A Kingdom of Bloodshed

By ElleMoore23

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Althea Alinac is of fae origin, born into royalty by Fae parents, yet mysteriously has human healing abilitie... More

Part One
*¬*Chapter One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Ten*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eleven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twelve*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fourteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fifteen*¬*
Part Two
*¬*Chapter Sixteen*¬*
¬*Chapter Seventeen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eighteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nineteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty*¬*
Part Three
*¬*Chapter Thirty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Three*¬*

*¬*Chapter Twenty Two*¬*

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By ElleMoore23

Knowing what awaits us the following day, you'd think I'd be eager to sleep or would try to figure out what happened to me hours before. But no, instead here I am sitting in the gardens and staring aimlessly out the large stained glass windows. The sunlight soothing the chill on my skin and my thoughts are lost to worry and concern about what will be waiting for my family tomorrow.

Family. That's the first time I've ever thought of anyone from this court as family. But they are. They're my family now.

More so than the family I have back in my kingdom, whom I haven't heard from since I left the second time to attend the coronation ceremony.

It makes me sad to think that they haven't bothered to reach out, that my mother or Rosemary simply accepted my absence as normal and haven't bothered to come visit me. That thought hurts more than I ever thought possible.

"I don't understand it." I whisper to the listening bushes.

"Don't understand what?" Arrow's voice slips into the room. Her soft steps tapping against the ground until she's seated next to me on the stone bench. "I don't understand how my family has yet to contact me since I came back here for the coronation ceremony. Why haven't they wrote? Do they not care at all?"

Arrow frowns at me, her lips falling to the side and brows furrowing. "Thea..."

"I mean they must have written right? My mother at least should have, if not then Rosemary."

She's silent for a few moments, forcing me to face her fully and scrutinize her face for a reaction.

"I am not supposed to tell you this, but I will because you're my friend and possibly my High Lady and I wish to have your trust."

"High Lady?" I tilt my head to the side, confused. But Arrow pushes forward, "Kaz didn't know how to bring it up to you, so he kept quiet about it. Since you're now asking about your family I think it's fair to mention it to you."

I swallow deeply, suddenly feeling as if my stomach may burst through my throat. "What is it Arrow?"

She sighs and nibbles her lip. Her hands clenching together in nervousness before she sighs and whispers, "Kaz sent a letter to your family, asking to have an audience with them. He wanted to update them about your health and your new magic, thinking it would make you feel better to see them again."

My chest releases and joy fills me instead. How incredibly thoughtful of him. "But the reply he got back wasn't positive. Turns out your parents are pissed that he 'took' you away from them. They were even more shocked to find out that you two are mates. The request for an audience was denied and to quote what your father said: "I would rather miss seeing my daughter than ever letting a bastard like yourself into my home." I'm so sorry Thea."

His words hurt. Why would my father say that? How could he deny wanting to see me when I haven't spoken to them in months. The silence in the room is too loud, too uncomfortable.

"I see. Thank you for telling me Arrow." Turning away from her, I face the window again. Instead of processing this right away, I turn to the fact that she mentioned me being High Lady. "Arrow, what did you mean earlier when you said I might possibly be your High Lady?"

When I meet her eyes, I see the light glowing in them, her hair cascades past her shoulders; making her more ethereal than ever. "Oh, I just meant that there's a possibility since you are my high lord's mate. But there hasn't been High Lady in many many years."

Odd that both Kaz and Arrow bring this subject to me in the span of a few hours. Deciding to not think about it too much, I reach over and squeeze Arrow's knee before standing and turning to face the exit. Arrow stands and gives me a small smile, before turning and walking out of the garden. I follow suit shortly after.

Making my way upstairs, I find my mate pacing in his bedroom. I don't speak for several minutes, just admiring the way the sunlight hits his body.

I watch as his hair falls into his face, his skin looks darker than normal, his shoulders tense and strong. I can feel the energy coming off him in waves.

