. Mercury walks over to Ozpin and Ironwood as he watches the Students leave.

Mercury: Command informed me, they are taking Cinder, Alistair, and Emerald to one of the Cells in the Cruiser. They'll make security is tight, don't worry, they won't see the light of day anytime soon.

Ozpin: Good. But first things first, I believe we need to tell a certain Team about the truth.

Mercury: Are you sure that's wise? Oum knows what Team RWBY and Nikos will do with this information and Jaune does not have the time and energy to deal with their apologies right now.

Ozpin: I know, but I rather get it done than have to deal with it in the future.

Mercury: True, but Jaune won't like it.

Ironwood: Ozpin informed Lie and Nora of this, they said the same thing as well. To get this done so they don't have to deal with it in the future. Best to sort out the problem than leave it be.

Mercury: Fair enough. So you doing this tomorrow?

Ozpin: Yes, I'll have Lie and Nora with me when this happens. Most likely Jaune would get wind of this and give me a mouthful once he sees me.

Mercury: That he will, just make sure you see him when he is in a good mood.

Ozpin: Of course.

As the three continue talking, they are victorious in this operation as they finally took out Salem'a pawns in Vale, but even with this victory. A much bigger threat is coming to the 4 Kingdoms and they are not ready to face it.

Author's Notes:
- The 5 Shadows are characters that belong to TimmyShadowKing's Story: The Huntress of Arcadia.

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