"The Replacement Luna..."

By MannieMora

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The strength of an Alpha, is only surpassed by the love of his Luna. For awhile now, everyone thought that th... More



28 2 0
By MannieMora


They arrived en masse. A brotherhood, a collective, a nation.

Wizards, witches, mages. Fairies, elves, and goblins. Vampires, Lycans, gorgons. Sea nymphs, water sprites, mermaids. Angels, demons, and Nephilims.

Through one fiery portal to another they appeared. Everyone garbed in their finest attire, crowned, bejeweled, opulent.

He saw me first as I was descending the winding staircase, and he made an attempt to approach me. In my flustered state I used my unparalleled speed to escape his attempt to talk to me. I looked back at the hall I just came from, seeing him as his back was turned to me... looking for me. My heart clenched. It felt like I was right back to the instant when he whispered the word "mate" after seeing my sister.

I need to remind myself that he was never mine to begin with. We both knew the moment we gave in to our mutual attraction that it was nothing more than just that... a fleeting dalliance. He belonged to my sister, and I...

I belonged to no one.

I made my way unnoticed by the people gathered at the party, my direction was towards the maze that my grandfather built with his bare hands when he was still alive. He used to play tag with Genevieve and I when we were young. Those were fun times. Those were the days when I felt like I was valued, treasured, loved.

"You can't hide from them forever."

"You're one to talk. Who are you hiding from anyways?" Kenneth had his back resting on one of the ivy covered walls, smoking a cigarette.

"Hiding from my kind."

"Your kind is the least kind of all the creatures on this planet. Too proud, too righteous, too selfish." I huffed.

"Don't I know it. Right now they're in there laughing behind my back. Saying stuffs like I was degrading myself, by associating myself with a witch who goes from one lover to another faster than the color changes on a traffic light."

"I hate to admit it, but they are right about how quickly my Aunt changes her affection."

"That's because she hasn't found the right one."

"And you think you're the right one?" I had by left brow raised.

"I can't answer that for her. All I can do is hope."

"How do you manage to stay by her side everyday, knowing that there's a big chance she might wake up one day and not love you anymore?"

"You need to understand something Glare. Loving someone isn't about what you feel... it's how you make them feel when they're around you. It's not what they give you, but what you offer to better their lives. It's not what you say to them with all the sweetness you can muster, but what you do to prove how much you love them. Love is a choice... and you choose that person everyday to love, to cherish, to prioritize. Until you can learn to do all that, then you will never truly find love. You think that life is unfair because Atlas chose your sister? You let them choose for you... you were a coward to fight for Atlas."

"My sister was Atlas' mate. Destined by the moon goddess."

"You are the moon goddess! You can change anything that was pre-destined before you were born. That is the role of a Penumbra. To correct, to modify, to better that which we all believed to be what was best. You can decide Glare... you have a choice, and with each choice, you can make everyone's life better."

"Not with Atlas. I just want him to be happy."

"So, this is about you. How you've managed to sabotage your happiness again with the excuse of wanting what's best for others. It's not fair Glare, not to you or to Atlas and Genevieve. You left them, didn't even give them the chance to explain, to find a way to solve the situation... and yet here you are, hiding. You pretend that you were wronged when in fact, you were the one who abandoned them!"

"What was I supposed to do, steal my sister's mate?"

"He was yours' first."

"I couldn't be that selfish Kenneth. I can't be. I won't."

"Then grow up! Stop stressing about a choice you've made. If what you say is true, then be happy for them. Forgive them. Accept them back into your life. And while you're at it, learn to forgive yourself Glare."

"Forgive myself?" I asked confused.

"Forgive yourself... for being a coward."

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