Kaz is breathtaking and I seem to forget this every time because whenever I look at him, it feels like my lungs have forgotten how to work and my brain needs a minute to reboot.

"It's not nice to stare mate."

"I wasn't staring, you High Lords love to think highly of yourselves."

Kazimir snorts and pauses where he was striding, turning to look at me. The way his eyes soften and body relaxes at my presence means the world to me. It's funny how you can dislike someone simply from beliefs without having ever met them, to suddenly understanding just how misunderstood they are. I went from hating Kaz to wanting him next to me forever in a short amount of time.

I wish the world could see him through my eyes, maybe then they'd understand just how beautiful he truly is.

"I feel the same way about you." His voice snaps me from my thoughts. "What?" He laughs softly and strides for me. "I feel the same way about you. That I wish you could see yourself through my eyes and maybe realize just how stunning you are." I suddenly find myself blushing.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I murmur. He grins at me, pausing when he's a foot away. Leaning down, he cups my face in his hands then purrs in my ear, "Let me show you."

Show me he did. The following hours were spent showing me just how much he appreciated me and how much I meant to him. By the time we were spent, the first rays of dawn began to crest over the horizon. My hair is mused and falls over my shoulder, the heat of his body warming the sudden chill that's skittering along my skin.

"I guess we're supposed to go to the Wind Kingdom without any sleep?" I tease.

Kaz chuckles and kisses my forehead. "You sleep my darling, I'll wake you when we're ready to take off."

"But you said dawn. It's dawn now." Kaz sighs, "I'd prefer it if you stayed here but I know asking you that will only result in you scrunching your nose and being stubborn about you tagging along. So I won't even ask."

"Well at least you know better than to ask such a stupid thing." He snorts and kisses my cheek, "I love it when you get like that. All bossy, it's delicious."

The burn that creeps up my throat shocks me. My skin is flushed and becomes red with blush, it seems to spur Kaz on more but I only laugh when he reaches for my hip to pull me closer, "You are insatiable!" He growls, nipping my neck before mumbling, "But please... we have time, angel heart."

I giggle, shaking my head. He drops his head into my neck, and lets out a dramatic sigh but then laughs deeply and it's now my new favourite sound.

"Alright, let's get ready then, we have a busy day ahead of us and we need to be on our A game. Lord Anil doesn't take lightly to tardiness or anything related to me."

It makes me uncomfortable, to think that we are going into a kingdom that hates my mate. I want nothing but the best for him and his people, but we need to keep Augustus away. The only way to do that, is to get into Dark Moon Grove and find the Blood Crown. My stomach is in knots, anxiety crawling through me and squeezing my ribs and lungs. Taking a deep breath, I exhale through my nose trying to settle myself and the sudden chill that's crept up my skin. Striding for the closet, I shout over my shoulder, "Should I dress any particular way today?"

"Naked preferably." I feel horror rush through me and as I'm about to retort, Kaz chuckles and says, "I'm kidding, though that's my preferred clothing choice of yours. Since we're going on official business, I had one of my friends create an outfit for you. It's nothing fancy, but since you hated the colours in your bedroom, I had the official colours of my house done up for you; black, red and gold. But instead of your coat having red in it, I had the colour changed to a dark pink peony."

I blink at his words, at the thoughtfulness he put into making this mysterious outfit for me. "May I see it?"

He points to the closet and nods, "It came in last night."

Opening the doors, my eyes land upon it immediately. It's just a pair of slacks and a coat with a simple blouse underneath, but the colours are beautiful. The pants are solid black, with a gold button. My jacket is long, down past my hips, the colour is a deep red/purple. The colour of a dark peony. The cuffs around my wrists are black with gold trim, and upon the lapels of my coat, there's a golden embroidered pattern of swirls. The blouse is a simple dusted, pale pink. A flash of colour beneath the dark.

The simplicity of the outfit makes me teary. "This is beautiful Kaz."

When I turn to look at him, his features are softened, his eyes bright. "I'm glad you like it. Now get dressed, we have a meeting to attend."

