Classroom of the Elite: Ichin...

By karlqn

77.9K 3K 963

What would happen if Ichinose Honami instead began in Class-D? What will change and how will things proceed... More

Chapter I - A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
SS - The Enigmatic Encounter: Ichinose Honami's Curiosity Awakens
Chapter III - Education Is The Foundation Upon Which We Build Our Future
Chapter IV - Friendship Is A Single Soul Dwelling In Two Bodies
Chapter V - The Strongest Bonds Are Forged In The Fires Of Adversity
Chapter VI - The Worst Form Of Inequality Is To Try To Make Unequal Things Equal
Chapter VII - Love Is The Art Of Blending Two Souls Into One Harmonious Melody
Chapter VIII - The Roots Of Education Are Bitter, But The Fruit Is Sweet
Chapter IX - When Tyranny Becomes Law, Revolution Becomes Order
Chapter X - Deception Is The Dark Alley Where Ignorance And Education Collide
Chapter XI - Where There Is No Vision, There Is No Hope
Chapter XII - All Warfare Is Based On Deception
SS - A Heart's Symphony: Ichinose Honami's Melody of Love
Chapter XIII - Fortune Favors The Bold, And We Are The Embodiment Of Fortune
Chapter XIV - Judging Others Makes Us Blind, Whereas Love Is Illuminating
Chapter XV - Whoever Has Faith In The Beauty Of Their Dreams Has The Future
Chapter XVI - The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It
Chapter XVII - In The Middle Of Every Difficulty Lies Opportunity
Chapter XVIII - Falling Is Inevitable, But Glory Lies In Rising Again
Chapter XIX - To Enforce, Then One Must Have Force
Chapter XX - Ambition Is The First Step Towards Turning A Dream Into Reality
Chapter XXI - Life Is A Balance Between Holding On And Letting Go
Chapter XXII - The Greatest Battles Are Often Fought Within Oneself
Chapter XXIII - She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
Chapter XXIV - I Could Make You Care
SS - Unveiling Visions: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's Dreams
SS - Unveiling Visions: Ichinose Honami's Dreams
Chapter XXV - And Then There Were Two
Chapter XXVI - Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter XXVII - Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Chapter XXVIII - All's Fair In Love And NTR

Chapter II - The Defective Products That is Class-D

3.4K 111 59
By karlqn

It was a little before a month has passed since I had arrived here at the Advanced Nurturing High School. It's as I thought, I've failed to make any friends. Though it was expected, it was a rather upsetting prediction at that. Everyone was already divided into cliques and I hadn't interacted with anyone. I've only come learn of my classmate's names by overhearing their conversations.

Other than Ichinose and Horikita, whom I've already known at the start of the first day, I've learned of Hirata Yousuke, a popular individual, especially among the girls. There was also Kushida Kikyou, an influential girl who has probably made plenty of friends here. She seemed like she knew everyone in our class already. Then there was also the people who were labeled as the three idiots, Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudou. Even though they're 'idiots', at least people know of them. The only people who knows my name up to this point is Ichinose and Horikita who didn't even ask for mine but instead looked at the plaque on the back of my seat like I did with hers at the start.

I wasn't particularly interested in making any conversation with anyone up to this point in my life, not anymore anyways, but it couldn't have killed me to be somewhat social at the very least.

Anyways, class continued as per usual. Students we're talking amongst themselves, using phones, some even slept. No one really cared about what Chabashira-sensei was saying up on the board, me included. Since I've already learned of the things being said, it would be pointless for me to pay attention so I simply looked up at clock, watching time go by until it finally rang.

When class was over, I was packed up and continued my daily routine of wake up, go to school, go to the dorm. Over the days I've been here, nothing really interesting has happened but it's better if you compare it to that place. Just as I was about to leave, a lone girl walked up to me.

"Ayanokouji-kun. Can I have a moment?"

It was none other than Ichinose Honami. I knew she would be popular at some point but every time I walked back to the dorms, I often heard conversations about her between many people from different classes, she's probably more popular than both Hirata and Kushida combined.

