Zack:Out of time

By Raiderzero

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In a world where superheroes and monster's exist . Zack, 15 year old, must find his true meaning when he sudd... More

Chapter 1:Death
Chapter 2:Change
Chapter 3:Blade
Chapter 4:Suit up
Chapter 6:Resolve
Chapter 7: The man in white
Chapter 8:UNKOWN
Side note:Apology
Chapter 9: Betrayal or Awakening
Chapter 10: Mystical Mountains
Chapter 11:Spirit Encounter
Chapter 12: Blood

Chapter 5: Bleeding heart

220 15 9
By Raiderzero

As I woke up, I found myself on a couch, in a room in someones house. I got up and looked into the mirror, my costume was gone, I was shirtless and my wounds were cleaned and my arm was bandaged. I looked around and started opening doors but there was no one in them, so I headed upstairs and I heard a strange noise coming from the last door. I opened it, it was a bathroom and the same girl who saved me was there naked, fixing and combing her hair. I couldn't help but stare at her. She was an average height, amazing body, very beautiful, red eyes and red long hair. She turned around and finally noticed me she screamed and punched me in the gut and slammed the door as she mumbled a string of curse words. Holy cow she is strong, I went back downstairs and sat on the couch. A few minutes after she came downstairs in a night-gown and her hair tied up.

I stood up and bowed to her "I am very sorry for walking on you like that I should have knocked"

"Get up before I burn you to ashes, scum" she said as her eyes turned into flames.

I sat back on the couch, she sat next to me. "Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Blaze and i'm a villain, I have been watching you for a good while now and I think you have the potential to become a villain as well."

"I am no hero nor villain i'm just doing what I want really, my name is Zack by the way, my alter ego is Zero."

"Your pretty cute to be fighting those beasts, my villain name is Immortal Maiden."

"Your pretty beautiful and delicate to be taking part in villainy aren't you?"

"Alright fair enough tell me, what's your story?"

"Why should I tell you that!" I exclaimed

"Because I saved your life dumb ass."


I told her everything that happened to me up this point, she looked at me hard

observing me.

"Alright, Zack I understand your story now here is mine. First of all i'm a vampire and i'm apart of the royal family, my full name is Blaze .L Taurus."

"The Taurus family I thought there were just a myth."

"Well apparently you have done your fair share of reading, no one has mentioned our names for generations to come."

"My grandpa had books about these kind of things." I stated.

"Oh, I see now get out and go home."

"Your right I should be going". By the time I had got up and opened the door to leave she came behind me and bit my neck. It felt warm and nice, it started to glow and I felt a stinging pleasure in my body and then it dissapeared. "What the hell was that?" I asked.

"Its a mark to make sure no other vampires troubled you... Oh and it also means I own u." She smirked as she shoved me out the door and shut it.

How rude, I thought. I don't even know where i'm at...

I began walking along a path that lead me out of her yard. Since she left me shirtless I summoned my hoodie and mask and hopped back on my vorpal blade which led me straight home.

In no time I was back in my room, it was back to normal, laying on my bed looking at the ceiling, just how it started. Today was one weird day... I fought a beef cake, nearly died by a wasp and now i'm the property of a vampire, just my luck I thought. Tomorrow's gonna be my first day of school at George East Wake High. Hunter should be there, I wonder what it'll be like and if i'll even fit in... I hope I do. Anyways I should be getting ready for bed, my eyes slowly drifted away and I fell asleep.

I woke up at 7 'O' clock and got ready for school, brush my teeth, bathe etc. I decided to wear a black vest to show off my body that i've been working on and a jeans. I combed my hair down, just above my eyes. I went downstairs ate breakfast alone as usual and headed off to the school bus.

I stepped in and everyone looked normal except they were all staring at me like an outcast, I observed all the seats and went down and sat in the back, looking out the window as we passed all the buildings and the houses. The bus finally stopped and pulled up at George East Wake High it was huge, this was one of the biggest schools in the country. It was painted white with columns in the front and a statue. There were a lot of students hanging around talking to friends, on their phones and gossiping about all kinds of people. I ignored all of them and continued my way inside it was so magnificent in here. The entrance was huge, there were so many ways to go there were lockers and everything a school needs just 2 times better.

I headed towards my class and opened the door, there were students talking in there seats or standing up normal. I sat down at the back closest to the window and watched outside it was nice until someone threw a book at me.Thanks to my enhance reflexes I saw it coming and caught it and threw it back in the direction it came from. Everybody stared and watched me hard for a second then they went back and talked like normal. I turned on my phone and escaped my first day of prison/school with music. After a while the most amazing girl walked into the room, she had blonde flowing her, amazing body, beautiful green eyes she was just the definition of beauty. She sat down in the seat infront of me, turned around said hi and smiled, then she turned around talking to her girlfriends. My heart felt like it wanted to stop, I like her she's so amazing.

A kid with brown hair, handsome, average build, green shirt and black pants sat down next to me he had a familiar scent. I concentrated and tracked back the smell, I realized it was hunter. He looked pretty cool, he looked at me and I pulled off my headphones and we bumped fist.

"Yo man hows it hanging?" He said.

"Im cool, things rough lately?" I said.

"No not at all, just living life normal as it is." He said.

I whispered to him "Who is the girl in front of me she's hot."

He whispered back "Oh you like her, her name is Sasha Melody"

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