Knowing that we have to leave soon, only spurs the anxiety within my belly. Kaz exits the room and I change swiftly into the outfit. It's light and comfortable. Easy to move in as well as flattering.

Unsure of what I may need to bring, I head downstairs and find everyone already waiting at the front door.

"Figured you wouldn't know what to bring, so I brought you a small dagger to hide within your coat." Ryder states once I'm on the main floor. I smile at him and nod my thanks.

"Though from what I heard, you won't need a dagger. Not with all that magic brewing inside you."

I blush and turn to Kaz, appalled that he told them. Don't be offended my love, they're family and we tell each other everything. He's being serious though, no one has the amount of magic that you do.

Kaz's thoughts warm me. Knowing that these people have decided to trust me is everything. I greet each of them with a warm smile. Raven, Fin, Ryder and Fawn give a brief nod before turning to Kaz.

He stares at us grimly, the air in the room shifting, "We are about to leave for the Kingdom of Wind, be on your guard and keep an eye out; there's no telling what Lord Anil will have up his sleeve upon our entrance."

Apparently it's making us wait. We've been here at the border of the kingdom for an hour and still no sign of the High Lord. The grassy plain in which we stand is empty for miles on either side, a light gust of wind blows through the air, but otherwise; there's no sign of life.

"This is some royalty bullshit if I've ever seen it. He's made us wait here for over an hour! What are we supposed to do, keep waiting here like fools?" Ryder growls the words, it's evident that he doesn't take lightly to being made to wait or being made a fool of.

"We will wait until our presence is requested." Kaz is the picture of elegance. His voice is controlled though the undertone of annoyance is there. I try to follow his lead.

I take in the empty area around us when a sudden gust of wind whips through the grass and in a flash of light blue mist, four figures appear before us.

All of them male.

The first one is tall, lean figured but strong, his long white hair falls down his back and his golden skin glitters in the sun. But it's his eyes that strike a memory with me. They're the same colour as Arrow's, a caramel brown. The second male is slightly taller, but broader and has short silver hair with piercing gold eyes. The other two are short, slightly rounded with salt and pepper hair and light blue eyes. All of them different, yet beautiful in their own way.

But they are also terrifying.

No one speaks for a long while, I can hear the irritation rolling off Ryder and just when I think he's going to snap, the first male steps forward his arms folded behind his back and says coldly, "Kazimir."

"Anil." Both males give slightly chin bows to the other but their speech stops there. The tension between them is palpable. I wonder what happened to cause such distrust?

"You requested my presence Lord Kazimir, so speak. I do not take kindly to being toyed with."

"It's High Lord. He's a high lord is just as deserving of it as any of you." Ryder spits, his teeth showing as he growls at Anil and his men.

Kaz says nothing, doesn't even look at Ryder, but the quick change in his demeanor tells me that he was scolded for it.

"How impossibly rude. Who are you to speak to our High Lord like that, and in his own home?"

One of the shorter males snarls back. The tension continues to rise and I know that this conversation isn't going anywhere. I know that Lord Anil won't give Kaz access to the grove and I know that our chance at finding the blood crown to stop Augustus is slipping further and further away.

This needs to stop.

Breathing deeply, I fold my arms behind my back and throw my shoulders back, standing tall, steeling my face and giving them a look that only a warrior would recognize.

"High Lord Anil, you do not know who I am and thus that may make you believe that I am lower than you, but I would like to formally introduce myself. I am Althea Alinac, the daughter of High Lord Callon and Queen Lia, of the Kingdom of Dawn."

There's a still silence after I speak, while I collect my thoughts to bring up the following task at hand.

"Kazimir has called upon you because we require your assistance. We need access into the Dark Moon Grove to seek an item that is being hunted by Augustus Morningsong. He intends to us it to resurrect his dead great, great, great, grandfather Xavier Morningsong. When he does this he will absorb all of Xavier's power and become unstoppable. He plans to take down every kingdom and kill whomever stops him; creating a world where only he rules. I know that is a lot to ask, and I can sense that you distrust Kazimir, but I am asking you to consider our proposal because the lives of everyone you love, are in danger should you refuse."