"Huh? Me?" I said. At this point I was surprised she remembered my name, I haven't really talked to her since the start of school so I figured she must've forgotten.

"Yeah, can I have a moment?"

"Okay, is there something I can help you with?"

"Mhm, me and a few girls were planning on going to Keyaki Mall today. I was wondering if you want to come with us. Unless you already have plans today."

Wait a minute. Something isn't adding up here. When I got that invitation I was conflicted. First of all, I have only talked to Ichinose once. Second, I didn't hear the word 'boys' in that sentence. This indicates a party of mainly girls, just the thought of it makes me more nervous than fighting against any other students that that place had to offer.

"I don't have any plans in particular but are you sure you want someone like me to tag along? I feel like I'll only end up getting in the way."

"Yes, I'm absolutely positive I want you to join me."

It seems she didn't even try to pick up on my feelings and continued to persist. If there would've been at least other guy that joined then maybe I would've considered but from the sound of things, it was just girls. Anyhow, more concerns just keep coming up the further our conversation continues, concerns like 'Is this a set up?' or, 'Is she just taking pity on me?'. But since I don't want to be rude, I had to surrender. No matter what angle I try  or what excuse I make, Ichinose had this determination in her eyes; almost like she caught her prey and doesn't want to let it go.

"S-sure. I'll go," I replied, albeit reluctantly. You could almost sense the anxiety in my words.

"Great! Meet me there! I'll just have to find someway to tell them that you're coming, ehe."

From the way Ichinose said that, it's something that Ichinose made up completely on her own which makes things even worse for me. I don't know how her party will react if they learn that I, someone they didn't even know the names of, would be coming to join their group temporarily.

All that aside, there's no getting around it so I packed my bags and made my way to Keyaki Mall. I just hoped that maybe one boy may show up.

When I got to Keyaki Mall, Ichinose called out to me, waving her hand in the air. I waved back and observed the group that she was with. There was a few girls that I knew the names of like Matsushita Chiaki, Karuizawa Kei, and Kushida Kikyou but there was a girl that I didn't know. More specifically they looked like Karuizawa except their hair was more purple. I didn't know them nor did I care to right now, I just cared about making it back to the dormitories alive. 

I approached them at somewhat a slow pace so I could think out a plan to leave early but I didn't need to, my knight in shining armor had arrived. Hirata Yousuke had approached them and it looked like he was also going to be here. I was now a little bit relived that he had joined.

"Hm, it looks like everyone is here," Ichinose said.

"So who's the person you brought along, Ichinose-san?" Matsushita asked.

"Ah, this is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun. We met at the first day of school and he hasn't really interacted with anyone all that much so I thought this is a good opportunity for him."

So it was out of pity maybe? Ichinose had said that the only reason she invited me out was because I looked lonely, though that's not what she said directly it could be interpreted as such.

"Well then, it's nice to meet you, Ayanokouji-kun," Hirata said to me.

I didn't exactly know how to respond in a scenario like this so I had to conjure up 100% of my brain power in order to figure out a response so complex it's becoming of a first year high schooler. As I've mentioned before, this is a challenge for me as I've never interacted with your average people on a daily basis so I gave the best response I could.


With introductions over with, we group of seven ventured into Keyaki Mall. 

It wasn't my first time here, on my day off every week I come to the mall to pick up essentials. On the first day, I purchased kitchen tools in case I want to make something for myself but I'd mainly just eat prepackaged goods. I've also been to the mall to buy some clothes for leaving the dorms, though I didn't think they would be used in a while.

When the girls entered a clothing store on the second floor of the mall, me and Hirata decided to wait outside. I leaned against the handrail, trying admiring the architecture but Hirata chose to strike up conversation with me.

"So, Ayanokouji-kun, are there any special things you've done in your life?"

"Huh? Oh, nah. I didn't really do anything interesting," I responded.

"Are you sure? There must've been something cool you did. Even as a kid."

"No, my life is pretty mundane to say the least."

"Then let's hope to change things for the better here," Hirata told me, with a bright smile on his face.