Anil turns those sharp eyes to me, his posture stiff, face hard. He strides to me, his height towering over me, but I don't back down. I don't backaway. I simply blink and widen my stance.

I can feel Kaz beaming with pride beside me, through the mating bond.

"Why should I believe a word you say, Lady Alinac?" I smile at him, soft and wicked. "Because it's all true. But that is a gamble you need to decide if it's worth taking. I also know that I just told you what is going to happen, and I have now given you the upper hand on us; but I don't think you'll take it."

"Why is that?"

He seems intrigued by me and I am rolling with it. "Simple, you have too much to lose should you try to harm us. Augustus is coming for you regardless of the fact that you give us access or not. There's no stopping him."

Anil is quiet for a while, his brows furrowing, lips falling into a frown.

"And how would you know this?" The handsome one hisses. Kaz whispers, "I'd what your tone when speaking to her."

There's enough threat in his tone that it makes my skin shiver. "Because," I state without breaking eye contact with Anil, "the object in which we seek is hidden with your grove. He cannot access it because he is not of Alinac descent, but I am. I am the key to it all. If you grant us access I can get the blood crown and use it to stop Augustus. But, should you deny us access, he'll hunt me down and use me to do his bidding anyways."

Anil snorts with annoyance, "So either way you are involved which should make me distrustful of you."

"Do you want your people to die Lord Anil? Die unnecessarily and you could have stopped it but you didn't because your pride got in the way?"

He growls at me, his caramel-brown eyes darkening when he hisses, "Don't threaten me girl."

Kaz is beside me in an instant, "I said watch your tones when speaking to Thea."

"Why?" One of the shorter males ask. "Because she is my mate."

There's silence as the males process this.

"A woman of light mated to a man of darkness, how interesting." Lord Anil seems intrigued once more.

"I need time to ponder your requests."

"And what the hell are we supposed to do in the meantime? Wait again?!" Ryder snaps. Anil, waves his fingers at Ryder and a large gust of wind shoots through the clearing, sending him sprawling on his ass.

"I will get back to you with my answer, but to ensure none of you do anything stupid, you'll be kept in a room in my palace."

Before any of us have a chance to speak, Lord Anil and his men have stepped back and a light blue mist appears once more. But this time, it takes all of us folding back to the palace deep within the Kingdom of Wind.

We've been waiting inside a quiet room inside Lord Anil's palace for hours. "How long does his highness need to think before he makes a decision? It's a simple yes or no answer." The distaste dripping from Ryder is evident. Raven, Fin and Fawn are silent but then Fawn chirps, "I agree. I think he could be up to something."

Fin nods and Raven sighs, "He can't be trusted Kaz. We know this. The high lord of this kingdom is a shady person. Everyone in this godforsaken place is. Their cunning and witty but untrustworthy."

Kaz is silent. He hasn't said a word since we got here. Pacing back and forth he runs his fingers through his hair and sighs.

"I know but we must play nice. If we are to make temporary allies with him we need to play by his rules."

Ryder sighs, "This fucking sucks."

"I know but it's the way it must be." Kaz replies, trying to soothe his angry captain. I'm about to chime in aswell when the doors to the room swing open. We all spin as one and look at the male entering the room. It's the taller one from before, the pretty one whose name I still don't know.

You think he's pretty?

Kaz's voice slips into my mind. I'm allowed to think he's attractive but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to him.

I see.

Kaz's reply sounds slightly jealous. With his past, I understand his uncertainty but I'm not attracted to the male. I am fully attracted to my mate. I must show him that.

Jealous, High Lord? I pur. No, mate. I am not. He purs back.

The male has reached us when I shoot one last message back to him, when we get home later, I'll show just how much I like you.