I didn't have anything to say afterwards so I nodded to Hirata's statement and continued looking out at the mall's several dozen stores. Wait, hold on. Was that casual conversation I just made? No, I shouldn't count it, Hirata engaged first. I's not important, I'm sure that I might grow into the type of person that can talk to people on a regular basis, no matter how pathetic my attempts may be.

After the girls were finished shopping, they forced both me and Hirata to carry their bags. Unsurprisingly, they went into more shops and continue to spend excessive amounts of private points. That's kind of wasteful if you ask me. Though, I've noticed that the things Ichinose got didn't seem that expensive, unlike the things that her friends bought. At least she was playing it safe in some way.

In any case, it was from there on I discovered the purpose of the thing people call 'socializing', after finishing up our little trip to Keyaki Mall, I parted ways with Ichinose's crew but before that, she and Hirata had given me their contact information. Perhaps this trip was worth it in the end, for the first time in my life I've gotten the numbers of both a boy and a girl.

When I arrived back at my dormitories, I thought back to the thousands of things I've yet to do. It's hard to imagine how far I've come. To think that I'd end up here, but now that I am here though, I am willing to do whatever it takes to protect this new life of mine. No matter who the White Room sends I'm not going back. I either leave the gates graduating or expelled.

A month has passed, I woke up and got ready as I always do. There are things that are different though, I thought about the day I had at Keyaki Mall and the fact that there's two people on my contact list. Two more than I start a month ago. I couldn't help but feel things are strange all of a sudden, when I arrived at my classroom, students had confused looks on their faces as they stared down at their phone screens.

I could already guess what it was, no one received their monthly point allowance. It's understandable that they'd be confused as they were promised 100,000 points a month. Or were we? Did we perhaps misinterpret Chabashira-sensei's words? I guess it'll come out today.

Chabashira-sensei entered through the door, students looked at her and she continued with her regular routine, walk up to the podium and begin their lecture. However, before she could get a word out, Ike Kanji, had spoken up.

"Um, teacher? It's the first of May. We still haven't gotten our points yet?"

"Yeah, what happened? Is there something wrong with the school's system?" said another student.

Soon enough, it didn't take long for their to be discourse among the students, the girl next to me remained unfazed. As for Chabashira-sensei, she stood there at the podium with a grim smile on her face. She didn't bother responding to any of the student's questions until..

"I'm surprised none of you have figured it out yet. Pathetic as expected of Class-D."

Things became more clearer as the atmosphere grew more tense.

"What.. did you.. say..?" a student muttered.

"This whole class is pathetic. Did you really think you would be receiving 100,000 points every month? Don't make me laugh. You're all still children, why should you be entitled to such extravagant sums? Did you think you could spend to your heart's desire without thinking about the consequences?"

Chabashira-sensei continued and as she did, more and more students felt their spirits break. She went on to explain the so called S-System and the relevance between class points and private points. How class points determine a class's standing, how Class-D is subjected to the bottom of the chain due to their insignificance. How out of every class, we Class-D stood at lowest in the hierarchy. At the start of school, each class had 1000 class points. Class-C ended up keeping 490 points, Class-B had 650 points, Class-A retained a grand 940 points and us Class-D kept 0 points. In the span of 30 days, we had lost the 1000 class points we had been given at the beginning of school.

"Honestly, I don't know how you could be so naïve. But since you did use all your points without considering the repercussions, I will tell you all what we think of you."

There was a slight pause between Chabashira-sensei's words but when she continued speaking, there was an amusing look on her face, one that was both cold and cruel.

"As of right now, we think you are all garbage. You're worth nothing, so you get nothing."


im sure at least one person is thinking that this isn't ayanokouji and ye, they probably arent, but i cant just make him edgy off the bat lol

as i said, i have plenty of ideas outside the casual chapters like this one so dont worry, he becomes more uh true to character further on and since the title of this fanfic is after ichinose, she will have a more relevant purpose (as she is the actual true mc of this fic) as in she will be taking over POVs and more focused on her development as the story progresses but for now, u get ayanokouji POV

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