The sudden scent of his arousal enters my nose and it makes my belly flutter.

"Lord Anil is ready for you now." The male states, "He's come to a decision." We nod and begin to step forward when the male raises his hand and says, "No. Let me rephrase. He's ready for her." He points a long finger at me. I swallow, suddenly unsure.

"What?" Ryder barks. "It's ok. I'll go." I say softly. Turning to the male I nod, "I'm ready." He nods then turns on his heels and I follow his out of the room. Throwing a look back at the four people I'm leaving behind.

"I have a question for you; why me?" The male is quiet for a long time, leading me down a long hallway and takes a left turn towards an open room that overlooks the city. The large glass windows are so clean that you can't even tell it's there. The room is filled with cream furniture and different shades of gold and light blue. The bright colours are not a good representation of the people living within this room.

Finally, he stops and answers me, "Because out of all the people in that room you are the only one he trusts. The only one who was bold enough the speak to him in such a manner."

I frown, "I simply told the truth."

"Which is why I liked you so much." High Lord Anil enters the room and strides for the window, stopping before it with his hands folded behind his back.

"Thank you Caspian, you're dismissed."

Caspian bows then leaves. "Well I'm here, so what have you decided High Lord?" My annoyance has reached it's max. The little games that they play is aggravating. Lord Anil turns and smiles at me, "I knew I liked you the moment I saw you."

"Thanks, I suppose." He chuckles and strides for the couch, pointing to it. I sit hesitantly before turning to meet his stare. "If what you said was true, then my people are in trouble. Whether I grant you access or not, they will be in harms way." My heart skips a beat. Hopeful that maybe he's granted us access.

"However, I am unsure if I can trust your mate. He and I don't have the best history." I frown before saying, "From what I've heard you're not so trustful yourself Anil. In order to receive trust you first must learn to give it."

He's quiet and pensive for a few moments before chuckling, "I think you and I will get along nicely."

He stands and strides for his desk, still not telling me his decision.

My annoyance has just passed it's breaking point. "What's your decision?" Anil hums gently, sliding his fingers along his desk before turning to me and leaning casually against it. "I will tell you in all due time Althea Alinac."

I shake my head, "With all due respect, but we're running out of time. If Augustus catches up to me he will use me to seek out the blood crown and to use it to create a dark army and kingdom of his own. He'll force me to turn on those I love and care for."

Anil simply shrugs, "I don't see how that is of any concern of mine."

"Because is you said it, your people will die and they will be targeted first. He'll destroy your kingdom before anyone else's and he won't be merciful."

"How do you expect to stop him then?" I sigh knowing I need to share one last valuable piece of information that could make or break us.

I hate that the fate of my friends and family are in the hands of this idiot but I must do what is needed to save my people.

"I was recently Created. My magic had been dormant my entire life, a fae without powers and human healing abilities. But then after escaping death, I awoke with magic and pwoers. Granted to me from the gods and goddesses above. I recently tapped into my powers and the well is endless. There's no end to my power, it will consume everything including myself. I'm more powerful than anyone, even Kaz himself."

Anil cocks his head to the side, listening. "I am the only one who can stop Augustus."

"What is this magic that you speak of, show me." I pause uncertain because I don't yet know how to control it.

But I must do this for my people. My mate. I sigh and close my eyes focusing on the well within my chest. Pulling just a drop of it out, letting it ooze through me and set my skin tingling. I keep a tight leash on that kernel of magic and when I open my eyes I can see the shock in Anil's eyes. The room around us shivers, the very foundation of it shaking and reaching for me.

Everything is distorted and the smell of sea salt and peonies enters the room. "By the gods... I haven't seen this type of magic before."

"That's because, High Lord," I state as I let my magic go back to slumbering within me, "it's rare. My magic, it's called Blood Bending." He gasps at me, his brown eyes going wide before he collects himself, albeit a little pale in complexion when he states,

"Your request to seek the Blood Crown has been granted." 

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